The Bastard Game: Day 5


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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We should have Danni select Nottykitten tonight, so that if it is real player, we have Danni, and have fog select Notty's name, so that if it is the name, we have foggy
I am obviously not going to confirm in chat what im selecting, as town will be in a better position as long as people still assume I am third party. (As I wont be a target for the mafia.

From here on out you make come with reccomendations for who I should target, and I do need their role name. I will however not speak about selecting people, nor say if I am now another role, unless we get some weird situation where its neccesary for town to know.

This is again to make me less of a target, and keep mafia confused.


May 31, 2014
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Why I'm listed separately?
Unu was listed separately as well yesterday. There's probably a role or something out there that does that to your voting during the night. I think previously we'd thought that it was part of unu's role but now that's changed.
We should probably check if the affects last more than one day.

Unusual_Dood could you vote nottykitten?


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Unu was listed separately as well yesterday. There's probably a role or something out there that does that to your voting during the night. I think previously we'd thought that it was part of unu's role but now that's changed.
We should probably check if the affects last more than one day.

Unusual_Dood could you vote nottykitten?
Or maybe it moves to random player every day?


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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I don't know when the disagree ratings were added.
Well Jivvi's removed them all now
I saw the ratings right after Inffy posted yesterday, so i can vouch for him (unless he posts those screenies, then there will be concrete proof). If anything, the fact that jivvi removed the ratings makes me believe inffy even more.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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I saw the ratings right after Inffy posted yesterday, so i can vouch for him (unless he posts those screenies, then there will be concrete proof). If anything, the fact that jivvi removed the ratings makes me believe inffy even more.
But for all we know he told Jivvi to add them in order to remove suspicion from himself


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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But for all we know he told Jivvi to add them in order to remove suspicion from himself
lol I literally had a dream the other week where we were in a VC and I just kept mocking you because your entire contribution day 0 iirc was just "but for all we know <insert unlikely possibility>"


if it's stuff everyone else was able to see, i'll allow it



(notice on this one, he rated the oak one disagree, but not the one where I included vat afterwards, and I regularly made posts about vat being my suspicion and he never signalled me)

Also Nottykitten here's some more reasons for why you should claim your name: Jivvi didn't want you to.

If Jivvi was town, there is no way he wouldn't want me to reveal your name, because he was convinced Mafia could bypass kills, and he thought you could be a crazy cop. He was Mafia planning on killing you tonight though, which he can do without your name, and kept signalling me to not ask you to out your name because a doctor would be able to protect you (which suggests there isn't a strongman mafia role).

Also, Ender confirmed my Inn transcript, so here:

Ender: you can speak here
Inf: ok
Dess: huh
dess: I guess I know what the names do now
Inf: yh lol also 10/10 aqua died after calling my theory dumb and they died because of it. do any of u two know why we're here, like us over anyone else?
inf: I'm guessing its similar to ender's lie mechanic he made up last game and is using it for this game too, where if we tell a lie it gets told to another role, who seems to be town, so we can use this to prove ourselves to each other i guess??? but before we do this i wanna make sure none of you have any info that would mean this is a bad idea
dess: idk, my playername's night action (which may or may not be mine idk how it works) has nothing to do with an inn chat so
Inf: same, i wonder if it was us who were chosen to be here or if it was our player names and the mechanic works with night actions too.
inf: Jivvi are u the person who decides who gets to be here???
inf: actually nvm, dont claim, but do you know any info or anything?
inf: ok well jivvi read this but is ignoring me and i cant think of any negative consequences for claiming. if this works how i think it works and lies we tell is sent to a town role, we can prove ourselves to each other by saying our allignment. ill go first. i'm town. your turn. also lets say our suspicions. im suspicious of ltin and arelic, and less-so one one two, but i havent played with him before so idk
dess: i am third party. im suspicious of ltin, im not sure about 112 but we have to be careful because lynching kills the name not the person. i also have small suspicions on notty and hk but nothing big.
inf: okay, can you give more details on your role? if it doesnt seem dangerous we can know not to push you in the day i suppose
dess: sure it wont harm me. im the gambler. i bet on who dies each night and if im correct i win double the amount i bet.
inf: so what do you bet exactly? what do you win double of? and is it just one player bet per night or can you bet on multiple people per night?
jivvi: additionally, jivvi i think ur interrogator but just in case can you please respond since im gonna think ur mafia who doesnt want to lie otherwise. the interrogator could be an anonymous role like a jailor.
dess: i bet money. i have 300 at the start, and win at $1000.
inf: ok.
inf: do you bet on people dying or their playername?
dess: idk, but im thinking its whoever has that name.
inf: ok, can you bet on multiple people per night or just one person?
jivvi: hi im mafia. dess if you want to win, work with us, we have an anonymous messenger role and we'll inform you of our plans for night kills so you can bet on them, just tell me your role name. inf is being killed tonight so you might want to bet on him, depending on how names work with your role, but just in case dont spend much money on it before we know how it works, but then once we know how it works you can get x2 money per night. if we have time before the deadline it will be good to work out a way to communicate during the day so that you dont do something detrimental to us both.
inf: well hate to break it to ya but are you sure im gonna be the one killed? or are one of ur mafia buddies with my name and ur targetting them to kill me or something?
inf: ok well actually im gonna claim just in case since its near end of night and i dont want night to end before you see this. im the mafia innkeeper. im part of mafia but seperate. i create an inn every day with a name of my choice and invite 2 others, and i invited notty and oog last night but you arrived instead. i can choose to kill one person in this inn per night and ill kill dess tonight. i used 'lie detector' as this inn name to see if i could bait out my mafia buddies and kill the non-mafia, and it worked woo. i suppose the fact that the NAME of this inn has all the details, rather than ender saying of it, supports my claim. if you kill me tonight you'll lose a team member and if im not blocked tonight, dess will die.
dess: wow i was suspicious of you two so i was right yay!
inf: actually now that i think about it, the only way you can kill me is if you know my name, and you dont, so you cant kill me yes? or do you have a way to bypass that? regardless, now that i know ur mafia we can work together so this is great. ill know not to lynch you tomorrow. i do not expect you to share anything with me like ur mafia buddies, cuz i could be lying obv, but when dess dies tonight that will support my claim and tomorrow i can invite you back to the inn. also, use a code or something to let me know who else to invite to the inn, tag me with them in a post or something during the day, and my claim will be further supported since you know i can choose who to add, though i guess thats already obvious since i know you're notty and oog. also dess stop lying you didnt say you had suspicion on us!!!
dess: well im probably not going to die tonight because its whoever has my name.
inf: yh but i know ur name, i chose oog/notty so thats why you're here.
inf: i just need jivvi to tell me which of notty/oog he is and then i can kill you, so jivvi, who are you?
inf: oh wait nevermind, i re-read my thread and i dont even need to know your names, i chose you by specifying invite Player A and invite Player B, so i can just say 'kill player B', so dont claim your name jivvi.
inf: ill just clarify with ender though, one second.
inf: ok ender said its correct but i now realize i do still need your name since i need to know if you're A or B, and --
inf: oops mobile made me delete some of my post, I wrote that notty is A and oog is B
inf: oh and i also said that im too tired to think, as u can clearly see
dess: wait ur killing one of us lad???
inf: yeah, thats why night is still going, ender's waiting for me to confirm my action but jivvi isnt here so i cant :(
dess: please kill jivvi
ender: this may be a pm, but dont use mechanics to prove a point inf
inf: oops sorry, didnt consider it
jivvi: mafia has an ability which can power up other abilities to bypass the mechanic so if i want you dead i can easily kill you lol. but i still dont quite believe your claim because whilst you guessed my name right, dess needs to confirm you got his right. im notty but dont kill dess since we can easily work with him because we can telegraph our kills to him every night, so we can benefit his win condition as long as he helps us with ours.
inf: yeah but once he wins his condition he can just sell us all out surely? also i think dess not denying his rolename proves im right about both of you.
inf: also dess could be lying and could be a serial killer or something. we need anti-mafia players to die regardless of their role so that we can get to our win condition sooner, and he doesnt need to help us if he's being truthful about his role because he can win in one night and then he doesnt need us anymore.
inf: although, thinking about it, he thought this was a lie detector so he probably is being truthful and isnt a serial killer so dismiss that point, but still he has no reason to carry on assisting us once he wins after one night so we may as well get an extra kill right?
inf: btw jivvi you have about 10 minutes until the deadline for the end of the night is reached.
jivvi: i doubt ender will let another third party carry on playing once theyve won, after what happened with jeb last game. also dess not denying your claim on his name doesn't confirm you're correct. also if dess is a serial killer it'd still benefit us to work with him for a while i think, we'd just have to stop working together at some point and communicate more confidentially.
dess: ok, yes, my name is ooglie, so i guess im gonna die.
inf: if dess isnt oog why would he not say so? why is he taking his death seriously? to him i'd be proven liar so he'd not believe anything else i said either, but hes taking everything i say seriously. and re leaving dess alive, thats a fair point, i suppose ill nokill tonight then.
inf: i have about 5 minutes to decide so can you confirm i should nokill jivvi?
dess: well do whatever you want but it will be hard for me to win without your help
jivvi: well since dess confirmed he's oog i guess inf is probably telling the truth, unless he's the interrogator. regardless, work with me during the day and we'll tell you our kill plans at night. im not actually sure if we're still going to kill inf after this.
dess: ill bet on inf dying.
jivvi: dont kill dess, inf. we help him with his role, he acts as an extra mafia for us.
inf: okay, ill nokill. if youve sent in an action to kill me, you should cancel it before i choose nokill.
dess: hang on, who are you killing
jivvi: well then whats your name inf, we need to make sure we dont accidentally kill you if we're changing, and the fact you didn't realize this makes me suspicious tbh
inf: <name that may or may not be real>
dess: if you kill inf it will kill whoever has his name, not inf
inf: also i didnt tell you my name because you said you could bypass the mechanic soooo
dess: so if you kill <name>, inf will die. dang this delay time for sending messages is annoying
jivvi: we have an ability to bypass it dess, but i think i told you that in the wrong chat.
inf: no, you sent it to this chat, thats why i thought you wouldnt require me to give you my playername
dess: oh ok, ill hold off from betting until tomorrow night then
jivvi: oh right good point, forgot about that because that ability is already set to happen. but knowing your name still helps in the future and for other abilities.
inf: fair point.
inf: my name is <name>, in case you missed it when i said it earlier.
jivvi: ok, dess, notty should be dying tonight.
inf: is it the real notty?
jivvi: mhm, the bypass ability is already on the person carrying out the kill. but if i accidentally kill myself, despite understanding the name mechanic, ill die in the real world
dess: well i need to know notty's name so that doesnt help.
dess: id have to guess what notty's name is.
inf: we can try to get everyone to claim their names tomorrow if you want
jivvi: oh, that sucks dess. we could theoretically use the bypass ability on you but then it wouldnt work on our kill so there's no point (we'd be able to send you the name of who we're killing). we could kill danni since we know his name but im weary of risking it since if his ability is what he says it is, that could be a bad idea.
inf: if people claim names, on future nights you can know who to bed on dess
dess: okay ill keep my action as nobet for tonight.
jivvi: massclaiming names isnt good for mafia apart from this specific scenario because cc-ing or faking names isn't possible, but it might not matter because you can still lie about your role, but regardless, the confusion that not knowing names has on town is good for mafia, for now methinks
dess: guess ill need to get lucky then
jivvi: good idea with the nobet dess, once everythings sussed, you can win in 2 nights. until then just follow my lead and ill try to signal you if you're barking up a bad tree
inf: ok i wont push people to claim names tomorrow then jivvi. also i think killing vat might be better than killing notty - i have a feeling he's a PR and notty is fun playing with so i dont want her to die
jivvi: dw dess, tomorrow night we should have a kill for you to bet on. also be cautious in case inf is lying about his claim because whilst it will be simple to turn him off at first, if he's lynched it will be bad for us
inf: jivvi can you communicate to me at day too or can you only message one person? and are you gonna kill vat or notty? or just anyone other than notty since she makes everything way more fun.
inf: if you can talk to me during the day then tell me who to add to my inn, either to murder them, or to make them believe in your innocence if you play along with the lie detector and say you're on town's side
jivvi: not 100% sure but i think we can communicate with more than one person, doesnt matter too much who the other person you invite to the inn is though, and if you're really against notty dying, ill say it in the mafia chat and see if anyone has any other ideas
inf: yes please do that. also remember that the night will end any second, whenever ender comes online, so you should probably change your kill now and then wait for if anyone has issues with it. its just, mafia is much more fun with notty alive because she participates lots and analyzes stuff so it'd be annoying if she dies so soon
ender: locked

Anyway, the fact Jivvi removed those ratings is weird to me. Either

a) those ratings are truly signals and he wanted to remove the evidence without thinking about the fact that it'd further incriminate him
b) those ratings are false signals and he wants us to think they're correct
c) he's mindgaming and wants us to think b) when in reality the signals are true


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Woops I was just reading over it and on this line

jivvi: additionally, jivvi i think ur interrogator but just in case can you please respond since im gonna think ur mafia who doesnt want to lie otherwise. the interrogator could be an anonymous role like a jailor.

that's meant to be me saying it, not jivvi

stay tuned for me to point out more errors


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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jivvi: well since dess confirmed he's oog i guess inf is probably telling the truth, unless he's the interrogator. regardless, work with me during the day and we'll tell you our kill plans at night. im not actually sure if we're still going to kill inf after this.

(jivvi was saying this to dess)

oh and the name I redacted was Ltin (I wrote this last night before I claimed my name)


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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jivvi: additionally, jivvi i think ur interrogator but just in case can you please respond since im gonna think ur mafia who doesnt want to lie otherwise. the interrogator could be an anonymous role like a jailor.
woah look at this SLIP inf said jivvi was saying this message instead of himself!!!!!!!!!!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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If Jivvi was town, there is no way he wouldn't want me to reveal your name, because he was convinced Mafia could bypass kills, and he thought you could be a crazy cop. He was Mafia planning on killing you tonight though, which he can do without your name, and kept signalling me to not ask you to out your name because a doctor would be able to protect you (which suggests there isn't a strongman mafia role).
Also I'm just gonna quote this again to make sure everybody sees it because on my monitor it gets blocked by the above screenshot when I click on it so I'm worried it will be missed


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Anyway, the fact Jivvi removed those ratings is weird to me. Either

a) those ratings are truly signals and he wanted to remove the evidence without thinking about the fact that it'd further incriminate him
b) those ratings are false signals and he wants us to think they're correct
c) he's mindgaming and wants us to think b) when in reality the signals are true
or d) he wants us to come to the conclusion of c) when actually the signals are false (so i guess d) is just a re-hashed b)) !!!!!!!!!!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Wow Inf I'm flattered I love you too but could you explain again why you wanted me/Oog in the inn? Something about pressuring me since I was scummy (?) but I'm lightly confused so I'm asking for a re-explain
I don't think I ever explained that, but I invited you and oog because I thought you were mafia and thought oog was town, so I wanted to get you both to think it was a genuine lie detector (just like dess/jivvi did) and get you to claim. If you were mafia, you couldn't kill both oog and I so one of us would be able to reveal it the next day.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I don't think I ever explained that, but I invited you and oog because I thought you were mafia and thought oog was town, so I wanted to get you both to think it was a genuine lie detector (just like dess/jivvi did) and get you to claim. If you were mafia, you couldn't kill both oog and I so one of us would be able to reveal it the next day.
#blatant lie