

¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
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this sounds like an issue you could have taken to a pm instead, since it's really only looking for an actual staff members' view on this.
This is great advice not only for this situation, but for any situation-based questions that arise and puts one party on the defense.

Giving an answer based on my own staffing morals, I usually attempt to stay in /gm 0 during a raid, as it allows me to both protect my stuff and play legitimately. If I'm not around my base (earth) at the point a raid has commenced due to staffing concerns and have knowledge that players are currently raiding, I usually just warp to spawn and fly around there until the raid has ended, and I can safely /gm 0 again without providing myself any sort of advantage. If I suspect some illegitimate activity occurred, I check logs and determine whether or it commenced.

I can see the reason on FOR watching the raid though, as 'block glitching' and other silly activities that may be committed by the raider are often not caught with just logs, and need to be physically seen to believe. If a defending staff members suspects this, he may be able to ask a fellow unbiased staff member to watch their raid instead of the staff member who is being raided. If no one is available, and he does spectate and watch their raid and discovers such information, I would say he is allowed to if it comes down to it. Maybe a time frame before he can fix it?


Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
See the whole problem with this is that the staff are watching people for exploiting glitches and hacking, then they turnaround and raid people using similiar base designs giving them an unfair advantage. If you ask me the staff shouldn't be allowed to raid because it just creates problems and you deal with shit like this constantly, the only reason nobody has objected to this before today is because the only people on the server are as pace says it "all hackers or staff members".


Your Local Time Traveler
Aug 10, 2011
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Ok first off I'm alittle confused. Are you trying to report staff abuse or asking an honest question? Also why did you post this on Aika profile "Please don't comment on my posts."? When he suggested a PM would be the best course of action if this was a report. And out of all people, Jub you should know this.

the only people on the server are as pace says it "all hackers or staff members"
Honestly this saddens me on multiple levels. 1) The fact that players are equating staff to the same level as hackers. 2) That because of staff, this was never was brought up.

What saddens me the most is the player view that Mods will use their moderating knowledge for an advantage. Honestly, if a staff member is using that knowledge for their own or their clans' gain. They should not be part of this staff team. And if we need to crack down on this, then send Oak and Jt PM's with reports with evidence.


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
See the whole problem with this is that the staff are watching people for exploiting glitches and hacking, then they turnaround and raid people using similiar base designs giving them an unfair advantage. If you ask me the staff shouldn't be allowed to raid because it just creates problems and you deal with shit like this constantly, the only reason nobody has objected to this before today is because the only people on the server are as pace says it "all hackers or staff members".
Or possibly get staff not involved in the raids at the time to check


I feel like the most appropriate thing to say about this at this point is that staff are just players with increased permissions, so there's no reason they should be treated separately. As major said, if you find any evidence of abuse, PM the Directors. On the topic of monitoring raids, it seems practical. While staff are players, they also have the responsibility of making sure everyone can use the server to the best of its intent, which includes making sure rules were followed. Honestly, this whole thing chalks up to: Staff, don't abuse your powers. (Though I doubt that's been happening)


Jan 20, 2012
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Is it legal for a staff-member to spectate you entering their base to see if it's 'legal', and then patching the way you got into the area afterwards, although the only way they would have knowledge of the method you used to enter the area was through spectating you?
You're asking us to assume that they couldn't know without you. If you can demonstrate that they didn't (if they admit they didn't know about it, or patch it before you leave, for example) then it would be abuse of power. Many players change their clans' locks daily, hit their horses with jump potions and try to find ways over their own walls, or just plain talk to people in other clans to find the ways into their base. Some of us know the only way in, can tell when we've been raided, and will change the way in whenever we see we've been raided. You can't assume that you're the only reason people know things, and you haven't given us enough information to make a judgement here.


Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, to clarify my statements... I am not accusing anyone specifically of doing said things, or of anyone doing it for a matter of fact. However i am saying that people MAY be doing this and we would have little to no knowledge of it due to the nature of the gamemode. I dont give a fuck if you are doing it or not but the thing is is that we have no way of finding this out for sure. So before the rest of the staff members come forth and give the "I dont fucking do this" please just remember that we havent been witch hunting and this is 90% theoretical.


why we can't have nice things
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Is it legal for a staff-member to spectate you entering their base to see if it's 'legal', and then patching the way you got into the area afterwards, although the only way they would have knowledge of the method you used to enter the area was through spectating you?
what if they patch it during the time the person's there though
They probably get told off/warned for misconduct.
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