Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Jan 10, 2019
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At this point, I feel like the scummiest person is Tim. Stranger, hasn't made a mafia-impression to me (mostly neutral), so I'm kind of hesitant to lynch her. The fact that the vote is extremely spread out, makes me scared, especially since at the moment, mafia can pile up on an option, and that person would be lynched.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I'd rather no-lynch than mislynch, and I'm not convinced Stranger is scum. Can someone summarize the arguments against her for me please? I can't even remember why people found her scummy in the first place. I'll probably remove my vote once someone explains it to me.

Vote No-lynch


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I'd rather no-lynch than mislynch, and I'm not convinced Stranger is scum. Can someone summarize the arguments against her for me please? I can't even remember why people found her scummy in the first place. I'll probably remove my vote once someone explains it to me.

Vote No-lynch
I'll handle this one

-She opens up with following one of Brian's jokes about lynching me which felt like it was adding on to a joke to earn town cred and also throw subconsious shade on me
- Votes hockeyfan for no lynching
- Votes me then votes Comp after I make one of my patented speeches

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Sorry I've been quiet, IRL shit came up last night.

Anyway, the only real case that I have for myself is that I'm playing like I normally do - I try to be kinda funny early on while using reaction votes to test the waters and see what reads I can get from various players.

I mean stranger has randomly accused several people and seems to be a decent lynch option. I'd also suspect raxo but everyone is saying that he normally plays like this. I will wait until day 2 to share my thoughts when we have more to go off of. Todays Lynch/No Lynch result and the death/kidnap + investigation results of tomorrow night if anyone comes forward.
As I said, I was only using votes to get reactions. I never thought there was a real chance of you or Comp being lynched today, I just wanted to see how you'd respond.

As for my vote on Alisha, it was a hasty move made in error. I completely understand why you all would find me suspicious for that and I don't blame you in the least. That said, I highly doubt that I'm the only one here who has jumped to a certain conclusion faster than she should have in a mafia game. At present I believe that Alisha is town. I don't have any real defense beyond saying that I hope you all believe me.

If I get lynched today, that's one less mislynch y'all have later down the line, but I sincerely hope you are able to use my interactions with others to better track down the remaining mafia members.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry I've been quiet, IRL shit came up last night.

Anyway, the only real case that I have for myself is that I'm playing like I normally do - I try to be kinda funny early on while using reaction votes to test the waters and see what reads I can get from various players.

As I said, I was only using votes to get reactions. I never thought there was a real chance of you or Comp being lynched today, I just wanted to see how you'd respond.

As for my vote on Alisha, it was a hasty move made in error. I completely understand why you all would find me suspicious for that and I don't blame you in the least. That said, I highly doubt that I'm the only one here who has jumped to a certain conclusion faster than she should have in a mafia game. At present I believe that Alisha is town. I don't have any real defense beyond saying that I hope you all believe me.

If I get lynched today, that's one less mislynch y'all have later down the line, but I sincerely hope you are able to use my interactions with others to better track down the remaining mafia members.
Could we have a reads list and a claim from you?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Hi kinda here trying to keep up. Idm voting to lynch but Id need some arguments as to why lynching is better than no lynching
no lynching just gives mafia more chances to suppress and kill town prs since they have multiple ways to do it

by lynching at least we're trying to suppress mafia and actually scumhunting - it's critical that mafia are thinned down sooner rather than later, preferably lynching hooker or kidnapper as that would cripple them the most.


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
What gives you that feeling? Just checking you're not just suspiciously copying me and have come to this conclusion on your own
That wasn't like my original feeling or anything. I did copy you, admittedly, but it does make a lot of sense. It also really ties in to what I said before about how words are just text, and everyone perceives it differently, including yourself. But yeah I did take that direct thing from you, but I do on my own merit believe it.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
That wasn't like my original feeling or anything. I did copy you, admittedly, but it does make a lot of sense. It also really ties in to what I said before about how words are just text, and everyone perceives it differently, including yourself. But yeah I did take that direct thing from you, but I do on my own merit believe it.
So that means it's your actual feeling too? Or not because you said you copied Inffy


Aug 29, 2018
Reaction score
Listen, I'm gonna get real here what I think, just on reading this. I don't know if this can be perceived as copying anyone but I promise right now I am not going back and forth between anything, I am writing what I think. I strongly think right now that Tim, Stranger, Notme, and Molten are mafia.

Right now I feel like the options we're thinking of lynching are 100% mafia and they know it. So that's why they're trying to no lynch. If we no lynch, the mafia will most definitely try to go for power roles and they've already eliminated some people from them claiming villager, including me.

Molten coming in and "kind of" vouching for Shadow seems scummy and him trying to go against the tide of the town and vote no lynch is also scummy, Notme voting no lynch seems like it has no reason for it, Stranger is being really weird and he's most likely mafia, and just like from before, I'm strongly feeling Tim is mafia as well.

Trying to read through this and put out what I think as best as can. But listen. I know either me or Inffy, will die tonight. Maybe mafia will kill another person after reading this, but I know it's a big possibility I will die tonight, which is why I'm trying to put out as much as I can, and then once I do, I'll be confirmed villager (I got villager msg I think that it tells you if you are the one cursed person or whatever) and when I am you can read back on my messages, specifically this one, and see all this coming from the perspective of a true villager.

Notme. Molten. Shadow. And Tim. All four are who I think are mafia. I'm fine going with either Shadow or Tim tonight because I have the strongest feelings about them.

But somewhere, deep inside of me, there's something that's saying it's a possibility Inffy is mafia, because he has done this before where he just completely.. not JUST blends in with villagers, but completely BECOMES a villager, and everyone, no doubt, thinks that he's villager.

Right now though, I have a much more stronger feeling that the four I mentioned above are mafia. As such, I'll be keeping my vote on Tim incase everyone else tries to no lynch.

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Sure thing.
Could we have a reads list and a claim from you?
Sure thing.

Alisha - Based on her reads and her passionate speech, I'm reasonably convinced she's town.
- As mentioned, his request for AFK's to give their opinions and then saying that he doesn't have much of an opinion himself reads to me as very suspicious - like he's trying to avoid implicating any of his team members but doesn't care enough/doesn't have enough time to come up with a decent defense.
HKCaper - I'm reading as neutral leaning scum at the moment. He seems to be trying to draw rational conclusions based off of his reads and people's activity, but he's quiet enough that I can't be reasonably certain he's town - I know he has pulled off the 'stay quiet and blend into the background as mafia' strategy VERY effectively before.
Hockeyfan1852- I still don't 100% buy that he's town. His insistence on voting no-lynch even after we've explained MULTIPLE times why that's a bad idea is reading very off to me. I understand the argument that he might be a townie new to this who doesn't know how things work, but I think at this point his actions have gone beyond mere newb-ness.
Infected_alien8_ - Given how aggressively he's been scum-hunting, he's reading as town to me right now. Barely, but enough that I wouldn't vote to lynch him.
MoltenAshes - Neutral read. I absolutely believe that mafia could have pulled off the trick of kidnapping one of their own to throw everyone off, but I want to see who else kidnapper goes after before I say for certain that's what happen. Besides, if mafia didn't pull that trick night 1, well, we just gave them an idea for this night phase with how much we've been obsessing over this.
Notme- He's been quiet except for voting no lynch and a few other comments here or there - I'd be much more likely to buy the argument that he's a new/stupid townie with him than I would HockeyFan, but I'm currently reading him as neutral leaning scum.
Shadow_Hunter3 - He's been quiet so IDK.
TehBrian- He seems to have been voting erratically and trying to gauge people's reactions much like I have thus far, so I'm inclined to believe he's town.
Timdood3 - I'm definitely reading him as scum. Between his arguments about 'fairness' earlier, his choice to defend basically anybody who's in the spotlight (self included), and finally his current no-lynch vote, he REALLY seems to be pushing for a no-lynch, and he's definitely too experienced for me to believe that this is a good idea.
Unusual_Dood- AFK, so IDK.

My current guess as to who the mafia is: Timdood3, Hockeyfan1852, Comp, and then one of notme/HKCaper/Unusual_Dood/Shadow_Hunter3


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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But somewhere, deep inside of me, there's something that's saying it's a possibility Inffy is mafia, because he has done this before where he just completely.. not JUST blends in with villagers, but completely BECOMES a villager, and everyone, no doubt, thinks that he's villager.
When you say shadow I assume you mean stranger?

Also where's that ^ come from? Like, what are you basing that on?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the reads list stranger

there are a couple of nuggets in there that felt townie to me but there were also some scummy ones and the overall feel of it feels sucmmy, like, you seem kinda too comfortable? to say you're almost gonna get lynched, there's no like fire lit up, like 'okay no I'm being mislynched and I think this person is mafia and nobody's seeing it aaah', it's so calm and there doesn't feel like you actually want to lynch mafia today instead of you? I don't think town or mafia would be calm, so it feels like you're putting on a fake smile kind of? And I think it's probably more likely mafia does that than town since town would be focusing all their attention on getting scum lynched instead of themselves rather than worrying about how they're coming off as calm, but mafia's #1 goal is to survive so they'd probably be putting mental resources into wanting to appear chilled and calm and not a panicky-mafia-hiding-something

I think a lot of what my read on you is that you remind me of myself in this specific game where I was mafia, your posts keep making me think back to that one game (not on this forum, I was mafia and lynched day 0), and I dunno, I just feel it somehow

Also for example:

Hockeyfan1852- I still don't 100% buy that he's town.
This seems kind of a weird perspective to me? I'm not really sure why, it just stuck out to me. Looking at it as 'I don't 100% buy you're town' rather than 'I think you could be mafia', I dunno, this line just felt incompatible to my mind somehow, like an unnatural way of looking at the game from a town perspective, which makes me think you're mafia and don't actually have a town perspective and that's why

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
The only response I have to that is that's just how I I'd naturally say that.

Inffy, most of your reads on me have been based off of the way I phrase things when typing them out. This is my first forum game, and I don't recall you playing any discord mafia games with me previously. It's possible you spectated on one or two that I played in but I honestly don't remember. Anyway, have you considered the possibility that you simply aren't familiar with my speech patterns given the two of us haven't played mafia together before? I know this is a shit argument but it's 100% the truth.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
The only response I have to that is that's just how I I'd naturally say that.

Inffy, most of your reads on me have been based off of the way I phrase things when typing them out. This is my first forum game, and I don't recall you playing any discord mafia games with me previously. It's possible you spectated on one or two that I played in but I honestly don't remember. Anyway, have you considered the possibility that you simply aren't familiar with my speech patterns given the two of us haven't played mafia together before? I know this is a shit argument but it's 100% the truth.
Yeah I did consider it, and I know it's possible, I just don't really feel it's the true reason

I'm sorry if I'm wrong about you

Also I think you should vote for tim if you truly think he's scum so that we have two lynches for people to choose between since tim seems to be a common suspect as well, because that can get us some juicy reads tomorrow by looking at who chose which lynch