Lasagne Mafia - Game over


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Jun 4, 2014
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Slightly unrelated to this current discussion - but is it just me or is it often the active people that get lynched day 1 due to there just being more focus on them? Should be careful is all Im saying

Having read through all the discussions, I only really have two thoughts at the moment
1. Something feels a bit off about tim to me. Often it feels like its word choice and just doesnt come off very town like to me. Then again, I cant remember playing with him before so thats something to keep an eye on
2. What Hk said about UNU is definitely something which I agree seems a bit strange given how he's normally a lot more active. Perhaps he's been busy, but Id like to hear from him

Out of the players who are currently most active, the only person who Id be comfortable voting to lynch is tim, the others Id rather wait. Id also he happy to lynch someone who is really lurking (like reading but saying nothing and not just afk, ik Im doing it a bit but I do try to post)

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
After catching up on this, Im leaning more towards Alisha being scum. I think overly pushing on myself and Tim for offhand comments and word choice has at least something to do with that - to me it screams as though she's really reaching for reasons to lynch people. While we're all likely choosing our phrasing carefully to some degree. For example, I'm deliberately avoiding the phrases "I honestly..." And "I seriously..." now that Inffy's pointed that out. Id do much the same regardless of whether I was town or mafia, as I would want town to avoid a mislynch If I'm town or to not get lynched if im scum. I don't really see how that alone is reason enough to lynch someone.

I'll admit my push on HockeyFan was weak, but as I mentioned when I voted him, I was just tossing out a vote to get a reaction. Now that I have more convincing evidence pointing towards someone else, I'm inclined to change my vote.

Vote Alisha


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I went into this game after being killed Night 1 like I usually am on an LCN game, and after that Werewolf confrontation that made me less motivated to play that.

I get my role from TWG and I'm a Town Villager, which is fine by me since I don't want to screw up any power roles or deal with the stress of being scum. I might even get killed Night 1 like I usually do which is fine since it wouldn't be a power role getting murdered.

Day 1 flips, and purplepixies(Don't know them very well) and fantome(Admittedly I laughed remembering how he interacted with people in C9++) flipped. Okay so two deaths which means vigilante fired night 1 so already I don't have confidence in that role's ability to be useful, great start.

A few people go through their memes and all I'm thinking of is that I don't really want to be the center of attention for once, since previous games aren't going in the way I like them to, and I just want to help not have to feel like everyone's watching and criticizing every last thing I do.

I don't really feel like memeing so I post a little something and ask about the kidnapped person and say I don't like what the vigilante did. I joke that I had a good idea and all, everything looks cool.

Then Brian comes in and makes his crossed out paragraph about how evil I am, and Stranger adds on. Ok automatically filing Stranger away as someone to keep an eye on. Maybe they're just memeing and if I ignore it it'll go away.

Brian starts to go after Inffy and doesn't give a reason so I'm already internally sighing because this is just going to be a shitshow eventually. I make a post and hope he's just memeing. Also I notice Comp's name in the signups and I don't remember him making a signup post, and I look at the signups and get confused because he didn't, so I decide to needle him a little for fun.

Brian votes Inffy, Hockeyfan votes no lynch. Voting no lynch is ???? but probably just a misjudgement of how town operates so I wonder who will add on to that. I do say I want to hear more from Inffy to see how he reacts to the vote. It's looking more likely Brian is not memeing so I throw some shade his way since the reasons don't add up at all.

Stranger adds on to what I said and he's already on my radar so I make sure to note this for when I start making serious accusations. I don't want to do it yet since seeing how everyone reacts to each other first is important.

Brian begins to be suspicious of me for no reason, hockeyfan defends himself adequately. Inffy makes his big post and names Molten, Brian, and myself. I agree with his opinion on Brian, get kinda annoyed that I'm going to be the center of attention again without really doing anything, and after Molten's actions last game I want to give him a chance before I pass judgement on his behavior. He read as scummy to me all game in C9++ and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I made before.

Brian undoes his vote, Molten defends himself, UNU comes in and doesn't say much of substance except for doubting tim as per the norm for him, and Comp finally shows up. Stranger throws shade on me which ok I see where this is going to go, I better address this.

I say I get that I'm serious, and put my opinion on Molten, and correct what Stranger said. I call out a few people for not offering anything of substance.

Inffy corrects me on why I want to be a little more serious and assertive and I don't want to just say I don't feel like dragging things out again. I correct what Inffy says about me because he's wrong, I want to be more assertive with the people I believe to be scum and not get swayed. Molten claims to have been kidnapped which is interesting as Inffy threw shade on him; he could still be scum but I'm interested in Inffy's reaction.

Inffy continues on his tunnelvision of me which is normal for him. I correct his theory then somebody quotes timdood and I'm like oh oops Timdood said it first, so I apologize.

UNU says nothing of substance again, Inffy justifies to himself why his early read on Molten could still be accurate, and says something weird about a literal tunnel so maybe he is scummy there. Then he decides I sound too serious and once again does the thing where he says he never believes me.

I have no way to respond to that other than that's just how I am this time, so I make a joke and try to ignore it since there's nothing I can really do about his perception of me. Brian votes me and says I'm too serious and that's about where I lost my composure because every fucking time on Werewolf he does that to me and I just want to enjoy a game without the same people breathing down my back every time. I write a few snippy answers back and Timdood defends me which I think nothing of at the time.

Then Brian calls me uptight and I take a step back and give myself a moment before responding because the first thing people do to discredit me is decide to say my emotions aren't in line with what their views on my emotions are. I spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to embed a gif and give up and post the link anyway. Maybe they're self aware enough to realize that's not a joke eh screw it probably not.

Stranger votes Hockeyfan which is no surprise, and HK and Hockeyfan have a back and forth but it's all white noise to me since I'm still reeling from my attitude being called out.

Inffy surprises me by going after Tim and I'm still focused on defending myself and don't really care about Tim's predicament so I post a montage of Brian quotes because he's setting me up to be lynched. I make a big speech about what Brian's been doing. Inffy responds and says he's suspicious of me again, what else is new. I finally go back and look at the Tim defense of me and he definitely went on a moralistic speech and hm I can actually see him being scum now because he might be trying to get on my good side.

I give out my reads list and finally call out Stranger but he's not the focus since it's a reads list, but my mind is more focused on defending myself before I go on the attack. Inffy calls me and Tim out as a team and I'm like ok I know you're wrong but you might be correct about Tim. Inffy doesn't see what I see in Stranger and maybe I don't explain things right or they're mafia buddies but it doesn't go anywhere. Inffy doesn't understand a lot of what I'm saying and I feel him eating away at my soul piece by piece. It's about right here where I realize I'm the center of attention again and I'm just burned out so I just respond however I feel like it now.

Inf calls himself pentapost king but I already called myself pentapost queen why is he backing up my joke maybe he is scum idk. I vote Tim because of the previous exchanges and my fear of being manipulated by people buddying with me increases tenfold and I won't let that happen again. I'm fully lost at this point and everyone makes fun of me for saying Brian is innocent or guilty and I don't know what to do because nobody will believe me anyway

Inffy and tim fight a little and I decide to unvote because I have a moment of clarity that I'm completely giving in to confusion and need to pull myself back. Both of them continue to bicker, and I'm not sure if Inffy is genuine or not, so I test him by asking what he defines as unfair and all that. I ask a couple questions and to his credit he answers them, a bit confused but admits he would step in if someone was bullied. Ok so now I know Inffy isn't going after tim because he doesn't understand why tim would defend me. Tim continues to act weird in the meantime like saying he's always seeking the interest of fairness and that confuses me.

At this point I want to vote tim again but to test Inffy I ask him to look at his read of Tim without me in the picture, because I know I'm town and he doesn't. His theory is wrong but I want to see if he genuinely would believe Tim to be evil if I am not in the picture.

With great reluctance because I'm afraid of being manipulated by Inf again, I put my vote back on tim. Inffy still manages to find a way to doubt me so he's either dicking me around or so far up his own tunnel he's never going to see the light.

Stranger and I briefly go back and forth and he tries to guilt me about the joke thing.

Hockeyfan says something about stats, raxo acts very raxo-y and is probably not going to help scumhunt so that's lovely. I realize town is screwed right here. HK and Inffy reinforce each other's viewpoints for a while. I've given up now since I've screwed up too much and well since I'm only a vanilla townie it's not like anything of value will be lost if I'm mislynched so might as well be me instead of a power role.

Then inffy unvotes for no reason and stranger votes me big surprise

oh here we are at the present day hello


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
I went into this game after being killed Night 1 like I usually am on an LCN game, and after that Werewolf confrontation that made me less motivated to play that.

I get my role from TWG and I'm a Town Villager, which is fine by me since I don't want to screw up any power roles or deal with the stress of being scum. I might even get killed Night 1 like I usually do which is fine since it wouldn't be a power role getting murdered.

Day 1 flips, and purplepixies(Don't know them very well) and fantome(Admittedly I laughed remembering how he interacted with people in C9++) flipped. Okay so two deaths which means vigilante fired night 1 so already I don't have confidence in that role's ability to be useful, great start.

A few people go through their memes and all I'm thinking of is that I don't really want to be the center of attention for once, since previous games aren't going in the way I like them to, and I just want to help not have to feel like everyone's watching and criticizing every last thing I do.

I don't really feel like memeing so I post a little something and ask about the kidnapped person and say I don't like what the vigilante did. I joke that I had a good idea and all, everything looks cool.

Then Brian comes in and makes his crossed out paragraph about how evil I am, and Stranger adds on. Ok automatically filing Stranger away as someone to keep an eye on. Maybe they're just memeing and if I ignore it it'll go away.

Brian starts to go after Inffy and doesn't give a reason so I'm already internally sighing because this is just going to be a shitshow eventually. I make a post and hope he's just memeing. Also I notice Comp's name in the signups and I don't remember him making a signup post, and I look at the signups and get confused because he didn't, so I decide to needle him a little for fun.

Brian votes Inffy, Hockeyfan votes no lynch. Voting no lynch is ???? but probably just a misjudgement of how town operates so I wonder who will add on to that. I do say I want to hear more from Inffy to see how he reacts to the vote. It's looking more likely Brian is not memeing so I throw some shade his way since the reasons don't add up at all.

Stranger adds on to what I said and he's already on my radar so I make sure to note this for when I start making serious accusations. I don't want to do it yet since seeing how everyone reacts to each other first is important.

Brian begins to be suspicious of me for no reason, hockeyfan defends himself adequately. Inffy makes his big post and names Molten, Brian, and myself. I agree with his opinion on Brian, get kinda annoyed that I'm going to be the center of attention again without really doing anything, and after Molten's actions last game I want to give him a chance before I pass judgement on his behavior. He read as scummy to me all game in C9++ and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I made before.

Brian undoes his vote, Molten defends himself, UNU comes in and doesn't say much of substance except for doubting tim as per the norm for him, and Comp finally shows up. Stranger throws shade on me which ok I see where this is going to go, I better address this.

I say I get that I'm serious, and put my opinion on Molten, and correct what Stranger said. I call out a few people for not offering anything of substance.

Inffy corrects me on why I want to be a little more serious and assertive and I don't want to just say I don't feel like dragging things out again. I correct what Inffy says about me because he's wrong, I want to be more assertive with the people I believe to be scum and not get swayed. Molten claims to have been kidnapped which is interesting as Inffy threw shade on him; he could still be scum but I'm interested in Inffy's reaction.

Inffy continues on his tunnelvision of me which is normal for him. I correct his theory then somebody quotes timdood and I'm like oh oops Timdood said it first, so I apologize.

UNU says nothing of substance again, Inffy justifies to himself why his early read on Molten could still be accurate, and says something weird about a literal tunnel so maybe he is scummy there. Then he decides I sound too serious and once again does the thing where he says he never believes me.

I have no way to respond to that other than that's just how I am this time, so I make a joke and try to ignore it since there's nothing I can really do about his perception of me. Brian votes me and says I'm too serious and that's about where I lost my composure because every fucking time on Werewolf he does that to me and I just want to enjoy a game without the same people breathing down my back every time. I write a few snippy answers back and Timdood defends me which I think nothing of at the time.

Then Brian calls me uptight and I take a step back and give myself a moment before responding because the first thing people do to discredit me is decide to say my emotions aren't in line with what their views on my emotions are. I spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to embed a gif and give up and post the link anyway. Maybe they're self aware enough to realize that's not a joke eh screw it probably not.

Stranger votes Hockeyfan which is no surprise, and HK and Hockeyfan have a back and forth but it's all white noise to me since I'm still reeling from my attitude being called out.

Inffy surprises me by going after Tim and I'm still focused on defending myself and don't really care about Tim's predicament so I post a montage of Brian quotes because he's setting me up to be lynched. I make a big speech about what Brian's been doing. Inffy responds and says he's suspicious of me again, what else is new. I finally go back and look at the Tim defense of me and he definitely went on a moralistic speech and hm I can actually see him being scum now because he might be trying to get on my good side.

I give out my reads list and finally call out Stranger but he's not the focus since it's a reads list, but my mind is more focused on defending myself before I go on the attack. Inffy calls me and Tim out as a team and I'm like ok I know you're wrong but you might be correct about Tim. Inffy doesn't see what I see in Stranger and maybe I don't explain things right or they're mafia buddies but it doesn't go anywhere. Inffy doesn't understand a lot of what I'm saying and I feel him eating away at my soul piece by piece. It's about right here where I realize I'm the center of attention again and I'm just burned out so I just respond however I feel like it now.

Inf calls himself pentapost king but I already called myself pentapost queen why is he backing up my joke maybe he is scum idk. I vote Tim because of the previous exchanges and my fear of being manipulated by people buddying with me increases tenfold and I won't let that happen again. I'm fully lost at this point and everyone makes fun of me for saying Brian is innocent or guilty and I don't know what to do because nobody will believe me anyway

Inffy and tim fight a little and I decide to unvote because I have a moment of clarity that I'm completely giving in to confusion and need to pull myself back. Both of them continue to bicker, and I'm not sure if Inffy is genuine or not, so I test him by asking what he defines as unfair and all that. I ask a couple questions and to his credit he answers them, a bit confused but admits he would step in if someone was bullied. Ok so now I know Inffy isn't going after tim because he doesn't understand why tim would defend me. Tim continues to act weird in the meantime like saying he's always seeking the interest of fairness and that confuses me.

At this point I want to vote tim again but to test Inffy I ask him to look at his read of Tim without me in the picture, because I know I'm town and he doesn't. His theory is wrong but I want to see if he genuinely would believe Tim to be evil if I am not in the picture.

With great reluctance because I'm afraid of being manipulated by Inf again, I put my vote back on tim. Inffy still manages to find a way to doubt me so he's either dicking me around or so far up his own tunnel he's never going to see the light.

Stranger and I briefly go back and forth and he tries to guilt me about the joke thing.

Hockeyfan says something about stats, raxo acts very raxo-y and is probably not going to help scumhunt so that's lovely. I realize town is screwed right here. HK and Inffy reinforce each other's viewpoints for a while. I've given up now since I've screwed up too much and well since I'm only a vanilla townie it's not like anything of value will be lost if I'm mislynched so might as well be me instead of a power role.

Then inffy unvotes for no reason and stranger votes me big surprise

oh here we are at the present day hello
Okay well overall this post does seem very townie to me

I do have a couple questions

1) why did you interpret tim's defence of you as a moralistic speech? which bit are you talking about?
2) you said you wanted to see if I was being 'genuine' or not with my tim read and so decided to ask questions about if I'd ever not vote for someone based on morality, but why was that question testing my genuineness?
3) which post are you referring to when you say stranger tried to guilt you?

Also I'm sorry about rating your 'brian innocent or guilty' post Winner, I didn't mean it to make fun of you, I thought you might have said it on purpose and if not it was just a pretty funny brain fart that we're all susceptible to and it made me laugh, it wasn't anything about you personally or something


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
why did you interpret tim's defence of you as a moralistic speech? which bit are you talking about?
2) you said you wanted to see if I was being 'genuine' or not with my tim read and so decided to ask questions about if I'd ever not vote for someone based on morality, but why was that question testing my genuineness?
3) which post are you referring to when you say stranger tried to guilt you?
1 - saying brian's accusations are unfair I guess

2 - because I wasn't sure if you were understanding that someone might defend somebody on a personal level rather than a game level, and when you said you would stop a bully you sounded like you got the picture, and still went on about how tim isn't town so you believed tim was scum based on his defense and metaphor feeling fake rather than just not understanding

3 - calling me the fun police and even when I say I liked his joke he says he'll just never use humor again and it feels fake


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also I'm sorry about rating your 'brian innocent or guilty' post Winner, I didn't mean it to make fun of you, I thought you might have said it on purpose and if not it was just a pretty funny brain fart that we're all susceptible to and it made me laugh, it wasn't anything about you personally or something
nobody's fault, just told me that I'm operating on the level I pride myself on


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Ok automatically filing Stranger away as someone to keep an eye on. Maybe they're just memeing and if I ignore it it'll go away.
Brian votes me and says I'm too serious and that's about where I lost my composure because every fucking time on Werewolf he does that to me and I just want to enjoy a game without the same people breathing down my back every time.
I gotta say, after going back through a bunch of the posts, i trust in the 'team' i saw in Stranger and Alisha a bunch less. Also, im suddenly getting a lot stronger scum vibes from Stranger then im getting from Alisha. This is also reinforced by stranger voting you, feels like he saw a possible quick and ez bw and tried to go for it (then again you only had a few votes and we got time till deadline). While your post does put things in perspective on some of the players, im reading it as neutral, like it could go eitherway for me. Like, i get where you are coming from, and that makes it feel towny, then again could be that the post is sincere and that you are scum.

The second quote reminded me how, whenever Brian started calling you out, that i disagreed quite a bit with his reasoning (content wise and style wise), which is also what i posted. Moreover, brian kinda evaded attention i feel. Like he called you out, tim sorta stepped in to reinforce you, and then the whole tim, inffy, alisha thing happend. My biggest issue is with Brian that i'm not sure how he plays. With a lot of players i would have been very susp of them if they played like he did, but it might just be how Brian plays. Can anyone share some thoughts on that?

Anyway, my mind/vibes seem to be shifting back and forth, so also this isnt set in stone, but perhaps id be more for a Stranger lynch or a Brian lynch depending on what people can tell me about Brian.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
1 - saying brian's accusations are unfair I guess

2 - because I wasn't sure if you were understanding that someone might defend somebody on a personal level rather than a game level, and when you said you would stop a bully you sounded like you got the picture, and still went on about how tim isn't town so you believed tim was scum based on his defense and metaphor feeling fake rather than just not understanding
So that question is probing whether I'm understanding that somebody might defend someone on a personal level right? If I hadn't understood it, what would your conclusion of me have been? Since to my mind I don't understand how that question relates to my genuineness or not since it seems like whether I understood it or not that wouldn't have bearing on my genuineness if that makes sense? So like, what am I misunderstanding

3 - calling me the fun police and even when I say I liked his joke he says he'll just never use humor again and it feels fake


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah where the heck did brian go, he's avoided my question twice now

And I agree the stranger vote on alisha didn't sit right with me either and I'm starting to smell mafia a bit from them, even though I'm not exactly sure why, their latest post, particularly this bit

While we're all likely choosing our phrasing carefully to some degree. For example, I'm deliberately avoiding the phrases "I honestly..." And "I seriously..." now that Inffy's pointed that out. Id do much the same regardless of whether I was town or mafia, as I would want town to avoid a mislynch If I'm town or to not get lynched if im scum. I don't really see how that alone is reason enough to lynch someone.
gives me bad feelings about her for some reason


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
With a lot of players i would have been very susp of them if they played like he did, but it might just be how Brian plays. Can anyone share some thoughts on that?
Brian is inconsistent and during Werewolf he declared me to be his rival, and seems to be playing up the relationship as if we're mortal enemies, and I want nothing to do with that because it's not fun for me to have a mortal enemy during every single game. I like having people I can consistently join and play games with like Catgirl and Inffy, but Brian takes it to a level that makes me not enjoy games because he finds any excuse he can to throw shade on me and it feels arbitrary more than anything. I told him during one of the Werewolf games I didn't want to be rivals and that seemed to confuse him. I feel bad for saying this because I feel like I'm throwing shade on a personal level and he's a fine person otherwise, but I can't really help what I feel I guess
So that question is probing whether I'm understanding that somebody might defend someone on a personal level right? If I hadn't understood it, what would your conclusion of me have been? Since to my mind I don't understand how that question relates to my genuineness or not since it seems like whether I understood it or not that wouldn't have bearing on my genuineness if that makes sense? So like, what am I misunderstanding
If you didn't understand, it would tell me your push on tim is just because you don't see things his way so I shouldn't vote him because your reasoning is illogical and based on your personal psychology more than actual deduction.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Goodness gracious I left for a day and I came back to .. 5 new pages. Alright, I just had some quotes I wanted to run by.

Hey! I'm back. After like 5 minutes of trying to work with it, how are you supposed to put spaces after a quote? I've been trying and it seems like you just.. can't. All you can do is add a new line but that just adds on to the quote.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Goodness gracious I left for a day and I came back to .. 5 new pages. Alright, I just had some quotes I wanted to run by.

Hey! I'm back. After like 5 minutes of trying to work with it, how are you supposed to put spaces after a quote? I've been trying and it seems like you just.. can't. All you can do is add a new line but that just adds on to the quote.
You can't afaik, you have to write something beneath a quote first before quoting something else (don't use multiquote if you want to write things beneath each one)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
If you didn't understand, it would tell me your push on tim is just because you don't see things his way so I shouldn't vote him because your reasoning is illogical and based on your personal psychology more than actual deduction.
What does that have to do with whether I believe my read though (that's what you mean by 'genuine' right?)

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
No problem, my pfp on discord tends to throw people off.

And I will add that the post about me never using humor again was absolutely a joke.

I'll admit that I was a bit trigger-happy voting Alisha, for which I apologize. I was reading this on the bus to work and probably should have analyzed the situation a bit more carefully before voting. That's what I get for just skimming instead of taking the time to read people's arguments in a lot more detail, I suppose.
