Robo's Resigning


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, so I'm doing this for one reason: simply that MC has just been taking up too much of my time, and I'd like to get back into the real world, and get it out of my way so I can get many more things done.
I'd just like to say, thank you for sticking with me, and having me on the team, it means a ton to me that you'd actually accept me for my third application, and believe in me that much. I had a lot of fun, and made many memories I won't forget. You guys seriously taught me almost everything I know about maturity and level-mindedness, and I couldn't have done it without the help of the awesome people here.

Though it may seem like I'm leaving, I will still pop on sometimes to see how things are going and such.

Since the staff team on Create is pretty low, I'd like to go out and reference Miyako, and Swift_Siren, hoping that they may apply and take my place.

Thank you guys so much for everything, and thank you to the Create staff team for having me on it, and teaching me the important things I know!

OH, and don't forget....... Cheesemayo!!


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Well this is unfortunate to hear, but you gotta do what's necessary to improve yourself. Also, your dedication to the server didn't go unnoticed. I know that you're a hard worker and your overall maturity improved from when you started out as staff. So, if we're still here and if you ever decided to come back and staff, then I wouldn't hesitate one bit. Thank you for your contributions to server, Robo! Good luck and have fun with Life!