Русская мафия! [Complete]


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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tim, earlier you said you didn't even know it notty was the other person. if it's one out of the 22 other players, you could have done nothing to prevent it, so why are you harshly defending notty on the off-chance it's true
You're right, I still don't know it for a fact. But it stands to reason that since we both have the same mechanic that we would be the one who sets off the other's. We've been over this at least twice before.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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also duffie and jkang and infected and watermelon and jivvi are falling out of notice
Hold on a second. Chill out.
I'm not sure how "I'm falling out of notice" when it's only been... a day since I've posted? Duffie even less so. Jivvi hasn't even posted yet as far as I'm aware. Jivvi posted just a few minutes ago without me knowing until just before I'm posting this but I'm keeping it in because I'm laaaaaaaaaazy... and it still works in terms of my statement.
Plus you've been messaging me practically all day about new posts being posted and I've said I'll be getting to it when I can/as I can/at my own pace... which I have been reading/rating posts for the past 2 hours or so. I'm not sure how that's exactly "falling out of notice."

And for the record, while I don't trust Notty, and never will, because she totally broke my heart during our romance together at the Masquerade ball, and I don't believe entirely what's going on at the moment with the current claims (I sense bits and diamonds of truth amongst the dirt), I do feel things are getting out of hand with the current arguments

First of all, I believe these current events are only transpiring because of bickering and jumping to ludicrous conclusions or poor explanations which in turn leads to "contradictions" which then get bandwagonned on while other thoughts are ignored or shoved down throats in order to press/spin to fit a certain agenda (in this case lynching Notty), which in turn leads to other players and townies getting confused about what is going on, and end up skimming, or at least appear to be skimming, the thread thus contributing more miscommunication and confusion and in the end we end of getting nowhere except fighting amoungst ourselves when BOTH of you could very well be town/pro-town.
I myself was confused with the Templar discussion because of this.

Anyways, I'm going to say I do (begrudgingly)believe Hunter is telling the truth in terms of being a Templar for now, but wouldn't say it's confirmed. (nor necessarily agree with the arguments)

I think we should take a step back, have Notty *clearly* state what's on with the role after Jolt explains what he did last night thanks to erik's claim, because he has been dodging it which is suspicious.
but now cat is confirmed a permanently mute.
But didn't see rate *agree* that she can post?

I'm still reading/rereading. I'm just making a post because I'm supposedly falling out of notice.


Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
1 last post before sleep so I'm gonna try and make it count. Tim so far (from what you've told us) you're town PR. Hey look so am I. Hey look I showed some proof. Hey look we have no proof of you being a town role. Gimme something to go off of Tim. I don't want to have to lynch notty if they're not scum it will be detrimental to the town but they've been acting suspicious and telling little white lies. I swear I'm gonna like cry when it shows that like notty and Tim are secretly like soul linked or something but they're both scum.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I'm guessing cat can't post right now due to time constraints/inability to at the moment.
Which probably explains the ratings instead of posts since at least it shows cat's keeping up with the thread.
That's what I tend to do if I can't post at that moment.


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
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I'm guessing cat can't post right now due to time constraints/inability to at the moment.
Which probably explains the ratings instead of posts since at least it shows cat's keeping up with the thread.
That's what I tend to do if I can't post at that moment.
True, but everyone else has posted by now. I still want the questions answered, though. She should have free time over the weekend to catch up and post.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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notty's story has definitely changed over the course of the day, which strikes me as super shifty. i agree with hunter's proposal to lynch notty and go from what her clip says about the other claims.

samlen seems dodgy as all hell, jumping out of the woodwork to voraciously defend notty. i'd probably pin him as a mafia buddy or notty's partner, either of which discredits notty's claim, since it was originally claimed that the partner can operate independently.

i also usually advocate LAL because the last thing these already-disorienting discussions need is someone actively tipping things sideways.

vote nottykitten


Aug 6, 2011
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... From all of my experiences in Mafia, following the bandwagons NEVER lead us to a mafia. Maybe a third party, but never a mafia. It might pinpoint us to some mafia, based on arguments or silent players, but when it comes to whoever is targeted, the chance of that person being mafia is quite slim.

Let's say you, the person reading this, is apart of mafia. Would you post as much as Notty did if you were mafia?

... Actually, it's quite possible that you would, given how much hassle she's being given at the beginning of this day from Hunter. But if you look things over, she has plenty of reasonings to give.

Yes, she was vague at the start of Day 1, perhaps even very slightly giving the truth, for it was the start of Day 1. But why would you give all of your information instantly?

Yes, she's still vague, but not as vague as the start of Day 1. But still, why would you give up all of your information?; Especially if you're needed for Town.

And finally, all of her reasonings are not in one post. There's most likely a very obvious and clear Town-sided reason for this, but has sadly been working against her.

So, while the odds are against Notty... I don't like my odds... So I won't be voting for Notty, and I will vote for--


I just noticed something.

It is the dawn of another day, and unfortunately it seems a few couldn't make it today.

Naoh (Yefim Perezhogin the Templar) has died.
Enderfive (Vladimir Sungatulin the Tracker) has died.
Vatumok (Ivan Swarovski the Clockmaker) (3rd party killer with clock-based win mechanic) has died.

It is now Day 1
It takes 10 to lynch and 10 to no-lynch.
These... Night kills...

Vatumok (Ivan Swarovski the Clockmaker) (3rd party killer with clock-based win mechanic) has died.
This... Clockmaker...

(3rd party killer with clock-based win mechanic)
... Well, it's probably not too important.

To make things interesting, and on the topic of clocks and time, I will out myself.

My name is Porfiriy Kazakov, and I am absolutely terrified of clocks. They'll send a chill down my spine, and I'll immediately run away from them, until I can't see or hear them any longer...

... I also can't watch Captain Hook because of this... Everyone says that movie's the best, but it's like a horror movie for me...

*ahem* Right. So, I think I either started with my irrational fear, or was given it by Vatumok before his death. So, please, if you have a clock... Don't give me a heart attack.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Actually, now that I think about it, maybe my fear isn't too irrational... Although, it totally is, I'm just trying to make purpose out of it, like any person with an irrational fear.

Perhaps this clock-based win mechanic... Is a sort of Arsonist approach..? Like, give out clocks, and all of the clocks explode after a certain time? ;o


Aug 6, 2011
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But I'm completely off topic of this current situation, so I'll just say I'm not with Hunter on this one, because I don't really believe his Templar roleclaim. I believe he's just using it as cover after seeing one of them die.
And I believe he's saying he was one of two Templars, one of which has died, just so he doesn't have anyone else to lean on for his roleclaim.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
But then there's the question of "But Duffie, where are the other Templars, then?"

Well, voice in my head, I believe they could be silent, so they can properly act as a cult, and increase their numbers, instead of going outside of their base and placing a sign with flashing lights that says, "DO NOT ENTER: CULT MEETING".

Because, seriously, that is a big target on their head, when you have the option to recruit people to Town.

Votecount - The one where oh my god you all suck :')
I know, I really do, but bear with me on this one. ;w;


In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Adding my opinion about notty really quick:

She hasnt really convinced me that she's of the mob (third party could be). I read almost all the 200 posts of this day and I feel like almost is convinced that notty is mafia but hasnt anyone thought of that there are more of the mob?

Lets say notty is townie and an advisor kinda role. Sounds like a role of importance (since she has nightchat). If everyone goes on a lynch and notty gets lynched, her role will revealed but if she actually is an important role she will be useless.
Furthermore she has given so much information and I feel like she tries to protect her role and the other persons role in her inn.

Maybe go investigating other players instead of just blindly go into notty cause 'she might be' a mafia?

And it almost sounds like hunter wants get rid of notty so maybe go investigating hunter or go investigating jolt since notty claims shes 99% sure hes a roleblocker.

(Or if no one agrees we could always do russian roulette or drink vodka the rest of the day )


In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Adding my opinion about notty really quick:

She hasnt really convinced me that she's of the mob (third party could be). I read almost all the 200 posts of this day and I feel like almost is convinced that notty is mafia but hasnt anyone thought of that there are more of the mob?

Lets say notty is townie and an advisor kinda role. Sounds like a role of importance (since she has nightchat). If everyone goes on a lynch and notty gets lynched, her role will revealed but if she actually is an important role she will be useless.
Furthermore she has given so much information and I feel like she tries to protect her role and the other persons role in her inn.

Maybe go investigating other players instead of just blindly go into notty cause 'she might be' a mafia?

And it almost sounds like hunter wants get rid of notty so maybe go investigating hunter or go investigating jolt since notty claims shes 99% sure hes a roleblocker.

(Or if no one agrees we could always do russian roulette or drink vodka the rest of the day )
I think notty is not mob

I think jolt actually is roleblock (as far as I can believe notty)

Hunter seems a bit shady

Russian roulette and vodka


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Personally I cannot believe that notty is a townie (she may not be Mafia but 3rd party maybe) the fact is, from the start she's given herself this weird role and distanced herself from everyone very early on. When cornered her excuses seemed somewhat ridiculous for just a townie, add that on top of the blatant lies shes been telling, upon the contradictions it's pretty clear she'll be of a third party or have some weird win condition that's best to be removed from the game.