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Count To 100 Before An Admin+ Posts! - v4


Jul 20, 2013
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if we're counting by the number of posts since the last admin+ post, that number is 13 as of this post.
Since I lack jokes for the number 13, I might as well spew a few fun facts etc instead, but if you don't feel like reading through all of it, you can just skip the spoiler.
firstly and probably the only one of these that has any relation the the number thirteen, the whole deal with the number being super unlucky (and like Friday 13th there for being really bad) is a complete misconception, probably created by some kind of priesthood. Like seven and three, which are known as the lucky and magic numbers respectively, 13 is sort of a good number... You see, thirteen isn't the opposite of seven, but instead, thirteen is the number of power (which would explain why the Illuminati consists of, you guessed it, thirteen elite families.), so while thirteen isn't necessarily bad by nature, power is power, and if you don't have enough intelligence and wisdom to guide the amount of power under your control, things can get kind of hairy...

On the topic of important numbers, nine plays a massive role in geometry, and more specifically, the 360 degrees by which geometric shapes are bound to. so where to go from here...? Well, in the event that you haven't noticed, any number in which would equal nine (or a multiple of nine) if all its digits were made into individual numbers at the ones' place and then added is in fact, a multiple of nine (like 45, 126, 333, etc...).
Funny thing, to get a polygon of any number of sides where the sides are all equal in length, the angles must be a single multiple of nine (72 makes a pentagon), and this even applies to making stars.

finally, on a subject completely unrelated, if I were to ever hate one thing at all in this messed up nightmare of a world we live in...
it would be this weird self-consciousness I have... Like, not the thing were you acknowledge your own existence, but merely that stupid 'voice' in the back of I'm assuming every human teen's head (regardless of gender) that tells us 'no' when ever we want to do something we know to be out of the ordinary, and this VERY strongly and aggressively clashes with who I'm trying to become, and I suspect is a major hindrance to the development of true courage within people. Even when I get openly rewarded for trying to stand out as my own unique, very odd and quirky self, whether it be that instead of immediately correcting a coding error that makes a pinwheel-shape instead of a cool triangle-mesh, or just wearing a homemade tag-thing with the words "birthday boy hatchday squid" written on it, or just being an over-all interesting character to meet in public, I still get that obnoxious 'voice' trying to hold me back.
But perhaps I should look at this from another angle... by my understanding, self-consciousness is a form of restrictive fear, a fear that tells you that if you act, dress, or otherwise present your self in a certain way, then the rest of society will ridicule and potentially destroy you on an emotional level. Now, I'm kind of in a courage phase, where i kind of try to expand and explore my psychological being and express it to the world. Looking at it from a certain angle, you'll find that, since courage is not fearlessness, but rather, doing things (presumably good things) in spite of immense fear. There for, it would only make sense for me to charge full ink ahead and generally not care about any flack I receive from dummies who shun and ridicule me for being different, but instead to seek those who encourage the development of these good character traits that I am pursuing.
sorry if that last bit seemed like a massif ramble, but hey, I did put it all in a nice spoiler for a reason. no beef for these things, right?
Damnit Fragile, your ninja post made my post = the in-game age of all playable characters in Splatoon.
never mind that, I guess I'll be making a very different reference;