Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Only the godfather would know for certain they'd come up as town on reports!

Not sure if this is a slip or not but tempted to vote anyway since you're not contributing either

Also I have class in a minute so I don't have time to quote but one thing stands out a little bit from stranger, and it's (hurray) another language point - they say things like "I honestly ___" and "I genuinely ___" a lot from memory, and I wonder if it's since they're lying and so subconsciously trying to sound as convincing as possible. Probably a terrible point and I'll go into their quotes later to show it better but figured I'd say it to see what others think

Also the reason I haven't voted anyone yet is because I don't really want to lynch alisha or tim today, it's just they've been my only big leads so far, and I will possibly end up lynching them in the end if nothing else comes up

vote notme

Give more opinions Mr Godfather
Ive been waiting for Notme to respond to inffy for quite some time now, and he did rate this post funny sooooo, would be nice to hear your thoughts.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
"what does that even mean." Thank goodness we have dictionaries!

uptight | ˌəpˈtīt | adjective informal anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way: don't get so uptight about everything.
And not to be mean, Alisha, but you keep on saying "what does uptight mean." This is like the third time you said that. It seems like an excuse for not listening to what I'm saying. You fully well know what "uptight" means. And it's not different in the context of werewolf. So don't even try that.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
I'm prtty sure Alisha knows what uptight means (or could google it without you saying that). The issue at hand is that you keep calling her uptight, but then don't add much explanation to it. Some quotes would be nice or some examples, to make a stronger case rather than throwing around words.
I'll take a look back and get some quotes, but you can see after the whole thing where people started calling her uptight (Inffy and I) she started to become a lot more relaxed, almost trying to blend in. Again, seems like a very mafia thing to do, to try to get herself off the spotlight.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Nevermind. There's too much to go through and I don't feel like it's worth it. Either way I'm suspicious of Alisha, and don't QUOTE this message because I don't know why. I'm just the most suspicious of Alisha, that's all.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
I'll take a look back and get some quotes, but you can see after the whole thing where people started calling her uptight (Inffy and I) she started to become a lot more relaxed, almost trying to blend in. Again, seems like a very mafia thing to do, to try to get herself off the spotlight.
Nevermind. There's too much to go through and I don't feel like it's worth it. Either way I'm suspicious of Alisha, and don't QUOTE this message because I don't know why. I'm just the most suspicious of Alisha, that's all.
These feel sincere so I'll just go ahead and join inffy (dont think i didnt see you inf) ((i know you said don't quote, but im still doing it soz))

vote stranger


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Timdood3 could we get a read list from you please?
I don't have a lot of reads, but hopefully I can get something out there. I'm going to group them in town, neutral and mafia, but with no particular order in the groups.
Alisha - Particularly after Alisha's mega-post, I can't see her as anything but town. Yes, it could be a very convincing appeal to emotion, but I'm not inclined to believe that. The whole post feels very genuine.
Molten - Has contributed some to discussion, and with them being kidnapped I'm more inclined to believe that he's town. Of course, it's still entirely possible mafia kidnapped their own, so that's not the biggest point. At least we knows he's not kidnapper himself, right?
Stranger - Despite some meme-iness in the beginning (which I did too, I forgot the game started with night phase), put forth a pretty detailed post of her thoughts and reads. Seems to be contributing decently.
Infected - It feels like he's genuinely scumhunting (and I'm trying to put last game behind me, but he felt the same then), but looking in the wrong places.
HKCaper - I don't know what it is, but he feels townie to me. Like he's asking the right questions or something idk.

Notme - Has three posts, and one of them is "Hi guys :)" I know he's always inactive, but that's a problem for me. Especially since this is supposed to be a game with high activity...I can't call him scum here because there's just nothing there. I'd certainly like to see a reads list from him.
Shadow - Has two posts, both of which are about kidnappee claiming. Just read my read on notme again.
Comp - Hasn't said much, and I don't have have a strong read one way or the other.
Hockey - Also quiet.
-It's funny how all of my neitral reads are people who haven't said much. Maybe if I move them down to mafia reads they'd be more encouraged to say something...

Unu - In the beginning he talked about the vigi and whether the kidnappee should claim. After that, he went silent. It's a little scummy to me that once the spotlight found someone, he was happy to just sit back.
Brian - I still think that Brian was trying to subliminally assert that Alisha wasn't trustworthy. The only reason I can think of for a townie to employ such an underhanded tactic would be if he was the remaining cop who got a guilty read on Alisha. Maybe I'm wrong, and he wasn't trying to be underhanded, but I'm pretty convinced. | After reading what just transpired, Brian still doesn't seem to be taking things very seriously. And he seems almost paranoid.
Goodness gracious I left for a day and I came back to .. 5 new pages. Alright, I just had some quotes I wanted to run by.

Hey! I'm back. After like 5 minutes of trying to work with it, how are you supposed to put spaces after a quote? I've been trying and it seems like you just.. can't. All you can do is add a new line but that just adds on to the quote.
What I do is just manually input the [/quote] code in the quote and start typing after it. It'll still be in the orange box, but when you post it'll be right.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Votecount Day 1

Stranger from Planet 9: [2/7] HKCaper and Infected_alien8_

Alisha: [1/7] TehBrian

Timdood3: [1/7] Alisha

No Lynch: [1/6] Hockeyfan1852

Not voting: [7] Comp, MoltenAshes, Notme, Stranger from Planet 9, Shadow_Hunter, Timdood3 and Unusual_dood.

7 votes are required for a lynch.
6 votes are required for a no-lynch.

Deadline in 36 hours!


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Brian why are you upset

I was upset too and I'm sorry for laying into you a bit
I'm not. Sorry if I seemed that way.

Molten - Has contributed some to discussion, and with them being kidnapped I'm more inclined to believe that he's town. Of course, it's still entirely possible mafia kidnapped their own, so that's not the biggest point. At least we knows he's not kidnapper himself, right?
Mmm. I think that kidnapper can kidnap themselves.. maybe? But we're not even sure if he's lying.
Brian - I still think that Brian was trying to subliminally assert that Alisha wasn't trustworthy. The only reason I can think of for a townie to employ such an underhanded tactic would be if he was the remaining cop who got a guilty read on Alisha. Maybe I'm wrong, and he wasn't trying to be underhanded, but I'm pretty convinced. | After reading what just transpired, Brian still doesn't seem to be taking things very seriously. And he seems almost paranoid.
1. "I still think that Brian was trying to subliminally assert that Alisha wasn't trustworthy" I'm not that good at this game, haha. And also, it's not like I'm trying to make it seem like she's not trustworthy, but it's my personal opinion that she seemed like Mafia.

2. "The only reason I can think of for a townie to employ such an underhanded tactic would be if he was the remaining cop who got a guilty read on Alisha." Very incorrect. I'm claiming villager, I most definitely am not cop. Go back to the first bit of the game, I jokingly claimed she was mafia, I wasn't IMMEDIATELY sure she was mafia. That only came later ;P

3. "After reading what just transpired, Brian still doesn't seem to be taking things very seriously. And he seems almost paranoid." I'm busy, I've got other things to do and I'm trying to do the best I can but when this chat moves at 1 page every 15 minutes it's a bit hard to keep up, so I can only go on by what other people are saying at the time, and my quick reading of what came before. I'm also not paranoid, you're probably getting that from how defensive I was being.

Something that's important to realize is this is all text. There's no emotion, there's no punctuation, there's no pauses. Sure, you might be able to be with someone for a long time and guess how they type in certain situations. But what's important to remember is that it's all text. This means that it's like.. You said "He seems paranoid." that means it's SOMETHING about the way my text is coming out that looks like it's paranoid. What does it look like to you? Be honest. Probably how quick to the point I'm being and how many periods I'm using.

For example, if I type this: "Yeh I'm not sure so much haha lol :p"
And this: "I'm not sure."
Looks different, right? And while it might be blatantly obvious right now, when you're in game and not dissecting each sentence, this can slip right past and end up how you look at me, emotionally.

Adding on to that, it also means that anyone whose good at the game will be able to perfectly mask how they're feeling. Once you realize it's all text, rather than trying to actually put what you think, simply lie. Not lie with your words, lie with *how* you put your words. Just like with the example above. Right now I'm typing, and as I type, I don't go back. I type and I type and it's exactly what I'm thinking in my head. What if I stopped doing that? What if I premeditated every single sentence I put, trying to formulate it to give you the emotional response I want?

That's what it looks like Alisha is doing, to me, for some reason. Again, not sure why, but that's just what I'm getting.

Another thing with text that is important is that people can interpret it differently. This is so important to realize. What might look happy and fluffy to me, might look serious and straight to the point for you. That's why it's hard to formulate a correct emotional response for so many people. But when someone focuses on one person at a time, that's where they really get you.

Just things to keep in mind.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
"Looks different, right? And while it might be blatantly obvious right now, when you're in game and not dissecting each sentence, this can slip right past and end up how you look at me, emotionally."

Meant to say "this can slip right past and change how you look at me, emotionally."

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
I might as well try and post some defense of myself before I get lynched. Anyway, I know my votes have been erratic, but at this point I honestly have no idea who to lynch. As I mentioned earlier, I jumped on voting Alisha very hastily and should have thought twice before voting her, but the reason I did so was because we are getting close to the deadline as this is the last full IRL day of this phase for me (I'm in UTC-7/Mountain time), and we're nowhere close to deciding who to lynch. And the fact of the matter is that town doesn't have a ton of room to no-lynch, especially given vigilante's mistake last night. So I'm trying to take action to get more reads from people, and I was convinced Alisha was scum until she posted her long read on the game. I'm now reasonably convinced shes town. Despite my confident demeanor, I'm really unsure of who we should lynch. So that said, Im going to go back to reaction voting.

Comp reads as off to me because he called for two AFKs to give their opinion and reads earlier while admitting to not having any opinions himself.

Vote Comp