OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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omg we've heard the victorian thing like ten times already and nobody has said they oppose it
just pick a town or an area and make it victorian geez

I mean, I'm not mad or anything, but seriously, instead of saying "it needs to happen" you can just make it happen, there's nothing to stop you.

Yes to Swimmer there, but I also agree with Hunter, unless the people in those regions actually speak a language that sounds like those names, it'd make more sense to name them something a little more English.

As for cliches, I got nothing against them. As long as it makes for a good story and makes sense, cliches are absolutely okay by me.

Crater Lake being an ocean: if you can explain that in a way that makes sense, sure, go for it. Although you can't really call it Crater Lake, then, more like Crater Ocean or maybe not even anything crater, because it doesn't really look like a crater then.

Clothing styles: omg why is this even a question
If you live in a desert, you wear clothes that keep you cool. If you live in a cold wasteland, you wear clothes that keep you warm. Other than the obvious environmental influences, it's up to you and you can either design your own or borrow from clothing known to us, it's not like there is absolutely no way that human minds on different planets work completely different (although yes people living in the same area would probably wear about the same clothes, so if you plan to be in the same place as some other player, talk things through with them first).


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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I think I'm showing up on the coast of Ecremar how about you toilet?
also final time I'm asking this do my followers sprout wings because I do not feel like being recognized as a Guardian before I even wake up
Sure should Ecremar ( or a city in Ecremar, whatever) be victorian-esque in cases of special occasions? :3
Dec 8, 2012
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The Protector of the Rainforest

The sky was dark filled with stars. As she put her baby down to his bed. She took a sit on a chair next to the bed. The baby looked at the woman as he started crying.

"Shhh, there there. Let me tell you a story to soothe you to sleep. Long ago in a small town desolated around a rainforest, there lived a man who has a family that he loved so much. One day, the man decided to bring his family on a camping trip in the rainforest. So, they packed their stuff and locked the house. As they passed the border of the town, an old man saw them leaving as he screamed:
"Becareful of the monsters in the rainforest, they'll kill you at their first sight."
The family did not bother on hearing him as the old man was crazy. As they sat foot on the rainforest they walked around to find a large land to set a camp. While walking around the found a Pond with a large area fit for a camp. They decided to set camp there. As the night came, they set up a campfire as they ate their dinner. The family then went inside their tents and went to sleep. But, not long after they slept, a shadowy like creature creeps on the tent of the children's. The shadowy figure approaches the tent and tear it open. A scream was heard as the man and his wife wakes up. They got out of the tent and looked outside as they saw the children's tent torn apart with a trail of blood. The wife screamed in horror as the man hold on to her as tight as he can. A rustling was heard above them. The man and his wife looked up as they saw the horror of their children's limbs dropping. The wife then screamed louder as the man looked down, closing his eyes from the horror holding his wife tighter. Another rustling was heard, this time from the bushes. The man looked at the source of the rustling sounds as he saw a shadowy figure with red eyes looking at him and his wife. The shadowy figure smiles, showing razor teeths with blood. The shadowy figure extends his arms grabbing the man's wife as he pulls her. The man grabs his wife's hand as he try to pull her back. The man was not capable of holding onto her longer as he let go of his wife's hand. The moment the man saw her wife's face in fear made the man froze in horror. The shadowy figure dissapears into the rainforest with the man's wife. Not long from that, a scream was heard as the man shakes in fear. The man walks backward as he hears rustling sound behind him, he looks behind him as the shadowy figure lurks on the trees behind him. The man looked around him to notice a bunch of shadowy figures approaching him. He took steps backward as he reaches the pond as he stops. The figures got closer and closer as the man feels the fear of dying on his bones, shivering like he never shivered before. He took another step backwards as he fell into the pond. The figures stops as the man fel into the pond. But as the figures goes away, a ball of light comes out of the pond as it shone as bright as the sun turning the figures to dust. The following day, a group of man were walking around on a hunt as they saw a pond. The group of man got closer to the pond as they saw a camp site destroyed. They scavenged around as a man from the grouo decided to take a drink from the pond. As the man dipped his hands in the pond, he saw a mirrage showing him in the future dead on the spot. He jumped backwards as he felt fear. A pack of bears then approaches the group of man as they unsheathe their bows and swords. They fought as the bears were winning. The group of man all fell dead sliced by the bears. All but one survived, the one who looked into the pond. He was cornered on the pond. As the bears got closer to kill him, a figure of light appears from the pond. It takes out a blade of light as it swoops in killing all of the bears. The man looked at the figure of light as he was shaking in fear. The figure looked back at the man as it smiles. The figure then spoke out:
"The pond is a sacred pond. The one who sees into the pond will see his future, only to see it changed himself, because I am the "Protector of this rainforest and everything good in it". May you have a safe journey in your travels."
The figure smiles again as he then fades into a ball of light and goes back into the pond. The man then rubs his head with a curious expression. He got himself up as he looked at the corpses of his group and the bears. He grabbed his bow and his stuff as he runs towards the village to tell of the story. Years passed on as we see the man with a family of his own, his beatiful wife anf his children. They then decided to go on a camping trip... into the rainforest. The end"
The woman looked at her baby as he sees him asleep. She put him on his bed as she turned off the lights. She went to her room as she looked at her husband, ready to sleep.
"Is he asleep yet?"
"We have 2 lovely childrens dont we my wife."
"Yes we do."
"Well, good night then"
"Good night"
As they both slept the night grew darker.

The following day, a new newspaper headline was up.
"House burns down."
It says:
"A house burns down last night. It appears that a family lives in the house. Only survivors were a 5 year old boy and his baby brother. Parents were found burned to death in their bedroom."
The boy looks at the busy people walking around as the baby cries. "There there baby brother. One day I'll become a knight and find the one who burned our house down and killed our parents."
The baby looked at the boy not crying anymore. The boy smiles
"No more crying ok, you're gonna grow up as tough as your brother alright."
The baby smiles back As he giggles.
"You're gonna be a tough man in the future. With everyone knowing your name, Conour Mactavish."

The end

How's the story? Good? I made this as I was bored waiting for the IC thread to be posted. Might be odd for the mother to tell a semi-scary story to her own baby.
It didnt fit in one quote :(


Jul 20, 2013
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More stuff for my characters:

A dark green shirt with short sleeves, sometimes over a brown long-sleeve undershirt she made at home (Kramia made most of the clothing she wears, though she finds the process rather tedious and boring)
Green shorts

At home:
A large green tunic made of some kind of light material found in the forest. The tunic looks like it would be too big for her, as it does go down to her knees, though the sleeves only go to her elbows.

The sleeves and legging of her tunics and shorts are all loose fitting to keep them from constricting her mobility.
The brown undershirt is only worn during late autumn and all winter.
Kramia will persistently refuse to wear shoes, claiming that they slow her down. She doesn't really need them, since most hot surfaces don't bother her, and she... well, you'll see soon enough...

Back story:
In her early life, there was naught to worry about.
Her parents were rather wealthy, with a large house and a large yard. They didn't have a front or back yard, as the two were one.
Kramia had gotten to know a few of the other local children, some with magic, including fire, like her, and some did not, though that seldom kept them from getting along.
One day, Kramia and her parents went to go on a vacation to Sitia, but before they had reached the border of Ecremar, their carriage was attacked by hooded figures.
Kramia only just escaped into the forest, running as far from the path as she could, though with difficulty, as her dress and fashionable shoes tripped her and snagged on every other twig.
Her parents did not survive, and she was miles from her home.
Despite her young age (of about 5 or 6), Kramia managed to survive in the forest, after discarding her dress and shoes and learning to use her fire magic for the purpose of survival.
She soon made some make-shift clothing from leaves, grass, and other plants, though she rather liked how the ground felt to her feet, though she had to get used to the sticks and rocks that made it a little less comfortable.
Kramia eventually found a small town, from which she took some supplies to assist her survival, until she was chased away by some guards.
With the supplies taken from the town, Kramia was able to make some better clothing, build a small "house", and live a little more comfortably.
To this day, Kramia still steals silk, among other things (excluding money, since money is useless in the forest) from towns and villages to ensure her survival.
Many guards have pursued her into the forest and even searched for her there, but none have found her and often returned home empty handed.
On the rare occasion that somebody did manage to catch her, Kramia would escape, often by use of fire.

So it was just another day in the forest, relaxing in a small pond and watching the wildlife run about doing whatever they do on such a fine day.
There was a nice breeze blowing through the forest, and the smell of blooming flowers was in the air.
Kramia, who had just recently raided a bee-hive (something she had gotten quite good at when she discovered what smoke did to bees), was watching a couple of squirrels quarreling over territory from her favorite spot in the pond, her clothes lying on a rock nearby.
In a wooden bowl she had carved a couple of years ago was a cooked rabbit soaked in the spoils of her last raid.
All was not quiet, as the forest was often alive with the sounds of birds and other animals, yet it always seemed to feel quite peaceful in the forest these days.
It was a little lonely in the forest... though perhaps less so, what with all the animals to keep on company, should they have the mind to interact with them.
Kramia felt she fit in with the forest above all else in the world; it was her home, she felt free there, almost like the wildlife, just a little more... powerful.
Squirrels seemed to like keeping their noses in the social businesses of their own kind, while the rabbits seemed to hop about eating everything and multiplying like crazy.
Both were rather tasty when prepared properly.
Foxes seemed more intelligent and made quite a show when tossed a rabbit, which was amusing to watch to say the least.
Wolves weren't quite as intelligent as foxes, but Kramia found it easy to get along with them. They really seemed to like it when she scratched them right below the chin or behind the ears.
Kramia suddenly felt something slimy rub against her feet. It was probably a fish, which she really couldn't interact with in any intelligent way and often ate them. She gave it a warning kick, since she wasn't quite in the mood to roast it; she did have that honey-soaked rabbit after all.
The fish must have gotten startled, as it didn't bother her again, and she resumed watching the squirrels...

And a final modification to Kramia [Changes are in [BCOLOR=#0000ff]this color[/BCOLOR]]:
Age: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]13[/BCOLOR].

Gender: Female

Height: 4ft 11in

Weight: 100 lbs

Build: kind of small, agile, not very powerful

Origin: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]North Eastern Ecremar[/BCOLOR]

Languages: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Human, fragmented common, (rumored, due to her living conditions, but untrue) plant/animal[/BCOLOR]

Race: Human, Fire

Eyes: Fiery red.

Hair: Fiery red/orange[BCOLOR=#0000ff], Fairly long and well-kept.[/BCOLOR]

Attire: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Own design[/BCOLOR], barefoot

Accessories: [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Occasionally wears an oxidized copper bracelet[/BCOLOR]

Equipment: Jo staff (when equipped at all). Prefers to use magic and agility to get through most situations.

Personality: Free spirited, friendly, natural (likes to be her own self).

Special skills: Very mobile; good at climbing things quickly, faster than most humans, good physical endurance, woodworking, fire-based magic, proficient with staves[BCOLOR=#0000ff], knitting (though she doesn't like to knit)[BCOLOR=#0000ff], can swim[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR].

Magic abilities:
Fire palm: holds a small flame in the palm of either hand, can be shoved in someone's face if need be. continuous.
Pyrokinesis[BCOLOR=#0000ff]: able to control a small amount of fire without even touching it. Loses effect if the fire is moved out of the user's field of concentration or is moved more than 20ft away. Continuous[/BCOLOR]
Fire Jab: A quick jab, with the hand set on fire. Lesser: Jab merely stuns the target briefly. Instant
Flame Foot: Kicks become 80% more fiery. Continuous
Hot Heel: Axe-kicks become 90% more fiery, very dangerous to lightly armored foes. [Combo] Combine with Flame Foot, and pursuing foes are suddenly met with a new danger... Warning: combining Flame foot with Hot Heel is very hazardous in areas with lots of flammables, such as a field of dry grass. Continuous.
Fire Bal[BCOLOR=#999999]l[/BCOLOR]: Ball of flame that bounces a few times, setting fire to any flammables it touches. Does not bounce off large flammables. Reduced: fire ball doesn't bounce as much and isn't as hot. Intense: fireball is larger, ignores gravity, and acts like a Molotov. Instant
Dragon's Breath: Garlic breath is stinky and deadly. This one is simply deadly. Can be used to cook rabbits. Lesser: heat intensity reduced. Intense: spell width increased. Continuous.
Rocke[BCOLOR=#999999]t[/BCOLOR]: Propels the user in any direction. People are advised to avoid being behind the person using this spell. It is not advised to fly upwards, in the event that one should run out of magic. Lesser: Velocity and flame-trail power reduced. Intense: Velocity and flame-trail power increased. Continuous.
Dragon Spirit: Summons a large dragon made purely of fire to cause a massive menace, and sets the caster on fire afterwards. This spell cannot be cast unless the caster is over-saturated with magic energy. Warning: humans who cast this spell will collapse from exhaustion after casting.
Intense: The caster's dragon will also explode. Instant.
Fire Walk: People with this effect are immune to natural fire at all times. Incoming magic fire damaged is slightly reduced.
Intense: user becomes immune to lava/magma. Passive.

Magic used by each spell is gauged by the following spell name colors: Negligible, Minor, Lesser, Moderate, [BCOLOR=#999999]Greater, [/BCOLOR]Major, Excessive, Extreme, Insane.
Negligible uses so little magic that you could essentially do it all day, no breaks. Insane is hard to pull off, even for guardians, due to how demanding the spell is.

Important note: If the spell name's first/last letter(s) are different from the main body, then the spell has multiple casting intensities. More magic = more power.
This character will prefer to use the lesser intensity as she tends to use these spells as methods of escape or cooking food more than anything else.

Weaknesses: recklessness, big brutes, imprisonment, traps, water (getting drenched disables all magical abilities until dry), entanglement, strong wind, sharp bits of metal or glass scattered all over the floor.

Fears: Anti-magic groups, imprisonment, fear, angry mobs.

Likes: food, big open areas (preferably without roof), trees, magic, the night sky, stewed rabbit, running[BCOLOR=#0000ff], bathing in clean forest water (despite that water temporarily nullifies her non-passive magic abilities)[/BCOLOR].

Dislikes: traps, confined spaces, fear, cake (any kind/flavor), evil[BCOLOR=#0000ff], shoes[/BCOLOR].

Commonly hunted by: Anti-magic groups/organizations, malevolent magic-users, drunks (for some reason?), guards/police/knights of some certain [BCOLOR=#0000ff]Towns, villages, and cities[/BCOLOR].

Light blue tunic of a heavy cloth over steel chainmail, which is over an undershirt (to protect skin from the chainmail)
Steel shoulder guards
Light blue cape
Steel helm
Dusty brown pants (due to mining)
Heavy leather steel-toe boots
Large leather backpack for storing everything (including a winter coat to help when winter blizzards occur on his mountain home)


Just an ordinary dwarf miner, pickaxe in hand, reducing stone to rubble and searching for precious metals in the mines of his home.
Well, it was better than being one of those southern coal miners.
His family had been well known for being one of the better mining families, with a few talented smiths, but never really stood out as one of those families of great wealth or fame... kind of just a upper-middle class of sorts. Perhaps more could have been said, but Aldkuld spent most of his time in the mines and smithies of his homeland, when not feasting in the greats dining hall with his kin and countrymen and drinking in celebration of another prosperous year.
That's one of the cities his people traded with. In fact, Aldkuld would be taking a break from his usual mining and smithing to help deliver some well-crafted steel tools, weapons, and armor to Ecremar...
Also, could the dwarves live in Erelis? The Northern part could be a mountain range, creating a barrier between Ecremar and the Crimson sea.
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Also, could the dwarves live in Erelis? The Northern part could be a mountain range, creating a barrier between Ecremar and the Crimson sea.
Sure! I'll make a mountain range there. Maybe they should live in Rhôz too since it also has a mountain range? idk

Also, guys, if you have any town or city that your character lives in or that you want on the map, tell me and I'll add it c:

Once all of the labelling is done I'll make a cleaner edit to add everything

Also Faliara when we get the biomes figured out is it ok if I recolor some of the provinces to fit their biome


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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So we're translating everything besides names? Okay.

Yes Caff you can either get winged followers or shed your wings or say they've retreated or whatever. Any solution is fine by me.

I'll say it again for clarification, any idea about any question is fine by me, if it makes enough sense. Just having things for their sake is something I could do without, but will not object if it's not illogical.


Jul 20, 2013
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Kramia is only really "skilled" with 3 classifications of swords, none of them being an exotic type of sword, which honestly would be more of a talent than skill, though she could have made wooden swords of the same type, which would actually be more dangerous than using steel swords because fire.
Just call it a talent (one she doesn't even know about), as
her preferred non-magic weapon is a jo staff.
[edit]: Sword abilities removed.
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Oct 20, 2012
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Hm... We began GotE with nothing but the basic sketch of what we were doing (forming the world) and went from there. We ended up leading ourselves away from the plot, but we still managed to keep going.

I've got an idea as to what's happening, which will be explained when I get home. You can reject it if you don't like it.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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As the bottom right island does not have a name, you can probably expect Himinn's house to be sitting there.

Either that, or on the Eclipse.
Lol, not on the Eclipse. I don't want to wake up in darkness.

Does anyone else live there or is it just the whole island for the two of us?

EDIT: You also have to consider that the area where GotE took place was probably not that large, so if the place Endal went to sleep in is there and Himinn didn't drag him across half the country, then it's pretty damn likely that all the rest of the stuff is on the island too, like the cave and the jungle.

EDIT 2: People with multiple characters, remember to clarify which character you're playing as or make it clear in some other way. In fact, this should go for everyone. I mean, it's not compulsory or anything but it would really help everyone else.
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Oh shit that's right I still have to upload my 2 new character bios

Name: Rowan
Race: Human
Age: 24
Height: 6'0"
Gender: Male
Build: Muscular
Appearance: Short orange hair, rough features, hazel irises
Weapon: Sword
Unable to use magic

Name: Brom
Race: Human
Age: 49
Height: 5'10"
Gender: Male
Build: plump, round belly, chubby cheeks, large hands and arms but powerful and strong
Appearance: Slightly long gray hair, large nose, blue irises
Weapon: Hammer
Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
Wind (small whirlwind that can blow things back - active)
Agility (increases speed and mobility - continuous)
Is that ok?