Community Community News - 28 October 2017


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score

Community News 277 - 28th October 2017


Want to host an event? Check out our new CDE guidelines!

If you have some money spare, we would really appreciate a donation! We also have a Patreon page where you can donate however much you want monthly, and gain a Discord donor rank if it's over $5/m: check it out here!

Vote Here!
Voting helps make our server more visible and is the easiest way to give our server free publicity. On top of that, you get rewards for doing it. Please help us out!

Join our Discord here!
• Arelic has been promoted to Discord Admin and Nottykitten to Discord trial developer.
• We have a new music bot, Rythm. There's a guide pinned to the #music channel.
• Thanks to everyone who participated in giving feedback for the server emotes! The list has been updated and users who suggested accepted emotes have been given the Emote Contributor role.

Ronaldo has resigned from Teamspeak admin.

The Halloween ratings have been reenabled. Spoopy!

Forum Calendar
We've decided to add a forum calendar that will hopefully allow us to organize events better, and make it easier for users to see future events / plans. You can view this Calender at or just click the little tab under the main title bar.

This week's Crayola colour is: ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅((>


Robo has resigned from Create mod.

5th Lavaversary and Last Man Standing:

Thanks for joining us for the lavaversary events - we had a great time!

The winners of Last Man Standing were:
1[sup]st[/sup] - Catcocomics
2[sup]nd[/sup] - HKCaper
3[sup]rd[/sup] - ComputerGuy_

The October spoopy achievements make a return! Join the server any day in October for the "Spoooky" achievement and Halloween specifically for the "Fright Night" achievement!
In addition, all players will have permission to play "Spooky Scary Skeleton."
Added maps:
  • October Woods (Mob)
  • Spirit Hollow (Zombie)

SMP Feedback
Progress is finally accelerating! You should see some more teasers being posted in the coming weeks.

Major_Bryan has stepped down from Director.
cheatyface promoted to Controller.

Server is released! Join through the lobby (
Information here. There will be a Halloween event on the 31st.

Progress on pause. Probably/maybe expect a thread soon.​

Garry's Mod Deathrun is happening! Expect an official announcement post Monday. I plan on starting the event next weekend. Hopefully in the upcoming months there will be more gmod events too, so stay tuned! - Hex
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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Why is the ESCR TTT logo written in comic sans, when Deathrun has it's own fancy logo even though it;s just been announced and TTT has been around for years :thinking:
I don't remember for sure but I was probably responsible for making the TTT banner and thus it is limited to my amazing artistic capabilities


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Why is the ESCR TTT logo written in comic sans, when Deathrun has it's own fancy logo even though it;s just been announced and TTT has been around for years :thinking:
because inffy is a scrub. Nah, but pretty much what inffy said. We could easily update the banner if its needed, no one has mentioned it yet though. I want to do a re-work of all of our game banners soon(tm) anyways.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
I am extremely sorry to say that we were unable to create an event tomorrow, for our werewolf server. I really wanted to create something fun for it to end it off, but I have been at work/drunk/hungover/sick in that order and have been unable to do anything of use. Jolt have had an exam every day this week, and was thus also unavailable.

If anyone still wants it, I can get something set up for saturday, I have had a few ideas in mind, but most of all just one big battle with werewolves VS Vampires VS humans, with as many people on as possible, If there is any interest for this or another short event before the end of the server, which will be at Monday the 6th, feel free to suggest them.

Again apologies for this guys