Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Still annoyed about fence stuff in one of mafia.

I should have picked staff members or shoot some TTT server admin because Traitor lol.

Seriously, I never was good at reading town/mafia vibes.
For real though raxo I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything like that, and I'm sorry if I did, I was just trying to win the game and you just so happened to be the mafia soldier who I randomly chose to try to manipulate out of the mafia members

I did the same thing to jivvi in another game if that helps


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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Votecount Day 1

TehBrian: [1/7] Timdood3

Comp: [1/7] Stranger from Planet 9

Stranger from Planet 9: [3/7] Alisha, HKCaper and Infected_alien8_

Timdood3: [1/7] TehBrian

No Lynch: [1/6] Hockeyfan1852

Not voting: [5] Comp, MoltenAshes, Notme, Shadow_Hunter and Unusual_dood.

7 votes are required for a lynch.
6 votes are required for a no-lynch.

Deadline in 10 hours!

REMINDER: The player with the most votes will be lynched when the deadline hits.


Feb 29, 2012
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"REMINDER: The player with the most votes will be lynched when the deadline hits."
Oof didn't know we were playing like this. Thought not enough votes= no lynch. All Im going to say here is if we lynch a town look at all the people that voted for them. The maf want to get a lynch off here. They will likely do it in a non-suspicious way but I think will likely try for a town lynch especially if one of their own is in danger. I encourage everyone to join on the No Lynch train. This will cause the maf to make a choice between forcing a lynch or swaying to no lynch as well. This will give our cop/tracker more time to get solid leads on people.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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"REMINDER: The player with the most votes will be lynched when the deadline hits."
Oof didn't know we were playing like this. Thought not enough votes= no lynch. All Im going to say here is if we lynch a town look at all the people that voted for them. The maf want to get a lynch off here. They will likely do it in a non-suspicious way but I think will likely try for a town lynch especially if one of their own is in danger. I encourage everyone to join on the No Lynch train. This will cause the maf to make a choice between forcing a lynch or swaying to no lynch as well. This will give our cop/tracker more time to get solid leads on people.
Not if they're blocked, which is extremely likely as a couple people claimed vanilla townie and mafia have narrowed it down from night 1 actions and they have two different ways to block, so we have to be more proactive than normal

We're lynching because we're pretty sure we've got a scum in Stranger.

Have you read the events have have happened so far this game? What do you think?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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"REMINDER: The player with the most votes will be lynched when the deadline hits."
Oof didn't know we were playing like this. Thought not enough votes= no lynch. All Im going to say here is if we lynch a town look at all the people that voted for them. The maf want to get a lynch off here. They will likely do it in a non-suspicious way but I think will likely try for a town lynch especially if one of their own is in danger. I encourage everyone to join on the No Lynch train. This will cause the maf to make a choice between forcing a lynch or swaying to no lynch as well. This will give our cop/tracker more time to get solid leads on people.
A counter wagon is a good idea so that people have another option to vote for and we can get some nice reads from that potentially, but I don't think you're realistically gonna get anyone else to force a NL with you since a) it's already put you on the spotlight since wanting to NL is kinda controversial so mafia probably won't want to join it and b) most people seem to prefer to have a lynch than a no lynch so most townies probably won't help you stop it. However if you can set up a second suspect then a) mafia could fake finding them suspicious and join you, and b) town might prefer to see that person dead and pick that option instead

About NL in general, I get your logic, but bearing in mind the cop/tracker are going to want to out as late as they can, since as soon as they out they can be roleblocked so long as the mafia blocker is alive or targetted for nightkills as soon as the doctor dies, we probably won't have any 'evidence' for a good few days yet, and waiting around that long without lynching just to increase our chances is a) boring imo and b) risky since if we don't get any good leads from evidence we've given up several chances to reduce the mafia numbers and by the time we finally lynch it might be at a time when we can't afford to mislynch or else we lose. So I think it's better to lynch now while we still can to generate our own information in the meantime, using reads by looking at what happened in the lynch, to hopefully make subsequent lynches more accurate if this one fails, and if it doesn't fail then we've offed a mafia and got some reads from that too hopefully


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm gonna have to be real here for a sec

I'm not too confident on town's chances winning this for many, many different little reasons but at the very least it's about who gets the most votes to make a majority so hopefully Stranger is the first scum and that'll make everything easier. Especially if he's one of the two blocking roles.

Doctor do not protect any villager claims since you're needed to help save other power roles, mafia need to be forced to weigh if killing potentially influential townies is worth it vs trying to snipe a power role that could be prevented by a doctor.


Feb 29, 2012
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I mean stranger has randomly accused several people and seems to be a decent lynch option. I'd also suspect raxo but everyone is saying that he normally plays like this. I will wait until day 2 to share my thoughts when we have more to go off of. Todays Lynch/No Lynch result and the death/kidnap + investigation results of tomorrow night if anyone comes forward.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I mean stranger has randomly accused several people and seems to be a decent lynch option. I'd also suspect raxo but everyone is saying that he normally plays like this. I will wait until day 2 to share my thoughts when we have more to go off of. Todays Lynch/No Lynch result and the death/kidnap + investigation results of tomorrow night if anyone comes forward.
This sounds more reasonable

I still think a no lynch is the bad way to go about this but at least you defended your decision

raxo's frustrating me because he won't even talk to Inffy and doesn't seem to care