We interrupt your regularly scheduled downtime to bring you this important announcement.
We've (finally) managed to get the forums updated to a modern version of Xenforo. We're now running Xenforo 1.5.6, which comes with a whole slew of bug fixes, new features, and extra conflicts for the admins to fix! Some of the more impressive features include:
Two-Step Authentication: http://escaperestart.com/forum/account/two-step
You can now ensure the security of your account with 2FA, with verification codes sent accessible via your smartphone or email.
Enhanced Profile Post Comments: Now likeable!
Thread tags:
As expected, there are a variety of new forum issues as a result of this upgrade: Seethe dark blue bar at the top of the forums, broken user ribbons, etc. We're aware of a lot of these issues and are working to fix them, but if you find other broken bits of the forums, report them on the thread below and we'll work on patching them up.
Two-Step Authentication: http://escaperestart.com/forum/account/two-step
You can now ensure the security of your account with 2FA, with verification codes sent accessible via your smartphone or email.
Enhanced Profile Post Comments: Now likeable!
Thread tags:
As expected, there are a variety of new forum issues as a result of this upgrade: See