OOC The Waiting Game Discussion

Feb 19, 2015
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Let's see...here's what's happened.
We all got to the radio station. People came from the white thorns to get supplies. And well...we killed them. However, one escaped. His name is #72. And well he told them of our presence and that we will be coming there. Now they're freaking out and making preparations for our arrival.
Meanwhile, back at the radio station we had just made a plan after I took in a little Mexican girl (she's 15. Not really little), named Aleta. When all of a sudden, Kaes says he doesn't like this plan. He doesn't like how we are killing ppl. Calls Blake a crazy scientist. Says he's probably the one who started this mess. Calls Chris a demented kid. And then finally states that they have other plans for us. That they aren't doing this for the good of the group, but using us. Blake and Chris then attempt to kill Kaes. But Blake has like a flashback of someone saying that they want him to be a good daddy and not kill ppl. So he doesn't kill him and goes outside. Ash goes to Chris for answers and he throws her into a wall and bolts before they can catch him. He is now with Blake. Ash just asked Kaes what was going on and he answered in like one of the 3 most recent posts. Also Riley said she still has to go to the walmart cuz Blake made her loose her supplies. But she doesn't really want to kill all those ppl.
Hope that all made sense xP
Feb 19, 2015
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"Fredrik had a curious feeling of not actually quite being there for the whole ambush and the planning afterwards. Weird." - Enderfive
Btw, I made you character help clean up the bodies and he noticed Ash and Aleta walk in the door after Ash got her to join them. That as all I could think of for him to do. Just because you hadn't talked much. So I didn't know how he talked xP sorreh
Feb 19, 2015
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S_swimmer, the Walmart is approximately 4.5 miles away. The fastest run mile in history was run in 3.43:13 minutes. So even if he was on an adrenaline rush, it'd take him an estimate of 15:43 minutes. However, The fastest #17 could have gotten there was 40 minutes. Though if Blake is average it'd take him about the same amount of time, minus a few minutes since he is not carrying a body. So lets say 35 minutes. Adding in the planning and fighting and all that other stuff the time of your departures would be about 20 minutes apart. So I don't think they'd still be so unprepared for your arrival.
Also the chances of you taking out all of them (on your own) is about 15.3%-16.83%


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Yeah, you broke the suspension of disbelief with the fighting. Especially with how little he was actually injured. Id say the chance of taking 17 people out on your own and sustaining that few injuries is virtually impossible.
Let me continue.
Human skulls are hard. It is not that easy to jam a knife into one far enough to actually kill, much less to recover it "immediately," especially if it's being thrown- and hunting knives are not meant for throwing.
As well as that, I doubt his aim is accurate enough to kill four people with practically no effort, because human bodies are durable and you'd have to hit spot on to kill someone in one shot- and unless you severed their spine- unlikely- or their jugular- also unlikely-- they're not going to go down that easily.
And slitting throats is likely not that easy, or effective, especially considering the impact on the knives of being driven far enough into a person's skull to kill them would probably dull the blades at least a little- even more so if they're worn from being used to kill Pusermites.
Lastly, I really doubt that with a bullet in his shoulder and what may be a concussion, his aim is not going to be good enough to one-shot-kill four people in a row- especially if he's not used to using guns.



Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
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Erm, I hate to step in like this, but does anyone remember that this is a roleplay? It's not supposed to be rational. Have you guys watched any of those Marvel movies? Yeah, probably. Do you walk away thinking, "wow, that was really unrealistic."? Probably not. Roleplay is really no different than a movie. There's absolutely no reason to try and rationalize everything. If you wanted to rationalize everything, then there would be no such thing a freaking zombie apocalypse.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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Thanks for everyone's suggestions, although I will defend my position a little.

When #72 came back to the Walmart, he warned nobody of the impending danger except #53, who both escaped and abandoned the rest of the White Thorns. The only person who really knew was Steven who heard a little of their convo and #72 warned him to protect his daughter. Although Steven was prepared, he was off finding a good hiding place for his daughter.

After that, the rest of the White Thorns were trying to get first-aid supplies in a desperate and all-too-futile effort to try to revive Roy. When they snapped out of their funk, they were mourning Roy. They also did not have their guns on them at the time. So, they were both physically and mentally unprepared for an attack.

Also, carrying a body for 4.5 miles takes much longer than an extra 5 minutes. In addition to that, #72 had a knife wound in his side, which, in addition to the body he was carrying, made it extremely hard for him to get there. So, Blake probably got there in a short amount of time in the bigger picture.

As for the percentages snarky came up with, I don't like to be rude but I'm going to allow myself to say this: the decimals you put on there does not convince me that you used any logic and/or reasoning to produce such numbers.

There are openings in the human skull such as the eyes, nose and mouth that throwing a knife into could be easier. I don't research soft spots on the human body, but I think the temples are also a good spot. Those are some examples of easy places, but also, Blake is much faster and stronger and smarter than the average human. I mean, aren't all of our characters? It'd be pretty boring if we just threw someone exactly like us into a zombie apocalypse.

Blake didn't just have his hunting knives; I thought I specified this in that post as well but I must not have – nvm i did. Blake had the hunting knives in addition to the 2 throwing knives that Chris gave him.

Slitting throats is where you are actually wrong, though. Slitting throats is frighteningly easy and is often compared to cutting a slice of meat. Although the death is slower than instant, it is very effective. Not only do you cut their windpipe but also their jugular and another essential part I think.

As for the aim, Blake's been here for a while and he actually is used to a gun – he's good at using them. Also, he was more preoccupied with killing them than the injury he sustained, so the impact of the shoulder on psyche and other arm was lessened by his lack of focus on the actual injury. Afterwards, the pain hit him and he let it take him over.


All that being said, yes, I exaggerated. I exaggerated a lot. It was pretty unrealistic, but do we truly need to make sure everything is perfect? It's a sci-fi roleplay (oh okie thanks naoh) and it's not supposed to be uber-realistic. It's supposed to be fun. I'm not going to bash on the other examples of unrealistic fighting I saw because honestly it doesn't bother me too much. I don't think we should be so anal over things all the time – we've been tensing up and arguing with each other over this role-play when our original goal was to have fun with each other. So we should stick to that.

It was appropriate to be anal about the post I made – yea, the fighting scene was a bit unreasonable. I'll tone it down next time I want to make a bold move. But from here on out let's stop fighting and just have fun with it

(also gtg sorry will read messages later)
Last edited:
Feb 19, 2015
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actually S_swimmer...I did. I gave you a 90-99% chance of killing one person. 99% was throwing in the fact that they may have been unprepared and that they are not as skilled as Blake. 90% was for any fluke accidents. I then multiplied both numbers I had by 17 (the amount of people). 17 multiplied by .90 = 15.3 and 17 multiplied by .99 = 16.83.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Erm, I hate to step in like this, but does anyone remember that this is a roleplay? It's not supposed to be rational. Have you guys watched any of those Marvel movies? Yeah, probably. Do you walk away thinking, "wow, that was really unrealistic."? Probably not. Roleplay is really no different than a movie. There's absolutely no reason to try and rationalize everything. If you wanted to rationalize everything, then there would be no such thing a freaking zombie apocalypse.
This is set in the real world, in case you've forgotten. In Marvel movies, it's rationalized. Black Widow was trained all her life by a criminal organization, Bucky's mind was wiped by that same organization so that all he knew was how to fight, Captain America had his super-soldier serum, Iron Mam is a genius, Hulk was exposed to gamma radiation, and various others are normal people with high-tech gadgets. It's a difference universe where they have more advanced science and the Norse gods are real. It's perfectly rational within the Marvel universe.
This, however, is the real world.