important finger question

how many fingers do you use while typing? (on a standard laptop/desktop keyboard, not a phone)

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Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
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so today i learned that people use different amounts of fingers to type (some people with just one hand, some with all 10, some with 3, some with 8...) and this is something I've never really thought about and tbh is kind of mindblowing to think about now.

Personally, I use three fingers (both my index fingers + left thumb).
EDIT+ actually wait i use 4 since i use one finger solely for pressing the enter-key

Additional questions:
- are you a slow or fast typer?
- if you know, why do you that amount
- did you learn typing by yourself or did you do a typing class or something like that

feel free to clarify in a post as well!
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Deleted member 4601

Nine, because my right thumb handles all the spaces. I learnt how to touch-type naturally without classes, which I suppose is fairly common for people who type a lot.


Sep 15, 2011
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Nine, because my right thumb handles all the spaces. I learnt how to touch-type naturally without classes, which I suppose is fairly common for people who type a lot.
This. My left thumb is useless when I type.
My dad types with his index fingers only and has Siri dictate for him on his iphone out of laziness. This annoys me to no end.
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Sep 15, 2011
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whats wrong with this :(
well i use whatever pair of fingers depending on if index has food on it

i occasionally hit space with my thumb!
There's nothing necessarily wrong with it, but it's not necessarily right. What I'm trying to say is, I'm a far more superior human being. :cool:

uh excuse me i am here to tell you all that these claims about the left thumb being useless are frankly insulting how else am i suppose to press the space bar
I'm the only one saying that my left thumb is useless when it comes to typing. Not anyone else.


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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Like did nobody learn to type at school?

If you don't type with all 10 fingers you're some kind of typing plebe.

Personally, I use three fingers (both my index fingers + left thumb).
EDIT+ actually wait i use 4 since i use one finger solely for pressing the enter-key
whats wrong with this :(
well i use whatever pair of fingers depending on if index has food on it

i occasionally hit space with my thumb!
Is this why neither of you can type "you're"?


Aug 6, 2011
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I actually use 7 fingers to type: Left Thumb, Left Index, Left Ring, Right Thumb, Right Index, Right Ring, and sometimes Right Pinky

I tend to use my index fingers for most of my typing needs, but I use my left and right thumbs for pressing spacebar, back and forth depending on necessary needs. I also use my left thumb for holding shift, and when it comes to special characters, tend to use my left thumb for holding ALT and CTRL.

I tend to use my right ring finger for pressing Enter and Backspace, due to higher stability than my pinky, but I tend to use my right pinky sometimes, such as when I press enter multiple times to create new paragraphs.

Ah, and I tend to use my right ring finger for any of the symbols on the right, too!

- are you a slow or fast typer?
I find myself to be quite a fast typer, but I'm sure I'm quite a bit slower than people who type with home keys, or all their fingers.

- if you know, why do you that amount
I type quite often, being addicted to the internet and having majority of my friends online for majority of my childhood. I actually learned how to type fast when I first played EverQuest II, back when it first came out! I think I was in Elementary School at the time, so between 6~11yo..?

- did you learn typing by yourself or did you do a typing class or something like that
I actually learned how to type by myself! And, because of such, when I eventually ended up in a typing class... I learned that I don't type normally, and I'm actually a touch typer... I love me my mechanical keyboards, and hate flat ones. x)

I always got in trouble in my typing class for not using home keys, despite having such a high typing speed... It really urked me, and made me hate that class... But, at least we were on computers, and played flash games every once in a while... x)

Another set of questions that could be asked are;
Do you use home keys?

Are you a touch typer?

Do you use shift or capslock? Which finger do you use to press either?
I love this topic, if that wasn't obvious already


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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let me enlighten you all on this matter (yes i'm very late to the party)

So I think I type quite fast (I've been told I do aswell), but there are probably a lot who type faster than I do. Over time I have sort of started to type semi-blind, I blame the internet and school reports for that.

Now, I had never really thought of which finger I use to type so I decided to check it out. On my left hand I use all my finger, besides my pinky (very rarely). The thumb mostly for pressing shift to type them caps. Now on my right hand I figured out I only use my index (on my left hand the index is most used also). I also press spacebar with my right index finger for some reason (occasionally my left thumb, but not when I'm trying to type fast).

I hope you all feel enlightened (and probably kinda sad that this thread did not die, but I had not clicked on this for forever so sucks to be you)