IC Remnants of the Elements


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Avis slowly crosses her legs and rests her elbow on her knee, covering her face with her hand; her other arm crosses her stomach, her feathers fluffing out in a clear sign of agitation.
"Why did this have to happen?" she mutters, mostly to herself, unaware that she's actually beginning to take up more room rather than less as her wings arch defensively.
It couldn't be enough that this one girl knew; she just had to drag the other in. Nosy humans with nothing better to do than spy--

She grits her teeth, blinking away her anger. Pretty much nothing good can come from screwing up her reputation. It's just so frustrating- they were aiming for secrecy, and were discovered the very day they manage a meetup of more than three people. Ugh.
Taking a deep breath, she straightens up, brushing her bangs behind her ears and managing a more neutral expression.
"Yes, Erien, I must agree with you."

Things were easier when people thought too highly of the Guardians to approach them so crudely.

((well, oops. getting a bit condescending there. at least she hasn't pulled a "f̰į͓͔lt̷̼̰͈̱h͚̺̘ý̹̲͝ ̡̤͈͓̰̻m̸҉̣̮͕ớ̶̩͈̲͍͚̬̻̮r̷̨̪̼͝ͅͅt̡͍̠̟͖̠̳̝͉al̵̛̫̠s͏̖̩" yet
Toiletprincess Timdood3 Naoh Faliara Enderfive))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Lividus snapped at him for basically commanding her to go with them. Which was as much as he could hope for.

Sighing, Erien explained, "Even if you did make an oath that you wouldn't speak of this to anyone, ever, and even if we felt like we could trust you even a little bit, what you have heard today puts you in grave danger that only grows if you're not with us." Okay, that last one was a bit of a stretch, but not an outright lie either and Erien had to make sure they came with them. Dragging them along without their consent would've been so much more annoying. "Besides, as the Guardian of Magic, I guess I could probably teach you a trick or two, judging by that rune on your face."

((Toiletprincess Timdood3 CaffeinatedKitty Naoh Fiestaguy Faliara))


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Liro walked up to a table in a tavern. It was the kind of tavern where you would expect to find shady customers. He was told to come here to find a specific person who might know about something he was after. A relic of the old gods they called it, the old gods being the Guardians that were in a deep slumber up until now. He threw down a bag of coins on the table, his appearance being covered by the cloak he had on. He leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “Tell me everything about the Relic and don’t make me use any other methods.” He unsheathed a knife under his cloak and pressed it against the man’s side.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]“Very well.” The mysterious man replied. He looked like he was in his forties, he had long black hair that looked like it wasn’t washed in the past month. He also had a beard that looked a little better groomed. He was wearing a hood that covered his own appearance from afar but Liro was close enough to see exactly what he looked like and to confirm that it was indeed the person he was told to look for. “But let us move somewhere else, shall we?” The main said and smiled deviously. Liro tapped on the man’s back twice to signal him to stand him and sheathed the knife again. The mysterious man grabbed the sack of coins and stood up slowly. Closely following the man, Liro escorted him out of the tavern.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They walked out of the tavern, closely following each other. The town wasn’t exactly busy but sounds of drinking and gambling could be heard throughout the streets. They walked along the dark streets, Liro made sure not to let the man make any distance between them. After a while of walking on the streets the man made a sudden turn into a dark alley. The man stopped in the middle of the alley, still staring straight forward. “It’s very dangerous but since you don’t seem up for much conversation I’ll tell you the details.” The man said in a whisper. “The relic is rumored to be located in the Cave of Origination. Nobody has made it far down there, it’s way too dangerous.” The man stopped. “That’s all I know.” Liro pushed the man forward and turned around, walking away without saying a word.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Liro had heard of the Cave of Origination, it was apparently a popular tourist attraction in the Island of Balgar, he was currently in the province of Akliata. He would have to catch a caravan to Balgar then sail over to the Island. He clicked his tongue as he continued walking. “What a drag…”[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR]
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Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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Some unknown amount of time later...

Liro stood before the Cave of Origination, well not exactly. It was walled off to the public due to preserving history or something. Liro didn’t really care, but he also didn’t want to make a ruckus. He put his hand to the stone walls that surrounded and made an opening inside. He slid through the opening and shaped it closed. He looked around and observed his surroundings. No guards, odd. He then felt a sudden tremor, he looked around but ground didn’t seem to move. He looked down at his legs and noticed that they were trembling. He continued forward and the tremor stopped. He quickly made his way into the cave. It was pitch black, there was no way a mortal could navigate through it. It wasn’t a problem for Liro though. He could do this with his eyes closed, literally. He continued down the jagged landscape when he felt a tremor again. He pushed his hand against the wall and waited for it to end, which it did shortly. The Guardian picked up the pace and continued. A dead end.

“B-but.” Liro muttered, he had been walking for a few minutes but he already reached the end. Or was it just his imagination. Another tremor, harder, louder. He clutched his head and fell to the floor. A voice, but no sound. He didn’t have time to panic. “You have been gone for far too long.” Liro felt a stabbing pain in every part of his body. “Accept me.” The voice that made no sound continued. It wasn’t a demand, there was no question. It was certain. He painfully opened his eyes, it was as if he was in a sandstorm the entire world was bent and distorted. “Unnecessary.” Liro cried out in pain. His vision suddenly disappeared and it felt like a knife was stuck in both of his eyes. Blood poured from his eye sockets. “Not needed.” His body erupted in pain, too many parts were affected by it to even know what was hurting. Liro continued screaming, he screamed so loud his throat started bleeding. “Finished.” Liro barely heard the voice before his vision faded to black.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Avis hesitates before answering, glancing at the two humans. Well, if Endal's at least alright with their presence...
"I ki- er. I wanted to find Airis first. That's what I meant to do when I left." Again, she hesitates. "And I need to prepare. I didn't expect to leave so soon."
I don't want to leave so soon.
Her interests conflict: she does want to track down Airis, and her aspect as well; but she doesn't want to leave Marisa, not after just a week, and the last thing they need is another non-Guardian tagging along.
Just a week.
She shouldn't already feel so reluctant to leave her. Blast- she shouldn't have let herself stay so open. It'll only lead to her getting hurt again.
She rubs her temples, sighing through her nose. This is giving her a headache.
"I'll need at least a day. But considering that we seem to have slightly different interests, if you all are ready before I am feel free to leave."
The question is, are they okay with splitting up again so soon? They all have been apart for so long, and she doesn't know a way to contact them from afar--and it seems that they need to find a way to solve this new problem sooner rather than later.
Idly, she plucks at the cloth of her skirt. Do they even sell clothing fit for flight here, with so few of her and her brother's people nearby?
When she thinks about it, she realizes that someone probably does. This particular town does get a lot of visitors from a lot of different places.
She balls a fist and releases it.



Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ross let his shaggy white hair fall in front on his face, covering one of his eyes. He gave a wry smiled and a short laugh, "I don't know if splitting up so soon is a great idea. However, I'll have to go off at some point, unless somehow one or more of you are able to be useful underwater. Those that can fly might be able to help if the rogue water elemental is above the surface....But part of me doubts that's the case. But that's not urgent." It is, but it can wait. If the others are willing to forego their elements going first, so am I. "I'll accompany you all and contribute my power to help control the other elements first. At least until something goes wrong on the water."


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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((Gotta get the ball rolling again, lord))
"Wait," she paused, frowning, "I have parents, I can't just van-nish on them, it would break their hearts." She looked around at the group and fiddled with the cloth of her gown, "I-I didn't know when you'd all wake up, or whether you would, so, how would I leave?"

((@Everyone some conversation fuel?? ))


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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"I guess killing interlopers is a bit overrated, huh?" Light mumbled to himself, having watched the entire scene play out before him.

"I-I didn't know when you'd all wake up, or whether you would, so, how would I leave?"

Light stood up from his chair, and responded to Mynaeia's query: "Well, doesn't everyone leave their parents at some point regardless of some giant saving-the-world conquest thing? Who cares if it's a few years ahead of schedule? Besides, you'll see them again after this, right? Well, granted you don't meet your untimely demise." Ignorant of the fact that he was not helping Mynaeia emotionally, he raised his voice, declaring: "I'll probably go see the bunch of cultists who probably resurrected me. Maybe they know something of rogue elements. Anyone wishing to come with me is free to do so, otherwise, I'll probably leave soon."

((@everyone. Someone either come with him or talk him out of it ;-; ))

"W-Well, it's... nothing big. Just... um. Fluctuations in the time-space continuum? That's what they told me..." Eli replied, still slightly shocked at Marisa's reaction. "I-It's nothing bad though! As long as it's handled... responsibly."

His final statement was quickly followed up by an awkward, troubling silence.

"Well, that's what I intended to do, anyway."

(( CaffeinatedKitty ooh spooky reality-bending stuff that will probably not happen ooooooooooh~ ))
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Oct 20, 2012
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[The stage was darkened. All movement had stopped. There was not a single breath around.

And then suddenly, a light seemed to have been switched on. It shone upon a young brunette, dressed in a blue shirt, fluffy darker material sewn around the edges, pants plain yellow. In her arms was a school uniform, crumpled.

"So." A soft sigh could be heard. "No answers, huh?..."

"Can't blame any of you, of course. I just got back from school myself, a few hours ago." She looked down at the uniform in her arms, before dropping it. A hole seemed to open up, swallowing it, before closing, as though it was never there. "Still. I feel kind of obligated to do this."

"No, this isn't me closing the roleplay. I get the feeling people will revolt, if I do. Just... Just post when you feel like it, okay?" The girl smiled. "I, myself, don't think I have the time to come back here every time to sit down and give thought to what to say next. At least, not all the time. I could do it now, except I was the last person to reply."

A blue top hat appeared on her head, a yellow band around it. It fit with the colour scheme, certainly, but not with the style. "Just say the word, and we'll continue on. Adieu for now!"

Another hole opened up under her, and she fell down it, the hole once again closing as though it was never there.]

Toiletprincess S_swimmer Enderfive CaffeinatedKitty Fiestaguy Clairebluh Timdood3 Ansoro2112 Mia Jolteon42 Naoh Catcocomics MrStitch masternico012345 mariosatr


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Marisa's brow creases. She doesn't quite get the full meaning herself, but if Eli says it'll be alright...
"Wait, intended to do?"

Adler doesn't recognize the village he lands in, but there's a nagging impression that this is where he's supposed to be; looking around, he straightens his coat and tries to figure out why.

And then a pair of Alas fly past and he just knows that he has to follow.

Landing lightly behind the older- there's a distinct feeling of knowing and he doesn't know why- he says slowly, hesitantly:

"You...You're important, aren't you...?"

((Alas is Google Translate Latin that, if correct, literally means 'wings' I wanted diversity in terminology
Ansoro2112 Fiestaguy @everyone else pls))