IC Remnants of the Elements


Oct 20, 2012
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Unrest began to grow. Some demanded answers as to what was happening, others simply prayed for their creators. Panic began to reign over the world.

And with

it growing, from their slumber, awoke those who brought the world to fruition...


At the moment, I'm unfortnately unable to put in a title with font here, or the map of Arun, due to the lack of a computer. Everything that I am unable to do without it shall be put on hold until tomorrow, where I will hopefully gain permission from my dad to use his laptop.

OOC thread here: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/remnants-of-the-elements-discussion.18507/
GotE, the prequel, here: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/guardians-of-the-elements.16127/


Faliara as Himinn Rauha [Sky]
CaffeinatedKitty as Alouette/Avis [Flight]
Naoh as Takot [Fear]
Clairebluh as Cyra [Corruption]
Timdood3 as Ross [Water]
Toiletprincess as Zwn Mitera [Life -> Death]
S_swimmer as Ark Palmer/Shyael [Sin]
Enderfive as Endal/Erien [Magic]
Jolteon42 as Liro [Ground]
mariosatr as Skri'ik [Cloud]
Mia (aka Mad11gab8) as Tora [Fauna]
avis night fluffy (fury) as Topaz [Fire]
Ansoro2112 as Airis [Wind]
Fiestaguy as Light/Gilliam [Light]

Faliara as Nora [Human]
Faliara as Josef [Human]
MrStitch (aka std) as ??? [Fire Spirit]
Catcocomics as himself [Frost Phoenix]
Catcocomics as Aldkuld [Dwarf]
Catcocomics as Kramia [Human]
Catcocomics as Katsu [Human]
masternico012345 as Conour [Human]
CaffeinatedKitty as Marisa [Human]
S_swimmer as Rowan [Human]
S_swimmer as Brom [Human]
Timdood3 as Kettinmen 'Ketten' [Spriggan]

(I may or may not have missed someone along the way)


You are in the country of Arun. The elements are beginning to go out of control. This was a wake-up call for many of the guardians, who had been the ones to form the world with their power.

However, the guardians have weakened in their period of slumber, their power leaking out to maintain the world on its own. As that power had grown unstable due to their absence, they must bring them back under control- but it will be difficult, and they will need help along the way, from each other and from their new acquaintances.

There are many different cultures and clothing- at the moment, though, our attention is focused on Arun. Arun is a country with many forests, and rarely snows (the three Isles far up north don't count). It is the location where the guardians created humans, where the majority of the guardians were sleeping, and the sea down south used to be Crater Lake (don't ask). As such, the belief in the Guardians of the Elements is strongest here.


Character Creation


Wow, this is... Really sloppy. I'll clean it up when it's not raining, I suppose. The slow-loading really makes it hard to do things like this. Especially when a tab goes and refreshes on you... When you need to read or copy-and-paste something, that's the worse. Especially when it's the thing you're working on.

But enough about that. Just... Post your starting posts for now. This is really messy, and it's 11:52 pm- I should be asleep.
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Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
She sleeps.
Minutes pass like seconds, hours like minutes, days and months and years flying past, trickling like raindrops into the ocean of time.
Dreams slip through her fingers; they blur together between long periods of nothing, silvery threads like tributaries fading away into darkness as she leaves them behind.
There are few that ruffle her feathers, breaking her outer serenity with flashes of fear and pain, but the all-encompassing exhaustion keeps her from becoming alert.
She drifts through the sky, unaware of the world developing beneath her. Generations of people live and die, slowly spreading across the planet, the population gradually increasing to sustain each settlement.
Her power seeps away, diffusing throughout the air and into the ground, further cementing what she'd already made permanent.
And then, the shroud of millennia of sleep is cast away and she wakes at last.

((You forgot Marisa, she's human and will be introduced in my next post))


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
((Got it))
((Also I forgot to link this hahaha http://faliara.deviantart.com/art/Himinn-s-House-530024643?q=gallery:Faliara/44879110&qo=0))
On an island, in the seas of Arun, within a small, wooden shack, someone was just waking up.

Her hair was long, nearly reaching her knees, but messy, as though it hadn't been brushed in a long time. Her form was covered by a cloak, used as though it was a blanket. She seemed slightly skinny. Sitting up, she yawned, rubbing brown eyes that for a second, seemed to eerily look sky-blue- though no one was there to see it.

Himinn stretched. She ached all over. She needed to find a softer mattress than the ground.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Several centuries ago, December 24th...

Catcocomics, 997 years after death.

All was quiet. The streets where empty, dark by the cover of night.
A light came on in one of the street lamps, then another, then more and more, when suddenly the streets were all alight, and people came out of their homes to investigate a disturbance in the night.
A lone figure entered through the castle gates and walked calmly down the street through the snow, his hat and sword giving away his identity to those who had hear the legends...
The figure entered the central keep and soon became visible upon it's roof top, illuminated by a small, light-cyan flame burning brightly in the palm of his left hand, when the boy then spoke.

"Hello my friends, as some of you may know, my time here is nearly over.
I want to thank you all, and your many ancestors for treating me to such a wonderful experience.
I know we have been through some rough times together, and have even come to the brink of destruction in the past, but now all seems at peace on this planet and my ancient duty has finally come to its conclusion.
but fear not, for you are now a strong people, who may one day rise to great wisdom and courage, to one day reach the stars above and meet my descendants.
For future generations, You may reflect upon the reports I have stored in the castle. Guard them well, for there is a certain guardian who I pledged to give them to when their time of reawakening finally came.
Alas, I now only wish to see them all again, one last time.
Fare well."

With that, the boy extinguished his flame, spreading wings apparently of ice, yet they appeared to have not been prior, and he took to the air, a bright cyan comet, streaking across the night sky. The snow fell merrier that night, with a twinge of sadness mixed in.

A couple centuries later, when only memory remained of the boy, the people of the castle where minding their own business.
The only notable difference was that of a statue on the keep's roof where the boy of legend had departed.
All was quiet, save for a faint rushing noise that seemed to get ever nearer.

Warning horns were blown, the castle sent into an uproar.
Many hoped that the boy spoken of in legend would return once more to save them but he did not appear.
A mighty wave came racing through the land. What became of that kingdom? None remain who know.
Only legend remains of those descended of the people who followed the boy in life and in heart, and of their kingdom.
Some say that a whole collection of documents from the time of the old hero lies in the ruins of the kingdom, buried beneath the waves of the sea south of the provinces, somewhere...
Yet others speculate that perhaps some people of that kingdom survived the flood and their descendants may live to this day...


Present Day


It's quite a nice day today.
Nothing major seems to be going on, it's sunny, making nice patterns on the forest floor, and the water feels nice.
Hmm... but I suppose I should get more silk some time soon, since my current tunic seems to be getting a bit small.
Ughh, I'm going to have to make a full new set of clothing aren't I?
Oh well... It's not like I have to do it right away. I think I'll just relax here for a good while longer...
Present Day


I miss the mines.
I can't stop sneezing with all these odd trees around; they don't look anything like the cedars back home; too... round, kind of short.
Can't imagine what the trees will look like in Ecremar, though I'm guessing they be like these trees, being at such a low altitude.
The road has been very quiet these past few days, so there is that to be happy about.
Ughh, I hope this is the last time I have to go down to Ecremar. Sure it's rich and fancy and all, but it's such a bloody pain getting there.
And I've heard that elves go there too.
Silly people can't seem to take anything seriously, and they're tastes for beverages... bunch of party animals from what I've seen on their visits to our home, bringing their wine and vintage. Well, it's not really bad, but I still prefer out ale.

Oh, I think we're crossing into the Ecremar Province now, and I think I can see a city off in the distance...
[edit]: ((perhaps it may be worth mentioning that Catcocomics the 'frost phoenix' is but a memory or legend from an age long passed. I can sort of still play him, but only in the form of the reports he made for Himmin before he left the planet for the last time to fulfill his state of semi-limbo.))​


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Ross, Guardian of Water
Sometime in the recent past

The first thing I notice: Everything. Nothing is the same. It doesn't feel the same. When I left, the water was cool, refreshing. Perfect. But now it's none of those things. It's become slimy and disgusting from centuries of neglect by those pitiful humans on the surface.

I restore my corporeal form and rise to the surface. I went to sleep in a lake. Now I wake up in an ocean. I guess a few centuries will do that. With no land in sight, I'd rather go see those who like me best first. Destination: Natovicci.

After scouring the ocean floor for a while, I find the sunken city.. Really, it didn't take long to find, just a matter of going the distance. The glow from Light's orb is still visible from quite a distance. Probably not from the surface, but that's probably a good thing. Also of note: Nearing the city, the water is fresher and cleaner. At first glance, the city looks abandoned, but as soon as I get close the people come out.

Man, have they changed. Fins, tails, gills, the works. Pretty sweet, actually. But while their appearances have all changed, they still know me after all this time. Apparently they've been passing the legends of my being throughout their culture. Here's an tale that an old storyteller was telling a group of young ones:

When we were created, all of our kind was the same. And on land! I can't imagine living outside of the sea, and I'm sure neither can you! The first of the humans were created by the Guardians on land, and gradually everyone spread apart. We followed Ross out into the water with our city, this city. We were going to live out there and be with him, and praise him for all time to come! But we were attacked! That witch of a Guardian, Tora, her name was, sent giant beasts to destroy us! But we lived. And we thrived! And Ross welcomed us into his arms! And we lived down here and have ever since!

I won't go on to recite the rest of what he said, as most of it was warped past recognition. Needless to say, I corrected him. I didn't mention the part about my commissioning of the 'beasts' that sunk the city, though....

Back on topic, though. They know me, and they know me well. The Guards around the city carry tridents not unlike me own, and those who practice magic use orbs not unlike my own. It's pretty nice actually, having a civilization living in my own image.

It was so nice, in fact, that Ross had forgotten to ask one very important question: Why have I awakened, and have the other Guardians?


((Faliara you forgot Kettinmin (aka Ketten) on the the secondary role list. Let's just call her race spriggans because why not. She'll live in Balgar, and Natovicci is a decent deal south of there.))
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The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score

"Rowan, boy! Come 'ere!" Sweat collected on Rowan's forehead as the hot sun battered his body. He drove his hoe into the soft earth one more time before heading towards his father's voice. It was an average day, one that he would come to remember for his entire life.

"What is it, father?" Rowan asked, panting.

His father put his big, calloused hand on Rowan's shoulder. "I think it's time. You're ready to see the Cave."

"Really?" His eyes lit up.

"Now, remember." His father put on a more serious tone and kneeled down to look directly into Rowan's eyes. "In that cave is the darkest secret of our village. We've decided that it's our duty to protect it. Only the strongest men can be up to the task. What you're going to see will scar you, but you must be courageous. Understand?" He nodded. "Good. Follow me."

Hands locked, Rowan and his father headed for the gate. They smiled and waved at the passing villagers. The harvest was coming soon, and everyone was out working hard. The son and his father continued along the dusty dirt road until they stopped at the wooden gate.

"Henry! You're looking well! Haven't seen you in ages!" A guard clad in shining silver armor set his drink down and leapt out of his chair to give Rowan's father a hearty handshake. "I see you got Rowan with you today. Say, how're you doing, boy?" The guard, Brom, kneeled down and rustled Rowan's hair. He scrunched his nose at Brom's drunken breath. Brom got back up and addressed Henry again, this time more serious. "If you've got lil' Rowan with you, you must be heading there. I'll let you on through. Listen, be careful. Reports've been saying that they've heard some noises from there. Come out alive, ok?" Brom gave Rowan and Henry a slap on the back and they continued into the wilderness.


"This is your last chance to turn back, son. Are you sure you're ready?" Rowan looked up at his father and gave a single nod. "Alright, let's go." Striking a match and lighting the lantern in his hand, Henry gave Rowan a push on the back and they descended into the mouth of the cave. Their footsteps bounced on its most walls. Water dripped from the ceiling, and large stalagmites rose out of the ground as if to ward them away. Still, the father and his son pressed on, deeper into the darkness, closer and closer to the end. At a crossroads, a sign hung crooked on the wall, pointing toward the right. Ignoring the sign and choosing the left path, Henry led his child into the very deepest parts of the cave.

After a long time, they stood in front of a giant doorway, huge wooden doors looming over them, holding something back.

"Rowan." Rowan, Rowan, Rowan, the cave answered.


"Whatever you do, don't scream. You will be haunted by what you see next." And with that, Henry grasped the cool handles of the doors and pulled them open.

"A–" Rowan clasped both hands around his mouth, trying to contain the screams that refused to cease. The scene that lay in front of him was more horrible than the darkest novels in his village. The walls and floor were splattered and coated with dried blood. Piles of bones littered the floor and some skulls were even buried in the walls. And in the center of it all, a boy. He looked a few years older than Rowan. He had black hair and his head was cast downward, eyes closed. Metal cuffs held his scraped, raw wrists and chains connected them to the wall, suspending him in the air in a cross-like shape. Huge, wooden nails and stakes pierced his arms and body, decorated with dried blood and ripping his shirt.

"W... W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w–" Henry lightly put a hand over his son's mouth.

"Shhh..." He soothed Rowan. "Breathe. In, out, in, out. Calm down, Rowan." He released his hand, and Rowan forced himself to take long, deliberate breaths.

"W-what hap-pened?" He asked carefully, trying not to raise his voice.

"Let me tell you the story of the boy here. About 70 years ago, the old elders of our village found this cave. Some of the younger folk searched it, and they found this boy lying on the ground, sleeping. Back then, this room was just like any other part of the cave. They tried to wake the lad, but he wouldn't move. All the nurses and doctors of the neighboring villages began flowing in, going into the cave and trying to wake the boy. But almost none came out. One night, one survivor limped out of that cave with a mad look in her eyes. She said that the more time they spent in that room, they started becoming... angry. They began snapping and lashing out at each other. The room grew into a cesspool of sin, people hitting each other and lusting after each other. Eventually, all of them went insane and started to kill each other and themselves. Still, the boy slept.

"That night, a group of warriors from the village ventured into the room. They pounded these stakes into his body as hard as they could, by ones, twos, fives, tens. They thought that killing him would dispel the curse he brought. But, when they were finally finished, he was still breathing. Scared out of their minds, they ran away. Later, they brought chains and held him up like you see now. To try to stop him from escaping the day he might wake up. Then, they sealed off the room with those doors and decided that all the men of the village would protect the secret of the boy from spreading."

A long silence passed. Rowan looked around the room, taking in the scene, trying to overcome it. However, his body still shook uncontrollably in fear. He looked up at the boy's face. Then, suddenly, he gasped.

"Nobody knows who this boy is," Henry still continued. Rowan tried to tug on his sleeve but his hands were frozen. "Some say he's a demon. A few of the elders even went so far as to say he was one of the Guardians from the old fables. What do you believe, Rowan?"


"What is it?"

"F-f-f-f-f-father, l-look." And as Henry did what his son asked, he too became paralyzed.

There, hanging up, body mangled, the boy's eyelids began to lift, revealing ghostly white eyes that glowed in the dim room. A low sigh sounded from his lips, and he began to raise his head lazily. He still couldn't seem to see them. Suddenly, he coughed, racking his body with spasms as he dangled. Rowan and his father jumped back in surprise.

"Ah..." the boy started. His voice was tired and sad. "Ah, it hurts... Where... Where am I?" He still couldn't seem to see. "Who's there? Takot? Ross? Alouette?" He laughed weakly. "Where are you guys? Don't play tricks on me–" As Rowan stared, unmoving, into the boy's eyes, he could see the moment that the clouds in them scattered and his eyes widened. He gasped. "Who are you? Where am I?" Beginning to panic, he looked around – the worst thing that could've happened.

"Huh? Huuhh?" The boy looked as far as his head would let him, realizing the blood, the bones, the death that encased him. Terror slowly creeped onto his face. "Ah..." A sound escaped his lips, and after that, a long and deafening silence. Rowan tried to creep away–

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" A completely unimaginable force left his mouth and he screamed a bloodcurdling scream that struck fear in Rowan's very bones. The earth shook and a strong wind pushed against Rowan's and his father's body. He tried to cross his arms, but he was about to lose his footing. Pieces of rock fell from the ceiling, and the chains impaled in the wall shook loose. Still screaming, the boy fell to the ground and curled into a ball, digging his hands into his messy hair. Eyes and mouth wide open, he continued to scream. Rowan fell on the ground, unable to control his body against the wind and the earthquake. Henry extended a hand to him.

"Quick, Rowan, my son! We have to leave now! Before the cave collapses!" With all his might, Henry heaved the doors open as fast as he could, but a large rock fell and forced him to the ground.

"FATHER!" Rowan screamed, but his father was hopelessly trapped under the rubble. Despite knowing this, Rowan tried to grab his hand, desperately attempting to pull him out. Henry slapped his hand away.

"Rowan, leave me! GO!"

"No, father! I won't leave you behind!"

"Rowan, do as I say and leave!" With the last of his strength, Henry reached out and pushed his son away. Rowan fell to the floor and scrambled to get up, running as fast as his legs would take him.

Rowan's ears rang as he flew out of the cave. He dodged rocks and his body was scraped as he ran. He kept looking back, but he never saw his father running behind him. And as Rowan's world and the cave collapsed around him, words could still be heard echoing from the depths of the cave. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."


A girl crept cautiously through the underbrush, holding a bow drawn and knocked with an arrow, prepared. She pauses, crouching low and listens. Crack. A stick nearby snaps, the crunching of leaves signalling someone or something walking along through the trees. Counting the steps under her breath, she turns, pulling the bowstring back and pointing it at the boy.

Nothing. He continues to walk, looking straight ahead, oblivious to her arrow pointed straight at him. She could let go and the arrow would go right through the side of his head, but nothing. She lowers the bow, taking the arrow out and putting it into her quiver. She walks cautiously over to the boy and waves her hand in front of his face. No response."Excuse me?" She asks, cocking her head to one side. Still, nothing. Nothing but the sounds of his muttering to himself. "I'm sorry," he was muttering, over and over.

For a moment she just watched, observing him. He had messy, dishevelled black hair and was fairly tall. When she looked at his face, she saw his eyes. Bright white eyes. She scooted back slightly, those eyes unnerving her. That can't be natural.

That's when she glanced to see what he was wearing. Blood. Oh god, there was blood everywhere. He was wearing white shorts and a black shirt, but they were covered in rips and holes and there were blood stains all over them. His wrists were scarred and had metal cuffs on them, but nothing. He wasn't even paying attention to the fact that he was barefoot just walking through the forest. Where the hell did he come from? She walked back towards him, still keeping her distance and tried to listen to his muttering.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he continued, but also said stuff regarding someone else, that he had to find someone, but his words were sometimes cut short and his sentences were incomprehensible. Then, he just collapsed.

"Oh god.." she said to herself, moving cautiously over to the collapsed boy. With a sigh, she took his arm and hoisted him over her shoulder. Good god, he was heavy. With a groan, she begun to walk back towards her town through the trees. "I wonder what the others are going to think about this..."


I don't want to do this, I think. The steps to the Scrawny Dog Tavern spiral up the elevated platform, but despite it's height, the smell of booze still runs rampant through the whole street. I ascend the wet, creaky steps and step inside. The full force of the dingy hellhole hits me in the face and I scrunch my nose. Will they kick me out for being a minor? The inside is hot and I already begin sweating. I take a seat at the bar and wait there for a while, looking left and right. I try to catch my reflection in one of the large bottles. It seems the spell is still working for now, I think, looking at my blue eyes. Not long after that, an older man sits down next to me. His face is wrinkled, and his eyes are downcast. He has a plump belly, gray hair and a beard to match.

“Mind if I take this seat, lad?” he asks softly with a smile that hides a deep sadness.

“Be my guest,” I reply, gesturing to the stool next to me. With a grunt, the man sits down. “Can I buy you a drink?”

“You're a kind one,” he says. “I'll take that offer.” Digging into my pocket and trying not to be noticed, I conjure up a few coins and take them out. I hand them to the bartender and let the man order. When he comes back with a large wooden mug, I open conversation.

“My name's Lyari,” I say.

“Lyari, eh? Unusual name. Elvish?”

“A little,” I say, blushing. Why couldn't you have picked a more normal name? “My, uh, my parents studied elvish culture for a while, so they named me similarly.”

The man nodded. “Thank the Guardians you aren't near the capital, eh?” He tries to laugh, but I stay silent. “Good name, Lyari, good name.” He extends his hand. “Name's Brom. Pleasure to have you as my drinking mate today.” I smile and take his hand. We face each other for a while, and Brom starts to inspect my face. “Say, we haven't met before, have we?”

I cock my head to the side. “I don't believe so?”

“Mm, you're right,” he says, dismissing the thought. “I would've remembered someone named Lyari. Anyway, you look pretty young; what're you doing out here in this run-down place?”

“I'm trying to find someone.” Brom seems like a good man deep down, so I can at least trust him with that.

“Nobody comes here for purest reasons, huh?”

“What about you, Brom?” I ask, turning the question on him. “Why are you here?”

Brom pauses and his sad smile comes back. He looks down at his drink and begins talking. “I lost a good friend some years back. Murdered. He was a good man. He had a son, you know. That young fellow has been like a beast ever since. He's already high-ranking in the army. Says he wants to get revenge on his father's killer. And here I am, broken man, floating from bar to bar, trying to drink away my problems. Hell, I don't even know how many years it's been.”

I put my hand on Brom's shoulder. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.”

“It's fine,” he says, looking at me. “Young boy like you shouldn't worry yourself with an old man's regrets. You want to find someone, right? What's this person like?”

A bottle breaks behind us and some voices get louder. Crap, I have to move. “Well, I guess he's an old friend of mine,” I say, talking a little faster. “A little younger. We got separated a couple years ago when a group of Fear cultists took him away. He was born with powerful magic, and the cults just happened to be nearby when word got out. He was gone within the week.”

Brom lets a short, painful silence pass to give me comfort. “Dark world we live in. I'm sorry to hear about him. So I'm guessing you're trying to find the cult that took him?” I nod. “Well, you're sitting next to the right person. You learn a lot in bars like these. There's been lots of reports of magic children being spirited away in a place a few towns over called Ramshorn. Reports of some people with robes wandering at night, too. Here, I'll give you a map.” As he fumbles in his cloak for the map, more bottles break. People start to hit each other. Tables turn over. I wipe some sweat off my forehead. I need to leave as soon as possible. Finally, Brom pulls out a scroll and hands it to me. I rip it out of his hands.

“I'm sorry, I need to go.” I rush toward the door, but as I'm about to leave, I stop and turn back. “It was nice meeting you, Brom. Um... I know I don't have the right to say this, and I don't really know much about what happened in your past, but I don't think your friend would want to see you here mourning him.”

Brom looks at me, astonished. He sits there for a while, then lets out a loud, ringing laughter. “You're right, boy! What have I been doing?” He turns around in his chair to face me fully and shakes my hand. “You're an interesting one, Lyari. I wish you luck in finding your friend.”

“Thank you, Brom. I hope your future is bright.” With that, I turn around and exit the tavern. As I look back, a chair smashes through a window. I'm sorry, I think to myself.

I turn back and start towards the forest, practicing in my head how I'm going to tell Shyael that I have to leave.
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
The Guardian of Magic

Six years ago

His first thought was: Where am I?

The next: When am I?

Endal didn't remember going to sleep in anything even closely resembling a shelter of any kind, let alone a proper house. He didn't remember even having progressed that far in the creation of the world. They hadn't even created humans yet. Had they?

His gear, items, even clothes - everything he had - was piled neatly next to him. He slipped into his leather jacket and put on the utility belt. Everything was still there, exactly how it was supposed to. Three vials, two flasks of water, some herbs and plants with magical properties, at least a dozen different trinkets, amulets and energygems. The cream-and-azure battlestaff with its purple amethyst core was there too, placed besides the rest of it with care.

And in the opposite corner, sleeping heavily on the ground - or a few inches above it - was Himinn. Endal stood there for a few minutes, looking at her in disbelief. Then came happiness, an overwhelming feeling of joy and relief. He had saved her with the cost of his own life, only to be brought back from the Void to help another couple reunite; but it was also a second chance for a reunion of his own. He had defeated beasts and demons and corrupt Guardians, he had used tremendous amounts of magic energy to cure the very same Guardian he had earlier fought, he had flown. All the while he had another quest on mind, the quest to find Himinn. Now it looked like she had found him instead.

Endal sat down to watch Himinn sleep. She would wake soon, he had no doubt; it was morning and she would always wake with the sky.

She didn't, though. Minutes turned into hours and Endal grew restless. Hours turned into days, which the Guardian of Magic would use to explore the area around the house. Days turned into weeks. He still hoped for her to wake up, but he couldn't allow himself to sit in the middle of the jungle with absolutely no knowledge of the world outside. He figured the world had been created without him and the Slumber had descended on the Guardians, which meant that it could have still been months or even years before she would wake up.

He would come back every once in a while, to check up on her.

Present day

He had finally returned. Erien had come back to the island to check up on Himinn four times since he left it, and this was the fifth. Even though he had changed names, he was sure that if she was awake, she'd recognize him, even with his hair no longer black, but rather light brown, and the rest of the cosmetic changes that had happened during his long sleep.

It had indeed been long. When he first woke up, he thought it had been a few weeks or months, perhaps a couple of years at most. In reality, he had been asleep for centuries, and too many of them to count. It seemed like the rest of the Guardians had stayed awake for years and years after the Creation, as the people of Arun called it, but eventually they had fallen asleep, too. He even heard of a few Guardians he hadn't even met so far, like Ark. The general population wasn't very fond of him, though. As he would soon find out after leaving Himinn, some people weren't friendly towards himself either, or magic in general. He hadn't been in the group of Guardians that created the humans, so some of them had developed a certain . . . distrust towards him. That was also the reason he had chosen to change names, he didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

The path to the small, high shack that was Himinn's apparent home was anything but easy, and it took Erien several days to reach it. Still, it was nothing complicated. The path was firmly in his memories and he didn't get lost as any other would. Now he was there and the door of the shack was within his grasp. He pushed it open, slowly, but surely. The first place he directed his eyes was the corner Himinn was sleeping in.

The corner was empty.

His eyes shot up to the middle of the room and there she was, standing, looking over her shoulder at him with wide eyes and disheveled hair. Erien stood still as Himinn turned herself to face him.

He shot forward and grabbed her into a hug. Finally he let go.

"Hi," Erien said, his voice barely louder than a whisper.



Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Himinn stared at the boy who seemed familiar, despite not quite looking so.

And then it clicked.

"... Endal?"

She felt sleepy, and sore, and what happened earlier with them was still fresh in her mind, but that didn't stop her from hugging her friend back happily. "Endal!"

((Enderfive The time-difference will be pretty disorienting to her.))


Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
The Guardian of Fear

One year ago.
Takot’s eyes fluttered open, and he yawned. He reluctantly left his bed, and headed toward the kitchen. He could hear the sound of food being cooked, and poked his head around the doorway to see Zwn cooking lunch. "Mmm.. morning, or afternoon," yawned Takot. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" Zwn glanced over, "What's lookin' good cookin'?" She replied, with a cheeky smile. Takot groaned. He was too tired to even try to understand what Zwn said, so he stumbled over to the table, and collapsed in a chair.

She rolled her eyes, and plopped something on two plates. She walked around the counter and placed a plate infront of him and poked his cheek. "How late were you up last night?" she asked, slipping into the chair beside him and placing her own plate down. "..." Takot looked the other way, blushing. "Let's just say late..." He grinned sheepishly. "Me and the boys have been working hard getting that new barn up." She sighed and rested her elbow on the counter to hold up her chin with her hand. "It's nice of you to help them but you need sleep," she replied, sticking out her tongue and turning to the food on her plate, "You don't want to die from sleep deprivation before you finish, do you?" "Heh, maybe you're right..." Takot ran his fingers through his hair and looked over at Zwn. She was giving him The Look. Takot choaked, and anything else he wanted to say was lost in the onslaught brought upon by The Look. "Er, yes, of course you're right! I'll take it easier from now on! Just please don't give me The Look..." She simply gave him an innocent smile and replied, "What look?" "NO LOOK. NONE. THIS IS GREAT FOOD. WHATEVER IT IS, I LIKE IT!” rushed Takot. Zwn rolled her eyes. “Pfft, whatever. Finish your lunch mister.” Takot smiled and looked into her eyes. He opened his mouth to reply, when suddenly the earth started shaking.

“Wha…?” As the shaking became more and more violent, dishes and various household items crashed to the floor. Takot looked outside to see that the sky had turned to a dark red color, and explosions ripped through the air. The floor and earth beneath Takot began to crack and separate, pulling Zwn away from him. "Zwn!" Takot yelled almost falling off the side of the divide in the earth in his haste to get to her. Wind rushed through the house with a massive force, shattering windows and pulling pieces of the house off. He had to fight the wind to get the hair out of his eyes as he looked up at the sky. There, hanging in front of the sun, was the black silhouette of a man. As he tried to get a better view of the man, a fresh burst of wind threw Takot off balance, and into the crack in the earth.

As Takot fell deeper into the black abyss, shards of bloody glass fell with him, twisting in the air and hanging around him. As he happened to catch a glance of his reflection in the larger pieces, the face in the glass seemed strangely twisted. Time slowed, and the face in the glass sneered. “This… all this… is your fault Takot. “You’re why he has become what he is!” “What’s my fault?!” Takot cried out to the face, “What did I ever do to him?! And who is he?” But the face only laughed, and the glass broke into smaller pieces, and Takot descended into the void.
“Zwn!” Takot hit his head on the ceiling of whatever he was inside of. He couldn’t see anything, and he could barely move his arms or legs. He slammed his fist against the top of the box he was trapped in several times, and after many hits the lid acquiesced, and Takot was able to push the top off. It was almost as dark inside the room as it was inside the box. Takot was able to see an outline of faint light in front of him, so he instinctively walked toward it. “This must be the way out…” he mumbled. He tried pushing on the area, but it wouldn’t budge. Takot sighed. More brute force would be required in this case. He threw his full weight against the door, and surprisingly it yielded. Takot stumbled out of the doorway, and blinked several times. Even though it was nighttime, the moonlight still blinded his eyesight for a minute. He looked back at the area he had just escaped. A curious stone structure with intricate carvings decorating it, in the middle of a large field. Flashes of the unpleasant dream echoed in is mind's eye. "Shake it off Takot, it was just a dream." Off in the distance he saw lights, and he decided that it would be best to head towards them. Takot was hungry, and the prospect of food was welcome.

(( sorry if the formatting looks weird, I'm not used to writing long posts :x

EDIT: Forgot to add the date, will add present day post soon. ))​
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score

"Hey," he said again, his voice growing steady. "I missed you. A lot."

"It's Erien now, actually. I changed my name after waking up, but it's still me," the Guardian said with a smile after Himinn had stretched her stiff body enough to not feel so sore. "You guys were busy while I was sleeping. Created the world and eveyrthing."



The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
The Guardian of Life
12 years ago
An oak tree stood in a clearing, towering way up into the sky. It's trunk impossibly thick and it's canopy large and looming. It was one of the oldest living trees in existance, thought to have been alive when the guardians themselves roamed the planet. A sacred sight, one must not touch the tree in order to keep it pure and cleansed without the influence of mankind.

With a jolt, a girl woke to find herself unable to move. Her arms were limp above her head, bound by roots that emerged from above her to encase them in wood. Identical roots encased her legs - leaving her entire lower half up to her hips immobile. Her coffee brown hair was incredibly long, flowing in thick curls past where her feet should've been. She had a reasonably good complexion coupled by an olive skintone and was short and slim. She appeared to have heterochromia - a condition whereas the eyecolours of each eye were not identical. In the girl's case, she had both a green and blue iris. Her left eye was a deep forest green, like the dewey leaves on a tree in the rainforest. Her right eye, however, was the colour of the sky on a clear summer day.

Her name was Zwn Mitera, and she was the former Guardian of Life.
She looks around, observing her surroundings carefully. It appeared as though she was in the hollow of a very large tree, immobilised by the roots that had entrapped both her arms and feet.
The girl let out a long, deep sigh, moving her arms and legs inside their wooden cages. In a moment, she had had an idea, yet it was a long shot and was not to be relied on. She jerked her leg, hearing a faint splintering of the wood. It was old and worn, therefore brittle and much simpler to break than the livelier bits of wood.

How long exactly had she been here? This time, she kicked inside her prison and heard the loud screeching as the wood was splintered apart, freeing her legs and lower body. Doing a similar thing, she managed to free her arm and stretched, rubbing the sore areas of her body due to being trapped for so long. Yikes. Rubbing the back of her neck, she observed her surroundings once more, wincing. This didn't look like it'd be easy to find a way out. With a thought, she glanced down at herself, relieved to find that she was, in fact, wearing clothes still. Thank god. However, they were the same clothing as she remembered, but were withered. Huh. Her memory was a little fuzzy, being asleep for how ever long. She decided to wander around the small space, though there wasn't much room. As she wandered she mulled over trying to remember when she'd fallen asleep, how long had she been unconscious? As she did this, she stepped on something, causing herself to tumble to the ground. What the- oh for fu-.. She thought, looking at the armfuls of hair that were bundled around her in piles of heaping fluff. How long is... She stood, watching the hair move from the ground as she gained some height. She stood up straight, looking at the hair that.. it still dragged on the ground. I'm going to have to fix that. But for now, how do I get out of here.. A hole, a hollow... anything.

Soon, she spotted a small, shallow hole that looked like a small mammal had made, not large enough for her to crawl through - but it was going to have to do.
She begun to dig, moving dirt away from the base of the tree to widen the hole enough for her to shimmy through. Once she was through, she crouched just by the base of the tree, checking around for any humans before she ran into the cover of the forest out of the clearing, her long, wild hair trailing behind her.
Slowly, she moved to the top of the large staircase, a smile illuminating her face as she looked at her parents. She was at home. But at the front of her mind, there was always something missing. Her parents held these balls once a year, inviting nobles from all around to their home. They were known as kind, her family. They never disrespected the poor, never shunned them for what they grew up without. They even helped them, bringing food, drinks and clothing to those who could not afford them.

She breathed in and out deeply, nerves swirling around in her stomach. She was finally allowed to attend. At 17, she was finally allowed. Well, that was the age her parents thought she was.. Linking arms with her mother, they made their way down the stairs of her own home, looking at the swell of people with an ecstatic grin. She looked gorgeous. Her long, curly brown hair was braided in certain places and let loose in others, allowing a coordination swirl of hair to tumble in tight curls down her shoulder. Inevitable stray wisps framed her slim face. She wore a long, elegant ball-gown, it's fabric the colour of leaves against a sunny, blue sky. The top of the dress was corset-like and was the colour of the rest, save for the intricate golden patterns that covered its surface. The sleeves of the dress were shoulder-less and had the same golden designs at the top of them - leaving the rest of the sleeves to flow down to her wrists in waves of green. On her slender neck rested a deep green emerald necklace with golden chains holding it together and upon her head rested a circlet-like crown of leaf-like designs also in gold.

Since the girl had woken from her slumber that 12 years ago, she had been intrigued by the concept of dance and had found the styles of ball-room and ballet especially beautiful. After that, she'd found herself dancing as a hobby and so became skilled at the slow, graceful movements of both kinds of dance.

Not only was her family well-respected, but she found that people happened to develop a sense of adoration for her. She was always kind and loving to those around her, whether they be rich, poor, old or young. Due to this, she was often seen wearing lower class garb and wandering the streets handing out food and other essentials to those who were less well-off than herself - not to the surprise of her parents who had adopted her at a very young age (or appearance..) when they spotted her walking helplessly through the town with wild hair to her ankles and face smeared with dirt.
((I forgot to edit in the pictures I drew the first is her ball gown and the second is how she was trapped :3
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Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Marisa walks down the beach, barefoot and pulling her skirts almost to her knees to keep them dry. Thankfully, this area is quite secluded, or she'd be reprimanded for sure.
It's been forever since she's gotten to be alone- which she doesn't really mind, to be honest- and it's rather relaxing to be able to just get her feet wet.
She smiles softly, eyes on the waves in the distance. It would be fun to play in the water, but she's not completely confident in her ability to stay dry and she'd rather not get this dress soaked. Continuing along that line of thought, she meanders down the beach, feet sloshing in the shallow water as she manipulates the crests of waves that have yet to break.
Quite a long way from where she'd started, she stumbles. Backpedaling, she looks down in front of her feet; a wave is rolling in and she hurriedly pushes it back. She'd walked into a person- though they look rather like a large bedraggled bird thanks to the silver-gray wings half-folded over them.
"A Flight girl, then." She mumbles, noting the swath of alabaster cloth and the tips of azure shoes peeking out from beneath the cover of gray feathers. The boys tend more towards argent and crimson, at least according to her tutor.
"Oh, blast!"
She'd dropped her own skirt. At least it was for a good reason.
It's not every day you find a random stranger passed out in the sand, after all.

Alouette stirs, slowly coming back to awareness.
"Hey, are you alright?"
She's lying on sand, rough on her forearms and cheek, waves gently rolling over her feet and the ends of her longest feathers.
Pushing herself onto her knees, she twitches her wings to flick sand and water from the tips. There's still plenty left, but she supposes that'll do for now.
"Are you alright?"
The girl repeats the question, inquisitive but in no rush. Alouette blinks, looking up at her; her eyes are blue, she notes, the bright azure of a clear sky. "I guess? A little disoriented-" meaning she has absolutely no idea where she is- "but I'm fine."
Funny thing, she probably shouldn't be able to understand her. She doesn't know how long she's been sleeping, but she does recall that language has a tendency to evolve- and it's definitely been long enough for that to happen. Maybe it's a perk of being a Guardian?
"You sure? You look kind of confused." The girl says, and reaches out to help her up.
"Um. Well," Alouette takes her hand, grimacing when the sand shifts under her feet. "I'm not quite sure where this is. Or who you are." Suddenly conscious of what she's doing, remembering what had happened in the past, she takes a step back. "Should I even be trusting you?"
"What do you mean? I'm not going to kidnap you or something if that's what you mean. I just want to help you out." The girl- taller than Alouette, as per usual- looks at her rather strangely. "And since you brought it up, my name is Marisa. Yours?"
There's a niggling feeling that giving her real name is probably not the best choice. "Nice to meet you, Marisa. I'm-" she pauses for a moment, searching her mind for a suitable name to go by- "Avis."
Yes, that feels about right.
"Avis? Pretty name." Marisa hesitates, flipping her straight black hair over her shoulder. "If you want somewhere to stay while you get your bearings, we have room."
Avis just looks at her for a moment, marveling over the fact that there are people kind enough to harbor a complete stranger. "You'd do that?"
"Well, you don't exactly look very dangerous." She looks rather amused, enchanting blue eyes skimming over her. "Quite the opposite, in fact."
She flushes, hunching her shoulders, and mutters, "I know I'm not very imposing, no need to rub it in."
Yet she knows she could be, if she just shed the pretense of being a normal human and made a few subtle changes in her appearance. But that would give everything away far too soon, and she is not one to use status as a tool.
"Heh, alright." Marisa turns to walk back up the beach, holding up her skirts to prevent more sand from getting in them. "I have somewhere to be in a couple of hours, and I don't see why I shouldn't take you with me..." She glances over her shoulder, grinning as she gestures towards the horizon. "But we've got a bit of a walk."
Absentmindedly floating a few inches off the ground, Avis follows after her. 'Maybe it'll be somewhere with a lot of people...maybe I'll find one of the others.'

((One more post and I'll be meeting up with you, toilet :p I think this one is long enough as it is))


Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
Tora (Tess) - Guardian of Fauna
Recent Past

"H-hey stop it lil' guy," I say softly, stretching out my arms to feel an abundance of warm fur. I slowly open my eyes, it takes a while to adjust to the light, looking over I can see Tadashi whom is noticeably smaller - more domestic cat like, he seemed to have woken with me. I also see bunnies, squirrels- lots of animals, sleeping softly around me. Some moved around on top of each other whilst others stretched, yawned and played. I sit up, ow that hurts.. I stand up, noticing my hair which is ridiculously long. Beneath where I was laying are dead leaves and not a sign of any new ones falling on top, new leaves has fallen around my sleeping place - how long had I been asleep? I look around, it's night time but I can see a small light in the distance. I walk towards it cautiously to find a women laying on the grass, "H-hello?" I nudge her softly which quickly wakes her. "Sorry, but where am I?" She looked at me strangely, well she was wearing some pretty dress whilst I was wearing some old, torn clothes, "Why are you out here in the cold?" She questioned, I opened my mouth to speak but she hushed me, "We must go, you are at the resting place of Tora, the guardian of Fauna. We don't want to disturb the sacred guardian. Alright?" I nod, was she talking about me? Sacred Guardian? Oh well, I'll just go with it. We walked out of the park which was adorned with fountains and flowers, and a statue that looked oddly like me.. We walked quickly through the dark streets, "So what was your name?" I hesitated, "Uh.. Tess, you?" She smiled at me, "I am Daisy," I walked along side her not knowing what to say, "So.. Why were you at the park?" "You mean Tora's park and I was waiting for her to awake, but I decided helping you was better." "How long has she been asleep?" I watched her as she opened a large gate which led to an even larger house, "A long time," she replied and we walked into the house, Tadashi following. Another small cat quickly ran to me. Daisy laughed, "looks like Patrick - and this cute kitty, have taken a liking to you."

Present Day

I ran my fingers through his hair, today was special - Finally I believe I have found another guardian. It has taken me years of searching and reading but today was the day. I rode into the city, my dress flowing behind me. "Woah," I dismounted Sire and walked through the streets. Today was the day, I might actually find her, I could see the palace in the distance. Not much further.. I was wearing a yellow dress, embedded with blue and purple gems which stopped at my ankles and my hair was braided messily. I fumbled around with a rope and eventually tied Sire up outside with some other horses and walked into the palace gates, my fingers crossed tightly.

((I hope you guys don't mind meeting up with Tora as well, Toiletprincess CaffeinatedKitty ))


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Rowan's eye twitches.

"Why am I out here?" he grumbles to himself. For 10 years, he had trained, pushed his body to the limit, and danced with death for one purpose – revenge. Yet, as cruel fate intends, he is toyed with and put on simple, boring jobs. After so long, he became unmatched in his division – only to be held in the same low position he always had. Is it because I can't use magic? he thinks. Yes, that's it. Fucking higherups are giving me these jobs because I can't use magic.

He remembers walking into the commander's office that day. "Rowan," he said, "You'll be leaving for Ecremar come tomorrow."

Rowan spat. "One of the rich ones?"

"That's right. An old friend of mine leads a division in Ecremar, and he asked me to send over some of my best men. I believe he said your first task will be guarding the nobles' entrance to a ball."

Best men. Bullshit, he wanted to get rid of me. Rowan furrows his brow and groans. That groaning becomes a bit louder, then escalates into a scream as he drove his fist towards the wall —

"'If you so much as scratch that building, your life won't even begin to pay it off,'" my partner next to me lectures, taking a brief pause from his drooling. "I believe that's what Commander Zakari told you, Rowan?"

Rowan grunts, returning his hand to his side. "I didn't sign up for this."

The man next to him thinks a bit too loudly to himself. "Why did I have to be paired up with this wild animal who can't even use magic? All I wanted to do was meet some girls..." He presses his face up against the marble wall and caresses its smooth surface. Rowan shivers.

The sounds of laughter and the smell of alcohol and gourmet dishes seep through the walls even at the gates. He scrunched his nose. He knows he's supposed to be more friendly to people, he knows. But old anger cannot be quelled so easily; revenge binds him more than the strongest chains. Rowan knows he cannot enjoy life until he showers in the blood of that demon. And he is confident that, after enduring so much training, he can kill him — if he figures out where the hell he is.

He misses his father. He misses Brom. The two had stayed together for a few long, painful months after his father's death. He still clearly remembers Brom's face when Rowan asked him to find him a spot in the army.

"So you're taking that path, now, aren't you, little one."

"Brom, I will never rest until I avenge my father."

"Is it just him you wish to avenge, Rowan?" A moment passes, fleeting. "Listen, my boy, you'll get yourself killed if you try to fight that. Your father doesn't want that. Rowan, live a good and straight life for him. Find a woman, buy a decent house, have kids of your own—"

"Never. I will not let his death pass my eyes without action. Let me go, Brom. I'm not dead just yet."

"If you choose to live for revenge, you already are," he muttered to himself. "Fine, Rowan, fine. But remember this — it's not his death that will bring you happiness."

"Ahh, just imagine how much fun they're having in there," his partner interrupts his reminiscing. "I want to drink fine wine! I want to eat expensive meals!" He sets his sword down and closes his eyes, twirling around and spreading his arms. Seizing the moment, Rowan bashes him on the head and he toppled to the floor.

"It was a work accident," he says, smiling coldly. Sighing, he leans against the wall and shuts his eyes.

(( CaffeinatedKitty ur turn I guess ))
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Ross, The Guardian of Water

I don't know why, but I feel compelled to return to the surface. I've been to and from Natovicci for who knows how long now, never leaving the ocean. I've found the original site of Crater Lake, and the Abyss is still very much there. I've ventured down there a few times, but it's far too dark to get very far.

Oh yeah, I was saying how I wanted to go back to the surface. I got used to the slimy texture of the water, but it's gotten significantly worse over time. The Natoviccians don't track time, so I've no idea how long I've even been awake. I'm returning to the surface; who gods know what I'll find...Oh wait, not even we know.


Ross rises from the water already corporeal. It's a rather nice beach, with a thick forest a little ways off the coast. He sees a curious pair of eyes peering from a tree. Not around a tree. From a tree. Unused to his legs, he sits on the sand and stares back. When he feels they are truly solid, he stands and speaks, "Uh, hey there. I was wondering if you could tell me where I am?" Ross spun the eyes a tale of being lost at sea and washing up. Not entirely unbelievable....Had he not been witness rising directly out of the water.

A form stepped out from the tree: Vaguely female, 17-ish years of age, and made mostly of vegetation. Ross' first thought was of Caithe. It was also his first time thinking about another Guardian since his awakening. She speaks up sheepishly, "Hi. I'm Kettenmin. Most people call me Ketten." It wasn't until know that Ross focused on her face and noticed that where there was an eye before, there was a eyepatch. Ketten saw him staring and couldn't help but laugh. She used to be self-conscious of it, but now she just thought it was funny.

"I-" Ross' first encounter on land, and he was already tripping over his words. This was going to be a fun time. "Uh...Sorry." At least he knew that neither of them had to be afraid of each other anymore; any apprehension was gone.

"But to answer your question, this is Balgar. The southern island of it to be precise. And to answer your next question, I'm a spriggan. Who might you be?"

"I'm- I don't think I- Um-" Ross knew he couldn't out himself as a Guardian. Not on the surface. Not yet. "I'm from the ocean."

Ketten laughed once again and said, "We're all from the ocean...But I know you mean something different. What are you, one of those fish people that grew legs or something?" After no response from Ross, she simply dismissed it with yet another laugh, "Fine, you don't have to share, but a name would be nice."

"Uh...Ross." He hesitated. He knew he should've given a fake name, but couldn't think of any.

"Oh, like the Guardian? That's really cool!" Ketten started to leave and indicated he should follow. Ross noted the wand at her hip and dagger sticking out of her leg. Apparently spriggans don't need scabbards....or clothes for that matter. He looked down and was relieved to see that he had indeed been wearing clothes, his plain blue robes.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Himinn laughed, feeling a little giddy as she picked up her cloak and fastened it around her. "Yeah. I guess we were."

She furrowed her eyebrows a little. "Wait... Why would you change your name?"

((Enderfive Don't mind me, I'm just experimenting with using /color. EDIT: From now on, I will probably be using sky blue for Himinn, as I have two other OCs in this. I'll be introducing them in another post soon.))
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Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
That was a close one.
They seem to be getting smarter and smarter the more I take from them; they didn't try locking the gates and using those strange metal pole-things with metal grabby ends before.
Maybe I should head south for a little while; apparently there is some kind of large body of water down there?
Maybe I can find a new favorite food down there.
Wouldn't hurt to find another source of cloth, preferably one not used to seeing me.

Wait, that 'woofing' sound... they must be getting desperate to be using dogs on me. Better hide.

Kramia runs off deeper into the forest as a pack of dogs leading a group of guards pursues her.
Kramia quickly scrambles up one of the taller trees nearby, just missing the dogs. However, the guards see her and one of them, armed with a large steel extendo-grip-like pole, grabs her by the waist, the round clamps fitting tightly around her, almost squeezing her. Kramia tries in vane to hold onto the tree, but the crushing pain and sheer strength of the guard rips her right off the oak. Still struggling for freedom, Kramia attempts to burn one of the guards' hands, but they soon put crude cuffs on her to bind her hands and feet.

Kramia woke up, her head aching. What ever she was on (or rather, in) was made of steel, almost a box, except two sides seemed to have square patches with bars running through where light came in.
Her cuffs had been removed, but her wrists and ankles were rather sore, as was her waist. Looking about, Kramia notices that whatever box she was in seemed to be moving, evidently pulled by horses. What's more, there were voices in the air, along with the sent of something odd... natural and refreshing, but completely unfamiliar.

"eeughhh... ow..."
...oh... oh no... where is the forest?
I guess they caught me. Where are they taking me?
And... what's that strange smell?
It's a nice smell, but... so strange...
Hey... why have we stopped? What's going on? Wait, the box seems to be opening, perhaps now's my chance.

Kramia attempts to bolt out the door, but two large arms obstruct her path and grab her.
Before she can even start struggling again, Kramia is knocked unconcious and carried inside a building.
When she awoke, Kramia was in a strange room; three of the walls were made of some kind of stone brick, one wall made of steel bars with a door made of more steel bars.
She got up, and walked up to the steel door, but was stopped halfway, her right foot unable to go any further. Kramia looked down on the stone ground behind her to see a chain cuffed to her right ankle, linking her to the wall opposite the steel bars.

I don't like the looks of this place.
Where am I? Why am I here?
It's dark again... and what is that I hear?
Is that... music?
Oh... I think my parents spoke to me about some sort of event... I think it was called a ball?
If only I could see what kind of food they have over there... sounds like they might be having fun...​
We've reached central Ecremar now. My allergies have died down, so I'm better able to concentrate on learning their language.
We're to stay here for a week, maybe two. It's really not that bad, though I kind of miss my anvil already.
We'll be demonstrating the quality of our wares for the next few days, so at least I have that to look forward to.
Apparently there is supposed to be a ball a few days from now.
Some of us have asked to stay a little longer after our work is done to attend, though I think I'll visit a nearby tavern and spend the night talking with the locals, probably to share some stories of a good ale.

It's only a day before the ball now, the Ecremarians liked our tools and arms, which is good news, though there have been some strange tales flying about, speaking of things like a young girl getting arrested and brought down here from he north (we've gone down from central to the city this ball is supposed to be in not long ago, much to the delight of many of my countrymen). They say she's a real menace, but if she's as young as they say, I'll have a hard time believing that.
People have been speaking of many things; whether it be ancient horrors awakening or people going mad for whatever unknown reason... I've even heard that the dark cults have been getting ever bolder, that they might attack us free folk.
Well, I'll have to see these for myself before I can know fact from fiction.

I can't wait to be on the road home and get away from these crazy people.​


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
'I'm crazy,' Marisa sings in her head as she hurries along the beach, 'bringing a random person home. She seems pretty nice though; I like her.'
She glances back again. It looks like Avis isn't having a bit of trouble keeping up although she's much smaller.
Catching sight of her own brightly-colored shoes ahead, she calls back, "We're almost there!"
Picking them up, she shakes the sand off of them and turns to leave the beach. "It's just up this way." Oh, that explains Avis's ease on the sand and confirms her suspicions. She isn't even touching the ground.
Giving her an appraising look, Marisa nods sharply. "We can probably alter something of mine to fit you. But it'll still take a while, so let's not be all lackadaisical about it."
"Wait, when did I-"
"Agree to this? You didn't really. But it's a thing that's happening and you have to come." Eyes practically sparkling, Marisa leads her towards the mansion. "It's a party that's thrown every year, and it's always great. People from all over Ecremar come, and wveryones welcome as long as they look nice and behave themselves."
"Well..." Avis sounds nervous, though that doesn't dampen Marisa's mood. "Alright then, I guess."
"That's the spirit!" Cheering, she throws her hand in the air and rushes inside.

Avis dresses nervously, carefully folding her old dress and setting it down on a chair in the guest room. 'It changed while I was sleeping...as did I.'
She'd filled out a little; she's no longer small and slight, though she isn't much taller.
Letting the skirt fall, she twirls in a circle just for fun. It matches nicely with her necklace and her shoes, which is just as well- she's grown quite partial to them.
It's mostly white, with silver and blue patterns curling around the bodice, and sheer long sleeves tinctured with turquoise. The back was cut quite low, thankfully, and she was quite comfortable in it.
Avis flutters her wings once and then folds them tightly to her back. While it seems that she's not at all out of place in this world, she'd rather not accidentally hit someone, and she might as well start getting used to having them folded.
"Marisa?" She calls out, stepping from the room with the air of one who isn't very confident at all. "I'm ready-"
Marisa hasn't calmed down at all; her excitement is contagious. "Come on, come on, it's time to go!"
And she's led out the door.

((Swimmer can we rp them meeting sometime tomorrow afternoon))


Jan 23, 2012
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[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Airis-Guardian of Wind[/BCOLOR]

Place: Itoghar

"Achoo!" -Airis sneezed. He slowly opened his eyes. First thing his eyes captured was the blue sky. He then realized he was laying down in the ground. He quickly stood up. He noticed he was in some kind of green valley, sorrounded by enormous mountains. Around him, there were a great amount of sunflowers. "Great. The one flower I'm allergic to and I'm drowning in them." Another sneeze followed. "I need to get as far as possible of this little yellow monsters."
Airis opened his six white wings. Stretching them as long as possible. "Dang, that felt good. It seems like it's been forev- WAIT!" Airis looked around him again, but this time paying attention to every detail. "Valley? Flowers? Mountains? This place is way too green. When did this happened? Last time I checked the Guardians and myself were trying to work to improve this place. How long has it been?" He paused for a moment. "I don't see any Guardian nearby. Not even Alouette. Gosh, I hope she's doing fine." Achoo. "UGH. I swear one day I'll get rid off you all." -He yelled at the sunflowers. He immediately opened his wings and began flying.
After several minutes, Airis sight caught something from the distance. "Hmm? Looks like a brown surface." He started flapping his wings faster until he had a much clearer view. "No way. Are those... wooden cabins?"

"Mooooom! Look! A bird!" -A little kid pointed up at him from below.

"H-hu-humans...?" -Airis said stuttering. He then began making his way towards the kid. Airis needed answers.


Just an idea of how Itoghar looks like:​



sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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He took a deep breath. That was one of the questions he was expecting. Carefully and cautiously, Erien asked: "Himinn, how long do you think you were asleep?" The girl only shrugged in answer. "A long time," Erien continued. "You and every other Guardian . . . we've all been asleep for countless centuries. The humans have evolved some since the Guardians were last awake, and so has their knowledge of us. They have myths about us now, a large part of them consider us gods, which I suppose we effectively are to them.

"But, not all the myths are the same. Some tell the same story, yet change things. Since I was already asleep when you guys created most of the world and the humans, then because of my not being there, some of the humans have developed a certain . . . distrust towards me. And magic in general as well, both magic as an element and magic as any powers that the humans can now use. So, I changed my name to avoid any unnecessary trouble. They only see me as a traveling adventurer or a hedge wizard, and while that may still be enough to bring me scornful looks from some, then using a Guardian's name would probably anger them more. Plus, I don't really want to give them any ideas of me being a Guardian in the first place, for all the attention it would get me.

"Honestly, I don't know where the others are. I found Tora, she was sleeping and her followers were guarding the place, but the rest of them have so far eluded me. I think it best if we all got together, though. There are some things going to happen or already happening, and it will take more than just myself to deal with it all."



Oct 20, 2012
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Himinn stared at Erien, letting all of that information sink in.

She knew that she, along with everyone else, was constantly tired, falling into the realm of sleep more and more often, but...

This is the first time one of her seemingly-irrational fears becomes reality. They all actually fell into comas. Himinn wanted to fall into hysterics.

Her knees felt weak, and she stumbled away from Erien, sitting on the ground. "Excuse me. Just... Let me think about this for a second."



Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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Liro opened his eyes.

He looked up at the sky for a minute before reaching up towards it. He looked at his hand, one made of flesh and bone and the other hand metal. He slowly stood up, clutching his head in dizziness. He pulled his black hooded cloak over his head and looked around. It was then he realized how high up he was. He stared down at the world from what looked to be a giant mountain. He found a path that led downwards and followed it. He walked for about 30 minutes before he found a small settlement with... humans...? He gasped loudly. There were a lot of them too! Humans of all shapes and sizes. He looked around for a bit until he decided to go into a house, the doors were wide open and there was a sign hanging above them. "Rocky Road Tavern" He made his way inside.

There were quite a few humans inside, engaged in conversation, drinking, eating and laughing. He went on sat on a stool infront of the bartender. He continued looking behind him in curiosity when the bartender snapped his fingers to get Liro's attention. "What would you like, and... aren't you a little young to be in a place like this?" Liro was caught by surprise. "I don't know. I just got here." He didn't want to notify to all these humans that he was basically one of their gods, instead he wanted to learn more about what happened. How long did I sleep for? Where is everyone else? He stood up and left the tavern and started walking slowly down the road. He tried to put his hand against the wall but instead his hand sinked into it. "Shit." He muttered and quickly pulled his hand back and started walking forward again.

He thought nobody saw until he heard somebody call from behind. "Hey!" Liro turned around and saw a older man wearing a robe. "Come with me, now." He silently followed the man, he went through a few alleys until they came across a dead end. He pushed his hand into the wall and it opened. Liro gasped in surprise. Then walked together down a dark passage until the man finally spoke again. "So, what's your name?" "Li-" Liro stopped himself from telling the man his actual name. "Li... Liam..." He replied. "How did you do that?" The man asked curiously. "Dunno." Liro lied. "You must be a gifted one then. You need to meet the others." He said just as they reached a large open room with a table in the middle with about a dozen humans seated around it. "This is the People of the Earth council. We practice an art called earth shaping, there is a legend of an earth god who fell into deep slumber years ago he is said to have created all mountains and caves. We discovered a way to shape the earth, some people are born with the natural talent to." He pulled out a long staff made out of stone and bent the middle, turning it into a V shape. Liro gave him a look of surprise. "Here, try bending it." He handed over the staff to Liro. Liro smiled widely. So I basically have a cult huh? Let's have a little fun. He grabbed the staff with his right arm and transformed it into a dagger. He was greeted by gasps and looks of surprise from the council.

A woman stood up from her seat. "Your talent... it rivals even the masters!" "The master?" Liro asked. "Yes, he says he was an apprentice of the earth god before he fell into his deep slumber. One of the other gods granted him the gift of immortality." Liro gave her a dumbfounded look. "You need to go see him. Follow me." Liro followed the woman through another hallway, she suddenly stopped and placed her hand against a wall. A door opened to massive room with a throne at the back. Seated on top of it was an old man with a short grey beard. The woman bowed. "Master, we have a new recruit." "Really? Show me what you can do." He said in surprise. Liro suddenly remembered something, his sword! He pulled out his sword out of it's sheathe behind his cloak. "Liar." He said softly. "What?" The man on the throne said surprised. Liro started walking towards him. His walk turned into a sprint as he leapt forward and decapitated the false master. "You're not immortal, or my apprentice."

(Wrote this instead of my essay gg.)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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"Sure, take all the time you need. I'll be outside." With those words, Erien stepped back and out of the shack into a hot jungle. He had explored most of the island when he had just woken and on the subsequent visits to it. As it turned out, humans hadn't discovered the island yet and on that place on the maps was the Southern Ocean, wide and deep. He had taken to calling the island Sky Island in his head, for both its only resident and the actual sky over the island, which was clear and sunny more often than you'd expect in case of a rainforest. It did rain almost daily, though.

For over five years Erien had traveled the country of Arun, as it was called, and learned about the culture and history of its people. A confederation of different states brought together under a single council in the capital, Arun was relatively peaceful, relatively devouted in its worship - or at least the belief - in Guardians, and relatively powerful in its area. The inner provinces were mostly dominated by elves, who were more able in using different magic than the rest of the races that lived in Arun, although others had their wizards and witches and warlocks and mages of varying power as well.

What was more interesting for Erien was the fact that there were so many different forms of government and society in Arun, so many different cultures and different histories. It seemed like every town had a slightly different society, with slightly different stories about days gone past. In his travels, Erien had seen provinces ruled by princes, provinces ruled by the people, provinces ruled by a council. Some had nobles, some didn't. The most colourful of all was the capital and the lands around it - the province of Sitia, which didn't belong to any one culture or race, but was rather a mix of many, all thrown together in a cauldron to brew it into a potion of so many tastes and effects that Erien had trouble keeping track of it all.

In fact, there was a grand ball going on right now in the city of Ciasta. He had sort of been hoping to get there in time this year, but then a storm had pushed his boat off course and towards Sky Island, and since he hadn't checked up on Himinn in more than a year, either, he had kept the course. There was a reason besides just witnessing the festivities for his wish to go there, but . . . well, it was pretty unlikely. He could probably check up on that lead after the ball as well.

((Faliara whenever Himinn's ready))
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Oct 20, 2012
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Himinn stared at the ground, thinking over what she's just been told.

She's been asleep for centuries, along with everyone else.

How strange... Other than the feeling of having slept a lot, it feels as though it was only yesterday that a group of humans tried to burn her.

Her mind immediately went to Ark as she thought of that incident. They tried to kill her because she tried to reason with them about him, how did he do? Did they find where he resided? Did he burn?

Himinn fisted the hair over her head, pulling at it. Did anyone else?

After a few minutes of repeating this thought in her head (complete with images), she let go of her hair, taking deep breaths. No use thinking about it now, Himinn.

She looked towards the opening where Endal- Erien now, she supposed- left through.

He's... Been awake longer than I have, hasn't he? To know all that...

... She wondered what he went through while she was asleep. She knew herself how many times she wished Endal was there next to her, helping her out.

Himinn stood up. Looking around the room, she went to the pile of reports and grabbed her notebook and stationary bag- that notably looked somewhat worn, the notebook's pages yellowed. Musing slightly on the miracle that it lasted at all, she put them in one of her pants pockets and headed out.


Nora peeked over a fallen tree trunk, looking around for snakes and tigers. You never know what you'd find in the forest. After all, she nearly got bit by a pirahna earlier- which supposedly don't live in Vikkarim.

"Nora, where are you?" she heard her brother's voice call out. She grinned mischieviously. She'll be known all over the world. Her brother was going to be so jealous~

The black-haired girl climbed over the trunk, giving a little 'oof!' as she landed on the other side. Time to go exploring.


"Gaaah!" Josef let out, grabbing his head in frustration. "Why does she always do this?"



The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Rowan, Avis, Marisa

Marisa leads Avis up the front steps, positively beaming. "Don't worry, stick with me and you'll be fine." The latter still looks somewhat nervous, if a bit more relaxed. Glancing around as they reach the doors, she catches sight of someone- presumably a guard- lying unconscious on the ground. "Hey, is that guy okay..?"

Two pairs of steps wake Rowan from his trancelike state. "Hey, is that guy okay..?" a female voice calls. I look up and see two beautiful girls standing in front of the doors in fancy dresses. One of them has large, gray wings – it was the first time Rowan has ever seen a sylph before. He stood there, speechless.

The other guard is speechless. "Hello?" Marisa looks at him curiously. Weird...

Avis just blinks, surreptitiously glancing at the guard sprawled on the ground.

The black-haired girl looks Rowan in the eyes. He shakes his head and turns away, hiding his red face. "It was an accident. He'll be back up soon."

She quirks an eyebrow. "If you say so... Though I don't see what sort of accident could've done that much damage." Shrugging, she starts to turn to beckon Avis inside.

"Wait!" Rowan yells, blocking the door with his sword in a flash of silver. "Uh, what are your names?"

Avis flinches, but Marisa just makes a face as if she should've expected it. "Marisa Douglas. She's my guest, Avis..."

"Brooks." Avis supplies with a moment's thought, eying him nervously. "Is that all..?"

Rowan runs through the guest list in his head. "Marisa's fine, but there isn't an Avis..." he thinks for a moment, then comes upon a realization. Nobles know a lot, right? He tries a smile to ward off feelings of hostility. "I can let her in if you want. But do you know about a demon that's been let loose? I think he had black hair and he was covered in scars... I , uhh, want to know if my brother is safe living here."

A demon... Black hair and lots of scars... He can't mean... Imperceptibly, she shakes her head. Impossible. He might have negative powers but that can't be him, he only has the scars on his back.

"I don't believe anything of the sort is running around here. He'd be fine, I think." Marisa answers, but Avis looks troubled.

"Alright, thanks." Rowan drops his smile and curses under his breath. "Fuck!" He lifts his sword to let the two go through. "Oh, can I ask one last thing before you go in? Is it possible you can swipe a piece of food for this guy next to me? He was complaining about it and I don't want him bothering me when he wakes back up again."

They both laugh, though Marisa is noticeably louder. "I guess we could," she replies, eyes bright, "it might take a little while to get back out here though."

"Thank you. Have fun." Rowan opens the doors and the smell of wealth blows into the outside hall in a wave, riding the warm air. Once they are inside, Rowan closes the doors and sighs, letting his muscles relax. It was the first time he successfully held a conversation with a stranger in a long time. Looks like I won't find him in Ecremar, he thinks dejectedly.
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