This is the End


You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
After some time away from here and thinking over this, I have decided that I must depart this community. I have slowly drifted away from here and have lost interest in Minecraft. I had a great run here back when I first joined and I will never forget anyone here. I would make a list of people I wanted to make a shout out to, but that would be way too long. To everyone I have ever met, thank you for impacting my life in positive ways. Thank you for all the laughs, jokes, comfort through hardships, and all the friendships I had formed with you guys. I know this isn't a long written message full of sentiment and other things, but I felt this would be simple enough and gets the point across. Anyway, if any of you would like to keep in touch with me after here, feel free to send me a PM on here. I'll check it for a couple of days before I completely leave.

Thanks for everything EscRestart. I had fun.

Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
(From the voice of ParasiteX408, because name changing makes an unfamiliar face.)

Another person I knew back in Classic Lava Survival... leaving. T_T

I wanna say right now that you've been a blast, and seeing a friend that I know long enough leave kind of makes me shed a tear a little, I know it's weird for me to say that, but hey it works. It's also weird how I actually managed to remember you and everyone else in the same secret room back in Classic Lava Survival, even though most of us started to AFK in the process, heh. XD

I know you might not read this message, or you will, but want to say to you: Good luck in life, and hope you live life to the fullest if you can.

Au revoir, mon ami. (Goodbye, my friend.)

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