Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Final Board

1.) Mythelf
2.) Infected_Alien8_
3.) 755someone755

4.) CaffeinatedKitty
5.) Ooglie101
6.) Nitasu987
7.) FoxMccloud64
8.) Timdood3
10.) Enderfive
11.) ChronosStar524
12.) 77thShad
13.) Fruit
14.) Hunter
15.) Wink

16.) French_Fries
17.) Jivvi
18.) Theoo
19.) Aika
20.) Cooliorules
21.) Fiestaguy
22.) Faliara
23.) Shanebat1
24.) Raxo2222
25.) MrRockMan
26.) Alpha102


I want to thank you all for making this season one of the best ones! Even though this is a very time consuming game to host, I always enjoy to bring a fun environment for all of you to play!

And that's why...


And believe it or not... [BCOLOR=#ffff00]18 spots are taken already![/BCOLOR] And I haven't even posted the Sign-Ups! So if you haven't talked to me yet and want me to save you a spot, send me a PM!

I'll be posting Sign-Ups probably tomorrow.

So stay in touch!!

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]Fun Fact: This season started February 27th and ended November 25th![/BCOLOR]​


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
(I'll explain for those who don't know: Wink played a GREAT game before being voted out. But he decided to go with this plan about putting himself on the Duel in hope of coming back... well, it went terrible wrong and he got voted out due to that suicide move)
This is never a good idea. I was forced into this the last game and lost the resulting duel as well.

Anyhow, awesome game. With so many wildcards thrown in with all the new people in the game and players I wasn't too familiar with, my choice of strategy turned out to be the wrong one. I fully expected people to try and vote me out as soon as possible, since I won the last season, so I tried to counter that by trying to keep things simple and always staying loyal to my alliances, plus I just really do suck at manipulating, it just isn't quite in my character. I can act good, which comes in handy in Mafia, but in Survivor you need a little bit different skills and I don't really feel I have those. Apparently by the point we reached Jury, everyone had some scheme in the works, though, and I was just kind of... left out of the loop. When Anso said after some duel that there was a lot going, that was when I pretty much knew I was screwed (although I suspected as much before that, too) and decided to simply do my best in the inevitable duels to come. It worked too, for a time.

Absolutely pleased with how the game turned out, though, I sincerely didn't expect to get as far as I did. If I'd made the final three, one of the main reasons I would've listed for my reasons to win would've been the fact that I won the last season - and was thus a major target for everyone.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hey can I have a "Useless statistics" award?
Or maybe a "How can you be this lucky" award for the exile island duel with the cards where I drew exactly the card I needed I think six times in a row all with less than 10% chance? (and then an "oh come on" award for losing on the 50/50 chance)
And a "Give me more awards!" award? ;)


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score

Vote: 755someone755
->I voted for him because it seems to me (although I can't be sure, looks like everyone except me was scheming in this game) that he put the most effort into winning the game, he played other people most effectively and thus fills my criteria of being the most manipulative bastard in the final three, thus earning my vote.
I only came here for this. Thanks Enderfive for recognizing the assholery :^)