Not sure why IQDestructorthat sign colour-scheme is atrocious
why are horse stuff and shitty drops both red
I have full responsibility for naming the dog topKEK
water bois*Oh and some of you can't spell Water boys....
Ugh at least don't spam about it. It makes it harder for me to see what I am doing with all that chat popping up!
Or /ch leave mparquette I don't want to feel like I'm attacking you, but it's a simple joke, not something to get your jimmies rustled over. If you don't want to deal with it, simply /ignore them or do something with your chat settings. Also, you don't need to start anything over a simple grammatical error. I can pick many errors from your message and complain about it, but I don't like being a "grammar nazi".
I saw this also. Apparently, we're allied with Ignatius, but The_Derp and Bea decided to raid us in a group with Shande, Runemen4, Tails, Elandrir, and Hunted. Anyway, I updated the top sign after seeing "None" with "Ignatius, Bea and The_Derp raided us".
terrama started it