OOC A Roleplay Idea


Oct 20, 2012
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I'm planning on starting up another roleplay. Not right now, as I'm too busy to be doing so as of the moment, but I'd like to do so soon. Sometime this year, at the very least.

The setting would most likely be one that I had suggested in the past in a Discord chat (it didn't happen then, unfortunately); an artifact hunt, chasing after runaway objects of great power, though I might go for something else instead if I get a better idea.

However, there's something a little different with the mechanics that I'm planning to set out no matter what sort of setting the roleplay takes place in, regarding the characters;

That is, the backstories will already be pre-set.

Upon the pick of a setting, I will have already written out backstories whether detailed or brief, and whoever signs up for this game will have to go with the backstory I give them regardless of what kind of backstory it is; their personality, physical appearances and what their characters choose to do is entirely up to them, but they have to keep in mind that their backstories are things the characters they play actually experienced and remember, and have to narrate as such. I may potentially decide physical abilities and skills the characters have beforehand, too, though this will be negotiable based on how the player wants to play their character (for example, a character is born in a league of assassins as a backstory but doesn't have the ability to fight in their list of skills because they never liked the sight of blood as a choice in characterization).

Some of the backstories will most definitely be tied together, and may even affect one another. Two backstories could be those of twins, or neighbours, or one of them murdered the other's parents and in such cases I may or may not inform the parties involved of the connection they hold or even hold a joint convo, depending on the circumstances.

All of this, of course, could be prefaced with the question of what would people aren't okay with so no one's displeased by what they get (it's supposed to be fun, after all!) So if someone wants to play a person who's cheery but says no to a happy background for some reason, I can work with that.

With that said, I will not be able to participate in this sort of a roleplay as normal, only able to control minor characters and perhaps major characters with little screentime. I will probably need to get a co-host at some point.

It is most likely that I'll make a very small game to test the idea out first, though, or start out with a small amount of players that increase over time. Maybe 6 to 8 characters at first, tops.

There will definitely be a planned end game. A set goal to work towards and end it on, so it doesn't just die from inactivity.

If I get overexcited and make enough backstories, I might start the game much earlier than expected.

So... What do you guys think? I'm still in the planning stages, so it's not coming out right now, but I'd like to know if anyone's interested in playing this kind of roleplay.
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Jul 20, 2013
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I'm curious, are the artifacts going to be like in Warehouse 13?

I'm very interested in joining, if for no other reason than to give the forums any amount of activity beyond count to 100 and mafia.

I'd consider co-hosting if I wasn't already struggling to dedicate myself to a massive personal project, though I'm unsure people are willing to trust me with such a role anyway after what happened 4-5 years ago (though really, a lot of maturing has happened in those years, and I may actually have a little too cautious of an approach now, but time will tell when the game starts).

By the way, is there going to be a limit on how many characters per player? If we're able to have more than just one from the start, I'm going to have to be careful that I don't have another Aldkuld situation (where I make a completely average character that sits around doing nothing, and the I forget them because they quickly became obsolete to the plot), probably easiest for me to accomplish this if I only do a maximum of 2 or 3, with all of them sticking with each other as much as possible.


Oct 20, 2012
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I'm curious, are the artifacts going to be like in Warehouse 13?

I'm very interested in joining, if for no other reason than to give the forums any amount of activity beyond count to 100 and mafia.

I'd consider co-hosting if I wasn't already struggling to dedicate myself to a massive personal project, though I'm unsure people are willing to trust me with such a role anyway after what happened 4-5 years ago (though really, a lot of maturing has happened in those years, and I may actually have a little too cautious of an approach now, but time will tell when the game starts).

By the way, is there going to be a limit on how many characters per player? If we're able to have more than just one from the start, I'm going to have to be careful that I don't have another Aldkuld situation (where I make a completely average character that sits around doing nothing, and the I forget them because they quickly became obsolete to the plot), probably easiest for me to accomplish this if I only do a maximum of 2 or 3, with all of them sticking with each other as much as possible.
It's more that... They absorb power from pre-existing magic in the surroundings, and after absorbing too much they started to bounce off the walls and eventually out of the castle they were kept in. I'm not even sure if I'll be using that setting yet, though; it's the mechanics of the game I'm focusing on right now.

Just one character per player, I'm afraid. Remember, people would be given the backstory they have to work with rather than make it up themselves, so I'm not sure what info will get revealed if someone gets to handle two of the characters at once (on top of it probably being a bit too much to handle).


Oct 20, 2012
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I have the setting ready now, complete with the backstories, because my mind wanders way too much in class ^_^’

It’s called Astral Apartments, and it involves 6 to 9 perfectly normal residents in a perfectly normal apartment getting shanghaid to a perfectly normal plane of existence that doesn’t have anything weird in it like floating buildings or brainwashed mammals or incredibly convenient contrived coincidences in place.

Alright, I lied. There’s a lot of weird stuff going on in this apartment, but the residents certainly don’t realize it. Or at least, they’re not aware of each other’s weird stuff, often too preoccupied with hiding their own oddities from the rest of the world. But they all have their own pieces of the puzzle, and the residents’ best bet to defeat the villainous group of individuals that hold their apartment hostage and return to the mortal realm is to work together. There are a few factors, however, that could make this slightly more difficult to accomplish than expected...

I have 9 backstories set for the stage, simplified so that those who take hold of it are able to have some liberties with it. 6 is the minimum amount of people necessary for this to work, though the three disposable roles would make it a little more entertaining.

The question now, is; should I be open with the backstories, or should I send it privately in PM?

On one hand, if I just post them right here, the entire thing can be simplified. People who’d like to play can just ask for one of the roads that’s been set, and it’ll make discussion much, much easier.

On the other hand, if I keep the backstories private, it... Would be a little more interesting. I’d have to set up extra PMs so people openly interacting with each other by the time of the story can decide what kind of relationship they have, but people are able to keep certain things secret from one another, unless people decide to be open with one another about what they got right off the bat (which would make it moot ^_^’).

So, uh... what to do? And who’s up for it? Now that I’ve managed to make the backstories, I’d like to start soon (sooner than I thought I’d be ready to), even next weekend if I’m able, but it’s understandable if no one’s up for it. It’s unwise for me to want to start this up at this point in time, as well ^_^” Though I should have enough free time to do this by this weekend.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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ohohoho, that sounds amazing.

I don't really have a preference for whether the backstories are kept secret or shown to everyone--I know some people like not knowing others' backstories so they only find out when their character finds out, but I am not one of those people. I enjoy meta and theoretical discussions far too much. But as it is, if it looks like the majority leans towards keeping them secret, I'll go with that.


Oct 20, 2012
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ohohoho, that sounds amazing.

I don't really have a preference for whether the backstories are kept secret or shown to everyone--I know some people like not knowing others' backstories so they only find out when their character finds out, but I am not one of those people. I enjoy meta and theoretical discussions far too much. But as it is, if it looks like the majority leans towards keeping them secret, I'll go with that.
I tend to like theoretical discussions too, honestly; and without a co-host to help, on top of my general excitement of the setting I’ve set up, I’ll probably at least reveal the information on the antagonists upon their appearance in the roleplay, and let people figure stuff out from there.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Yes ! As mind numbingly cringey as some of our old stuff is, please save me from the monotony of university with some fun stories to act out PLEASE I've been DYING to play my Dungeons and Dragons campaign and they're tAKING FOREVER. This sounds fun, count me in whenever.
I think theoretical discussions are fun, however it prevents possible (even unintentional) 'meta gaming' if we don't actually know about the other characters.


Jul 20, 2013
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But this time we've grown and are more experienced as people in general. With the proper patience and calculation, we can replace most of the potential cringe with actual epic moments (though some scenarios may still have to come off as cringey, depending on the scenario).
My logic and temperance have improved a lot in 4 year, and my improved observation will also help quell potentially undeserved drama.


Jan 23, 2012
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ohohoho, that sounds amazing.

I don't really have a preference for whether the backstories are kept secret or shown to everyone--I know some people like not knowing others' backstories so they only find out when their character finds out, but I am not one of those people. I enjoy meta and theoretical discussions far too much. But as it is, if it looks like the majority leans towards keeping them secret, I'll go with that.
Alouette...? I missed you.

IS THIS THE REUNION OF "Remnants of the Elements"?!

No but, I might be interested. It all depends if I have enough time.


Oct 20, 2012
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i’m free from the burden we call a school folio

I’ll be putting up a sign-up thread separately for Astral Apartments either tomorrow or the day after, with a little more info and clarity than is presented here. Anyone who’s already interested in joining from what I’ve mentioned in this thread alone, please add yourself to the list below;

CaffeinatedKitty Catcocomics Toiletprincess Enderfive Ansoro2112
Since you guys seemed to express interest, just tagging you to let you know! You don’t have to add your names if you don’t want to ^_^