Would you play on a Vanilla SMP server?

Do you want a Vanilla SMP server?

  • Total voters


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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It's already been a month and nothing has been done. What is the point of having a Halloween SMP server which will be up for what I'm assuming the week before or on the week of Halloween. Explain to me the appeal of rehashing an idea from previous events (even though it applies to Vanilla too, at least there is some variation). Then when you release the server, after Halloween what is the point of having an outdated server because people will focus on the next holiday like Christmas.

I'm pretty sure why you are doing this is not to have a quality server (I hope it is quality) but just laziness to the highest degree that even setting up a VANILLA server is difficult. Wtf, get off your arse just set it up. Just do something because the reason why ER is dying is not because of the players, but the admins being lazy asf.

There was no point in this poll, and it doesn't help that in my opinion; the only sorta capable looking SMP admin has put himself down to controller. If you had the idea of having a Halloween server like 2/1 months before Halloween then why make this thread and make that poll. It's 1am, I'm tired from jumping at a trampoline park but even I'm livid at the level of incompetence right now. It doesn't also help that I'm literally making this post on my birthday.

Post a clarification why it takes so long to debate something so small (most of the decision making has already been done by the bloody poll in the first place) , and please don't blame this on life because a vanilla server a) takes an hour to set up and b) I see you lot active on Discord on most days that I have checked. I mean Danni, you literally voted for the Yes option yourself! It's disappointing to see something like this take a month, and it's worse because it's too late to have a vanilla server in the first place.

Oh well, I guess it's time to wait all the way until November/December for a SMP which will be hyped then when it's up; just a rehash of something like JtE or DoD.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Adding on to the fact that when it was established that we would do this, it was later said "we decided on an event server". I don't think I need to remind you that the community voted for a vanilla smp. We didn't vote for a event server the admin team did, and the admin team does not reflect the general populis of the community


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I personally wouldn't have been around to participate in it, but it feels like a Vanilla SMP server should have been initiated at the start of this poll, with hints and progress made toward the Halloween event server. It would have gotten some people back into Minecraft, and built hype for anyone who didn't like Vanilla SMP, but was interested in the server...

As I said, I couldn't have been here for the server, so my qualms are all but inadequate, but I know I would have played if I could... > 3>

Edit: Still, there's little wrong with how this was done, but I do believe this should have been more of a hype teaser, than anything else, at this rate.


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
30 days to answer a unanimous 'yes' to a vanilla server


ER is dying is not because of the players, but the admins being lazy asf.
If it was our fulltime jobs to do this, you could easily say this. Unfortunately, people have lives. Us not being able to get admins able to carry out these jobs or communicate effectively is a different issue altogether (here comes the drama - get the memes out), but I would highly advise calling people "lazy" and things like that isn't a good idea unless you actually know what's going on...

We didn't vote for a event server the admin team did, and the admin team does not reflect the general populis of the community
People who wanted vanilla SMP vs people who didn't was 21-19, and I can hardly call that decisive. This was asking "would you play", not "decide what we do". If it was heavily swayed towards vanilla SMP, it would have to be a vanilla SMP, but it wasn't.

Post a clarification why it takes so long to debate something so small
Is this not a decision?
To make it 100% clear, if Halloween was not that close, we would have a vanilla SMP. Now instead we will have a Halloween themed one, closer to the holiday.
However, I have been concerned with the lack of progress on SMP's event I have seen (no idea how you've seen it), so I've asked SMP admins to review if they are able to create an event in time or whether a vanilla SMP would be more achievable. We shall see what comes of that.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I don't know why I'm getting involved since I don't care about SMP but I feel this needs to be said:

If it was our fulltime jobs to do this, you could easily say this. Unfortunately, people have lives. Us not being able to get admins able to carry out these jobs or communicate effectively is a different issue altogether (here comes the drama - get the memes out), but I would highly advise calling people "lazy" and things like that isn't a good idea unless you actually know what's going on...
Albeit that the Admins being lazy may not be the main cause of stagnation, this is still a pitiful excuse. You guys complain when people expect more out of you and say "waaah we're not getting paid so we don't have to", when really if you were doing a good enough Job people wouldn't expect more of you in the first place. It may not be your full time job but you're also not being forced to carry this position, and if you can't handle it or spare enough time for it then pass it on to someone else.

At my university I am a member of the gaming society; last year a new committee took over and transformed it from a small society with a decreasing membership into a blossoming one with now one of (as of a few weeks ago with the new semester starting and the societies fair bringing in new members) the highest membership out of all the uni's societies. How did they do this? By putting in that extra amount of effort because they were passionate and cared about the society; on top of balancing work, university and their social lives.

So TL;DR if you can't make time for ESCR then don't ask to be in a position of power and hand it over to one of the players who is active here and actually wants to see a change, instead of bitching about people complaining. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
People who wanted vanilla SMP vs people who didn't was 21-19, and I can hardly call that decisive. This was asking "would you play", not "decide what we do". If it was heavily swayed towards vanilla SMP, it would have to be a vanilla SMP, but it wasn't.
I don't get these maths guys.

21 votes (or less when it was decided) was a good amount for you guys to think "Ok this is enough votes, lets make something". That something SHOULD have been a bog standard Vanilla SMP. Thats what the majority vote wanted.

You've essentially gone "Well these 3 want something special + Halloween = Profit?"

Also "This was asking "would you play", not "decide what we do"

Whats the point of a bloomin' poll if not to decide WHAT YOU GUYS SHOULD DO.

You advertised a poll for a vanilla server and we are getting something else. End of. Hence why I changed my vote to a no. It's not what won the vote.

Edit: I'm not trying to be an asshole just, this sort of thing really discourages people from voting on things if you ignore the overall vote. THIS ISN'T POLITICS.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
So TL;DR if you can't make time for ESCR then don't ask to be in a position of power and hand it over to one of the players who is active here and actually wants to see a change, instead of bitching about people complaining. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who? Cuz I mean, I could be wrong, but I feel like Danni is admin because there is no-one else to replace him, but regardless of the fact that he's very busy, he's has maintained the position in order to at least try to do what he can for the community, which is more than can be said for most people here. Don't get me wrong, I get people are annoyed and will complain/voice their opinions so that things can improve, but to me it seems like someone's volunteering to do what nobody else will bother to do and is getting way too much "thou art my servant" aggressive crap thrown at him from certain people for not doing it up to standard. And I'm not saying "don't complain", since complains can be constructive and useful, but when I see certain posts by certain people who basically spit at them and patronise them and act like they're their servant, and I think of who they're actually talking to and why that person is even in the position they're in (or at least, why I think they are), it's pretty sucky. #Respect for Danni who doesn't even have to put *any* work in at all but does because no-one else is going to.

But if there is actually someone out there who would want to take over, or if I'm just wildly misinformed (which is possible since I don't really pay much attention to the SMP side of the community) then just dismiss this post I guess


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
It was a response to SirC, It has nothing to do with Danni.

EDIT: Also (And I know I joke about it a lot, but this time I'm sorta serious) the fact that Jolteon was an Admin and is now STILL a Controller or whatever even tho he does nothing except spend all day playing Archeage with me kinda runs parallel to my statement considering he was supposed to be a part of the SMP team.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
Even after these explanations I STILL don't get why we chose to do an event server. 21 people voted for a vanilla server, 18 said no, and 3 ONLY 3 said they would play a server that is a bit more fancy. And don't give me any of this crap saying that this was just an interest poll. By the results on the poll you can see that half of the people who voted wanted just a plain old vanilla server to play on.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
But Sirc was referring to Danni and you responded to that so surely it was about Danni :confused:
It was a response to the excuse SirC made for Danni, I have no idea if the excuse is accurate or not, either way it was a bad excuse.

EDIT: Also just reread SirC's thing, he wasn't talking about Danni he was referring to all staff
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Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
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Who? Cuz I mean, I could be wrong, but I feel like Danni is admin because there is no-one else to replace him, but regardless of the fact that he's very busy, he's has maintained the position in order to at least try to do what he can for the community, which is more than can be said for most people here. Don't get me wrong, I get people are annoyed and will complain/voice their opinions so that things can improve, but to me it seems like someone's volunteering to do what nobody else will bother to do and is getting way too much "thou art my servant" aggressive crap thrown at him from certain people for not doing it up to standard. And I'm not saying "don't complain", since complains can be constructive and useful, but when I see certain posts by certain people who basically spit at them and patronise them and act like they're their servant, and I think of who they're actually talking to and why that person is even in the position they're in (or at least, why I think they are), it's pretty sucky. #Respect for Danni who doesn't even have to put *any* work in at all but does because no-one else is going to.

But if there is actually someone out there who would want to take over, or if I'm just wildly misinformed (which is possible since I don't really pay much attention to the SMP side of the community) then just dismiss this post I guess
This reply isn't directed to Danni, but I just wanted to quickly point out an example which is happening in real life.

People think that our prime minister in the UK; Theresa May is absolutely crap at her job, most of her party members/voters want her out because they see her as weak and not up to the task. The reason why she is still is in her job is because there is no one else to replace her except for bloody Boris Johnson who is a bafoon. Just because there's nobody to replace her doesn't detract from the viewpoint that she might be pretty bad at her job and the same thing applies to this.

Yes there might be nobody to replace the admins for the SMP staff team does not move away from the viewpoint of them maybe not being up to the task which is what people are pointing out.
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The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
This reply isn't directed to Danni, but I just wanted to quickly point out an example which is happening in real life.

People think that Theresa May is absolutely crap at her job, most of her party members want her out because they see her as weak and not up to the task. The reason why she is still is in her job is because there is no one else to replace her except for bloody Boris. Just because there's nobody to replace her doesn't detract from the viewpoint that she might be pretty bad at her job and the same thing applies to this.

Yes there might be nobody to replace the admins for the SMP staff team does not move away from the viewpoint of them maybe not being up to the task which is what people are pointing out.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
This reply isn't directed to Danni, but I just wanted to quickly point out an example which is happening in real life.

People think that Theresa May is absolutely crap at her job, most of her party members want her out because they see her as weak and not up to the task. The reason why she is still is in her job is because there is no one else to replace her except for bloody Boris. Just because there's nobody to replace her doesn't detract from the viewpoint that she might be pretty bad at her job and the same thing applies to this.

Yes there might be nobody to replace the admins for the SMP staff team does not move away from them maybe not being up to the task which is what people are pointing out.
Sure, I agree, just because there are no replacements doesn't mean they're doing a great job, and I agree with giving criticism since that's how people improve, but I'm talking about the way some people treat those people when giving that criticism. If Danni is doing something wrong, is it that difficult to pitch your opinion with some respect for a fellow human being, and one who is in a volunteer position for the benefit of others, too? Idk, maybe I read too much aggressiveness into some people's posts than were actually there, but that's what I read from it.


Resident Roadman
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Sure, I agree, just because there are no replacements doesn't mean they're doing a great job, and I agree with giving criticism since that's how people improve, but I'm talking about the way some people treat those people when giving that criticism. If Danni is doing something wrong, is it that difficult to pitch your opinion with some respect for a fellow human being, and one who is in a volunteer position for the benefit of others, too? Idk, maybe I read too much aggressiveness into some people's posts than were actually there, but that's what I read from it.
Oh, apologies for the misunderstanding then, in that case I do agree with what you're saying.

It's obvious to see that there is an issue, and there are members who are annoyed but we should use this opportunity to suggest and try to correct the short comings


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
(wow a kind of off-topic post but one that I feel links to the big-picture issue that comes out of this thread)

I'm not saying this is what happened with Danni since I'm pretty sure he's just really busy with real life right now, given what I can see in admin chat, but essentially what I feel like I see happening sometimes is:

1) an admin does something/doesn't do something which disappoints people, 2) the disappointed people then sometimes unnecessarily and aggressively patronise/attack the admin (or maybe I'm just reading into it and that's not what happens but), 3) the admin then feels like crap and loses motivation to do anything for these same people who made them feel like crap, then 4) people complain even more in hostile ways because the admin isn't doing what they want them to do, and then 5) the admin either resigns or stays at the rank because they want to help and no-one else will and just have to sit with the crap they get and nothing ever gets done.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't be upset when an admin doesn't follow through, because of course they should, but I think some people need to realise that if they want productivity out of a volunteer staff team, they need to at least treat them with respect when giving their complaints, because then the admin will ideally be able to take on board the criticism (e.g. in this case, not thinking logically about the poll?) and carry on, rather than think "if I make a mistake I have to feel like crap, so why do I even bother trying to do anything at all". We're dealing with human beings here people, who have feelings, and those feelings directly affect how they behave (wow look at me acting like I know what I'm talking about when I've been on a psychology course for like a day)!!!

We're kind of at a critical point right now because, judging from what I know, given my access to Admin chat and stuff, most of the admins seem to have lost motivation to even be admins anymore and there's a kind of mutual feeling from a lot of them of "what's the point if I just get treated like crap", and the solution is pretty simple, it's just being nicer and more appreciative. For example, who actually showed appreciation to Arelic for setting up the Don't Starve server? Cuz they didn't have to do that, Arelic isn't even an admin, they're AoD controller, but they stepped up and set it up and probably didn't get any sign of appreciation (but if they did that's awesome!!!). I know I didn't thank her and I'm probably not alone. I can't speak for Arelic of course but if you put yourselves in the shoes of a staff member, they're voluntarily doing something and getting no reward from it (unless you see having a rank as a reward or something, but nowadays I feel like that isn't the case since we're not 10 anymore). The least you can do is at least show some understanding and respect for a staff member if they do something you're not happy with, not only because it's just nice to be treated nicely by people, but also because I feel like it would save us from what I feel is coming next if we don't address this - THE END IS NIGH, ALL STAFF WILL RESIGN

Basically in order for this system we have of volunteer staff to work, the staff need some kind of motivation, and just being a staff member of a really big community and having respect/power or whatever doesn't work anymore because 1) we ain't a big community anymore and 2) most of the power-hungry people probably left a while ago because of 1), so I think the staff left are people who just want to help, in which case the motivation will just be 'wanting to help', but that motivation diminishes if they're treated like crap for every mistake they make in their attempt to do so

Anyway I'm going to get off my little pedestal now and stop pointing out things which are probably obvious to a lot of people but I felt like this needed to be said by someone so there ya go

tl;dr being upset/angry with staff is understandable but respect/appreciation/constructive criticism as opposed to aggressive patronisation (I know it isn't a word but it makes sense okay) = improvements (probably).


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
It was a response to SirC, It has nothing to do with Danni.

EDIT: Also (And I know I joke about it a lot, but this time I'm sorta serious) the fact that Jolteon was an Admin and is now STILL a Controller or whatever even tho he does nothing except spend all day playing Archeage with me kinda runs parallel to my statement considering he was supposed to be a part of the SMP team.
It's good to see you are aware of the countless hours he has put into skillapi, and that he is vital to the server regarding balancing this when it comes out.

I have posted this previously, but will say it again.

I was considering putting up a vanilla server because I thought it may be some interest in the community, however some days after the thread was posted I decided to put more work in into it, and releasing a better server towards the holidays so we have another event for Halloween. Vanilla servers are very plain, low effort and last short, I think this is a better option, and as I am the one making the decision, I decided on the Halloween event. This was meant as a short yes or no question, for us to make a decision.

If your opinion is that this was a bad choice, that is fine, but the decision has been made, and there will be no further discussion on the point. If you like a vanilla server, I see no reason for you not to like the upcoming server too, and I sincerely hope you will all enjoy it.

I would ideally want to make a Vanilla server, as there was interest for it, but it would have made the Halloween event less successful, and I prioritized the better server.

All questions and discussion towards the SMP server or team is to be taken elsewhere, as this is not a thread for it. You can either send a PM to me or another relevant staff member, or make a thread if you so wish to. Further comments on the matter will be deleted.


Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Vanilla servers are very plain, low effort and last short, I think this is a better option, and as I am the one making the decision,
Then why make this the main option and topic for this thread?

If at whatever point you decided this wasnt a good idea, you shouldve posted then. Not 30 days later after everyone has already voted.
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Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
I just wanted to drop some context on why this happened, also people asked for an update on how the server was progressing and then everything exploded and I don't think an update was ever given. Basically at the time we made the poll we were planning on releasing the server soon. After some discussion in admin chat however, we decided it would be better to space out events (there were several events planned) as to not overlap them with each other. So we decided it would be better to have the SMP event around Halloween as we had a good idea and we had space for an event then, after Lavaversary.

On September 12, Danni did post in the thread that he was instead working on a server with more features. This might feel like we just ignored the poll, in my personal opinion the poll was an interest gauge. I agree that communication could have been better though, and that we should change the way we schedule and do events but that's a topic for another day.
Did we make the wrong decision? Probably. Is it too late to change it now? Yes.

I apologise for all the miscommunication and for the bad decision itself. With this I'm going to officially announce the release of our Halloween event server (which many might be familiar with) as Saturday, 14 October, after the meeting. I hope this mishap from us won't scare people away as I believe this is going to be a rather fun event and we have been putting a decent effort into.