Community Community News - 19th August 2017


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score

Community News 272 - 19th August 2017


If you have some money spare, we would really appreciate a donation! We also have a Patreon page where you can donate however much you want monthly, and gain a Discord donor rank if it's over $5/m: check it out here!

Vote Here!
Voting helps make our server more visible and is the easiest way to give our server free publicity. On top of that, you get rewards for doing it. Please help us out!

Mulbery has resigned from Admin. Thank you for all you've done!
Join our Discord here!

Suggestions & Bug Reports
We've changed how suggestions are done to ensure they actually get responded to! Find out about it at

This week's Crayola colour is: ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅((>

The Summer Competition results have been released; congratulations to the winners! Find the results here:

We'd like to remind everyone to please read and follow the rules.

Changes & Additions:
From today, successful map submissions for AoD and RoF will award the map creator(s) Topians depending on their rank! Find out more here:

Novice Plots, FlatOne and Flatland have been cleared up - grief, WorldEdit/VoxelSniper tests and empty plots have been either cleared or deleted.

A new SketchMap archive has been built! Type /warp SketchMap to find a collection of over 100 SketchMaps for you to use! PM a Mod+ if you would like a map or SketchMap added.

Inappropriate and duplicate SketchMaps have been deleted.

All Maps have been moved from FlatOne and Flatland to /mvtp Maps.

Snow will no longer melt in Flatland.

FreakyCupcake promoted to Admin.​

There's no real news, so have another sneak peek at the Prestige Update. This week: slightly better-looking chat!

Map Helper Rank:
Helper applications are still open:
The details for applying are listed in the thread if you are interested.

Also read the following thread by Arelic to see changes to maps, its been updated for this month

SMP Feedback
Progress is being made.™

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions for the name of the server, please PM one of your friendly SMP Directors!

Progress. Hopefully. Huge thank you to those of you who have spent your free time helping to test the server, especially Ooglie101. Big apologies for the amount of time it's taking to get the server running.​

We've been having issues with the server, so it probably won't be up for too much longer. Thank you for playing!​
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