There ya go!can someone please tell me why my images wont post xD
i feel like such a noob rn
It might just be the size, I think? I shrinked the picture a little and reloaded it.woah woah woah how did you do that?!
every time i post a picture it shows up but then turns to a little red x
ill try thatIt might just be the size, I think? I shrinked the picture a little and reloaded it.
Something horribly wrong happened while uploading, can you use imgur? /-98I4JDgv69s/WTUJ6Km0r9I/AAAAAAAABZU/dSFOvv3wIecyRLHGOu66TcRVSTVyAMsiwCL0B/w530-d-h298-p-rw/2017-05-22_02.20.16.png]
legit the highlight of my night xD"lemme try a thing"
Alright guys, so um.. I am the laziest, TOP procrastinating, scrub ever, so here's 10 months worth of screenshots BYE!
- (tried to upload an imgur album and it wouldn't work, so here's a link)
Dessern sucks
Excuse you
"You carry a camera for all your adventures.""Some photos from my adventures :)"