The Bastard Game: Day 5


May 31, 2014
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But would it really help us? We dont even know who to lynch there is 0 reason to massclaim flavour names unless we can agree on someone to lynch that we dont already know the name of.
Yeah, good point. If we're going to be lynching someone who is already revealed, then we should probably hold off, although that will leave the town PRs to fire in the dark.
If ooglie's theory is right, then the SK can benefit from the claim as well, to the town's disadvantage. I said that it wouldn't make a difference as the sk could just kill through the roles but with ooglie's theory (which is probably true), the claim would be potentially handing two anti-town factions a targeted kill. We have the doctors, a blocker, the other PRs and the vigilante to block / counter that but if we're going to be lynching someone who we already know the names of, then I think we shouldn't lynch.

However, if we want to lynch someone like Ltin, then we should claim.

Also, am I the only one who finds it curious that the supposed vigilante didn't go for Danni last night?
Also Oog is right, the Vig supposedly nightkilling N1 is pretty weird because generally they shouldn't
There's nothing wrong with killing if there's good info to go off and it's not harmful to the town (like a danni kill). The fact that they went for someone else is pretty worrying as IMO it either means that there's:
a) no vigilante and the three kill roles are all anti-town
b) we have an inexperienced vigilante who doesn't think things through
c) we have four kill roles and the vigilante chose not to kill anyone.

I think those are all the options. C) is pretty unlikely so it's probably between a) and b).


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Last game (your game) on day 3 we had had 1 Mafia lynch and 1 mislynch and nontown already outnumbered the town day 3 so with 3 potential kills per night we shouldnt take our wiggle room for granted.
i dont think the two are comparable because theoretically by day 3 one of the two investigative roles should have had something to stop the game's day phases from stagnating the way they did but they had some really bad luck
I wanted to out because I had a guilty report and Mafia had no way of killing me specifically so the best thing I could do was give the town my report.

If you want to talk random claims point the finger at Inf tbh. Also dont forget I didnt start a bandwagon on a town PR I started a bandwagon on an unknown player at said time.
i'm still concerned about your complete tunnel visions regarding possible other factors in this scenario (eg cop sanity or any kind of antitown kill that can target players). i get that you're not vibing it but you have to at least consider the possibility because not doing so is risky and a bit scummy
you may have started the bandwagon before my claim, but you doubled down after i claimed instead of stopping to consider literally any other possibility (as i've explained before)

But would it really help us?
yes. it lets our town PRs (including two doctors) actually do something instead of leaving them unable to accomplish anything for a second consecutive night and adding even more confusion tomorrow when more stuff doesn't add up because a random block or kill or whatever got thrown in.


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Also I've decided that HKCaper is incredibly suspicious this game.

He's scumhunted very little, to the point where I'm convinced he isn't town sided because he hasn't shown any town-sided intentions. If you compare his activity to other games, he has been extremely different. He's focused on irrelevant things like the unu lynch rather than give his opinion on the more relevant matters and I think he's Mafia.
Unusual_Dood thoughts on HKCaper?
Im not sure if I think he is town or antitown yet, but I don't agree with your points. You say he has been focusing "on irrelevant things like the unu lynch". Im not sure where you get this from. The only post I found where he mentions what he thinks about me is this:
lets not ignore the fact that something fishy is still going on with unu's voting (him being able to target players and not flavour players), and that he played it off yesterday/today as if he didnt know he had this feature. Since we started on a day, i have reason to think either he was given this feature by ender and not told, or he did get told and he is hiding something.
and I do from no where get the feeling he is focused on lynching me.

And you also say he hasn't been showing town intentions. Could you explain this please? From what I can see he has been trying to inform people in quite a few occations and also contributed in the inf/notty/jivvi situation, and shared his name, and wanted to help figure out how my voting worked.

In addition, compared to the first week of the two previous games HKCaper has posted 4/5 posts less so far, and I don't think that is extremly different, also considering he has the day left to post!!


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
and I do from no where get the feeling he is focused on lynching me.
by unu lynch, i think inf was just referring to your vote being weird
In addition, compared to the first week of the two previous games HKCaper has posted 4/5 posts less so far, and I don't think that is extremly different, also considering he has the day left to post!!
why do you KNOW THIS


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Also, for the Notty/Jivvi/Inf situation. If I have understood everything right then (please correct me if Im wrong):

- Notty is cop and got guilty report on Jivvi.
- Infected is a weird doc and got a non-mafia report on Nottykitten.
- Infected was invited to a chat called "Lie detector", and Jivvi said he was the town interrogator.
- Jivvi didn't get told Infected was lying when he said he was town.

Like, I feel like both Notty and Jivvi has pretty solid evidences (infected) backing them up, so I don't think it's a good idea to lynch either of them. Maybe there is even a chance they're both telling the truth but that there is a mafia role that made Nottys report say that Jivvi is guilty when he is not.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, mydude

On different news, i think inffy is scum, because he said something, like right after someone said somethings else.

Okay jokes aside, im not suprised you have decided i am incredibly suspicisous (how nice of you to have decided that), since im quite sure you have been suspicsous of me every single game ive played.

That aside, i disagree with what you say. Id argue i havent been doing useless shit all game, and actually have been contributing to figuring out this mess of a setup. Some of my theories might have been a bit farfetched, but ive always been doing this and you are never sure with this gamemode. Keep in mind its not my fault day 0 ended before i got back from my trip, and you (not you alone) lynched a very useful town role, without fully considering the role mechanic. Maybe today i havent been commenting to much on suspicions, but this game is a mess, and i simply have no info to discuss the inf/jivvi/notty situation, besides that you have lied a bit, i find jivvi vague and susps, and i trust notty for now.

Also funny how you mentioned unu as an example for 'useless' things i have done and the post the following:

Which is exactly what i have been trying to figure out, and have been mentioning. Weird.
I fully considered the mechanic, but we had to lynch someone at some point to figure out how it worked and we chose to go with Danni. Deflecting suspicion onto others for lynching Danni and using your absense as an innocent pass is scummy.

And yeah I think most people have been curious about unu but you've seemed to limit yourself to only being curious about unu, ignoring the relevant discussions to instead consider unu's mechanic, which makes me think you're probably trying to look helpful without having to get involved with the main discussions and direction of town. And that's what I mean by not having town intentions Unusual_Dood, I don see any scum hunting. I see him trying to work things out but Mafia want to do that too. I don't see him trying to find Mafia. But I'll go back through his posts to ensure I'm not mistaken sice apparently he's only even mentioned you once which contradicts my memory of his contribution this game

Also he was anti-town last game so using postcount comparison between the last two games (one town one maf) and this game and noticing no difference between the three and using that as a reason for thinking he's the same allignment isn't valid since he was two different alignments before and, if I'm understanding you correctly, there was no significant difference between those games, so it isn't a reliable guide to his mafianess


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Also, for the Notty/Jivvi/Inf situation. If I have understood everything right then (please correct me if Im wrong):

- Notty is cop and got guilty report on Jivvi.
- Infected is a weird doc and got a non-mafia report on Nottykitten.
- Infected was invited to a chat called "Lie detector", and Jivvi said he was the town interrogator.
- Jivvi didn't get told Infected was lying when he said he was town.

Like, I feel like both Notty and Jivvi has pretty solid evidences (infected) backing them up, so I don't think it's a good idea to lynch either of them. Maybe there is even a chance they're both telling the truth but that there is a mafia role that made Nottys report say that Jivvi is guilty when he is not.
Well Mafia planned on killing notty last night since I was told she was Mafia-attacked via my role so I doubt they wasted a different ability on the person they intended to kill and so wouldn't likely be able to reprt anything any ways


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Deflecting suspicion onto others for lynching Danni and using your absense as an innocent pass is scummy.
you are missreading what i said. I meant that it wasnt my fault i couldnt be as active, since day 0 ended before i had time to take a close look at everything. stop trying to make me scum.

you've seemed to limit yourself to only being curious about unu, ignoring the relevant discussions
again, i'd argue against it, but what relevant discussions have i been ignoring in your eyes. if need be you can always ask me to contribute, cant expect me to notice everything.

- - - - -
Well Mafia planned on killing notty last night since I was told she was Mafia-attacked via my role so I doubt they wasted a different ability on the person they intended to kill and so wouldn't likely be able to reprt anything any ways
what are you saying exactly? do you think notty's report on flavour notty is legit?


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
also, while we are somewhat on the topic of not contributing a lot, there is plenty of people who are actually not contributing anything rn, would be nice to not let does slip under the radar. Not sure who they are, but they are among: Iggish, Hip, Arelic, Rune, Oak, Ltin (some might not belong here, some might belong here who i didnt put in, correct me if necessary, also if someone is unactive for irl reasons).


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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you are missreading what i said. I meant that it wasnt my fault i couldnt be as active, since day 0 ended before i had time to take a close look at everything. stop trying to make me scum.

again, i'd argue against it, but what relevant discussions have i been ignoring in your eyes. if need be you can always ask me to contribute, cant expect me to notice everything.

- - - - -

what are you saying exactly? do you think notty's report on flavour notty is legit?
I'll get back to you in the first part of your post once I'm on laptop and can go through your quotes but to answer the second part, I'm saying I doubt some Mafia role interfered with Notty's report considering they were targeting them (unless the kill bypasses the name mechanic and the report-changed doesn't and they unknowingly target notty both times), so Notty's probably crazy cop or something, or some other role/mechanic is in play. I could also totally see her being an executioner/fool type role where she wins if her player name is lynched


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Is nobody going to talk about the fact that we are relying on Inf for all this information and how convenient it is for Jivvi and Inf's story that Dess was lynched last night?
If me and jivvi are lying about the inn then that'll become clear soon, but for now there's no reason to risk lynching an extremely powerful PR claim when they can prove themselves via giving us reports etc the next day, it doesn't make sense


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Just a thought.

As we know Danni and I appear to have very similar roles and he has outed himself as 3rd party (although i still think he is scum) Would you think it would be a more useful use of my ability to select OneOneTwo as my target and then we lynch him ( lynch Danni using OOT's username) then if my mechanic doesn't work on role names I wont lose my ability and we will have removed a potential threat to the game and if it does work then I will be able to re-use the ability at a later date as long as Danni is being honest about his role? In my opinion, this could be a good strat for the town as it allows us to gather more information on this 'Lie Detector' Inn and see whether Real Notty was telling the truth about being Cop? I mean we gain more information and remove a potential threat to the town? I've gotta go to work now but hope people read this and give me their opinions.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Just a thought.

As we know Danni and I appear to have very similar roles and he has outed himself as 3rd party (although i still think he is scum) Would you think it would be a more useful use of my ability to select OneOneTwo as my target and then we lynch him ( lynch Danni using OOT's username) then if my mechanic doesn't work on role names I wont lose my ability and we will have removed a potential threat to the game and if it does work then I will be able to re-use the ability at a later date as long as Danni is being honest about his role? In my opinion, this could be a good strat for the town as it allows us to gather more information on this 'Lie Detector' Inn and see whether Real Notty was telling the truth about being Cop? I mean we gain more information and remove a potential threat to the town? I've gotta go to work now but hope people read this and give me their opinions.
Nice idea, but Danni's claim is significantly less useful than yours providing he's being honest, since to be of any use you'll have to target the nightkill that night, as opposed to being able to just have a PR selected as a safety blanket in case they die at some point. Your ability might be better used later on in the game. We could still lynch Danni today though.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Okay so I went over all of HKCaper's posts this game and his posting can essentially be summed up in three main types of contributions:

1) Helping clarify the name mechanic
I want to come back to something i said about iggish. If the flavour names were assigned at random, of course there is a chance someone got their own name. I still find iggish phrasing ambiguous. Do you not have a name at all, 0r did you mean that your are yourself, so your game name is iggish? Iggish please reply (the second is more obvious, but your never know it is bastard afterall)

"Iggish said:
I dont have a name. I'm myself. It's not a lot of info but it's something I guess."
what you are saying making no sense. you are saying sk and mafia are really difficult to play since they risk killing themselves!??! Unless there is something going on i dont know of, it seems obvious to me that everyone got a flavour name assigned to them, which they know! How could they kill themselves if they know which flavour name they have?
doesnt it work the other way around?

if someone decides to kill the flavour name arelic, im prtty sure i'd die, so if i were sk/mafia all i'd have to do was not target arelic. i think that's how it works.
2) Trying to get unu's role clarified
Alright, unu wanted to test this shit, so ill help him out,

vote aqua

pls sir can i have some more votecount (ah good meme. bringing it baack)
I'm intrigued. I guess unu could just also vote notty now and we can figure out what is going on with him via that.

vote notty

I see no reason not to believe your claim, since afaik near nobody knows who flavour notty is, so why would you lie about this. The fact everyone is paired to a flavour character makes it hard to find lynch targets, unless someone who is suspicious has a known flavour name, so this does seem like a viable option. So ill keep my vote, atleast till the flavour notty comes forward with their story (im guessing they will).

it's good your name is unknown, however there are still risks:
#1 the option of a serial killer that can target actual players (i mean iggish brought it up, doesnt seem to weird of a thing, and inffy's 'claim' also was able to target actual players (could be another lie but who knows)).

#2 as we find more and more flavour names there is going to be less possibilities for each player to be, making the chance you get killed at random higher (well not to big of an issue just yet). So I strongly advice the actual doctor not to claim their flavour name/role, so incase we get further in the game notty could potentially claim their flavour name, and be protected.
lets not ignore the fact that something fishy is still going on with unu's voting (him being able to target players and not flavour players), and that he played it off yesterday/today as if he didnt know he had this feature. Since we started on a day, i have reason to think either he was given this feature by ender and not told, or he did get told and he is hiding something.
3) Trying to get people to stop suggesting we lynch people without knowing their name
I agree with notty, the fact that Jivvi is the one that told inffy and dess about the inn, weakens his claim.

also i want to point something out:

there is more people doing it, but specifically inffy is triggering me with wanting to lynch real vatu:

alright lets lynch vatumok. oh wait we dont know what his flavour name is. vatu would you mind telling us your flavour name so we can lynch you? how does anyone think this is gonna work?
stating suspicions are okay (i mean ofc), but claiming you want to lynch someone today is a bit different, even if we do mass claim (why would we mass claim today, whats the benefit?) it's kinda useless to try go for a lynch on someone today, we dont have the flavour name of.
no, but its useless people keep saying they want to lynch someone, who we dont know the name of. say it once, alright, but after that its just repeating yourself with no use.
Literally the only signs of scumhunting behaviour HK has done this game is this post:

I agree with notty, the fact that Jivvi is the one that told inffy and dess about the inn, weakens his claim.
And then he calls people out for being inactive which I guess kinda is scumhunting-ish
also, while we are somewhat on the topic of not contributing a lot, there is plenty of people who are actually not contributing anything rn, would be nice to not let does slip under the radar. Not sure who they are, but they are among: Iggish, Hip, Arelic, Rune, Oak, Ltin (some might not belong here, some might belong here who i didnt put in, correct me if necessary, also if someone is unactive for irl reasons).
But where's his accusatory posts? Where are his reads? Where are his own theories about the game, or his town-reads, or his questions to people? That's what HK usually does when he's town so the fact he's being so distant rings alarm bells in me, which is why, although Hk isn't the only person I'd accuse of not scumhunting (cough Oak), it's more significant to me that Hk is doing it since it's uncharacteristic of him to behave this way as town.

His contributions have been restricted to a) learning about the mechanics of the game/unu, which Mafia would want to do, and b) stopping us from trying to lynch people whom we don't know names for, which doesn't seem very helpful or town-agenda-pushing at all and just seems like a way to post without actually contributing, or even restricting us from lynching Mafia suspects, which seems anti-town behaviour. The only thing that makes me have doubts is the fact that, by him trying to get us to only lynch in people we know the names of, he's making himself one of the lynch targets this day, which does not sound like a Mafia thing to do, but maybe that's exactly why he did it, which would make a lot of sense actually since why else would he bother ranting about this?


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Also he was anti-town last game so using postcount comparison between the last two games (one town one maf) and this game and noticing no difference between the three and using that as a reason for thinking he's the same allignment isn't valid since he was two different alignments before and, if I'm understanding you correctly, there was no significant difference between those games, so it isn't a reliable guide to his mafianess
You are making no sense. You are saying his activity is extremly different, and I compare to the other games and denies that. And that apparently means I'm using that as a reason for thinking he is the same alignment? Interesting, since I never said it pointed at him being any alignment.
You are the one who just used it as a reason to be suspicious of him, so unless you are talking to yourself, please explain.

And yeah I think most people have been curious about unu but you've seemed to limit yourself to only being curious about unu, ignoring the relevant discussions to instead consider unu's mechanic, which makes me think you're probably trying to look helpful without having to get involved with the main discussions and direction of town.
This game isnt big enough for 2 arelic's
Vote arelic
First i thought lel nice shitpost, but then again, its bastard, so you might be on to somethings.
I want to come back to something i said about iggish. If the flavour names were assigned at random, of course there is a chance someone got their own name. I still find iggish phrasing ambiguous. Do you not have a name at all, 0r did you mean that your are yourself, so your game name is iggish? Iggish please reply (the second is more obvious, but your never know it is bastard afterall)

"Iggish said:
I dont have a name. I'm myself. It's not a lot of info but it's something I guess."
inf did say it only protected vs mafia kills, so if such a SK exists, you wouldnt be save.
not really, this way we wont run the risk of blocking someone important on accident.
what you are saying making no sense. you are saying sk and mafia are really difficult to play since they risk killing themselves!??! Unless there is something going on i dont know of, it seems obvious to me that everyone got a flavour name assigned to them, which they know! How could they kill themselves if they know which flavour name they have?
I agree with notty, the fact that Jivvi is the one that told inffy and dess about the inn, weakens his claim.

also i want to point something out:

there is more people doing it, but specifically inffy is triggering me with wanting to lynch real vatu:

alright lets lynch vatumok. oh wait we dont know what his flavour name is. vatu would you mind telling us your flavour name so we can lynch you? how does anyone think this is gonna work?

Yeah, he is definately only curious about my vote thing, and is just trying to look helpful without getting involved!!!