

Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Week of premium, if you install something!

How many people will install it, folllow instructions and then uninstall after getting premium from this program? 50%? 90%?
Edit: found some nice screenies on their forums:

These screenies are like:
Nine: Hey I got nice 330k RP. (no premium and not double points bonus)
Then comes some guy:
Ate: heheheh I got 780k RP (premium, no double daily bonus)
Then another guys comes:
Seven: Get rekt noobs! I got 1730k RP!! (premium and double daily bonus)

So basically 7 ate 9 ;^)
Premium is fun :)
Last edited:


Resident Asha'man
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Why this game goes so easily out of sync?
Currently they're at the point where they're big enough to have a lot of players but small enough to not have global srvers so connections can be iffy at times. Fortunately they're working on upgrading the game engine to Unity 5 which handles connections better so disconnections will lessen.

Can someone upload best bot *cough* Damer_Flinn *cough* to robot factory? Mine one loses weapons too easily
I already have a few bots in the store :D
A nice durable rail cruiser called Wedge. Sort the store by Robot_Ranking, and then filter by: 2m robot ranking, wheels, rails.
My main - rail spider copter called Mayfly. Sort by Robot_Ranking, and filter by: 36m robot ranking, legs, rails.

I'm guessing I should probably not be here to avoid shorting the robots; I've heard squid ink is bad for a lot of electronics.
It may be bad for some but mine are more durable and reliable tha *zzzt* .......... Crap


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Currently they're at the point where they're big enough to have a lot of players but small enough to not have global srvers so connections can be iffy at times. Fortunately they're working on upgrading the game engine to Unity 5 which handles connections better so disconnections will lessen.

I already have a few bots in the store :D
A nice durable rail cruiser called Wedge. Sort the store by Robot_Ranking, and then filter by: 2m robot ranking, wheels, rails.
My main - rail spider copter called Mayfly. Sort by Robot_Ranking, and filter by: 36m robot ranking, legs, rails.

It may be bad for some but mine are more durable and reliable tha *zzzt* .......... Crap
Hmmm I use SMGs - I can't aim good with rails and plasma.


Resident Asha'man
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hmmm I use SMGs - I can't aim good with rails and plasma.
So replace the rails with smg on the cruiser. It's durable enough to work out well enough.

Since I don't think you can edit a rental I'll put up some pictures later showing how I put it together.
Since you can't edit a rental unless you buy it with GC you won't be able to switch my Rail cruiser over to SMG, so here's an outline of the structure I used.

In the center here (red and black) you can see that the frame is hollow. There will be connections at a few points that join one side to the other, but generally I try to keep the high value targets away from one another. On the right you can see prisms woven together, and on the left you see a support structure added temporarily in order to build the weave.
The purpose of the weave is to redirect damage away from your gun mount. Since damage only spreads to other blocks through flat faces this type of structure tends to work the same as the skin of an onion. The enemy's shots may break through the outer layer but there are still more layers behind it. It also allows you to plan the direction the incoming damage will take instead of losing a round chunk as you would with solid blocks.
Building a weave is fairly simple. First you need to lay down a support structure because you can only build on top of flat faces. (white is the easiest to see when you're removing them) Then you make little triangles of two prisms together, keeping in mind not to line them up in rows.
As you can see in these pictures, when you lose a gun the damage will be transferred to one side of the inner frame. It will spread vertically and somewhat into the woven section, but the mount on the opposite side and your exterior armor will remain intact and undamaged.

Wheels are your lifeline. Without them you'll only live long enough to see the first bomber approach. Notice in the picture their connection point is both armored and isolated from the other wheel. If you were to draw the shortest line you could through connecting blocks from one wheel mount to the other you wouldn't want it to be any shorter than 5 on-tier blocks. (match the blocks to the level of gun you're using) You also want to keep them isolated somewhat from the main structure so when you lose a wheel you won't lose much structure.
