Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I guess now it's just his perspective that I pointed out - how he seemed to be talking as though he was trying to make it seem like you two wouldn't be a team once he flipped, and speaking from the perspective of mafia. Regardless of your alignment that could look scummy to both of us, since even if you're town I'd interpret that as him trying to WIFOM you to look like his partner. There's also his read on brian and the use of that metaphor if you don't believe his explanation for that, which reminds me I forgot to respond to this
Alright so I hate to admit it but I'm convinced he's scum based on a combo of when I gave my reads and what you're bringing up with his interaction with brian.

His metaphor is reminiscent of yours (ray of sunshine and all that) so I can see it.

I refuse to let him drag me down with him next day if he's scum so I will be defending myself when it comes to that.

vote Timdood3


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Yeah that's true I kinda forgot about that when I wrote that again, although I just realized that the sentence you highlighted that fits what you were trying to say is unspecific and could have applied to the arrow interpretation I had, and it's possible that now you're just saying it was about the subconscious thing when it wasn't, so it's not strong evidence in your favour but it is enough for me to drop the suspicion there
Let me re-phrase this

You said:

"Yeah, I have to side with Alisha on this one. It kind of feels like Brian is grasping at straws to implant the idea that Alisha is mafia into the rest of our heads. Like throwing a handful of darts and seeing if he can get any to stick."

I took issue with the dart imagery because it felt inaccurate and a fake read.

You said the dart thing wasn't really expressing your point properly, it was more that you thought he was trying to subconsciously implant into people's heads that alisha was mafia, and you highlighted the bolded above to show that's what you were trying to say

The bolded sentence above would also make sense for you to say if you were actually talking about the dart imagery since in that scenario where there were multiple reasons that brian was using you'd also be able to say he was implanting the idea that alisha is mafia into our heads

So the fact you said this sentence isn't proof that your thought process is what you're now saying it is

However it is enough to make me reconsider suspecting you based off it since it seems plausible

Hopefully that makes sense?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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One more question before bed - could you elaborate on what you mean by this please?
Tim said there was another metaphor he was going to use but he didn't think we would understand it (evidently not since I can't remember what it was), but he chose to go with the dart one. I think that shows he is carefully policing what he's putting out there as opposed to the random gibberish I've been spewing all day


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Tim said there was another metaphor he was going to use but he didn't think we would understand it (evidently not since I can't remember what it was), but he chose to go with the dart one. I think that shows he is carefully policing what he's putting out there as opposed to the random gibberish I've been spewing all day
I wanted some kind of figurative language to describe what I saw Brian's behavior as, and initially wanted to liken it to birdshot, but on considering that maybe not everyone would understand it, switched it out for the dart analogy.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Tim said there was another metaphor he was going to use but he didn't think we would understand it (evidently not since I can't remember what it was), but he chose to go with the dart one. I think that shows he is carefully policing what he's putting out there as opposed to the random gibberish I've been spewing all day
You think checking to make sure what you're saying is accurate before posting is scummy?

I don't believe you think thiiiissss

But I need to sleep and reevaluate everything because honestly today's just felt like a big mess and my mind's been a bit disorganised today so apologies to everyone if I wasn't communicating very well

To sum up my points of the day in one neat concise place, my scum reads are:

Tim - described brian using a metaphor which I thought was inaccurate. it's unusual of tim to be inaccurate in my experience of him so it feels like a faked read. also, his word choice of 'I have to townread alisha' makes me wonder whether he's townreading her because he feels he has to rather than because he wants to since I think people tend to use the phrase 'I have to do ___' when they feel the reason for having to do it outshines the reason for wanting to, therefore making tim seem like he has an agenda. however this point is pretty tiny since it could easily just be different language choices/ways of thinking and I could just be reading into something that isn't there, but it's something I still wanted to push forward asa possibility and may have got carried away with it. finally, he made a point of saying that he'd behave in the way he did towards alisha (defending her) regardless of people's roles and who it was - it seems weird to me he'd even think to say that as a townie, and seems like he's preparing for when he flips scum and doesn't want to implicate alisha as his partner by letting us all know that he'd have behaved that way towards her regardless of her alignment

Alisha - she looks tired she's in what I think might be her mafia meta right now which is a lot more serious, grounded version of her usual self. I dont sense any town paranoia to her posts, everything feels calculated. a lot of her points and her votes I've also struggled to make sense of this game which is unusual since I usually see where she's coming from, so I think it might be because she's not truly scumhunting since she's mafia, and so she's struggling to replicate scumhunt thought processes properly

Molten - repeating what alisha said a few times doesn't sit right with me and suggests he doesn't feel confident making his own points since he has something to hide, or he's focused so hard to blend in since he's mafia and thats his objective in the game

I guess if I had to throw in a 4th member it'd be Notme for lack of contribution and his smiley face entrance which felt slightly like godfather cockiness to me when he first sent it but I ignored it since it sounded silly but who knows maybe it's right

also interested in hearing from UNU again since alisha's right, he has crept back again like he did last game

sorry for tunnel visioning on you tim and alisha, it comes from the goodness of my townie heart I promise!

good night


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Votecount Day 1

Hockeyfan1852: [1/7] Stranger from Planet 9

Alisha: [1/7] TehBrian

Timdood3: [1/7] Alisha

No Lynch: [1/6] Hockeyfan1852

Not voting: [8] Comp, HKCaper, Infected_alien8, MoltenAshes, Notme, Shadow_Hunter, Timdood3 and Unusual_dood.

7 votes are required for a lynch.
6 votes are required for a no-lynch.

Deadline in 51 hours!

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
That was a a lot to backread. Anyway.......
Can more people give opinions because it was a three person slapfight for the longest time
Well, you asked for it. Enjoy my novella. :p

Here's my notes in no particular order
I felt the need to defend Alisha (as I would've anyone in the situation) because the argument against her was unfair. That's the whole reasoning: I wouldn't want anyone to be lynched for an unfair reason, even if I was mafia.
Even if his mind is always in the space of fairness, as Tim says, this still strikes me as being off. Like, what exactly is an "unfair" reason to begin with? I'm honestly just curious.

Notme I always see you watching the thread - do you have any opinions?
No idea honestly at the moment, may change later on. just wondering about raxo cus I havent seen him say anything
Wanting raxo and notme to speak is reasonable, but I'd expect at least a few reads from any active non-mafia player, especially as we've had quite a few accusations flying around thus far. Calling out others for reads when you aren't giving any yourself seems very much like deflecting scum reads and/or AFK lynch votes away from yourself.

Random lynching statistically would benefit the mafia the most day 1 also there is no leads as of yet. The mafia would want to random lynch a town here because it would shorten the amount of days it will take them to win. This means less nights for us to attempt to get a lead. I find it interesting you are voting me but it could also be used to simulate discussion. So I don't have a good basis of accusing you of anything. I will leave my vote where it is.
Yes we do have leads. At the very least we can be reasonably certain that MoltenAshes has been kidnapped, and obvs. Fantome and purplepixies were killed by the mafia and the vigilante, even if we don't know who is responsible for the kill. Furthermore, the remaining cop and the tracker have had a chance to use their actions. Even though they're not claiming (which they shouldn't at this stage of the game), I'd at least presume they're trying to lead us in the right direction, based off of the limited info they have from last night. Granted, the presence of Miller can totally fuck with cop reads, but there's a 25% chance a mafia result for the cop is the miller, which isn't horrible as statistics go.

Hockeyfan1852 - His vote for no lynching is stupid but since Stranger is voting him, I think Hockeyfan is an inexperienced townie more than anything.
That's always a possibility, but playing stupid can also be an effective scum strategy as well - if you don't know who to vote, just don't vote for pete's sake.

Infected_Alien8_ - Seems to be throwing suspicion onto everybody but after how the last game went, I'm watching him very closely. An early odd sign right now is I've had to prompt him on what he finds interesting which I haven't had to do even when he's scum. So maybe he's more unsure this time, and doesn't have an agenda he's pushing. I don't know...
Something is definitely off about Inffy. One of the particular things that has him on my radar is the fact that he's been very active about throwing out accusations but he hasn't backed up any of those accusations yet with an actual vote, even if just to get a reaction. This kinda reads as him trying to avoid starting a wagon on a teammate to me.

Stranger from Planet 9 - Very early on Brian made his first joke about wanting to lynch me, and Stranger followed up by saying I was OP and should be nerfed. This reads to me as an attempt by scum to gain town cred by adding on to somebody else's joke. It's a minor reason but I do think it is significant enough.
Wee-woo-wee-woo, sounds like the fun police has arrived. :p

HKCaper - My least confident scumread, but he's sorta lurking and avoiding rocking the boat. When he challenged Inffy early on and Inffy responded, HKCaper walked back what he said which I find peculiar.
I'm honestly a bit suspicious of him too. I know he's reading up on this, but I've seen him play effectively as scum before by staying quiet except for a few insights at random points to avoid pinging people's radar too much.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Like, what exactly is an "unfair" reason to begin with? I'm honestly just curious.
A reason that isn't applicable to the situation.
Granted, the presence of Miller can totally fuck with cop reads, but there's a 25% chance a mafia result for the cop is the miller, which isn't horrible as statistics go.
It's 20%, 4 mafia + miller
Something is definitely off about Inffy. One of the particular things that has him on my radar is the fact that he's been very active about throwing out accusations but he hasn't backed up any of those accusations yet with an actual vote, even if just to get a reaction. This kinda reads as him trying to avoid starting a wagon on a teammate to me.
(I feel like if I say anything good about inf it's going to make it look like I'm trying to be nice to him to get him to back off me but I feel like I have to give my input want to say something [man, being self-conscious of saying "have to" sucks. Saying it like that just feels so unnatural.])
If he was trying not to start a bandwagon on a teammate, (I'm guessing you mean to imply me as that teammate, since he's been on me most of the time) I'd say he wouldn't be pushing so hard on me; he'd have dropped it a long time ago if he wasn't trying to get something going.


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
Ever since the beginning of this game, Brian has made constant accusations towards Alisha, but now seems to have quieted down. I'm curious if Brian still thinks Alisha is sus, and if so, is Tim + Alisha scum-team.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
After Inffy manipulated me flawlessly last game it makes me want to arbitrarily side against him just to put him in his place but aaaaaaaaa what he's saying does make sense in my head.

If Tim is scum then yay I made the right choice

If Tim is town I'm personally throwing Inffy off a cliff


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Wee-woo-wee-woo, sounds like the fun police has arrived. :p
I liked the joke I just think you're evil!!!

Something is definitely off about Inffy. One of the particular things that has him on my radar is the fact that he's been very active about throwing out accusations but he hasn't backed up any of those accusations yet with an actual vote, even if just to get a reaction. This kinda reads as him trying to avoid starting a wagon on a teammate to me.
The way I'm walking myself through it is Inffy is making mistakes and tripping up more than he usually does, and it reads to me that he's not watching what he's saying as much as he did last game. I think if he was trying to avoid drawing attention to teammates he wouldn't be questioning me and Tim as intricately as he is.

That's always a possibility, but playing stupid can also be an effective scum strategy as well - if you don't know who to vote, just don't vote for pete's sake.
I guess, he's a little bit suspicious for that vote but idk it reads to me as more of him not understanding how town usually does things.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
I liked the joke I just think you're evil!!!
I solemnly swear I will never make another joke in a mafia game ever. Serious Stranger only from now on. :|

The way I'm walking myself through it is Inffy is making mistakes and tripping up more than he usually does, and it reads to me that he's not watching what he's saying as much as he did last game. I think if he was trying to avoid drawing attention to teammates he wouldn't be questioning me and Tim as intricately as he is.
That's possible. I tend to be distrustful of basically anyone who is trying to be a "town leader", so that definitely stuck out to me.


Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Yes we do have leads. At the very least we can be reasonably certain that MoltenAshes has been kidnapped, and obvs. Fantome and purplepixies were killed by the mafia and the vigilante, even if we don't know who is responsible for the kill. Furthermore, the remaining cop and the tracker have had a chance to use their actions. Even though they're not claiming (which they shouldn't at this stage of the game), I'd at least presume they're trying to lead us in the right direction, based off of the limited info they have from last night. Granted, the presence of Miller can totally fuck with cop reads, but there's a 25% chance a mafia result for the cop is the miller, which isn't horrible as statistics go.
It's exactly as you said. "The remaining cop and tracker have a chance to use their actions." Random lynching day 1 will shorten the game and leave us with less nights to get good leads and info from the cop/tracker. You can assume they are but with only 1 nights worth of information it is 3 out of 13 chance of getting any reading from the first night for each.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
You think checking to make sure what you're saying is accurate before posting is scummy?

I don't believe you think thiiiissss

But I need to sleep and reevaluate everything because honestly today's just felt like a big mess and my mind's been a bit disorganised today so apologies to everyone if I wasn't communicating very well

To sum up my points of the day in one neat concise place, my scum reads are:

Tim - described brian using a metaphor which I thought was inaccurate. it's unusual of tim to be inaccurate in my experience of him so it feels like a faked read. also, his word choice of 'I have to townread alisha' makes me wonder whether he's townreading her because he feels he has to rather than because he wants to since I think people tend to use the phrase 'I have to do ___' when they feel the reason for having to do it outshines the reason for wanting to, therefore making tim seem like he has an agenda. however this point is pretty tiny since it could easily just be different language choices/ways of thinking and I could just be reading into something that isn't there, but it's something I still wanted to push forward asa possibility and may have got carried away with it. finally, he made a point of saying that he'd behave in the way he did towards alisha (defending her) regardless of people's roles and who it was - it seems weird to me he'd even think to say that as a townie, and seems like he's preparing for when he flips scum and doesn't want to implicate alisha as his partner by letting us all know that he'd have behaved that way towards her regardless of her alignment

Alisha - she looks tired she's in what I think might be her mafia meta right now which is a lot more serious, grounded version of her usual self. I dont sense any town paranoia to her posts, everything feels calculated. a lot of her points and her votes I've also struggled to make sense of this game which is unusual since I usually see where she's coming from, so I think it might be because she's not truly scumhunting since she's mafia, and so she's struggling to replicate scumhunt thought processes properly

Molten - repeating what alisha said a few times doesn't sit right with me and suggests he doesn't feel confident making his own points since he has something to hide, or he's focused so hard to blend in since he's mafia and thats his objective in the game

I guess if I had to throw in a 4th member it'd be Notme for lack of contribution and his smiley face entrance which felt slightly like godfather cockiness to me when he first sent it but I ignored it since it sounded silly but who knows maybe it's right

also interested in hearing from UNU again since alisha's right, he has crept back again like he did last game

sorry for tunnel visioning on you tim and alisha, it comes from the goodness of my townie heart I promise!

good night
I'm always like this in all mafia games.

Cop can prove, that I'm Town.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Notme for lack of contribution and his smiley face entrance which felt slightly like godfather cockiness to me
Cop can prove, that I'm Town.
Only the godfather would know for certain they'd come up as town on reports!

Not sure if this is a slip or not but tempted to vote anyway since you're not contributing either

Also I have class in a minute so I don't have time to quote but one thing stands out a little bit from stranger, and it's (hurray) another language point - they say things like "I honestly ___" and "I genuinely ___" a lot from memory, and I wonder if it's since they're lying and so subconsciously trying to sound as convincing as possible. Probably a terrible point and I'll go into their quotes later to show it better but figured I'd say it to see what others think

Also the reason I haven't voted anyone yet is because I don't really want to lynch alisha or tim today, it's just they've been my only big leads so far, and I will possibly end up lynching them in the end if nothing else comes up

vote notme

Give more opinions Mr Godfather