Spaghetti Mafia - Game Complete

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Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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TheWeakGuy48_ maybe you could DM and possibly modkill if needed (or get a replacement)?
I have already tried to reach Roobarb Pie through both discord and the forums, however I haven't had any luck with it so far. If he hasn't responded by tomorrow 2pm UTC(24 hours before the deadline), I will replace him with one of the substitutes.

I might consider to extend the deadline if I see a need for it.


Apr 25, 2018
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situation at beginning of day 2:
Alisha - ?
Aqua - ?
BetaPanda - villager
ChocoFox - cop (uncc'd)
Comp - vig (confirmed)
Duke - ?
Enderfive - town (confirmed by choco)
HKCaper - town (presumably)
Okx - watcher (uncc'd)
Roobarb Pie - doc (uncc'd)
Rune - ?
Shadow_Hunter3 - villager (confirmed)
TehBrian - ?
Unusual_Dood - ?
Enderfive when did choco confirm you town? And how is BetaPanda a villager or is that your guess? (sorry if I missed something)

The claims we have right now are: Choco - cop Okx - watcher Roob - Doc

If the villagers are telling the truth, Choco can't be cop if Okx is watcher and vice versa.

Hk was possibly one of these three roles so maybe one of them is a mafia and got really lucky, or else the person who actually has the role isn't speaking for some reason.

Possible reasons for the real roles to remain anonymous: They don't want the mafia to find them. They think it looks like the person claiming their role is about to get lynched anyway, so they might as well not claim (possible position of the cop). Maybe they don't exist in which case one of the villagers is lying.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Enderfive when did choco confirm you town?
I'm the cop.

I saw Enderfive N1 as being Town.

And how is BetaPanda a villager
well I’m a villager

If the villagers are telling the truth, Choco can't be cop if Okx is watcher and vice versa.

Hk was possibly one of these three roles so maybe one of them is a mafia and got really lucky, or else the person who actually has the role isn't speaking for some reason.

Possible reasons for the real roles to remain anonymous: They don't want the mafia to find them. They think it looks like the person claiming their role is about to get lynched anyway, so they might as well not claim (possible position of the cop). Maybe they don't exist in which case one of the villagers is lying.
what villagers are you referring to here? anyone who hasn't claimed yet is softclaiming a villager, because those are the only town roles left, plus there's several of them so they can't exactly be cc'd

as for your supposed reasons for keeping the power roles hidden:
a) if they don't want the maf to find them they're prioritising their own safety over the benefit of the town as a whole, which is bad
b) if they think the person claiming the role is about to get lynched anyway, i guess i can see that as a valid reason, although it would certainly save us all a headache and make it easier for the doc to save them if they just outed themselves

i do think that if we don't massclaim now, we should do it in the next day at the latest, since at that point the info gained by everyone outing themselves for certain clearly outweighs the potential benefits of staying hidden


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm getting really bored and I want to address some things I found on a reread;

The votes on Choco came by very easily; first Rune and then Brian(Going back and forth several times), then Okx, then Aqua and Duke (Posting without saying much of anything for apparent out of game reasons)

A lot of the votes read to me as 'You might be a cop but I don't care', which to me looks like people were going in with a strategy and clear agenda - discredit the town PR as quickly as possible and get him lynched before letting the information sink in.

Or Okx is watcher and Choco is mafia, but the votes on Choco felt slightly more coordinated to me than the votes for Okx.

I'm not certain who's the scummier of the two, and I was leaning Choco before but the reread helped me clear my head a bit.


Apr 25, 2018
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what villagers are you referring to here? anyone who hasn't claimed yet is softclaiming a villager, because those are the only town roles left, plus there's several of them so they can't exactly be cc'd

as for your supposed reasons for keeping the power roles hidden:
a) if they don't want the maf to find them they're prioritising their own safety over the benefit of the town as a whole, which is bad
b) if they think the person claiming the role is about to get lynched anyway, i guess i can see that as a valid reason, although it would certainly save us all a headache and make it easier for the doc to save them if they just outed themselves

i do think that if we don't massclaim now, we should do it in the next day at the latest, since at that point the info gained by everyone outing themselves for certain clearly outweighs the potential benefits of staying hidden
Oh I've been thinking villager and town are the same thing. I meant if they're both town one of them is lying. It is kind of obvious but I'm trying to just get my thoughts down right now.

And yeah I agree with you about the reasons for keeping their role a secret.

I'd believe that they're all town except that choco and Okx are contradicting each other and that makes it confusing if they're town. Maybe one of them made a mistake, but if they admitted that now it could make them look really sus. It would be hard to make a mistake like that though.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Oh I've been thinking villager and town are the same thing. I meant if they're both town one of them is lying. It is kind of obvious but I'm trying to just get my thoughts down right now.

And yeah I agree with you about the reasons for keeping their role a secret.

I'd believe that they're all town except that choco and Okx are contradicting each other and that makes it confusing if they're town. Maybe one of them made a mistake, but if they admitted that now it could make them look really sus. It would be hard to make a mistake like that though.

villagers are town, what are you even talking about

one person claiming to be a villager does not mean another one claiming to be a villager too is lying

i can't understand who you're referring to in any of the instances you're saying "they" or "them"


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Hello, I'm gonna respond to a couple things here then make a list of all my current reads on everyone

i do think that if we don't massclaim now, we should do it in the next day at the latest, since at that point the info gained by everyone outing themselves for certain clearly outweighs the potential benefits of staying hidden
By the time everyone posts again today, day will probably already be over at this rate so best to save it for tomorrow when there's more time in the day.

Also for anyone that doesn't know how a massclaim works, that's where you put all BS aside and reveal your role and any night actions you did if applicable. Massclaims are at their best when everyone has enough time to claim within a day period, with nobody being left out. (If you are still hiding being a watcher/cop and reading this, stop hiding)

Hello all, I'm alive. Sorry for not being online, birthday weekend and all that.

I protected okx.
Thanks for responding

Could you elaborate a little bit more on your impressions of how the day went?


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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Elaborate because nobody else has cc'd him since he jokingly claimed doctor from the beginning
Idek any more, I guess Roob is most likely still the doctor and corroborated Okx's claim due to him really visiting Okx.

I don't doubt Roob because there has been no doctor CC but there and again nobody CC'd Okx's watcher claim which makes me think HKCaper could possibly be the real watcher.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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—— Alisha's Reading Chamber ——

Aqua - Incredibly quiet which strikes me as odd, and he hasn't done much to actively help the town since the beginning of the first day. He didn't engage when Choco tried to attack him, but he voted for Choco without saying much else. Mild scumread.

BetaPanda - Been around sometimes and has brought up valid points, and has been useful. Mild townread.

ChocoFox - I was going to say I was conflicted on my read of his alignment like Okx, but then he had to go and accuse Roob of lying for no reason but to cast doubt so I'm pretty sure he's scum now.

Duke - Weird arguments and weirdly took off his vote which suggests he wanted to throw something down to look active - mild scum read

Enderfive - A rare voice of reason in the game. However, I have my eye on him because he's been reiterating some of what I've already said, and that makes me nervous tbh

Okx - Taking his situation on its own merits, I think he's been calm throughout the entire day and his claim is plausible - he's acted sorta strange Day 1 and seems nonchalant about Rune agreeing with him despite finding Rune suspicious - neutral read(Though I'm about to vote for Choco so he's town/mafia depending on how Choco flips, though I'm pretty sure Okx is town now)

Roobarb Pie - He was acting strangely all of day 1, with how he claimed doctor immediately. I thought it was a joke or some sort of complicated play, but his caginess about it was unnecessary. However, nobody has cc'd him after all this time so I guess he was telling the truth.

Rune - He pushed on Choco immediately from the start of the day using some of the most confusing arguments I've ever seen, all of them containing fallacies or other misconceptions. To his credit, he's had a clear and consistent position throughout the day, so depending on how Choco or Okx flip he might need to be revisited. Neutral read.

TehBrian - His theories and behavior have been very odd throughout the game - with how quickly he's been switching his votes and appearing to blatantly follow Choco at different points - I scumread him

Unusual_Dood - Also a rare voice of reason since he provided a couple key summaries while also being useful. Town.
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