The Bastard Game: Day 5


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Enderfive im not sure if you have already answered this but since it is day 0 sometimes things are a little different. Is this game working on if a majority is not reached then it is no lynch, or highest voted is lynched? Also if it is the highest voted does day 0 default to no lynch?


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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Mind quoting the post where you answered this earlier?
I mean you could easily just check yourself, but Ill quote it after im done with the rest of the post.
Oh you die, not survive converted to the other side?

In which case slight modification to previous post; Mafia won't win with 3-3 majority but will still win if they lunch Danni even if he dies since itd be 2-3 going into night, then 2-1 the next day with dannis double kill so it's still a risk
Can you please rewrite that post, I do not understand how I would be a liability, and would you really rather lynch me, with 5 more days to go, and end the day now? (thats a bit off topic but generally curious, nothing else all is being discussed) Please remmember last game inffy.

Also I'm gonna say this before Danni does a 180 because we're poking holes into his role claim.

If your plan is to claim town once youve gotten more votes and then say 'anyone who votes me is likely Mafia since the mafia wants that extra kill during the night', and supposedly this entire role claim was a reaction test then I'm 100% not going to believe you and others shouldn't either.
I will never claim town, because I am not town, my role is true and honest, and I agree that if someone did that they should by lynched.

Danni can you ask Ender if you still get converted to Mafia side even if the Mafia are the ones who lynch you
I do not. If mafia lynches me I will get a villager win condition, other than that I will be dead and not counted for anything, except end game "who won". You seem to like actually not understand a part of my role inffy, from your posts, like there is something you missed or something.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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I do not. If mafia lynches me I will get a villager win condition, other than that I will be dead and not counted for anything, except end game "who won". You seem to like actually not understand a part of my role inffy, from your posts, like there is something you missed or something.
But the Mafia can't lynch you by themselves


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I mean you could easily just check yourself, but Ill quote it after im done with the rest of the post.
I'll look forward to it, don't forget it.
You seem to like actually not understand a part of my role inffy, from your posts, like there is something you missed or something.
Well that's probs because your claim is split over a hundred different posts and whenever someone asks you you said 'look back i've already said this' (when you either haven't or you did but very vague) or you say 'it seems like you've missed some posts'. Which is why I'm pressing you to bring me that quote mentioned earlier


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Does that when the majority of those who votes to lynch you are mafias, or only one or what?
Hey Unu quick question. Can you state whether or not the list of names+roles you posted a the start of the game is is based on pure instinct or do you have any extra information?

Like tell me the process of what you did. I'm assuming it's one of the following:
1) Did you just copy the list of players and add a random role next ot it.
2) You copied the list of players and added roles bases on your gut suspicions.
3) You got the list of players from ender and it has something to do with your role.
4) whatever else if not exactly one of the above


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Enderfive im not sure if you have already answered this but since it is day 0 sometimes things are a little different. Is this game working on if a majority is not reached then it is no lynch, or highest voted is lynched? Also if it is the highest voted does day 0 default to no lynch?
day 0 defaults to no lynch if majority isn't reached by deadline, other days the person with the most votes at deadline is lynched


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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But the Mafia can't lynch you by themselves
I thought it was obvious, but I may have misstyped somewhere, sorry.
If I get killed during night by mafia, im killed by mafia. If I am lynched during day it will be counted as being killed by the town, due to that the mafia cant really do it by themselves, assuming we dont have 10 mafia.

Nottykitten this is a full explenation of my role, as it seems like it was needed.
(If you want the bloody quote you can find it yourselves.)
I am one one two, the Third Party Mimic

If I get killed by the mafia during the night, I will die, and my win condition will be town sided. The Village will gain one extra kill (during the night?)(ender didnt seem to want to respond to that, it might be a different role that gets it, I got no fucking clue, but its village sided.

If I et killed aka lynched by the village during the day, the mafia will gain one extra kill during the night, and I will have have mafia sided win condition.

"You have no win condition. To gain a win condition, you must be killed"

I die if I get killed. I dont think I forgot anything, if there is any questions do ask.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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Hey Unu quick question. Can you state whether or not the list of names+roles you posted a the start of the game is is based on pure instinct or do you have any extra information?

Like tell me the process of what you did. I'm assuming it's one of the following:
1) Did you just copy the list of players and add a random role next ot it.
2) You copied the list of players and added roles bases on your gut suspicions.
3) You got the list of players from ender and it has something to do with your role.
4) whatever else if not exactly one of the above
I believe he stated earlier that it was based on no information, but lets see what he has to see.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Oh okay, so by "lynched by mafia" you meant night killed, so regardless of who lynches you (as in day time), then you become mafia sided, correct?
yeah sorry, I just mix up words a lot, I swap between village and town all the time too, they are the same thing.

The reason for this being completely logical is that if mafia outnumbers villagers during the day, they have already lost.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
yeah sorry, I just mix up words a lot, I swap between village and town all the time too, they are the same thing.

The reason for this being completely logical is that if mafia outnumbers villagers during the day, they have already lost.
But look at this scenario:

It's late game.

6 people left alive.

2 of them are mafia.

3 of them are town.

And then there's you.

To win, you need a win condition, so you side with the 2 mafia, and all 3 of you vote danni and you get lynched, and turn mafia. You do this because you will win if you do this.

Day turns to night with 2 mafia, 3 town left. They kill 2 town using your double kill that you provide. They win, and you win.


What's to stop this from happening?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
no its there im not your helper, go read the thread if you care. If your vote on me depends on that quote I'll fucking get it, if not go find it yourself you lazy bum.
Ive read every single one of your posts 2-3 times you claiming to have said stuff when you haven't is detrimental to the town and either you admit it or you find the quote

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
I thought it was obvious, but I may have misstyped somewhere, sorry.
If I get killed during night by mafia, im killed by mafia. If I am lynched during day it will be counted as being killed by the town, due to that the mafia cant really do it by themselves, assuming we dont have 10 mafia.

Nottykitten this is a full explenation of my role, as it seems like it was needed.
(If you want the bloody quote you can find it yourselves.)
I am one one two, the Third Party Mimic

If I get killed by the mafia during the night, I will die, and my win condition will be town sided. The Village will gain one extra kill (during the night?)(ender didnt seem to want to respond to that, it might be a different role that gets it, I got no fucking clue, but its village sided.

If I et killed aka lynched by the village during the day, the mafia will gain one extra kill during the night, and I will have have mafia sided win condition.

"You have no win condition. To gain a win condition, you must be killed"

I die if I get killed. I dont think I forgot anything, if there is any questions do ask.
Googling 'mafia mimic' finds role descriptions that are nothing like this.

Although I guess Ender could have taken some liberty with it.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
But look at this scenario:

It's late game.

6 people left alive.

2 of them are mafia.

3 of them are town.

And then there's you.

To win, you need a win condition, so you side with the 2 mafia, and all 3 of you vote danni and you get lynched, and turn mafia. You do this because you will win if you do this.

Day turns to night with 2 mafia, 3 town left. They kill 2 town using your double kill that you provide. They win, and you win.


What's to stop this from happening?
I guess it also depends on how Ender deals with tied votes.

If it's tied 3-3 between you and a mafia member, if both die, then the night will go 1 mafia 3 town, but they'll kill 2 town with the double kill and still win.

If it's tied and Ender rng's 50/50 between you or mafia, it's 50/50 chance of us losing.

Enderfive how are tied votes handled?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Nottykitten I found one of the quotes.
Oh great you said something that suggests you die the first time. Good thing too since if you had claimed you would live I would of used that exact same quote to prove you were lying.

But it doesn't mean anything when you suggest you have a power and to eradicate any confusion you should be clear about the things you say. Mostly because there are a few places too where you seem to suggest that you do infact live if you get killed. Your entire posting history nowhere did you explicitly state what would happen if you died and instead you seemed to suggest both living and dying through some vague statements. I've mostly been pressing you to get a quote because I don't like it when someone says 'look back I've said this' when all they have is some vague statements


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
But look at this scenario:

It's late game.

6 people left alive.

2 of them are mafia.

3 of them are town.

And then there's you.

To win, you need a win condition, so you side with the 2 mafia, and all 3 of you vote danni and you get lynched, and turn mafia. You do this because you will win if you do this.

Day turns to night with 2 mafia, 3 town left. They kill 2 town using your double kill that you provide. They win, and you win.


What's to stop this from happening?
This is a very specific scenario, which you can trust that I had never ever concidered, and I say that if I had wanted to side with mafia, I would have done so radically different. You can easily imagine it wouldnt be that hard for me to just stay quiet in the game, and then false claim something, and die like an idiot around this time anyway, so my defence to why I would not do this, is that this would certainly be the most stupid way to do it possible.

For the scenario itself, so if I get this right, to lynch me we would need 4 votes? That would mean one of the villagers would have to vote for me too? And also me? If I am able to vote for myself, and a villager goes, sure, but I dont understand why the villager would vote to kill me. So the scenario is flawed im afraid.

Unless I am completely missunderstanding something?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I guess it also depends on how Ender deals with tied votes.

If it's tied 3-3 between you and a mafia member, if both die, then the night will go 1 mafia 3 town, but they'll kill 2 town with the double kill and still win.

If it's tied and Ender rng's 50/50 between you or mafia, it's 50/50 chance of us losing.

Enderfive how are tied votes handled?
With 6 people alive it takes 4 people to lynch and 3 to no-lynch