Banner no longer temporary. Thanks Psycho!
Thank you to all those who entered. Your builds have now been judged and we're now waiting for the results.
Thank you to all those who entered. Your builds have now been judged and we're now waiting for the results.
It's that time of year, when the days are getting colder, the nights are getting longer, and people manage to light up their houses 10 times over. We've also got another monthly building competition on the calendar. And just by coincidence, it seems that it's the perfect time of year to do a winter building competition. EscapeRestart: Create present to you, the Winter Fantasy Building Competition!
Starting from now until December 25th, you will be able enter. Once on Create, type /mvtp HoHoHo and /plot auto to get yourself a plot (see a staff member and /blameswift if this goes haywire), and get creative!
[fieldset=Competition Information]-The Competition will be themed around "Winter Fantasy", winter + fantasy, so get creative!
-You will be given a 128x128 plot for your creation, please ask for a second merged plot if you wish - you don't get $25 of kindly donated Steam prizes everyday!
-The competition will be open between the 14th November to 25th December (end date subject to change)
In order to get started, type /mvtp HoHoHo, then /plot auto (contact a staff member if you need help).[/fieldset][fieldset=Rules]-WorldEdit will be enabled for all players during the competition, but as per usual, VoxelSniper will not be allowed.
-All builds will need to be created alone, without help from other players.[/fieldset][fieldset=Prizes]After the competition closes, we'll probably all be away, so there will likely be a delay in the judging of the prizes. After that though, depending on the amount of people who participate, we'll decide on 3 winners, and we have some great prizes in stock! (subject to alteration, but still pretty cool)
-Steam prizes worth $25, $15 & $10 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively, kindly donated by Digitalmez
-Rank upgrades will be considered, compared to our current standards (maturity pending)
-Titles![/fieldset]Anyone can join in, so please do so! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a fellow player or a staff member. Good luck!
Contrary to the last speedbuild, if anything goes horribly wrong, this time you can blame Swift.
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