[Characters] Yume Play


Jul 20, 2013
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Welp, time to stir up this section once more.
This is the Characters thread of the first RP I host, so I mainly just want to see posts containing character info or discussing characters and the like. Your characters can basically be anything living, but don't try to get too crazy, because crazier beings are very complicated. Oh, and I should warn you: I have a special way of dealing with characters deemed as "OP".
Here, you'll be wanting this basic plot to get started:

You arrive at the seaport of your destination city and wander through the small crowds of various indistinct people. As you go, you observe many different potential professions in action, some of which you may wish to try out some time in the future.

Ok, that's pretty much it. You're in a city, you can chose to move in and have a house, maybe start working at a job, get to know some people... There are two neighboring cities, but we'll get more in depth on them later.
The city you are in right now is kind of a fantasy/sci-fi area with no cultural preference, so you can basically live however you want while you are here.

Basic Rules:

To start, everyone gets two characters (this is definitely to increase to three, and possibly more later on, but let's focus on now), only one of which has to arrive via sea.

[Death]: the only thing you need to know is that, for the time being, death must be consented. This is so confidential, I'm not even going to tell you if you can die or not.

[In-game Information]: Here's probably going to be the biggest doozie; Players may only exchange information relevant to the RP world through character interaction, as much of the world is going to be mysterious and unknown for a good while.
I do for two reasons: the first is that I kind of think trying to go out and learn things for yourself, almost like solving a puzzle, is more fun than simply having everything handed to you.
The second reason is that I really don't like it when I tell someone something about one of my characters, only for them to use exactly what I just told them against said character to the fullest extent as if their character, which would most likely have no knowledge of my character, just immediately read five different wiki articles about my character in the blink of an eye. Tag or PM me if your character is trying to find information.

[Library]: this is a handy little tool primarily used for either catching old players returning from a hiatus back up, as well as to let new players be welcome at basically any time. All though library is currently empty, all characters can access this tool at any given time. The basic concept is that player put information in here so that they can better remember it and so they can help other players and collaborate, which will definitely help with finding things out in this world.
The library tool will come in the form of another thread separate from this and the main RP thread.

[Policies on: OP/God Characters/Power Playing]: Yes, you are totally allowed to come in as some super spoopy death god and try to destroy everything. Just know that doing so will likely result in a bad time, and that such characters are unable to access the city at time of this post, and for a while onward.

[Combat]: fighting is totally disallowed until the majority of the players are at a place where they won't immediately grind to a halt the moment a fight breaks loose (as was demonstrated with the guardian of darkness in GoTE).

[Character Stats/Info: Creation Format]: I don't really care what you do, just as long as people can make sense of it, and it covers your character's appearance, characteristics, and general capabilities. [BCOLOR=#800000]Also, remember to use good, legible writing that others can see well, as well as making it understandable, not too small or big, making it a good color that neither burns eyes nor hides, adn mak sre yur spelli ad grama is gud, two.[/BCOLOR]

That's really about it for now, other than to try and keep it PG and to not get fiery about anything.

Also, a lot of mechanics are going to be different than your standard RP, but like I said, these mechanics are going to remain mysterious until you try and explore them.

I am currently working on an engine in scratch for this RP that will not only feature a world map, but it will also have little character pins to help keep track of each character's position. When completed, I will do my best to update the map where needed, but players will also be able to mark and save the positions of their characters, which will definitely help with the basic purpose of the engine to begin with. More information will be released as I develop on this.

I currently have my characters written down on a piece of paper next to where I keep this laptop when I'm at my mom's house, but the only one I'm going to reveal is...

...a little kid named Heart.
Name: Heart
Face: according to some people, they "have blue this time around".
Physical Details: you kind of overheard someone on the ship say that "the real heart is a girl now"
you've also hear that she is of a lighter skin tone, has fairly long hair (with an inconsistency of whether it was blue, green, or yellow), and she's not very big... or old.
Some people seem to think that "Heart likes blue dresses and skirts... for now."
Psychological Details: a lot of people seem to believe that Heart has had a long-standing fascination in unconventional hats, usually ones depicting animals or other characters.
One person at the port was saying something about how "many children are named after Heart in the hopes of..." you didn't get to hear the rest of that. Apparently this kid possesses some skill for the sword, bow, fishing, acrobatics, and meditating.
Magic: You didn't bother asking about what kind of magic she possesses, nor did anyone blurt anything about it in your presence. (Unless you want to know, but this info will have to be handed over via PM).

It's a good idea to associate your different characters with colors, so that you can better distinguish them when doing RP. I tried using fonts for this in the past, but I ended up getting the fonts confused and forgetting which font I assigned to who. Also, not all fonts are very easily distinguished from one another, like you can hardly tell that I used Tahoma for "who", though I guess the Arial Black on "font" might be more noticeable.

I'm gonna wait about a week before I bring up the actual RP thread, though I may put up the Library in a couple of days, in the event that anyone had theories they want to discuss before we really begin.
The Library will feature a roster that I intend to keep updated, listing who has which characters.

This is the Characters thread of the first RP I host, so I mainly just want to see posts containing character info or discussing characters and the like. Your characters can basically be anything living, but don't try to get too crazy, because crazier beings are very complicated. Oh, and I should warn you: I have a special way of dealing with characters deemed as "OP".

I might specify that this thread is not quite an "OoC" thread because this is strictly for character creation and discussion. To be honest, I want to keep OoC down lower than most RPs, but it will still remain present for sake of explanation and necessary communication between players.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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well, it's nice to see someone trying to do something in the roleplay section for a change

i'm curious though, what exactly is the purpose of keeping things in secret like that? i understand how that could be useful in some ways in the case of specific characters, but when we're talking about the general details of the overall setting, there's awfully little to go by at this point

it's sci-fi, we've arrived in a seaport... and that's it; how can i as a player begin to create my character or even consider if i want to join in the first place, if that's all i know?

surely the characters know something about the world they live in?


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
i'm curious though, what exactly is the purpose of keeping things in secret like that?
To encourage people to seek out information with their characters and explore the world in a more immersive manner, rather than to just be told everything you need to know and more via OoC and immediately being able to apply it to the RP. Of the few RPs I have seen, none seem to have tried this, and I was kind of curious as to why.
As someone who grew up playing Zelda games, I find a certain satisfaction to finally solving a complicated puzzle and using my mind.
it's sci-fi, we've arrived in a seaport... and that's it; how can i as a player begin to create my character or even consider if i want to join in the first place, if that's all i know?
It's fantasy and sci-fi, actually, and the reason for that lies mainly in the other two cities. You also know that there is literally no culture preference in the city you are in, so you can literally be what ever you want so long as it has a playable level of sentience and can fit within the city in terms of physical size. I also mentioned things you might do, like look for a place to live/stay and the choice of having just about any occupation. There will be an end-goal with a plot, but for now, make a character or two, and when the RP thread is opened, have them do some things.
You don't have to post every day, especially when we're in the slower part of getting started, but it is nice to show up at least once or twice a week.

I will do my best to help us get through the slow phase as fast as possible.

surely the characters know something about the world they live in?
Well, they know that it's a good place to live with friendly people and things to do.
Beyond that, though... would kind of ruin some parts of/the entire main plot if they knew a whole lot from the start, but don't forget that you're kind of trying to figure things out in this RP.
Talking to the people will be a very useful source of information in the earlier stages here, though they might be a little reluctant to speak of certain things until they know you better.

P.S. you might be able to glean something important from the title...


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
To encourage people to seek out information with their characters and explore the world in a more immersive manner, rather than to just be told everything you need to know and more via OoC and immediately being able to apply it to the RP. Of the few RPs I have seen, none seem to have tried this, and I was kind of curious as to why.
As someone who grew up playing Zelda games, I find a certain satisfaction to finally solving a complicated puzzle and using my mind.

It's fantasy and sci-fi, actually, and the reason for that lies mainly in the other two cities. You also know that there is literally no culture preference in the city you are in, so you can literally be what ever you want so long as it has a playable level of sentience and can fit within the city in terms of physical size. I also mentioned things you might do, like look for a place to live/stay and the choice of having just about any occupation. There will be an end-goal with a plot, but for now, make a character or two, and when the RP thread is opened, have them do some things.
You don't have to post every day, especially when we're in the slower part of getting started, but it is nice to show up at least once or twice a week.

I will do my best to help us get through the slow phase as fast as possible.

Well, they know that it's a good place to live with friendly people and things to do.
Beyond that, though... would kind of ruin some parts of/the entire main plot if they knew a whole lot from the start, but don't forget that you're kind of trying to figure things out in this RP.
Talking to the people will be a very useful source of information in the earlier stages here, though they might be a little reluctant to speak of certain things until they know you better.

P.S. you might be able to glean something important from the title...
the reason rps don't do that is because it's almost impossible to pull off effectively (since the lull in RotE I've been rping on another site and I've seen a ton of rps rise and fall). It's a good idea in theory, but in practice, players quickly lose interest since they don't know what to do. I've seen things like this tried before, for an rp to work there needs to be goals, objectives and guidelines to help give the players an idea of what to do

Applying this to real life, you wouldn't just release an infant into the world and tell them to go be successful; they have no idea what anything is or where to go. That's why we have the school system and parents take care of their kids until 18 (usually). To be successful, you need to have an understanding of what your world is and where you should go to fulfill an objective.

In games like zelda, its the same thing. There are only certain areas you can access and you can already rule out some options since they obviously don't work. Also, more than anything, you know what your goal is. You're trying to open that door or light that torch or get across a room, you know where I'm getting at. Throwing someone into a world and leaving them with absolutely no idea what to do just makes their interest disappear in a heartbeat.

( sorry if I read the situation wrong and this stuff above doesn't apply though, my excuse is I'm sick :^) )


Jul 20, 2013
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I definitely get what you're getting at, but the way this world works, you'll find it easier to know what to do the longer the RP has been going.
I know it seems like there's pretty much nothing, but trust me: I'm going to have beacons of sorts appear within due time; one or two of which are already out.
I'm not just throwing a bunch of blank-slate people into a blank-slate world, because there are going to be a good number of hints and the like.

Anyone who has read about my first revealed character will already know that many citizens talk about said character... a lot. This character might just be a celebrity, but you don't know until you do know, and I'd say to go looking around, but the RP thread isn't currently up.
I mean, if everyone wants to know everything right now, I could launch the RP and Library threads much earlier, but I kind of want to see at the least a number of starts to characters.
If you're not sure how this will turn out, but you don't really want to wait, then I suggest making a simple, perhaps bare-bones character so that I know people are interested.
Do remember that you can currently have two characters at this time.