Kami's Realm Suggestion Thread


Your Local Time Traveler
Aug 10, 2011
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Hello players,
We the Staff Team on Kami's Realm hope that you have been enjoying your time on the server. We realize that the server isn't perfect yet, but nothing will stop us on trying to achieve that.
Many of you have been coming up with very good ideas to fix some issues and also ideas on what could be added to increase enjoyment on the server.

The goal of this thread is to speed up the process of us looking into your suggestions as possible additions to the server. Not all suggestions will be added due to it not being feasible, not possible to add to MC, might not be the best time to add that to the server yet, or might not be the best option for the server. But don't worry we will take the time to consider ALL you suggestions. :)

To further increase the efficiency of this thread. We kindly ask that you try to stay away from joke suggestions and also non suggestion posts. We also recommend that you don't delete your suggestions, since if we can't find that suggestion on the thread, we might forget about it (and we really, really don't want to lose your suggestions)

We the Staff Team of Kami's Realm would like to thank you for the time you spend on the server and we hope that with your suggestions we can make your time even more enjoyable.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
to preempt the REDUCE MAP PLZ:

I don't mind the map size, it means that in order to get to somewhere, you have to plan out all the stuff, and put in the effort to get something useful done. Working out locations for portals and trying to conceal routes is pretty cool, and when you have the nether as a transit realm, there's a lot of things that make it dangerous and interesting.

I didn't even mind the pilgrimage to my monument after joining; sue me.


Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hello! I've been playing as Avallis and although I've mentioned a couple of these to some of the KR staff already I think this is a nice place to put them too.

- Form of travel to and from spawn, such as a portal leading to the outside of the clan area/city, similar to what Primordia had, but not necessarily exactly. From what I've seen, I wouldn't be the first one to complain about the map size. A form of warp or fast travel would make things move a lot faster.

- Change the color of the clan chatting, and add a space between the clan tag and the player name. Clan chat would be in the same color as the clan. I understand from The_Derp that staff chat on KR is red, but Ignatius chat could be dark red (4) or light red (c) and change staff chat to something else, or keep it.

- Not sure if it's fixed yet, but I get the "You cannot use that here" when I step on the pressure plates in the spawn town. Same thing with the doors too. I can understand not building and restrictions on a couple things but the restrictions on those seem redundant and unnecessary.

- A possible fix to the arguments against clan vaults: Shove a deadline on clan vault building. Say that clans have until X date to build their own vaults and any server protections on the current ones will be removed on that date. Clan vaults would then be under the same rules for raiding and protection as the other chests on the server (no dirt blocks, traps, etc). Just a thought!

I haven't gotten a lot into the other aspects of KR yet, such as what could be done with the unique monster drops (surely theyre not just for show!?) or the other pre-created objects, but if I have any other suggestions as I continue to play, I'll be sure to post them here. Thanks to all the wonderful people who worked on the server! Its fantastic and I'm very interested to see where it goes.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
- Change the color of the clan chatting, and add a space between the clan tag and the player name. Clan chat would be in the same color as the clan. I understand from The_Derp that staff chat on KR is red, but Ignatius chat could be dark red (4) or light red (c) and change staff chat to something else, or keep it.
This would honestly annoy me and possibly other seeing as how many people operate primarily in clan chat. A slight difference, such as using light grey would probably be useful.

Also not sure if other clans have this, but Terrama uses dark green for clan chat and light green for public chat, which makes differentiating easier.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Greetings friends! Or are you?

We need a way to identify which clan a player is in, quickly. We've had a number of people show up at our monument, and we don't know which clan they're in until they speak in a chat we see (lol "shift"). While we haven't team killed anyone (that I know of) because of this, we've been wary and hesitant when dealing with a few people, some of which turned out to not be our kin.

I'd suggest colouring names if possible. Either in the tab list or on the person itself, and you can colour code by clan or if possible just put other factions with red or yellow names, while your clan mates are white or green.


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Well offline could be dark grey and online would be white.
/ch who was never intended to be made to be a tool to view offline players in the channel, and the command would require a lot of rewriting, which would certainly make it difficult to upgrade to future versions. What would be easier would be to create a command to get all the players from the permission group.