[Suggestion] Make Clan Bases Accessible To Everyone


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Just an idea on how to possibly increase player activity and get people to explore other clan territory and increase raids or exploration being done by others.

I know that there are already walls built by clans which surrounds their main base which was initially done to protect players from raiders, but what if ALL clan bases were open and free flowing so that raiders or visitors can come into the walls without being hindered by a redstone lock on the wall or a vast cave that people get lost in.

This would require an opening on the clan's wall - a fancy gate or simple door - that's easily identifiable.
It'll make current wall protections useless but aesthetic.
It'll make it easier for people to raid or explore

If you dislike this suggestion then do take the time to explain.


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
Just an idea on how to possibly increase player activity and get people to explore other clan territory and increase raids or exploration being done by others.

I know that there are already walls built by clans which surrounds their main base which was initially done to protect players from raiders, but what if ALL clan bases were open and free flowing so that raiders or visitors can come into the walls without being hindered by a redstone lock on the wall or a vast cave that people get lost in.

This would require an opening on the clan's wall - a fancy gate or simple door - that's easily identifiable.
It'll make current wall protections useless but aesthetic.
It'll make it easier for people to raid or explore

If you dislike this suggestion then do take the time to explain.
I think this is too drastic, a blatant hole in the wall just for raiders to waltz into. However, I think measures should be taken to make the town more accessible through a number of rules. I think these rules could be:
1. No Redstone Locks / Combos.
2. The entrance has to be within 50 blocks of the walls.
3. A limit on cobweb water entrances. (If anyone remembers old aeres it took 40 mins to get in)
4. No making the player go below y 25 (can be changed but this is just to avoid an abuse of cavesystems)

Yeah so anyway, with these rules, it will be easier to raid and it would bring more people back on. Clans can think up hidden entrances within 50 blocks of the walls. With these rules it will still be challenging to get into the bases on clans, but doable.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Just an idea on how to possibly increase player activity and get people to explore other clan territory and increase raids or exploration being done by others.

I know that there are already walls built by clans which surrounds their main base which was initially done to protect players from raiders, but what if ALL clan bases were open and free flowing so that raiders or visitors can come into the walls without being hindered by a redstone lock on the wall or a vast cave that people get lost in.

This would require an opening on the clan's wall - a fancy gate or simple door - that's easily identifiable.
It'll make current wall protections useless but aesthetic.
It'll make it easier for people to raid or explore

If you dislike this suggestion then do take the time to explain.
How about you take the time to explain why you think everyone wants to be raided?


why we can't have nice things
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
just because primus has nothing to lose and cant seem to find a way around enemy walls doesnt mean the rest of the server needs to suffer for it

we're not putting a blatant hole in our walls after the absolute h e l l the family's gone through making them


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Righto, so the main issue here is that raiding no longer happens, which is boring for a lot of players, since a big part of this server is PvP.

So how to fix this?
The obvious one is a rule change. By doing this we will make a drastic impact of the entire server, and something like this should really happen at the start at the server, because we'll, a lot of people won't like it.
The reasons are well listed above, so I don't see a point in repeating them, but I really do not want to piss off (at least) one third of the server, and we will end up with a new rule set, which like all others will have its own flaws.
The only thing I think might actually work out I would be limiting redstone locks to 1000 combos, mazes to 20 min on shortest way is through, to make it more fair, but what will this lead to? First off it makes rules stupidly complicated (as if they are not already :p), and secondly it will mean that everyone will have to rework their lock, and people will again be mad.

However, we can not leave it like it currently is.
The way I think we should solve this is to make clan fights each other frequently, struggle to win, some good competitions and so on. This is luckily something we are working on already, dungeons, tournament, CTF. This however is not nearly enough, but these are the features we are past planning and mostly need to finish. We have begin talking about some other stuff to do too, but not too much distinct quite yet.

I would love to see some suggestions and discussion from this you guys on this! =)


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
How about you take the time to explain why you think everyone wants to be raided?
Good point. Not many people like to be raided, hence the walls that the clans have placed up. The point of this idea is to increase player activity since the server, at this point in time, has seem to lost quite a lot of that. I know that Danni mentioned CTF, dungeons, and tournaments - which makes this idea seem too radical compared to those future releases, but this is just a suggestion. Also, it seems like players have become complacent because they have walls to protect them. Usually the people that prefer not to be raided aren't the PVP type, prefer to just build without getting attacked, or want to keep what they mined/made safe from raiders -- This basically sums me up, too. Why the hell am I suggesting this idea then? I'm just trying to figure out ways to increase player activity, that's all.

just because primus has nothing to lose and cant seem to find a way around enemy walls doesnt mean the rest of the server needs to suffer for it

we're not putting a blatant hole in our walls after the absolute h e l l the family's gone through making them
Always wondered what you thought about Primus during allied raids. However, just because a clan had a hard time making their walls doesn't mean that we shouldn't change the rules, make the game more interesting, or that we should let the server activity suffer.

Maybe this idea should be left as a last-ditch effort to revitalize the server (when no one really plays on it?). Hopefully the future releases - Dungeons, Tournaments, and CTF - will help increase player activity.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
I think there's several better suggestions in here than the original. I'm glad you recognize that we built walls for a reason, and I also recognize that pvp is part of the server. I've been considering an idea or two to suggest as well, though I think it might be better to wait for the things in progress right now. The ideas I've had would depend on the tech that the server has/can get anyway, which might mean making danni's life miserable (you like installing more plugins, right? :D ).

Of the suggestions here so far, the only ones that gaia doesn't fit into is that we have a redstone lock (though it only has a handful of combinations, it's still fairly difficult) and we don't have an opening in our walls (though I just went and patched several, some of our clan members need a kick in the ass).


Dear Apparition
Lava Staff
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
I think this is too drastic, a blatant hole in the wall just for raiders to waltz into. However, I think measures should be taken to make the town more accessible through a number of rules. I think these rules could be:
1. No Redstone Locks / Combos.
2. The entrance has to be within 50 blocks of the walls.
3. A limit on cobweb water entrances. (If anyone remembers old aeres it took 40 mins to get in)
4. No making the player go below y 25 (can be changed but this is just to avoid an abuse of cavesystems)

Yeah so anyway, with these rules, it will be easier to raid and it would bring more people back on. Clans can think up hidden entrances within 50 blocks of the walls. With these rules it will still be challenging to get into the bases on clans, but doable.
I like all of these ideas aside from maybe the 50 block distance rule. Instead, I think the rule should be 30 or 40 blocks away from the wall for entrances.
Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
Tell you what psycho how about you do that with Primus and we will follow suit if you can show us that it won't have any detrimental effects

EDIT I just realized that you want open borders for clans and if that is the case then accept some aeran refugees

DOUBLE EDIT: I guess I should give my opinions on this instead just shitposting honestly it's a really idiotic idea for reasons said above also it would make people leave the server more if anything if they think they can't build without the safety of the walls and locks in place
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Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
just because primus has nothing to lose and cant seem to find a way around enemy walls doesnt mean the rest of the server needs to suffer for it

we're not putting a blatant hole in our walls after the absolute h e l l the family's gone through making them
I don't really raid at all. I hate being paranoid about raids or rendered helpless because I'm of a lower level then most raiders. So, I don't know where you get this idea that Primus, collectively has nothing to lose, seeing as most of us aren't really PvP types. Plus, the drama we've been through making our walls-- was...is still an issue.

As much as I disagree with this suggestion, I understand it. The server caters to PvP/teamwork, whereas these days it seems to be frequented by builders.
However, I hate being raided, it makes me annoyed. To be out in the open, only to be attacked ( for so many minutes) is upsetting and frustrating. Be that as it may, is it a necessary move to get the player count up? Maybe. I just hope that the solution to gaining more players doesn't come in the form of opening up a hole in a clan's wall.
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Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
I do no think opening the walls is a good idea (just yet). I am curious to see where the server is heading with the new aspects being added soon (which danni mentioned).

Personally I like raiding/defending when being raided and would not mind if the walls were openend up, but that is probably because Aeres spent far less time on building the walls (I think, do not hit me if I am wrong Vrgin). If opening up the walls could bring back some exictement to LoP it might be a good plan as some sort of last resort. Seeing how much time some spent on their wall, and seeing how many are opposed to these ideas just yet all I have to say is: I am looking forward to CTF.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
I personally think that having a maximum amount of possible combos (1000 seems like a good number) for redstone locks would be a great rule to add.
I can agree with that (it's one of the better suggestions in this thread), but there are other ways to make the mechanism complex and infuriating. I know not everyone is great with redstone, but there are ways.


Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
I have a different look on this, I don't think raiding has to become easier.

I believe the reason raiding just doesn't happen anymore is because were passed that now, were passed the stage of raiding each others bases because we have all developed ways to protect ourselves and our towns. So I think there needs to be different things to do now to increase activity again. Now it's time for maybe new content like exploring menacing dungeons, fighting the best of the best in tournaments,etc. The time of attacking each others bases is over, there are new battlegrounds to find.