OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Ok since this seemed like a good idea, Enderfive I'm going to copy your format to set some guidelines for my character too <3
Race: Guardian in human form.
Biological: between 16 and 20 (in the new world, originally she looked around 14)
Chronological: As old as the world.
Actual: No clue.
Height: 4 ft 11 (yes, she got taller. Thank god.)
Gender: Female.
Weight: Around 45 kg.
Build: Short and slim. Agile but not physically built.
Appearance: Olive skin, long curly brown hair mid-way down back (often tied into a bun or swirl at the back of her head), same heterochromic eyes (left green, right blue).
Clothes: I don't know how to explain it but fancy.
Accessories: A deep green and gold necklace.

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Growth (ability to change hair length and appearance).
Minor regeneration (scrapes, paper cuts, minor burns, bruises).
Minor healing (same as above)
Slightly more regeneration & healing. (Cuts, burns, some minor forms of sickness)
Major healing: (certain non-fatal stab wounds, stopping bleeding, making some wounds less deep (but not fully healing).
Summoning wolf-like claws and slightly boosted strength and agility (Not used often at all, due to the risks and her morals.)

Physically weak.
When using Growth, depending on the amount of change she can feel sick or faint.
Tires from using major healing, may get headaches, etc from the more minor.
Her regeneration doesn't work instantaneously, so if she's hit by someone using a fast weapon she can be injured beyond her natural regenerating abilities.
Her claws are her last-resort of defense due to the high chance of it making her irrational and clouding her judgement and mind. She dislikes using is (and will almost never use it unless in dire situations) because it can cause her to attack her friends. She will never change into a complete wolf, that power was lost when the guardians were weakened.
You can make suggestions since I don't really know what else she can do besides healing, and whether you think she should have more weaknesses.
Loves ballet and ballroom dance.

Also, in the part of the world that Zwn is in can nobles still exist pleaaaase like ballgowns and balls and fancy fance fance
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Dec 8, 2012
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Final publishing. Please insert this one.
Name: Conour Mactavish
Age: 21
Race: Human
Job/Occupation: Farmboy
DoB and PoB: Windhelm, 30 April
Like: Adventures, Mythical legends
Hate: Swamps, Worms
Abilities: Cooking, Gardening

- Steel sword (A sword made of steel.)
Obtained from Windhelm's armory.

- Old bronze shield (An old bronze shield, it looks like that it will break soon)
Obtained from the basement in Conour's house.

- Sun necklace (A birthday gift)
Obtained on birthday.

Origin story:
30th of April
I woke up to the smell of the fresh morning air. I got myself up and stretched. As I went downstairs, I found a note and a wrapped box. I grabbed the note as I read it:
"Happy birthday Conour. How old are you now? Oh yeah, you're 21 now. How long has it been since you were a little kid running around the house pretending to be a knight while smacking the furnitures with a piece of wood you found outside. Since you are turning 21 today, I got you a very special present..."
I stopped reading as I looked at the wrapped box. I grabbed the box as I proceed reading:
"Do you remember that necklace you gave me on the day I took an exam to join the knights. Back then, you said it will give me luck, well i was grateful for you giving it to me. Now, I return it to you as I dont need luck anymore. I hope you are happy with it."
I smiled as I slowly unwrap the box. I opened the box as I looked at the insides. I grabbed the necklace as I saw a sun chained to it. I grabbed the metallic sun as I flipped it as I saw the word Hope behind it. I smiled as I unchained the necklace and wore it. As I grabbed the box and the note, I saw a few more sentences I missed on the note:
"P.S. Take care of the house for me. I'll be gone for a few days on an important mission. I'm leaving the house in your hands."
I sighed as I crumbled the noye and throw it into the dustbin. I stretched a bit more as I cooked my breakfast. After breakfast, I went out and grabbed my gardening tools as I went up to the farm.
"Another day as a Farmer, how could these days get any better"
I said as I start watering the crops. Night passed on quickly as I got into my house wiping the sweat. I sat down on my chair as I looked out the window. I looked at the Windhelm Castle for a while before I got up and went straight to bed.

3rd of May
It's been 3 days since my brother left. As time passes by I got curious on the mission he was sent to. It was 4 in the evening as I grabbed my tools and went back into the house. I got inside and grabbed some fresh pair of clothes as I wore it and went out. I went straight to the castle in the middle of the city. As I arrived in front of the gate, I saw the general that accepted and trained my brother:
I shouted. William turned around as he smiles at me:
"Conour, how are you doing? Are you healthy?"
"Yes, I am"
"I'm sorry I didnt say happy birthday to you three days ago. I had so many jobs and people to train these past few days."
"It's ok, I dont mind if you have a lot of work. William, I have something to ask of you."
"Tell me and I'll answer it as the best as I can"
"Uhm, I need to know what mission my brother was sent to."
William looked at me as he then looked left and right.
"It's not safe to talk about that here. Come, let's get inside and talk about it"
William grabs my arm as he pulls me inside. We walked across a hallway with a lot of doors. We stopped in front of a door with a sign: "Do not Enter. High personels only". William takes out a key as he inserts it into the keyhole and opened the door. We stepped inside as I looked at all the maps, scattered paper, and old scrolls
"What's all this?"
"This is Project Ark"
"Project Ark?"
"Conour, do you perhaps know about the guardians that were asleep a long time ago before humanity was created."
"Well, before humanity inhabited this world. There were guardians that roams the world we live now. They were peaceful and loving. But among them all, there was one in which threatens us... the guardian of Sin. He was thought to destroy the world with the power that can destroy us all. Well, that's what the legend spoke off through these scrolls."
"So, why Project Ark? Is there no other name that can be used?"
"We called it project Ark since the name of the Guardian of Sin is Ark. Well, to be honest here.... your brother and those group of men are given a mission to their de...."
William stopped talking as the sound of the bell was heard.
"The bell is ringing! This has never happened before."
"Wait, what does the sound of the bell mean?"
"Monsters have invaded the city."
William grabbed my arm as he pulls me outside. We ran downstairs to the armory. He took a blade made of steel as he throws it to me. I catch the blade as i looked at William:
"Are you telling me I have to fight?"
"No, it's for protection. We are going outside and fight those monsters. You stay here, if you are in trouble use the sword."
As he finished talking he took a blade and a shield and goes outside. I hear the sound of a lock on the door. I grabbed the handle of the door as I try to open it:
I sighed as I took a seat on the chair nearby. After a while I hear a sound outside as I stand up and readied the blade. Suddenly, the door went flying as I see a monster entering the room. I felt fear as I looked at the monster. The monster looked at me as he ran towards me. I raised the blade with all my might as I swing it hitting the monster. Blood splattered everywhere. I felt fear as I knew I had to go. I jumped over the corpse as I ran to the door going outside. As I opened the door to the outside, I saw a battle raging on between monsters and the knights. I ran towards cover as I watched the battle. Feeling scared as I was back then, I felt a hand touching my leg. A wounded knight covered in blood was grabbing me. I screamed as I kick the body away. I ran away dodging the battle ragin on. I ran to my house. As I entered, the house was covered with broken furniture. I went to the living room as I dragged the rug away showing a latch. I opened the latch as I went down the stairs. I closed the hatch and turned on the lights. I looked around me. All of my dad's chest filled with his old belonglings was laying on the corner. With all the courage I had I walked to the corner as I opened the chest. I saw a few old pictures and hats from my dad's old job. I closed the chest with a sigh of relief. I moved the chest as I looked at my dad's old shield, his old dagger, and his old robe. I grabbed the shield lifting it. I looked at it for a while as I put it beside me. I grabbed the dagger as I investigate it. As I touched the dagger, it's blade broke to many pieces. I sighed as I stepped back to not step andy of the pieces that fell. I looked at my dad's robe as I grabbed it. I blew away the dust on the robe as I looked at it. The robe was still in good condition. I wore the robe to see if it fits. It fitted perfectly. I got myself up as I grabbed the shield. I attached it onto my back with the sword. I walked to the stairs as I muster up all of my courage to open the latch. I opened it as I saw the moon on the dark sky. No sound was made as I got myself up. With all my courage I mustered up, I went to the Castle of Windhelm. As I arrived on the courtyard of the castle, I saw corpses of knights and monsters everywhere. I took a deep breath as I close my nose to the smell of corpses. I walked across the corpses to the stables and in my suprise, they were all dead, except for one horse. It was my brother's old horse. I put my hand on his head as I patted him. I smiled at him. I got onto his back as I grabbed the saddle for balance. I grabbed the rope attached onto him as I ready myself. I signaled him to go as he runs out from the stable. As he ran across the districts, I looked at the piles of corpses of citizens. I grabbed on my robe pulling it down to cover up my eyes. The horse ran to the gates of the kingdom as we left through the main gate which is now broken. I looked at the road in front of me as I set my goal to find my brother.

Current location: Somewhere 30km away from the kingdom of Windhelm

- Big brother: Nicolas Mactavish (unconfirmed)
Went missing after he left to confront Ark with a group of knights.

- Dad: Wayne Mactavish (deceased)
Killed in a house fire
- Mom: Eilazabeth Mactavish (deceased)
Killed in a house fire

My origin story ended on the night of 2nd of may. If the IC roleplay section is opened I would not post any till 3rd of may.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Swimmer, it looks good, I'm okay with it.

I agree with Caff on Masternico's role application. It would stand to reason that everyone has at least heard of the Guardians, even if they don't know the legends in detail or don't really pray to them. It's kind of like everyone in the western world has heard of God and knows who or what he is, but not everyone knows the stories of the Bible in detail or believes in God. Of course, if you insist on your character not knowing a thing about them at all, then I suppose it's possible for a few people to not even have heard of them - but it's certainly rare.

Fali, the map looks awesome. You might want to add some cities and area names to it, right now I'm just looking at spots of different green. I think they're forests . . . ? In any case, a little more detail would probably be nice ;)
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Evolved Humans
Elves, Humans evolved to live in forests.
Dwarves, Humans evolved to live underground.
Rosstopia people, Humans evolved to live underwater.
Winged People, Humans evolved to live in the air.

Evolved Elements
Spriggan-like race
, Magic sentience imbued into plants.
Fire Spirits, Magic sentience imbued into fire.

I'll keep track of a list of confirmed races and their origins. Races in italics are not confirmed, races underlined means the need a name.

I think we should have more races, not less. I don't think we should have many in the Evolved Elemental category, but they'd still exist. I do think we should have different races for humans that evolved to live in different regions/environments/elements though.
I posted about an evolved humans race for corruption (can also change to evolved elementals because both are, I guess, similar to corruption demons of some sort?) about 6 hours before this post, but if we're going along with these -
I don't think we should have a race after every Guardian or else there'd be way too much.
Idk, it would make sense to have one for each 'major' element- water, earth, fire, and air.
- then I can definitely edit my post.
Dec 8, 2012
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Actually my character knows about the guardians, if anyone considers reading the origin story. He knows that there are things called guardians, but he must learn all the information about them himself. It adds more lore to the character I'll use as most characters I made while RPing knows a bunch of stuff in the start and that was a few experience that does not go well .

-He's a farmer
-His parents died in a house fire
-His brother is not yet known to be alive or not
-His hometown is destroyed
-He now roams to find his brother without any clue of his whereabouts

Anything else to add that will convince that he must or must not know a lot about the guardians considering the fact he lives alone with his brother and that he actually does not do many things other than tending to his farm. He might have read books of legends about Guardians or is told stories of them if you want that.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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We can just put the races thing to a vote, then (edit: or ask for Fali's opinion, considering how she's the game master).

Also, updated character bio (more organized weaknesses, also added a few that I forgot yesterday):

Race: Guardian in human form.
-Biological: between 16 and 19.
-Chronological: as old as the world itself.
-Actual: not even he knows.
Height: 6 ft 1.
Gender: male.
Weight: around 60 kg.
Build: tall, lean and skinny. Agile and flexible, but physically weak.
Appearance: fair skin, fairly straight medium length light brown hair swept to the side (no, not like Bieber, I don't really know how to describe it well, sorry), blue-purple eyes, straight nose.
Clothes: a linen shirt and a leather jacket with pockets, dark pants with plenty of pockets and leather shoes.
Accessories: purple safety goggles, which are typically on his head above his eyes; and a utility belt with more pockets and some magic equipment, such as vials for potions. A battlestaff to enhance his magic power and accuracy when using it.

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
-Resistant to mind control or influencing by other Guardians (although definitely not immune). Passive ability.
-Potion brewing (which takes time and raw components). Continuous ability.
-Item enchanting (nothing major, in case of a sword maybe to give it a glow or make it stronger or increase the wielder's speed a bit). Instant ability.
-Can cast spells. Can be instant and continuous, depends on the spell.
-Can control raw magic essence, which he mostly uses in battle as projectiles or as a shield, although is not limited to battle. Can be instant or continuous, for example an energy blast (to use as a projectile against an enemy) would be instant, a shield would be continuous.
-Can perform magic rituals. Continuous ability.
-Can draw magic energy from the planet to increase his own (but is hesitant to do so, since the consequences of doing so are severe). Instant ability.

-Physically weak.
-Magic shields can stop weaker physical attacks, but stronger ones will pass through (although weaker in force than they were before passing through the shield). For example, it can probably stop or deflect a normal punch or even an arrow or a sword (assuming they're not enchanted in any way), but a heavier weapon, such as a boulder or a greatsword swung with enough strength would probably pass.
-Extreme fear of heights.
-Health and life force are connected to his own natural magic energy.
--Gets tired easily, especially when working more powerful magic.
--Weak against poison, especially the sort designed to work against magic capabilities.
--Drawing energy from the planet results in extreme fatigue, dizziness, headaches, lessened regeneration of both physical injuries and magical energy, and in some cases, unconsiousness or coma.
-Relies on speed to win against his enemies, if the battle is drawn out, he quickly loses his power.
You can suggest more if you think this might be OP, I try to limit it enough and give enough weaknesses, but I can't judge my own characters objectively.

I also thought of a system to better classify and explain the magic abilities Endal has. (And I guess this can be applied to magic in general, if you guys like it.)

Three types of magic: passive, instant and continuous.

Passive magic is the kind of magic that you do all the time subconsciously. When you do other types of magic, the passive abilities weaken, but don't disappear completely. The only time a passive ability disappears completely is when the body's natural magic energy reserves are completely exhausted. When the body can spare enough magic energy to keep a passive ability going, it will restart itself.

Instant magic is magic which only needs one short burst of magic energy to perform. It's not complex, although it can be more difficult to perform when the amount of used energy is higher. Instant magic only needs one step and very little time to complete and the results are instantenous. Any performed instant magic will cancel out any continuous magic that is currently being performed.

Continuous magic is the sort of magic that needs either plenty of time, more than one step or both of those to complete. The results may be instant, but may also appear over time. Continuous magic is more complex than the other two types of magic and needs the performer's full attention.

Still trying to figure out a good definition of a spell or a ritual.

Seems okay?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Since apparently this is a thing we're doing....I like trains.
Race: Guardian
Biological Age: ~19-21
Chronological Age: This world+Previous world
Actual Age: Not even sure what this means \o/
Height: ~6 feet
Gender: Male
Weight: ~80kg
Appearance: Basically the same. A bit older, a bit taller. Notably, his eyes are bit duller. Instead of a vibrant sea blue it's more of a...Turquoise maybe? Light blue.
Items: Trident, water orb, misc ice trinkets.

Physical Abilities(read non-magical):
-Physically strong.
-Skilled with trident.

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most)
-Shape Water. (Can control water that is already present. More water=more energy required)
-Change state of water. (Can freeze, melt, evaporate water.)
-Conjure water. (Bring forth water from the Endless Ocean. Overusing will pollute it.)
-Transform parts of body into water. (Example would be changing legs into a mini-cyclone of water to cover a short distance quickly)
-When sleeping in contact with water, transform into water and mind move to the Endless Ocean. Waking will restore his mind, but his body may not always reform immediately. Reforming is usually an active power.

-Emotion is directly tied to blood/body temperature and vice versa. If he becomes extremely relaxed, he might either turn into water or freeze, depending on the air temperature. If he becomes angry, he’d start to evaporate. (Because of water’s high heat index [is that what it’s called?] it takes quite a bit for his emotional state to change.)
-As stated, overusing conjure water caused the Endless Ocean to be pollted. As a result, Poseidon would get upset and possibly revoke Ross’ power.
-Much of his power is tied to the orb, losing the orb=losing a good deal of power. Without it, he can only shape/change state of water.
-Cannot control motion if his entire body is water. Basically when he wakes up, if his body doesn’t reform passively, he moves with the water (be it flowing, evaporating, freezing, etc.) until he reforms.
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Oct 20, 2012
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The map is empty because I want to see if any of you have some sort of special request to edit the map and such- like what name should each place have, should that be a jungle, any specific landmarks, and so on. I have a few ideas of my own, but ATM...

Does anyone feel like making a few edits to their character (if they're from GotE)? You can make them a little taller, make them a little older, change the colour of their eyes if you feel like it's necessary for whatever plot twist you have in mind for them, even change their appearance completely if something happened to them in their sleep, just don't change their clothes.

I, for one, am making Himinn slightly skinnier, and her hair to knee-length- as well as tangled as hell, with split ends. She'll look a little older than her actual physical age due to this and the tired, sleepy expression on her face for a while, but eventually she'll look the same she has before- though I might end up keeping the long hair. She'll also have a clothing change for a while due to her clothes being a little dirty and needs to be washed, as well as to fit in wit the village. At the very least, I plan for the clothing change. I don't plan on it being permanent, either.

When it comes to races- I suggest keeping it to what we know we can keep track of. Think of it carefully- we don't need a creature for every element, I mean come on, why would we need a creature for the sky, it's hard just trying to conjure one up (*is still trying*). Point is, while every element is important in their own way, some just don't make sense.

Putting your character in a format is still not necessary, however it can be helpful for future references. I don't suggest putting your personality in, though- too difficult to put in words, right? If you can form a solid image in your mind of how your character will act, stick to it. I'll probably put my characters (all three) in a format, as well.


Dec 10, 2012
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Here's a bit on my character (or 2 characters) that I'll be mainly using that pertain to the Fire region if we're splitting the regions due to elemental differences and etc.

Name/Race: Saul, Human
Biological Age: 25
Chronological Age: Post-creation era
Actual: wat
Height: 6'1
Gender: Male
Weight: 250 pounds
Build: Skinny but strong from hours of servitude
Appearance: A tall, skinny priest who looks more like a thief than a priest
Clothes: A robe of red and gold, sandals, and a hat marking how many years he has been in servitude.
Accessories: A ring that was given to him by his father before his parents died

Physical abilities:
Skilled with the sword.
Contains intensive amounts of knowledge of many things due to Do'zax

Abilities gained from Do'zax:
Able to use a sword of fire
Able to summon fire from his hands
Able to be healed by fire

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Immune to poisons and diseases


Name: Do'zax
Race: Fire Spirit
Biological Age: Unknown
Chronological Age: Pre-creation Era
Actual: wat
Height: Unknown (cause he's a spirit)
Gender: Unknown but speaks in a man-like voice
Weight: Unknown
Build: Whatever his hosts is
Appearance: Usually prefers to take a form of a tall man made out of fire whenever he talks to someone outside of Saul

Physical Abilities:
Practically none considering all of his power is given to Saul to use

Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Ability to summon fire for Saul
Healing by fire for Saul
Ability to summon a sword made by fire for Saul

Whatever Saul feels. He also feels.

Hopefully all of his abilities and such aren't too weird or OP. I didn't think they would considering he has so few but I'll leave that up to you guys. Also while I was here and writing all this I thought I'd write a bit of the backstory as to how Do'zax/Saul became one.

Personal Journal of Saul, discovered by Guard Kemet before the trial of Saul.
Day 460 of our Lord A'z
Dear Mother and Father, if you can read this, I hope you are doing well and that you are able to rejoice in the presence of A'z and have been able to being preparations for your son. I'd also like to mention as I used to before you were taken abruptly away from me the events of the day. I thought you'd appreciate that Father since you always seemed to enjoy hearing about the things going around the temple.

Today, a couple of my friends were harassed by a couple of fellow fire people due to our belief in what they said a "dead person who's only mark in this world is a 100 mile deadland". They were of course punished for their belief by the High Priest but my friends began to mention numerous other such instances in which it was not just our own people judging but instead traders from other elements. It was apparently a common occurrence for when people of other elements to venture into what is called A'zs' burial site to feel a sudden sense of their body beginning to burn and if they venture in deep enough they would eventually burn as of course was discovered by you father and your experiments in A'z's burial site.

I just felt like I could share such trouble information with you since I obviously can not around the temple.The High priests will not allow us to mention or speak of the other elements in such a "unsavory tone" but as you once said father. A'z did not care if any should hear him but instead only cared about how people would react to what he said. Well I hope you and mother are doing well and I hope you are able to learn many things from A'z.


Day 500 of Our Lord A'z

Dear Father, I'm sorry for what has happened. It happened so quickly that I was not even aware of what was going on until the militia was upon us. I pray you may forgive me someday but I fear with how many dead there are in that field this past evening that there will be no chance of my living to my 27th birth date. I hope that you took my advice in my previous journal entry and began preparation for my joining you in the great halls of A'z. Mother, due to your more gentle disposition I would hope you would have not heard of the occurrences last night beforehand but I fear that in order for you to understand my great transgression that I must explain to you whom matters most to me.

My day began as usual which is cleaning out the sacrificial chambers of burnt corpses, bones and other such materials that are used in our day-to-day operations in the temple. While I was in my daily routine of cleaning around the temple, I was approached by a group of other higher acolytes who began to question me as to my faith to you-know-who and for reasons beyond my comprehension grabbed me and threw me down and knocked me unconscious. I do remember though before my brief slumber in the hands of my comrades that a few of them seemed nervous almost to be talking to me. Was it me they were nervous about or were they nervous of another person who remained to be unseen? I shortly after was awoken I discovered why.

We were in the burial site of A'z. A place forbidden for entrance by the Guardians. The place where A'z was betrayed by Ross, the Water Guardian, and killed. This is the place my fellow acolytes had taken me to. I was tied down to four different poles in the ground while they were gathered in a circle around me. It seemed I had become a seeming sacrifice of some pagan ritual they were performing I thought at the time in hopes of destroying this sacred ground but instead their purpose was much darker. They were summoning A'z. They were calling him to me to take possession of what they called "a humble servant" so that he may be reborn and lead the way for the people of fire and rise us from the ashes and lead us into the golden age of the fire realm. I of course who had no option but to sit there and wonder why in the names of all the Guardians would they chose me of all people but before long I began to hear shouting over the chants of my fellow acolytes and noticed a few of the lessers begin to sweat and look around as if mapping an exit route. That's when I began to realize that only people of fire could enter this ground so thus these people coming after us were the local miltia coming to put an end to our little ritual. That was the last thought I had by myself so to speak.

In a bright flash of fire, which consumed all of my fellow acolytes and the poles and ropes holding me down, I was introduced to my new eternal companion, Do'zax. A fire spirit given to me as he says by A'z so that I may bring the people of fire to not be leaders of this world but instead a nation proud of its' stature and a fellow element among others instead of the realm hated by others.I was to be his sword and cut down his enemies and destroy those who would endanger the realm by destroying it or attempting to destroy it through war with other realms. I don't know what this job will entail but so far I await trial by the Guardian of Fire for what happened that fateful evening and so we shall see what happens after that. Do'zax says this Guardian will release us and allow us to begin our mission but I fear that as you preached many times Father that our Guardian has been corrupted by the other elements and no longer loves her own people but instead lusts after other people's realms and will execute me in order to appease other Guardians and leaders of other elemental realms.

I pray this is not my final entry in this journal but if so then I hope you both know that I love you and hope to see you soon.

With love from your son,

Let me know if that sucked or what not. I wrote it in a hurry and so I think it skips and runs and probably contains numerous grammatical errors but it at least contains the basic backstory as to how Saul and Do'zax became entwined in each others' lives.

Let me know if you guys think there's anything I should change or fix about this whole thing and I will ASAP. Thanks guys.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Haha you guys, the age thing was a bit of a joke on my part, you don't have to put it in your formats. What they mean in Endal's case is that his body is biologically that of a late-teen human, he's been in that body since this world began and he as a being has existed for such a long time, not even he knows his true age any more.

Your origin story looks good to me, Stitch. Are we going to have people of each element in a separate nation, though? I'm not sure I'd like that.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Haha you guys, the age thing was a bit of a joke on my part, you don't have to put it in your formats. What they mean in Endal's case is that his body is biologically that of a late-teen human, he's been in that body since this world began and he as a being has existed for such a long time, not even he knows his true age any more.

Your origin story looks good to me, Stitch. Are we going to have people of each element in a separate nation, though? I'm not sure I'd like that.
I don't think they'd all be separated, but I think there would definitely be some groups that go off on their own/shun the other elements.


Dec 10, 2012
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Sure, that's fine. I just think that the majority of people would live together regardless of their particular favoured element.
As I said, I kinda skimmed a lot of what I wanted to write due to being in a rush. I had originally planned on mentioning the fact that a lot of nations live together in a somewhat closer region while also mentioning that as usual with any people group, there's some that don't want to live near the other elements so prefer to live by themselves among their own element in farther off areas (Such as near A'z burial site or anywhere else that'd be more approachable for their own elements and less so for others).


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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As I said, I kinda skimmed a lot of what I wanted to write due to being in a rush. I had originally planned on mentioning the fact that a lot of nations live together in a somewhat closer region but as usual with any people group, there's some that don't want to live near the other elements so prefer to live by themselves among their own element in farther off areas (Such as near A'z burial site or anywhere else that'd be more approachable for their own elements and less so for others).
The only thing is that Az wasn't buried :s
I stabbed him and he went back to his own little plane of existence where he belonged.
Also that was on the coast of the Crater Lake.


Dec 10, 2012
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The only thing is that Az wasn't buried :s
I stabbed him and he went back to his own little plane of existence where he belonged.
Also that was on the coast of the Crater Lake.

It was less a place where A'z was buried than where he was killed which more or less became a burial site for other people who live in the village nearby and became a kind of sacred place to them since it was the place A'z was before he was killed/betrayed by Ross.

Also would explain why less fire realm people would live there since it's next to a lake and near a site that most water people would probably rather avoid.

as you can tell i'm making some of this up on the fly <_<


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
How does Windhelm view magic?
If Windhelm is anti-magic, that will probably give Mactavish a second reason to be hostile towards the less complete of my two new characters, the first reason being that said character (the one who is not a dwarf) uses fire magic.

Any ways, I think maybe an update on my characters:

(Name still pending)
Age: Probably 16, unconfirmed.

Gender: pending, probably female

Height: 4ft 11in

Weight: 100 lbs

Build: kind of small, agile, not very powerful

Origin: N/A

Languages: N/A

Race: Human, Fire

Eyes: Fiery red.

Hair: pending

Attire: dependent on homeland, barefoot

Accessories: pending

Equipment: Jo staff (when equipped at all). Prefers to use magic and agility to get through most situations.

Personality: Free spirited, friendly, natural (likes to be their own self).

Special skills: Very mobile; good at climbing things quickly, faster than most humans, good physical endurance, woodworking, fire-based magic.

Magic abilities:
Fire palm: holds a small flame in the palm of either hand, can be shoved in someone's face if need be. continuous.
Fire Jab: A quick jab, with the hand set on fire. Lesser: Jab merely stuns the target briefly. Instant
Flame Foot: Kicks become 80% more fiery. Continuous
Hot Heel: Axe-kicks become 90% more fiery, very dangerous to lightly armored foes. [Combo] Combine with Flame Foot, and pursuing foes are suddenly met with a new danger... Continuous. Warning: combining Flame foot with Hot Heel is very hazardous in areas with lots of flammables, such as a field of dry grass.
Fire Bal[BCOLOR=#999999]l[/BCOLOR]: Ball of flame that bounce a few times, setting fire to any flammables it touches. Does not bounce off large flammables. Reduced: ire ball doesn't bounce as much and is much cooler. Intense: fireball is larger and ignores gravity. Instant
Dragon's Breath: Garlic breath is stinky and deadly. This one is simply deadly. Can be used to cook rabbits. Lesser: heat intensity reduced. Intense: spell width increased. Continuous.
Rocke[BCOLOR=#999999]t[/BCOLOR]: Propels the user in any direction. People are advised to avoid being behind the person using this spell. It is not advised to fly upwards, in the event that one should run out of magic. Lesser: Velocity and flame-trail power reduced. Intense: Velocity and flame-trail power increased. Continuous.
Dragon Spirit: Summons a large dragon made purely of fire to cause a massive menace, and sets the caster on fire afterwards. This spell cannot be cast unless the caster is over-saturated with magic energy. Warning: humans who cast this spell will collapse from exhaustion after casting.
Intense: The caster's dragon will also explode. Instant.
Fire Walk: People with this effect are immune to natural fire at all times. Incoming magic fire damaged is slightly reduced.
Intense: user becomes immune to lava/magma. Passive.

Magic used by each spell is gauged by the following spell name colors: Negligible, Minor, Lesser, Moderate, [BCOLOR=#999999]Greater, [/BCOLOR]Major, Excessive, Extreme, Insane.
Negligible uses so little magic that you could essentially do it all day, no breaks. Insane is hard to pull off, even for guardians, due to how demanding the spell is.

Important note: If the spell name's first/last letter(s) are different from the main body, then the spell has multiple casting intensities. More magic = more power.
This character will prefer to use the lesser intensity as they tend to use these as methods of escape or cooking food more than anything else.

Weaknesses: recklessness, big brutes, imprisonment, traps, water (getting drenched disables all magical abilities until dry), entanglement.

Fears: Anti-magic groups, imprisonment, fear, angry mobs.

Likes: food, big open areas (preferably without roof), trees, magic, the night sky, stewed rabbit, running.

Dislikes: traps, confined spaces, fear, cake (any kind/flavor), evil.

Age: 56 (about young adult if I'm not mistaken)

Gender: Male

Height: 4ft 6in

Weight: 240 (70% of that was gained from a life of mining)

Build: Short, stout, strong, but kind of slow

Origin: N/A

Languages: Dwarf

Race: Dwarf

Eyes: light blue

Hair: Brown

Attire: Something very dwarfish.

Accessories: Blue cape, silver earring on left ear as a sign of honor, steel gauntlets.

Equipment: Dwarf-make battleaxe, dwarf-make war-hammer, blacksmith hammer, Pickaxe, backpack to carry things in, tinderbox, wood for torches and campfires, cast iron skillet.

Personality: good to chat over a flagon of ale with, loyal, honorable, good-natured.

Special skills: cleaving things with his dwarf axe, flattening baddies with his hammer, mining, strong, extreme physical endurance (he can run a very long way before tiring, even with a heavy pack), accurate with throwing axes, proficient with heavy armor.

Weaknesses: little resistance to magic attacks, easy to notice, kind of heavy.

Fears: [If he fears anything at all, he doesn't show it.]

Likes: Caves, trees, fellow dwarves, honorable people, roast mutton, stewed rabbit, a good flagon of ale, rare metals.

Dislikes: entropy, elves, foul creatures, magic (finds it annoying, but no hate), being tossed.
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