Other Deception project looking for staff!


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Because in our community TTT and games like mafia and werewolves have been pretty popular, one of our new minecraft servers that we want to make is a deception based gamemode.

Here are the core mechanics that define deception based games: (examples are mafia, werewolves, TTT)
  • Good team vs bad team
  • Bad guys are hidden to the players
  • Good team has to complete an objective, examples:
    • eliminating all bad guys
    • completing quests or a quest
    • moving through a map while staying alive
  • Bad team has to prevent good team from completing their objective
  • Optional: 3rd parties that have their own win condition

There already is a similar gamemode on other MC servers named Murder Mystery, but it doesn't really work well in minecraft at all. I do think there is huge potentional for a gamemode based on deception mechanics and so that's why we should give it a try.

We already have some ideas of what to make but there are so many things possible we could do and it's important that we are creative to make a nice and unique server. That's why we are looking for some people to join the team and dedicate to help with ideas/design and later help with testing and moderating.

Here's what we expect from you as "deception" staff:
  • Willing to think of ideas for the server and discuss them respectfully with the rest.
  • Having time to occasionally test the server and attend meetings.
  • Experience with games like mafia/werewolves/TTT/Avalon/etc is a bonus but not a requirement.
I hope some people are interested in helping us make this project great. If you are interested simply send me a PM on the forums or discord where you simply tell me your idea or ideas of how our deception server should look like. Please also add things that are useful for me to know regarding you being staff.

We don't have much yet but I hope it's clear what we're going for. Feel to ask questions in this thread regarding the project and I'll do my best to answer them.

Edit: SirC here, just copying what I put before. The same for Deathrun would be appreciated too. Basically, what Vat said was perfect - if you can work well in a team, and you're willing to do test and meetings and stuff, slide into my DMs about how you can assist. We could do with all the help we could get, so that'd be great. Builders would be great (I'm already hearing about a couple of people), but just those who have ideas are more than welcome to come along for the ride as well.
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Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Who else is working on Deception server?
Asking, so I can add you all to google staff roster.
The 2 "official" deception staff now is me and okx (developer) but many other ER staff have also come up with some ideas. For now you can put just us in the staff roster. When the server launches or becomes close to launching you can add some people to deception staff in the roster.


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
I won't just go and hijack Vat's main post, I'll let him edit it if he wishes, but the same for Deathrun would be appreciated too. Basically the same - if you can work well in a team, and you're willing to do test and meetings and stuff, slide into my DMs about how you can assist. We could do with all the help we could get, so that'd be great. Builders would be great (I'm already hearing about a couple of people), but just those who have ideas are more than welcome to come along for the ride as well.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
I dont play gmod, just as many others, and as said above, it won’t be the same :p
don't you stick your tongue out at me you common street whore

I mean gmod is cheap so you should get it, and considering vatu repeatedly compares it to TTT in his first post, kinda suggests otherwise.

Also, in regards to TTT and mafia there is a mod that adds extra roles to TTT similar to mafia/werewolf so if people are interested in combining the two Infected_alien8_ should consider it:



And yes I did just derail ur dumb minecraft thread to focus on gmod, you're welcome.


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
It will be significantly different from TTT, I just used it as an example of what I mean with a "deception game". TTT and mafia have been succesful here so that's why I put it in but there are many other games that rely on deception. I don't think the minecraft and GMod playerbase overlap too much so even if it has some similar elements it won't be a problem. Like I said there is already a TTT like minecraft server but it's not so good, there's a lot of potentional in this idea and if we succeed we can use that to bring in new players. What we have now it's really not similar to TTT but another game, of course some mechancis will be similar but that's all.