OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


Jul 20, 2013
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also I may have skimmed over this but some elements were replaced by other people (e.g. there was another Fauna after I left) so how will that work if 2 try to come back.
Endal died and came back via Death's scythe. Your characters could (in theory) come back from Death's scythe (I'm pretty sure Fauna and Pyro died before Death did) while Catcocomics is trying to become whole again.

Also, a little update on human/'dragon' mix-bloods:

-able to change their 2 alternate forms, but doing so takes a while and they can't become anything with more than five times their original body-mass.

-able to transform some of their body parts (hands become claws, feet become paddles, spine extending to become a tail, etc...) while still in their original form.

-will age, as do full-blood 'dragons' that aren't formed in a lab. Rate of visible aging dependent on the individual.


Oct 20, 2012
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Did anyone actually agree to having dragons
I'm honestly not pleased with bringing the dragons into this, as I don't quite feel like bringing sci-fi elements due to the planned progression period of Gaia (I'm going to call it that from now on). It's a little petty, but I'd rather have beings of the world's own introduced for the moment, as that was the intent behind allowing a maximum of five characters.

But I guess that wouldn't be fair...

yo Faliara is it ok if you change Ark's description in the original post from special role just to regular Guardian of Sin now
Ahahaha ^_^' Sorry, got it.

If anyone wants me to edit it, ask me now because I don't plan on doing so once the week's up.


Oct 20, 2012
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Remember how I was talking about one specific country being the main location for the storyline?

I made a map. I haven't done anything too specific (yet) in case you might want some changes, but I've already divided the land into sections. The country's called Arun. I also made clothing designs- not everyone wears those exactly, but you can see a theme you can follow.

You doesn't necessarily have to go along with what I'm planning- the story revolving around only Arun until what woke everyone up is resolved- but it'll definitely be one of the countries, at least.

I'm also going to make a list of who's joining RotE for sure. Of course, all of this- posting the map, making the list- will be done when I get home, but feel free to help me before that.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Considering how Endal fell into slumber before the creation of humans and the general ending business, I won't have him a part of the group of Guardians that created the world and the humans. What this means:
  • Magic as an element is wild in Gaia (is that what we're calling the world?). It has seeped out of Endal and into the planet and that means that no one can fully control it. That also means that magic is unpredictable. Sometimes your spells come out just right, sometimes they work much better than you hoped for and sometimes they fail and do nothing or fail horribly and you'll have negative consequences. The stronger or more powerful the magic you're trying to do is, the more unpredictable it is. Races that have been created by magic infusing it with living things (elves, magic animals, whatever you want) can control their magic more easily, but they're not fully in control, either.
  • Endal will be waking up with no knowledge of the world, as it has changed on a very large scale since he was last awake. The ending of GotE suggests that all humans and other sentient beings can understand the Guardians easily and worship them as gods. Endal, not having been a part of that group, will not understand the language(s) of humans (at first, at least, I'm sure he can learn them over time). Some humans will have never heard of him. In some areas or versions of the myths regarding the Guardians, he will be one of them, in others some other kind of being, in some perhaps an enemy and in some versions, he will have never even existed.
If you disagree with this, feel free to make your own suggestions. This is what I have in mind, but if most of you say this won't do and Endal was part of the Creation as well, or disagree with the magic mechanics I have proposed, then I will, of course, consider your own wishes when I write my introduction post.

As for the rest of the questions in the air at the moment:

Time era, cultures and clothing: since this isn't Earth, then we (obviously) can't copy-paste specific parts of Earth's history into our own world. Well, we can, but it doesn't really make sense. What I personally would like is a sort of a mix between medieval and ancient kind of cultures and tech, maybe throw in a little steampunk as well, since many of you seem to want it. Some cultures would be more like medieval or Industrial Revolution kind of lands, while others would be more in the spirit of Ancient Rome or Greece.

Tech would be mostly the same everywhere, it wouldn't make sense to have one part of the world completely and absolutely poor and still using stone tools while another is mega-rich and utilizes electric power. Or if different countries don't really communicate with each other much, bigger gaps in tech would make sense, if you feel like you really want that to happen. What I really like about this idea is the fact that it allows mixing of different cultures into something that's pretty awesome. Think about steampunk vikings or an Ancient-Rome-like culture that has access to gunpowder and magic technology.

As for clothing . . . the thing that would be most logical would be to have people dress according to the culture and area or biome they live in. I don't think you can exactly see people up north in the cold dressing themselves in togas or people living in deserts wearing dresses that look like they're out of the Victorian era. But in a place more like medieval or Enlightenment Age Europe, Victorian era dresses would be much more logical.

As for the plot, I feel like political reasons on their own wouldn't be enough to make the Guardians wake from their sleep. It'd have to be something world-changing or -threathening, and it'd possibly have to cause enough disturbance in their own elements. Political conflict can be a part of it, of course, but on its own, I doubt it would make much sense to be big enough to make "gods" wake. Perhaps there's a war brewing between those who can use magic and control the elements and those who can't. It could also be something along the lines of the elements themselves getting weaker or fading altogether. With the non-magic technology evolving and starting to reach levels where control over the elements is no longer needed to solve various problems (idk), the elements might fade away and the world would transform into something like modern Earth, void of magic and supernatural.

Just my thoughts at the moment.


Oct 20, 2012
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In all honesty, I think that most of the humans have definitely heard of Endal, as the reason they already knew a good deal is partly because some of our knowledge was imprinted on them- in other words, they heard of him from the ones who met him face-to-face.

They'd question other guardians on him (as well as Light, Remilia and whoever else died before their creation) and due to the wide variety of sources multiple groups have different perceptions of every guardian available. Even if every guardian shares the same perception of one guardian- say, they're extremely nice- some will twist that into that them being tricksters who fooled everyone.

Although, I suppose it is possible to twist certain guardians into something else entirely- Himinn is the sky, perhaps, or Light was a demon, or Alouette was Airis' bird companion, so... *shrug*


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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It would be plenty fair. If it's more a fantasy setting, it makes pretty much no sense for there to be science-fiction elements, and you honestly have no obligation to anyone. If you don't want to make the choice all on your own though I guess we could hold a vote \O/

And as for the differences in technology...
If there are people that have access to elemental powers, those with powers to things like Fauna, Flight, or Wind could certainly be the messengers of their settlement. But, going off what you said about perhaps there being a war between those who did have powers and those who didn't, maybe there are some societies that go a bit extreme in their worship and sacrifice anyone born with powers- including those who don't come from their own town- to return said power to whichever Guardian.
Or perhaps their perception of the Guardians ended up so warped that they believe that if the Guardians come back, it would mean the end of the world, and the fact that no one's ever seen them means that they dissolved into the ground or something and will be birthed by a human, so any born with power must be killed..? That one's a liiiiiittle more far-fetched imo.
Either way, maybe one of the two or any variation is planning a takeover, complete with assimilating every person that doesn't have powers and imprisoning or murdering every one that does. I think they'd have to instigate it, because after sending messages to these settlements and never seeing the messengers again, those with powers would have learned to stay far away.
Wait no. For another quick idea, maybe the people that aren't part of these societies have grown sick and tired of losing people to their 'barbarity' and plan to massacre all those who won't surrender and convert. Brutal, but they feel they've lost enough people to them for it to be justified.
If that were to happen, there would be a much bigger chance of the Guardians taking different sides than if it were the already-aggressive groups taking it to the extreme.

And then maybe there are different groups of people that worship one Guardian more than others, and for whatever reason they're fighting. Maybe it's a free-for-all between groups, maybe some are taking sides, maybe it was only between a few. It's much more ambiguous and holds many more possibilities than the first suggestion imo.

Although, I suppose it is possible to twist certain guardians into something else entirely- Himinn is the sky, perhaps, or Light was a demon, or Alouette was Airis' bird companion, so... *shrug*
And that concept is certainly interesting. That last is cute :p


Oct 20, 2012
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It would be plenty fair. If it's more a fantasy setting, it makes pretty much no sense for there to be science-fiction elements, and you honestly have no obligation to anyone. If you don't want to make the choice all on your own though I guess we could hold a vote \O/

And as for the differences in technology...
If there are people that have access to elemental powers, those with powers to things like Fauna, Flight, or Wind could certainly be the messengers of their settlement. But, going off what you said about perhaps there being a war between those who did have powers and those who didn't, maybe there are some societies that go a bit extreme in their worship and sacrifice anyone born with powers- including those who don't come from their own town- to return said power to whichever Guardian.
Or perhaps their perception of the Guardians ended up so warped that they believe that if the Guardians come back, it would mean the end of the world, and the fact that no one's ever seen them means that they dissolved into the ground or something and will be birthed by a human, so any born with power must be killed..? That one's a liiiiiittle more far-fetched imo.
Either way, maybe one of the two or any variation is planning a takeover, complete with assimilating every person that doesn't have powers and imprisoning or murdering every one that does. I think they'd have to instigate it, because after sending messages to these settlements and never seeing the messengers again, those with powers would have learned to stay far away.
Wait no. For another quick idea, maybe the people that aren't part of these societies have grown sick and tired of losing people to their 'barbarity' and plan to massacre all those who won't surrender and convert. Brutal, but they feel they've lost enough people to them for it to be justified.
If that were to happen, there would be a much bigger chance of the Guardians taking different sides than if it were the already-aggressive groups taking it to the extreme.

And then maybe there are different groups of people that worship one Guardian more than others, and for whatever reason they're fighting. Maybe it's a free-for-all between groups, maybe some are taking sides, maybe it was only between a few. It's much more ambiguous and holds many more possibilities than the first suggestion imo.

And that concept is certainly interesting. That last is cute :p
It would certainly be a good way to start the plot, except that the current idea in my mind is that everyone can use powers- it just comes to some better than others, and some give up on trying.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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It would certainly be a good way to start the plot, except that the current idea in my mind is that everyone can use powers- it just comes to some better than others, and some give up on trying.
i kinda agree with caff, I think it would be cool to have people without powers - whether the minority is the people with or without powers, it would make the plot way more interesting


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Everyone would be able to at least some extent use powers. But those born with the innate ability could be the subject of envy and etc etc.
But flipping it around wouldn't it also be really cool if a small amount of people weren't able to use powers and are therefore outcasts and forced to work really hard just to make enough money to live

Read the first part of Rygart Arrow's description from Broken Blade: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_Blade#Characters

By being one of the few people unable to use magic, he turned out to be a much more interesting character


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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What is happening? I just came to see what I've been mentioned in and was blown away by this.
Is this the 2.o version of Guardians of the Elements? Anyways...If we are happening to continue this roleplay I'd love to take part
I might not be as active (busy schedule) but I could participate in a way.


Oct 20, 2012
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I made the confirmed role list. If you're planning to roleplay or continue doing so, and your name's not on the list, you may want to confirm that you're joining now.

Edit: Also, you know that awkward moment when you realize that Gaia means 'Mother Earth'?... I'm just going to pretend it literally refers to the world, and how the Guardians and humans were, in a sense, birthed or 'rebirthed' on that world.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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In all honesty, I think that most of the humans have definitely heard of Endal, as the reason they already knew a good deal is partly because some of our knowledge was imprinted on them- in other words, they heard of him from the ones who met him face-to-face.

They'd question other guardians on him (as well as Light, Remilia and whoever else died before their creation) and due to the wide variety of sources multiple groups have different perceptions of every guardian available. Even if every guardian shares the same perception of one guardian- say, they're extremely nice- some will twist that into that them being tricksters who fooled everyone.

Although, I suppose it is possible to twist certain guardians into something else entirely- Himinn is the sky, perhaps, or Light was a demon, or Alouette was Airis' bird companion, so... *shrug*
This would work. And in any case, with the Guardians being out of the picture for so long, there's bound to be differences in myths, as well as different perceptions of the Guardians. Some (in our setting, it looks like a majority) people will think of them as gods, others will say they're personifications of the nature or something along those lines, others will outright deny them.


Dec 10, 2012
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As far as how the humans are separated. I would think that most people just spread out according to their tropical regions? like water, obviously near oceans. Air near mountains, Fire near volcanos, but that's just a thought.

I had a couple other ideas such as there being certain elemental split groups that have more presence than others? such as Wind/Air having more prestige then lets say fire who's history is tied to previous warmongers such as A'z and Pyro and so they're more downtrodden. Just a thought and I liked the idea of using the Guardians as sort of a God figure considering the fact most cultures do have a religion tied to them. totally not because I have a storyline in my head I want to do and it requires having the Guardians as a kind of God aspect.