Thanks to Psycho for this Spooky GIF and image.
Welcome to another of Create's Monthly Competitions. This time being special, due to it being that time of the year again, where you are allowed to take candy from strangers, dress up as a witch or carve Pumpkins. Yes - Create's annual halloween competition is back for another year, this time with added Spook.
During the Month of October, between the 1st and the 25th, you will be eligible to enter the competition. All that you will be required to do is type /mvtp Spooky, /plot auto (contact a staff member should you need a plot claiming) and get Creative.
In order to take part in the competition, you will be required to build something on a 128x128 plot in a Spooky theme, and also add a carved Pumpkin to your Creation.
[fieldset=bcenter|Competition Information]-The Competition will be Halloween themed; must be Spooky and include 1 Pumpkin (these are the only requirements, so get creative).
-You will be give a single 128x128 plot for your Creation, it may be less but no bigger.
-The competition will range between the 1st and the 25th of October.
In order to get started, type /mvtp Spooky, then /plot auto (feel free to contact a staff member should you need a second plot on this world).
[/fieldset][fieldset=bcenter|Rules]-World Edit will be enabled for all players during the competition. However, VoxelSniper will not be allowed.
-All builds will need to be created alone, without help from other players.[/fieldset][fieldset=bcenter|Prizes]After the competition's closing date, the judging process will begin. Depending on the number of submissions, we will be choosing up to 3 winners.
-Rank upgrades will be considered, compared to our current standards. Maturity will also be taken into consideration for this reward.
-A Semi-Customisable title will be given to the winners.
-A winner may also claim an additional plot in the regular building worlds, depending on their rank.
Everybody is allowed to participate in this competition, so feel free to join in. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask a player or staff member. Good luck!
Should anything go horribly wrong, do NOT blame Swift.
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