Which playermodels should be kept?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score

as you've all probably noticed the server has been on a bit of a go-slow since all the new playermodels were added and we haven't had as many new players join (most likely due to the longer download), so to fix these issues I think we should have a maximum of 15 playermodels in the server. These are the models I was thinking of removing - what's the general opinion on this? Are there any decisions you disagree with? I tried to make the playermodels kept in as varied as possible so we have something for most people. I'm especially on the fence about the Zack Halloween/Skeleton model being kept in (because they're cool models but they're also Halloween themed) and the Moe GlaDOS being removed instead of one of them. What do you all think? (Also the DJ Sonas come as a pack which is why all three are kept in but due to the long download of it I've classed them as 3 separate models out of the 15 planned to be kept in)

EDIT: Also which trails pack would you guys prefer to be removed?
(I already plan to remove the Gaben one so if you have it, sell it!)​
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Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
tfw you have more points than the admin

remove all of them, the hitboxes on a lot are just horrible. at least do a lot of testing on the ones you keep.
Every skin added has been tested by Inffy and me or other mods. All available skins have working hitboxes, so really there is only yourself and/or ping to blame.
besides, having a skin is usually negative, as it makes you a lot easier to identify when calling KOS etc.
The issue at hand is server loading, which is what we're trying to fix if you do supply evidence for the hitboxes on a skin not working, post a thread detailing it, and I'm sure inffy will see what he can do to rectify the problem.

EDIT: Having more points than Inf isn't hard ^_^


Your Local Time Traveler
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
I think having 10 permanent skins and 5 rotated skins would be a good idea. For the rotated skins, we could swap them out every 3 months (Thus giving a reason to suggest new skins. Also if it is really popular, then they could contend to swap out a perma skin.) And for events we could do 3-5 event skins that will be removed at the end of the event.

EDIT: I think the DJ stuff should count as 1 skin. Since it is kind of stupid to have 3 models that are basicly the same, take away 2 extra valuable skin spots.


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score

as you've all probably noticed the server has been on a bit of a go-slow since all the new playermodels were added and we haven't had as many new players join (most likely due to the longer download), so to fix these issues I think we should have a maximum of 15 playermodels in the server. These are the models I was thinking of removing - what's the general opinion on this? Are there any decisions you disagree with? I tried to make the playermodels kept in as varied as possible so we have something for most people. I'm especially on the fence about the Zack Halloween/Skeleton model being kept in (because they're cool models but they're also Halloween themed) and the Moe GlaDOS being removed instead of one of them. What do you all think? (Also the DJ Sonas come as a pack which is why all three are kept in but due to the long download of it I've classed them as 3 separate models out of the 15 planned to be kept in)

EDIT: Also which trails pack would you guys prefer to be removed?
(I already plan to remove the Gaben one so if you have it, sell it!)​
For the playermodels:
KEEP- Anna, Asuna, Compa, Vader, 1 DJ Sona skin, Miku, Moxxi, Moe GLaDOS, Neptune, Spiderman, Zoidberg

REMOVE- Batman, Elsa, Ahri, Jibril, Ezio, Skeleton, Spacesuit, Dead Space, Megaman Zero, Corvo, all Sona skins if you can't decide on one to keep

50/50, COULDN'T CARE LESS- Obama, Tellitubbies, Spy, Ashe, Zack Halloween, Scream

Trail Packs:
REMOVE- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=200578293


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Also have only one DJ sona skin.
EDIT: I think the DJ stuff should count as 1 skin. Since it is kind of stupid to have 3 models that are basicly the same, take away 2 extra valuable skin spots.
For the playermodels:
KEEP- 1 DJ Sona skin

REMOVE- all Sona skins if you can't decide on one to keep
(Also the DJ Sonas come as a pack which is why all three are kept in but due to the long download of it I've classed them as 3 separate models out of the 15 planned to be kept in)

They come as a pack so the player has to download all three if we want just one in, so we may as well have all three on the pointshop. And the reason they count as three separate models is because they are and the download is still just as long as downloading three separate ones (and we can't shorten it because they come as a pack) and the whole idea of limiting the models to 15 is to shorten the download.

I think having 10 permanent skins and 5 rotated skins would be a good idea. For the rotated skins, we could swap them out every 3 months (Thus giving a reason to suggest new skins. Also if it is really popular, then they could contend to swap out a perma skin.) And for events we could do 3-5 event skins that will be removed at the end of the event.
I like the idea of having a few playermodels that change so people don't get bored - if other people like this idea too, which ones do you guys think should be the ones to change around?

Also to save everyone saying what their personal favourites are and people debating until the end of time, is there any STRONG disagreement with the original picture, not necessarily because your personal favourite model that only you use is going to be removed but if you know that several people like/dislike that model and disagree with one of the decisions?

tfw you have more points than the admin
EDIT: Having more points than Inf isn't hard ^_^
pls if I sold the models I own I'd have more ok
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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well nobody seems to have any major issues with the original picture but are there any strong disagreements with keeping Zoidberg instead of Skeleton? Looking back over it I think Zoidberg offers more variety and we kind of already have a skeleton-like model (Zack) which is a lot more popular than Skeleton.

If nobody replies with any major issues by Tuesday the models will be being deleted the following Friday so keep an eye on this thread and be prepared to sell your models! This needs to be sorted ASAP so apologies for the short time-span.

Also please share this thread with our non-forum users on the server if you see them!


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Just a reminder that the playermodels being removed (now on Saturday) are:

Anna, Compa, Corvo, Deadspace ones, Telletubbies, Elsa, Ezio Ghost Rider, Hatsune Miku, Megaman Zero, Skeleton, Spacesuit, Spiderman, TF2 Spy and Scream

So get selling them!
wow triple post ;-;

Actually I've changed my mind, remove all skins except teletubbies and make them 1 point :^)