The Bastard Game: Day 5


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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I guess it also depends on how Ender deals with tied votes.

If it's tied 3-3 between you and a mafia member, if both die, then the night will go 1 mafia 3 town, but they'll kill 2 town with the double kill and still win.

If it's tied and Ender rng's 50/50 between you or mafia, it's 50/50 chance of us losing.

Enderfive how are tied votes handled?
coin flip

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
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Oh great you said something that suggests you die the first time. Good thing too since if you had claimed you would live I would of used that exact same quote to prove you were lying.

But it doesn't mean anything when you suggest you have a power and to eradicate any confusion you should be clear about the things you say. Mostly because there are a few places too where you seem to suggest that you do infact live if you get killed. Your entire posting history nowhere did you explicitly state what would happen if you died and instead you seemed to suggest both living and dying through some vague statements. I've mostly been pressing you to get a quote because I don't like it when someone says 'look back I've said this' when all they have is some vague statements
This seems petty imo.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I just meant that, even though we got a day extra, I dont think it puts us in a better spot that if the game was balanced towards stating day one, and using a lynch because "we have one extra" would be incorrect, and that using that as a reason to lynch me, or another, would just yourself reassuring yourself that it doesnt matter that much anyway, if that makes sense?
I think I get what you're saying, but every game I've played apart from one, we had a day 0, and we always no-lynched. So I'm just comparing it to previous games and saying how it's not that much different to what we usually do so it's not like we're wasting 2 days that we'd usually have. Obviously this is a different setup so it doesn't make complete sense but yeah I see what you mean about using it reassure me that it's okay to do.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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Well right now we have basically everyone alive so there's more chance that the second kill will be interfered with by some protection thing. And if two people die at least we get more info to help us with future lynches early on in the game. If it's late game it's more likely that the double kill you provide will be detrimental to us. It's a small difference sure but it's still a difference.
Understandble, so info wise it would give youa slight benefit, but you also have to concider that I am a valuable player for town for the rest of the game, and if mafia for whatever reason lynches me, that would be an amazing benefit for the town. Saved one lynch, and got an extra kill.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Understandble, so info wise it would give youa slight benefit, but you also have to concider that I am a valuable player for town for the rest of the game, and if mafia for whatever reason lynches me, that would be an amazing benefit for the town. Saved one lynch, and got an extra kill.
Mafia would never lynch you though. And you have no abilities and we can't 100% trust you so you're not much of a valuable player for town either.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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nightkill you*
But then again, we are arriving at the conclusion, that if we believe everything I have stated about my role, I could possibly be an issue for the town sided people some time in the future, and if that issue arises, its even a 50/50 chance for it to go your way anyway. So we are begging to get quite slim chances here. And if I aM correct, you could avoid that situation from hapPening with a no lynch, corRect?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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But then again, we are arriving at the conclusion, that if we believe everything I have stated about my role, I could possibly be an issue for the town sided people some time in the future, and if that issue arises, its even a 50/50 chance for it to go your way anyway. So we are begging to get quite slim chances here. And if I aM correct, you could avoid that situation from hapPening with a no lynch, corRect?
In that situation, if we no-lynch, we lose. Unless there's still a doctor or something alive.

But yeah now that I know it's a coinflip my desire to lynch you has dropped by some.


May 31, 2014
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Jesus you people have written a lot. I'm pretty tired and I don't really have time to read through everything so I'll try to do it in the morning if I can. From what I have read (up to page 6), Danni is the most suspicious for me as he's just acting weird and drawing attention.


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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In fact that's a lie we lynched one time, it was Jivvi the cop cough ender cough
maybe its a sign from heaven

Also, concidering the fact that I'm probably not being lynched today, would the cop/whatever please check on me this night, There are a few different reasons for wanting me dead, and it seems like some peope just dont believe me.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
This seems petty imo.
That might be, but making alot of vague statements does not help the town. Furthermore it helps the town even less when he keeps saying 'look back i've already said this' when he hasn't really so I'm calling him out on it.

And considering it seems alot of people are/were confused about Danni's claim and also alot of people(I'm assuming, maybe it was just me and Inf) seemed to think that danni was claiming he would live I think someone calling him out on his vague statements is exactly what we need


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
maybe its a sign from heaven

Also, concidering the fact that I'm probably not being lynched today, would the cop/whatever please check on me this night, There are a few different reasons for wanting me dead, and it seems like some peope just dont believe me.

You claim to be Third Party.

What even would any cop gain from visiting you except a wasted cop investigation for the town


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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That might be, but making alot of vague statements does not help the town. Furthermore it helps the town even less when he keeps saying 'look back i've already said this' when he hasn't really so I'm calling him out on it.

And considering it seems alot of people are/were confused about Danni's claim and also alot of people(I'm assuming, maybe it was just me and Inf) seemed to think that danni was claiming he would live I think someone calling him out on his vague statements is exactly what we need
I do not intend for anything to be vague. The reason I ask for people to look back, is that even though this game is getting quite long. I do not intend to be the errand writer for people to lazy to read what I type again, every time someone asks. If they cant find it on a second readthrough, sure, I'll write it get it, but I value my time more than getting quutes from old posts every single page.

If you think im vague, ask me, I have no intention of being vague.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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In fact that's a lie we lynched one time, it was Jivvi the cop cough ender cough
Nottykitten [1] - Oak63
HKCaper [1] - Infected_alien8
Foggy2406 [1] - Nottykitten
Jivvi [9] - Samlen, HKCaper, TheWeakGuy48_, Enderfive, Unusual_Dood, Iggish, Foggy2406, Aqua, hipman500

Jivvi sat at the meeting not saying anything or participating in any way, so when all the doors slammed shut and locked at the same time, they thought he was responsible and killed him. They barely even had time to regret their actions before the lights went out.

I bet you all are really excited for me to tell you that you managed to lynch a mafia on day 0.

Jivvi, the cop, has been lynched.
It is now night 1.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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bad at remmember the games we played, like the last one apparently, you were so nice to me that game
Well you've only played 3 games right? Two with a day 0 (aqua's and this one) and one without one, which was the first game I've ever played where we didn't have one. So it makes sense that you're thinking it's not that common to have a day 0 and it's a balancing choice, whereas to me it's just a convention of Mafia


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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You claim to be Third Party.

What even would any cop gain from visiting you except a wasted cop investigation for the town
There seemed to be a few people, at least earlier, that simply didnt believe my claim, if that is no longer the case, a cop investigation would obviously be useless for me.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
There seemed to be a few people, at least earlier, that simply didnt believe my claim, if that is no longer the case, a cop investigation would obviously be useless for me.
But the people who don't believe you probably think you could still be third party, just some other type of third party. If cop just gets allignment reports, all they'd be able to confirm is that you're third party. For all they know you're a serial killer and are still lying about your claim.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Ive finally read everything and I've concluded that lynching Danni is the best course of action. This is going to be a decently long post but hey atleast I'm trying to go over almost everything I find wrong about danni's claim and propose my usual outlandish theory about what I think is happening.

Let me start with what day it is today. It's friday, but it's also Day 0. Most of our day 0's lead to no lynches and for good reason because none of our power roles have had any actions yet and we have nothing concrete and barily any reads to formulate a successfull lynch. So let me just start this off by saying if we're not lynching Danni today we should be no-lynching. And before Aqua repeats 'we have good solid suspicions on Ltin and ??? right now', pretty sure that's only you and maybe Inf but I don't think most of us have seen any suspicion from Ltin and other whose name I can't remember other than standard Day 0 gibberish.

So why should we lynch Danni? Well there are two reasons, one having to do with our names which I'll get to later in another post since this one is getting quite long on it's own, and the other being that he's a third party according to his own claim. Incase you're confused what that means, it means he has his own special win condition and he has no obligation to help town in any way. So let's look at that win condition he claimed.

I do honestly, currently , absolutely no win condition, its really weird and I dont know how to play with it.
I am also honestly, a third party, that will not harm either one of your sides if you leave me alone.
To explain it as best as I can, if village lynches me, I will now gain mafias win condition, and give mafia some benefit.

If a Mafia night kills me, It will give village a benefit, and I will be village sided.

I need to be killed be some side one time or another to actually gain a win condition, but whichever side I play on, and if I succesfully get them close to a win, I have to be killed by the other side?
I wrote it out earlier, did you not see it? The benefit it gives is an extra night kill to the other side of those who lynches me, and I also gain the wincondition of the other side than those who killed me, so if you kill me, mafia will get an extra night kill, and I will win if mafia does.
So to recap: he currently has no win condition. If he's lynched he gains the Mafia win condition. If he's nightkilled(by mafia) he gains the town win condition. Meanwhile he claims stays dead so this 'win-condition-after-death' of his is absolutely irrelevant to us as he poses no threat as a dead mafia member nor is he of use as a dead town member. Also if he's lynched Mafia will gain a nightkill and if he's nightkilled town will gain a kill somehow.

So why should we lynch him if we're looking at this supposed win condition? First of all as Oog pointed out a lynch doesn't mean death-by-village and him claiming that it does is weird and doesn't seem to make alot of sense. Sure town has the majority players during the day but that doesn't mean the majority votes on a player aren't Mafia. It simply doesn't make sense that any mechanic works this way.

Second of all, the mechanics of the extra kill seem super bogus and also don't make alot of sense. So town leader/vig/extra lynch is Danni's supposed theory of how the town gets that extra kill. Any specific role getting this extra kill is improbably because what happens if they're dead and then Danni is nightkilled? What town now doesn't get this extra 'benefit'? No role would get this extra supposed kill. Furthermore the town getting an extra lynch is also impossible because of the complete and utter mess the day voting would be if we had to vote for two people. All in all town somehow getting an extra kill seems extremely unlikely and because of that I don't believe that that, or the mafia getting an extra kill, will actually happen on Danni's death.

Third, do we really think Ender would put in a third party role whose win condition is 100% out of their control? Hosts tend to be careful with placing survivors in their game because such a game is super hard as one does not have any control over the mafia's night kills. Putting a role like this in the game where they can't even play like anything because they don't have their win condition yet seems not like something any host would do. Furthermore why would Ender make a role where the player has to die in order for them to win? Nobody likes dying in Mafia and forcing a player to die because of their role isn't just a bastard thing to do but cruel to whomever receives their role as they're basically robbed of their fun.

Fourth, think about his win condition claim and how he's played this day. He can only win if he's dead, yet this entire claim of his is set up to not only try and convince us not to lynch him but to scare both the town and mafia into not killing him because of this supposed 'extra kill' the other side gets. Why would he try to scare us all into not lynching/nighkilling him any day ever when his win condition means he has to be dead by the end of the game. It doesn't make any sense for him to play against his supposed win condition like this.

And lastly, Danni said this: 'As I say, if I prove a competent villager/mafia hunter, I will be very useful to you guys, because I am confirmed as not mafia, and the mafia dont want to lynch me either'. He said this before he claimed that either side could get a nightkill and has so far only called it a 'benefit'. If the mafia gain a nightkill then they have alot of incentive you lynch you so what's up you saying this if according to your later claim mafia gain a nightkill? This proves to me Danni is either making this up on the spot or he doesn't really know at all things about the claim he's making.

If I think about the 5 things I just mentioned then, to me, it seems pretty obvious that something here is wrong here. Now let's look at some (in my opinion)lies Danni has said so far:
I don think so, and from the information I have, it wont throw the game for us in that large of a scale. There could be one or two abilities related to names, but you arent seriously thinking that if the mafia can get all of us, simply by knowing your names. You are not going to lead me to believe that that is truely your mind.
He said this earlier in the day about name claiming yet nothing of his claim alures to having any information about names. That means this statement right here is a complete lie to have us claim names.

I wont reveal my win condition for now, because I want to win, but for all intents and purposes, I will be playing to help Town side, but if discussion gets too stupid, I will just fuck off and wait for the next day, because I do not need you to win, I will try to help you though. If either side wants to kill me, do feel free to do so, It wont help either side, and will be a waste of your time.
:thinking: you say it won't help either side yet later you claim that it does help a side via an extra kill. You're gonna say that you didn't want to reveal that at this point but honestly if you had that in mind you wouldn't of talked about you dying helping any side. Not only that but you claim you don't need us to win yet you also claim you need to die to win so you definitly need us since you can't just sudoku unless you're planning on being modkilled by Aqua. This entire quote just screams to me that his win condition here(whether his true win condition or if he was planning on claiming something else) is something different than what he has claimed later.
From what you "understood" of inffys theory, my only ability denies this.
What ability? I'd classify ability as having a day or night action. Having something out of your control happen once you die is not an ability as far as I'd say. Plus even if you classify someone getting an extra kill as your ability, it doesn't seem at all impossible for that kill to be switched according to Inf's theory. Although this one is more up to interpretation I find this still a blatant lie trying to put down inf's theory about names.

That's most of it for what I find about his claim. In my opinion it's a big mess of improbable-impossible mechanics, counter intuitive playing, vague statements over multiple posts and a bunch of Danni seemingly lying. The only thing danni has actually got going for him in my opinion is that he's just stated his rolename 'Third Party Mimic' (I was gonna make some fuzz about how he hasn't even claimed a role name). And for his claim it does seem like a plausible name.

Most people have said they don't think Danni would play like this as that's not his general style. Well you're right and I have a working theory on why Danni is acting like this.

As far-fetched as it might sound, I think Danni was forced to make a claim. Sounds like a pretty bastard thing to do doesn't it? I think Ender (or someone with a day ability who used it very very early in the day but thats unlikely so for now I'll keep it at Ender), as part of Danni's role, told Danni he had to make a claim. One of the following three(in order of likeliness) is what I'm thinking:
  1. Make a Third-Party claim on day 0
  2. Make a Third-Party claim on day 0 that has the role name of Third Party Mimic
  3. On day 0 you have to claim Third Party Mimic. Your supposed abilities that you have to claim are: *insert all supposed mechanics danni mentioned*.
And if he didn't make a claim by the end of the day he would die. I've previously in one of GmK's games been a role where I had to claim something to get an ability so a role like this could very easely be possible especially when it's a bastard game.

I still think Danni is Third Party, whether he is actually whatever he claims or if he was forced to claim by Ender. Although sure it's possible, forcing a town player to make a third-party claim seems like an extremely bastard thing to do, I find it more likely Ender wanted to make Danni's actual third-party role harder by forcing him to claim Third Party.

TL;DR: improbable mechanics, playing against his supposed win condition, vague statements(although later clarified when asked specifically), bunch of statements he made that seem to be lies.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Wow notty you actually got them to stop posting (or maybe they did that themselves Idk)


Second of all, the mechanics of the extra kill seem super bogus and also don't make alot of sense. So town leader/vig/extra lynch is Danni's supposed theory of how the town gets that extra kill. Any specific role getting this extra kill is improbably because what happens if they're dead and then Danni is nightkilled? What town now doesn't get this extra 'benefit'? No role would get this extra supposed kill. Furthermore the town getting an extra lynch is also impossible because of the complete and utter mess the day voting would be if we had to vote for two people. All in all town somehow getting an extra kill seems extremely unlikely and because of that I don't believe that that, or the mafia getting an extra kill, will actually happen on Danni's death.
What if town just gets to lynch again after the first lynch?

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
I'm not a fan of no lynches and recommend we hang someone this round. It's nice to be able to analyse votes and to re-read the interactions of deceased players with living ones after they've flipped, and it's important to have these options open as early as possible. Bussing, e.g, can be pretty obvious in hindsight, and it's not always easy for scum to give passable reasons for voting to lynch a townie.

If we're not relying on the lynch to gather information, we're relying on people to use their roles well and not die.