Farewell, my feathered friends



I've been in this community for roughly a year and a half now. It's been the best and most put-together Minecraft community I've ever been a part of.

I first considered leaving the community in December. Even after I was promoted to VetOp, I felt AoD was the only server here where I really belonged. Once AoD closed, I tried staffing on A&T, but it simply didn't work: I had no interest in the server and no drive to help make it better.

Now, I think my time has come, as the likelihood of AoD returning is slim, and I don't feel like I have a place anywhere else in the community. Even if AoD returns tomorrow, I doubt I'll be coming back for a while. My time has come to leave.

Here are quite a few thank you's:
Aika I'll be honest here, you weren't always my favorite- at first, I questioned the way you staffed, but as I came to work with you and know you better, I started to realize you were actually very awesome. Stay sexy.

Airkid We must say farewell, my porky friend - I promise I wont eat *too* many of your siblings ;). Really though, working with you was great while it lasted.

ShadeSlayer98 You weren't working with me as long as Air or love, but long enough for me to figure out one thing: You're awesome. Also learn to spell :p

Naoh I'd like to think we were pretty close, even after AoD shut down. You helped me get through a lot of really serious stuff, and were easy to talk to.

Solis22/Jwhitty I never really got to know you as much as I would've liked, but you seemed like a cool guy.

TrueRadiance I still remember when you were teaching me how to use the VetOp command. My initial rection was "Shit, numbers?" Thanks for helping me out :)

CaffeinatedKitty I had fun joking with you. You're pretty cool.

cooliorules it was fun staffing on the mcdonalds server with you I wish you the best, my Australian friend. ;)

Kevin_28 I probably bothered you a bit, but talking to you was really awesome and I think you're pretty sweet.

S_swimmer sing out.

JayJay/Melon261 Wow, I've seen you improve a lot in a very short amount of time. I'll be honest with you too, at first you seemed more than questionable. In a matter of (what, two months?) my perspective on you totally flipped, and you seemed more than capable of staffing. It was fun working with you on AoD and A&T.

tnmjimbob EggNog working with you on A&T was great, too. Keep it going strong!

Love all you tagged, and there are a lot of other people in the community that are awesome. Please, feel free to add me on steam (katman).
Thank you all,
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Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Kat, it was a pleasure staffing Army of Darkness with you. Quite easily one of the top Staffers until the end. You were dedicated, fun, and brought new ideas from time to time. If I could, I'd hop back in time and do it all over again.

I do hope to see you return sometime, just even for a quick visit (especially to TeamSpeak!) but we'll always have contact through Steam.

See you around bud.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Okay. This is out of control.
What. is. your. problem?
You seem to attack back or quickly snipe at everyone defensively for what? And I'm not just referring to the above post. Nearly every post you've made seems to point out everyones flaws. I appreciate your whistleblows on the wrong doings of staff and members, but there has to be a point where you put a stop to the snarkiness.

I mean this post-
  • leave the community
  • state that you no longer have a place in the community
  • remain active a week later, regularly posting on the forums and contributing to discussions
  • last active; two hours ago, thread posted 9 days ago

do you not know what leaving means
- is absolutely unnecessary. Honestly, who cares? He posted a leaving thread but he's still active? For you to point out something as tedious and miniscule as this, is beyond ridiculous. Calm down.


Best BuildBox Guy 2011 - 2013
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Okay. This is out of control.
What. is. your. problem?
You seem to attack back or quickly snipe at everyone defensively for what? And I'm not just referring to this post. Nearly every post you've made seems to point out everyone's flaws. I appreciate your whistleblows on the wrong doings of staff and members, but there has to be a point where you put a stop to the snarkiness.

I mean this post-

- is absolutely unnecessary. Honestly, who cares? He posted a leaving thread but he's still active? For you to point out something as tedious and miniscule as this, is beyond ridiculous. Calm down.
Oh no, I pointed out when someone made a thread specifically stating they're leaving, and they haven't left!
It's as if their whole thread was an attempt to grab attention for themselves, instead of actually leaving.
They didn't even mention that they've decided to remain, like other users did.

I'd say it's a problem when multiple users make leaving threads and don't leave.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
  • leave the community
  • state that you no longer have a place in the community
  • remain active a week later, regularly posting on the forums and contributing to discussions
  • last active; two hours ago, thread posted 9 days ago

do you not know what leaving means
See, I've always been on the fence about stuff like this. On one hand, creating the thread and not leaving does tend to look like an attention whore-like thing to do. It seems to cause unnecessary drama when the person doesn't actually leave and etc.

On the other hand, though, it really isn't a big deal though is it? It's not like we have an official rule against this. I mean, is it really harming anyone if the person ends up staying? Playing with the emotions of the people who may have been saddened by the person's leaving, though, is kind of a dick move. But why should we try and push the person away if they actually wanted to return? Aren't we trying to keep players here, to some extent? Just seems weird to me.

But, honestly, to make things a little more simpler: If you're gonna leave, please just.. leave? It really just saves everyone from unnecessary drama. If you're not sure you even want to leave, just stay in the background and maybe even just silently leave. That way, you can return without being ridiculed by an old leave thread or something.

But yea, not bashing anyone or whatever. I'm just confused at why this is even a problem in the first place.

EDIT: woops, ninja'd.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Oh no, I pointed out when someone made a thread specifically stating they're leaving, and they haven't left!
It's as if their whole thread was an attempt to grab attention for themselves, instead of actually leaving.
They didn't even mention that they've decided to remain, like other users did.
I remember the thread Iguana made towards people making leaving threads and then remaining active. I think people underestimate the impact they've made in the community and so once they create a "Goodbye" thread, and see the postive ratings given there is that uncertainty to leave all at once. But like Minun said (perfectly may I add)
On the other hand, though, it really isn't a big deal though is it? It's not like we have an official rule against this. I mean, is it really harming anyone if the person ends up staying? Playing with the emotions of the people who may have been saddened by the person's leaving, though, is kind of a dick move. But why should we try and push the person away if they actually wanted to return? Aren't we trying to keep players here, to some extent? Just seems weird to me.


Best BuildBox Guy 2011 - 2013
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I remember the thread Iguana made towards people making leaving threads and then remaining active. I think people underestimate the impact they've made in the community and so once they create a "Goodbye" thread, and see the postive ratings given there is that uncertainty to leave all at once. But like Minun said (perfectly may I add)
If we're repeating things Minun so-eloquently said, let me state the other point.
But, honestly, to make things a little more simpler: If you're gonna leave, please just.. leave? It really just saves everyone from unnecessary drama. If you're not sure you even want to leave, just stay in the background and maybe even just silently leave. That way, you can return without being ridiculed by an old leave thread or something.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also, just to make myself a little more clearer hopefully. The main idea of my post was to say "hey, please make sure you want to leave before you actually post that you are or else you may cause unnecessary drama." Like I said, I was on the fence about the issue and that may be why it seems my post went both ways.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone to leave either and I really don't think we should push people away when they want to come back. I just think that if you do decide to leave then please just do. It really just keeps problems from rising in the first place.


  • leave the community
  • state that you no longer have a place in the community
  • remain active a week later, regularly posting on the forums and contributing to discussions
  • last active; two hours ago, thread posted 9 days ago

do you not know what leaving means
I wouldn't say popping in, making one profile post and commenting on two or three profile posts is "regularly posting"
I'm well aware what leaving means but I don't think there's any huge problem with popping in and doing that from time to time. Honestly, more drama and attention-whoring is done by you doing this that me saying I'm not interested in the servers. Yes, I should've said "I'll still be slightly active on the forums" but really you need to stop harassing people.