Overwatch [discussions/memes/whatever]


the cooliest
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I noticed we don't have an actual discussion thread on Overwatch and I know some of us play it so why not aye? (hmu if you think of anything i can add to this)

If you don't know what Overwatch is, it's a team-based FPS by Blizzard
that requires strategies, team comps and for most heroes, at least half of a brain.

| Game Site | Original 2014 Trailer | Gameplay Trailer | Cinematics Playlist | Playable Heroes |

| Community Battlenet Tag Doc |

Anywho, feel free to post anything so long as it relates to Overwatch! (And ofcourse, goes by the community rules)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ayy, this is one of the main games our friend group plays nowadays. Pretty much solely play competitive. Getting closer and closer to reaching my Season 3 rank goal of Diamond! Almost always play Lucio and Ana but Ana is definitely my favorite.

Anyways, really really fun game. Highly recommend it if your computer can run it. (or I guess console but never played so I can't recommend lel)


the cooliest
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The gay character is gonna be McCree, I am calling it now.
i seriously wish it was, that'd be amazing

yo that's actually damn neat. symmetra is so different i love her for it, even tho i hate playing her. i love seeing autistic characters that aren't like super geeky, cringey males, because not all of us are like that! a lot of people think everyone autistic is like sheldon because it's just what they've seen which isn't their fault. i get told i don't even look autistic but honestly all the signs are there in person but people just aren't used to females w/ autism tbh. o well, whatever, this is damn cool and i'm very happy about this.

Season 3 rank goal of Diamond!
i just got there and it's still hell. but on the bright side you get a pretty glowing blue diamond icon!


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
I for one discovered one thing whilst playing Overwatch.. despite the constant trash talk between PC/Console players.. the skill gap is rl.

I'm a silver scrublord @ 1877 on PC (thanks to trying to do my unrankeds solo as a support main) and I'm a gold ass @ 2200 something on PS4.. (thanks to both because I tried being a solo support main and because my rating last season was 2477 ((praise plat)))

also if any of you would like to play (carry me pls) you can find/friend me at Uncleanpiggy#1917


Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Overwatch is tons of fun, it's the main game I play on PC atm. Used to play on PS4 and was SR 3565 when I made the switch. I just reached lvl 25 so I'll be starting comp. If anyone wants to join in for comp or heck even QP just hit my up. Battletag is Paradox137#1965.


the cooliest
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

With the announcement of Orisa happening not too long ago, I thought we could discuss her and see what everyone thinks of her!

Hero Page with Abilities | Release Video | Gameplay Video by Yogscast Martyn | Origin Story

Quoted from the Hero Page itself
"Orisa serves as the central anchor of her team, and defends her teammates from the frontline with a protective barrier. She can attack from long range, fortify her own defenses, launch graviton charges to slow and move enemies, and deploy a Supercharger to boost the damage output of multiple allies at once."

Personally, I believe she's going to be very powerful in the right hands as I'm sure many of you will agree. I've played her a bit on PTR and I honestly think her damage will be insane for a tank if you play her well. That is, of course, so long as there's no damage nerfs.
Anywho, if you haven't already, start up that PTR, play some no limits and experience the barrierfest that is Orisa! (If you want to, that is.)
