
Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, this is Hunter, some of you might know me for some reasons or other. Haven't been active in a while and it's a good time to leave the community. Got accepted to university, too!

Had good times on TNT, SMP, and Mafia, thanks for the experience.

Shout out to my homies:

catgirl12466 if I had to choose the greatest thing that's come out of out of joining this community, it'd definitely be meeting you. Hope to see you soon :D

Tails506 Kami was great! Stay fishy.
Enderfive you're pretty cool, kiddo. keep up those debate skills
Aqua hahahahahaha rip you and the rest of the uk
myusername22 don't forget the n
Naoh gratz on everything, good luck in life and stuff
Toiletprincess ender is right about you being the c word, stay cute
Duffie you make good arts and stuff, good luck in life!

skype groups: you're all great, stay awesome, hope to keep in touch for a long time to come

Thanks to everyone who's made this a good five years. Best of luck to all.
Couldn't possibly fit everyone in the tags! You know who you are.

Have a good one,


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
There's 2 people I always thought would be the last ones to leave this Community. You and Notme.

Hope you visit every now and then! Survivor with you was quite fun. Wish you the best out there! <3
I'll stay here until this community shutdown.

I like this.... stagnated ascendency. stellaris reference
Or we used to be Rome and now we are mere Italy.
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