Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Apologies for not being here for the end of the day - I was just really busy the whole weekend.
Although it isn't great that we didn't lynch yesterday (I would have placed my vote on tim to avoid nl if I had time)
But I tagged you and you came online and still didn't vote, why was that?

Anyway I'm down to get stranger or Tim today, don't really mind which, and I think Mafia team is probably stranger, Tim, molten and comp

Vote stranger


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Jun 4, 2014
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But I tagged you and you came online and still didn't vote, why was that?

Anyway I'm down to get stranger or Tim today, don't really mind which, and I think Mafia team is probably stranger, Tim, molten and comp

Vote stranger
I didn't see the tag I guess, it was a 24 hour event so at best I was able to skim read some of the posts.
Also out of tim and stranger, I don't want to lynch stranger yet, especially as she claimed she was kidnapped. I think its unlikely Mafia would have kidnapped on of their own the first night


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I didn't see the tag I guess, it was a 24 hour event so at best I was able to skim read some of the posts.
Also out of tim and stranger, I don't want to lynch stranger yet, especially as she claimed she was kidnapped. I think its unlikely Mafia would have kidnapped on of their own the first night
She didn't, molten did


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score
I didn't see the tag I guess, it was a 24 hour event so at best I was able to skim read some of the posts.
Also out of tim and stranger, I don't want to lynch stranger yet, especially as she claimed she was kidnapped. I think its unlikely Mafia would have kidnapped on of their own the first night
Why do you think that?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Killing Brian is a weird choice for scum to do since he claimed villager and causes a lot of chaos with his reads, but maybe they thought he was lying? Either way, that's pretty fortunate since no more power roles died.

I'm also heavily annoyed at how that last day ended up but can't really change it now I guess.

I'm all for lynching Stranger but I want to wait a little bit for everybody to talk, in case the remaining Cop or Tracker got an incriminating result and should share it imo


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
and also why you are town reading Alisha so strongly
She made a big post explaining her thought processed throughout the game and it felt really genuine and townie

I went into this game after being killed Night 1 like I usually am on an LCN game, and after that Werewolf confrontation that made me less motivated to play that.

I get my role from TWG and I'm a Town Villager, which is fine by me since I don't want to screw up any power roles or deal with the stress of being scum. I might even get killed Night 1 like I usually do which is fine since it wouldn't be a power role getting murdered.

Day 1 flips, and purplepixies(Don't know them very well) and fantome(Admittedly I laughed remembering how he interacted with people in C9++) flipped. Okay so two deaths which means vigilante fired night 1 so already I don't have confidence in that role's ability to be useful, great start.

A few people go through their memes and all I'm thinking of is that I don't really want to be the center of attention for once, since previous games aren't going in the way I like them to, and I just want to help not have to feel like everyone's watching and criticizing every last thing I do.

I don't really feel like memeing so I post a little something and ask about the kidnapped person and say I don't like what the vigilante did. I joke that I had a good idea and all, everything looks cool.

Then Brian comes in and makes his crossed out paragraph about how evil I am, and Stranger adds on. Ok automatically filing Stranger away as someone to keep an eye on. Maybe they're just memeing and if I ignore it it'll go away.

Brian starts to go after Inffy and doesn't give a reason so I'm already internally sighing because this is just going to be a shitshow eventually. I make a post and hope he's just memeing. Also I notice Comp's name in the signups and I don't remember him making a signup post, and I look at the signups and get confused because he didn't, so I decide to needle him a little for fun.

Brian votes Inffy, Hockeyfan votes no lynch. Voting no lynch is ???? but probably just a misjudgement of how town operates so I wonder who will add on to that. I do say I want to hear more from Inffy to see how he reacts to the vote. It's looking more likely Brian is not memeing so I throw some shade his way since the reasons don't add up at all.

Stranger adds on to what I said and he's already on my radar so I make sure to note this for when I start making serious accusations. I don't want to do it yet since seeing how everyone reacts to each other first is important.

Brian begins to be suspicious of me for no reason, hockeyfan defends himself adequately. Inffy makes his big post and names Molten, Brian, and myself. I agree with his opinion on Brian, get kinda annoyed that I'm going to be the center of attention again without really doing anything, and after Molten's actions last game I want to give him a chance before I pass judgement on his behavior. He read as scummy to me all game in C9++ and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I made before.

Brian undoes his vote, Molten defends himself, UNU comes in and doesn't say much of substance except for doubting tim as per the norm for him, and Comp finally shows up. Stranger throws shade on me which ok I see where this is going to go, I better address this.

I say I get that I'm serious, and put my opinion on Molten, and correct what Stranger said. I call out a few people for not offering anything of substance.

Inffy corrects me on why I want to be a little more serious and assertive and I don't want to just say I don't feel like dragging things out again. I correct what Inffy says about me because he's wrong, I want to be more assertive with the people I believe to be scum and not get swayed. Molten claims to have been kidnapped which is interesting as Inffy threw shade on him; he could still be scum but I'm interested in Inffy's reaction.

Inffy continues on his tunnelvision of me which is normal for him. I correct his theory then somebody quotes timdood and I'm like oh oops Timdood said it first, so I apologize.

UNU says nothing of substance again, Inffy justifies to himself why his early read on Molten could still be accurate, and says something weird about a literal tunnel so maybe he is scummy there. Then he decides I sound too serious and once again does the thing where he says he never believes me.

I have no way to respond to that other than that's just how I am this time, so I make a joke and try to ignore it since there's nothing I can really do about his perception of me. Brian votes me and says I'm too serious and that's about where I lost my composure because every fucking time on Werewolf he does that to me and I just want to enjoy a game without the same people breathing down my back every time. I write a few snippy answers back and Timdood defends me which I think nothing of at the time.

Then Brian calls me uptight and I take a step back and give myself a moment before responding because the first thing people do to discredit me is decide to say my emotions aren't in line with what their views on my emotions are. I spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to embed a gif and give up and post the link anyway. Maybe they're self aware enough to realize that's not a joke eh screw it probably not.

Stranger votes Hockeyfan which is no surprise, and HK and Hockeyfan have a back and forth but it's all white noise to me since I'm still reeling from my attitude being called out.

Inffy surprises me by going after Tim and I'm still focused on defending myself and don't really care about Tim's predicament so I post a montage of Brian quotes because he's setting me up to be lynched. I make a big speech about what Brian's been doing. Inffy responds and says he's suspicious of me again, what else is new. I finally go back and look at the Tim defense of me and he definitely went on a moralistic speech and hm I can actually see him being scum now because he might be trying to get on my good side.

I give out my reads list and finally call out Stranger but he's not the focus since it's a reads list, but my mind is more focused on defending myself before I go on the attack. Inffy calls me and Tim out as a team and I'm like ok I know you're wrong but you might be correct about Tim. Inffy doesn't see what I see in Stranger and maybe I don't explain things right or they're mafia buddies but it doesn't go anywhere. Inffy doesn't understand a lot of what I'm saying and I feel him eating away at my soul piece by piece. It's about right here where I realize I'm the center of attention again and I'm just burned out so I just respond however I feel like it now.

Inf calls himself pentapost king but I already called myself pentapost queen why is he backing up my joke maybe he is scum idk. I vote Tim because of the previous exchanges and my fear of being manipulated by people buddying with me increases tenfold and I won't let that happen again. I'm fully lost at this point and everyone makes fun of me for saying Brian is innocent or guilty and I don't know what to do because nobody will believe me anyway

Inffy and tim fight a little and I decide to unvote because I have a moment of clarity that I'm completely giving in to confusion and need to pull myself back. Both of them continue to bicker, and I'm not sure if Inffy is genuine or not, so I test him by asking what he defines as unfair and all that. I ask a couple questions and to his credit he answers them, a bit confused but admits he would step in if someone was bullied. Ok so now I know Inffy isn't going after tim because he doesn't understand why tim would defend me. Tim continues to act weird in the meantime like saying he's always seeking the interest of fairness and that confuses me.

At this point I want to vote tim again but to test Inffy I ask him to look at his read of Tim without me in the picture, because I know I'm town and he doesn't. His theory is wrong but I want to see if he genuinely would believe Tim to be evil if I am not in the picture.

With great reluctance because I'm afraid of being manipulated by Inf again, I put my vote back on tim. Inffy still manages to find a way to doubt me so he's either dicking me around or so far up his own tunnel he's never going to see the light.

Stranger and I briefly go back and forth and he tries to guilt me about the joke thing.

Hockeyfan says something about stats, raxo acts very raxo-y and is probably not going to help scumhunt so that's lovely. I realize town is screwed right here. HK and Inffy reinforce each other's viewpoints for a while. I've given up now since I've screwed up too much and well since I'm only a vanilla townie it's not like anything of value will be lost if I'm mislynched so might as well be me instead of a power role.

Then inffy unvotes for no reason and stranger votes me big surprise

oh here we are at the present day hello
Can you explain why or quote a post where you have?
For tim it's kind of a lot to quote and I don't have time to find it all right now, I can probably grab stuff later though but for now I'll just sum it up:
  • Most of his posts have felt like they lacked any drive for scumhunting to me (he says he's just not invested in this game due to irl reasons)
  • His reads and posts feel fake (e.g. saying he can't see alisha as anything but town after her big post seems fake, and his read on brian being too 'cold' or something and his vote on him felt fake, like he didn't actually believe it)
  • He defended alisha by accusing brian using a simile to describe his behaviour that I didn't think was accurate at all so it felt like he was just trying to defend alisha rather than genuinely believing it (he gave an explanation for this but I don't believe it, if you want details of this it's probably best to just read back since it's kind of difficult to explain and I don't have much time rn)
  • There was a thing about his language choice since he kept using the phrase "I have to town read alisha" or "I have to agree with alisha" and I thought maybe that was a clue to the fact he wasn't genuinely believing these things and was doing what he felt he had to do for his team (but I don't really agree with that being something hugely significant anymore, it's just a small thing to me now)
  • He insisted he'd defend alisha even if he was mafia and I thought that was a weird perspective/thing to say, and said something about having a perspective of what's fair all the time, and it just seemed really strange and felt like a perspective he wouldn't have as town
  • I don't like how he voted NL before saying he'd probably switch to stranger if someone explained why we suspected her, then never came back - seems like he just wanted to try to save her but still act as though he was planning to vote her, since why would he vote NL if he was truly planning on returning and probably vote stranger, why not wait to place a vote until then, just seems weird and convenient to me

For stranger it's just intuition/vibes when I read their posts. These quotes were easy to grab so here:
Also I have class in a minute so I don't have time to quote but one thing stands out a little bit from stranger, and it's (hurray) another language point - they say things like "I honestly ___" and "I genuinely ___" a lot from memory, and I wonder if it's since they're lying and so subconsciously trying to sound as convincing as possible. Probably a terrible point and I'll go into their quotes later to show it better but figured I'd say it to see what others think
And I agree the stranger vote on alisha didn't sit right with me either and I'm starting to smell mafia a bit from them, even though I'm not exactly sure why, their latest post, particularly this bit

gives me bad feelings about her for some reason
and this feels so fake too
Thanks for the reads list stranger

there are a couple of nuggets in there that felt townie to me but there were also some scummy ones and the overall feel of it feels sucmmy, like, you seem kinda too comfortable? to say you're almost gonna get lynched, there's no like fire lit up, like 'okay no I'm being mislynched and I think this person is mafia and nobody's seeing it aaah', it's so calm and there doesn't feel like you actually want to lynch mafia today instead of you? I don't think town or mafia would be calm, so it feels like you're putting on a fake smile kind of? And I think it's probably more likely mafia does that than town since town would be focusing all their attention on getting scum lynched instead of themselves rather than worrying about how they're coming off as calm, but mafia's #1 goal is to survive so they'd probably be putting mental resources into wanting to appear chilled and calm and not a panicky-mafia-hiding-something

I think a lot of what my read on you is that you remind me of myself in this specific game where I was mafia, your posts keep making me think back to that one game (not on this forum, I was mafia and lynched day 0), and I dunno, I just feel it somehow

Also for example:

This seems kind of a weird perspective to me? I'm not really sure why, it just stuck out to me. Looking at it as 'I don't 100% buy you're town' rather than 'I think you could be mafia', I dunno, this line just felt incompatible to my mind somehow, like an unnatural way of looking at the game from a town perspective, which makes me think you're mafia and don't actually have a town perspective and that's why


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Killing Brian is a weird choice for scum to do since he claimed villager and causes a lot of chaos with his reads, but maybe they thought he was lying? Either way, that's pretty fortunate since no more power roles died.

I'm also heavily annoyed at how that last day ended up but can't really change it now I guess.

I'm all for lynching Stranger but I want to wait a little bit for everybody to talk, in case the remaining Cop or Tracker got an incriminating result and should share it imo
I don't think cop should claim since there's a miller + two mafia blockers, so claiming now just to get a mafia report out there is basically giving up our cop results for the foreseeable future until we lynch the blockers as long as our doctor is alive, when the result might just be a miller anyway

If they got two mafia reports then maybe? If they thought it was likely they'd die soon at least, otherwise I don't think they should yet still

Tracker I guess could but depends how soon they think they'll die I think

That's my opinion anyway


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I don't think cop should claim since there's a miller + two mafia blockers, so claiming now just to get a mafia report out there is basically giving up our cop results for the foreseeable future until we lynch the blockers as long as our doctor is alive, when the result might just be a miller anyway

If they got two mafia reports then maybe? If they thought it was likely they'd die soon at least, otherwise I don't think they should yet still

Tracker I guess could but depends how soon they think they'll die I think

That's my opinion anyway
Tracker's results can't be messed with though, since visits aren't tied to alignment. Actually, that might accidentally out a PR so I guess use your best judgement there


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Tracker's results can't be messed with though, since visits aren't tied to alignment. Actually, that might accidentally out a PR so I guess use your best judgement there
Yeah but they're still losing their ability to use it again in the foreseeable future just for one lynch that might not even be the killer and instead if a PR like you say


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Unusual_Dood - He's doing that thing again where he makes a couple posts, then fades into the background only to post something useful later so we remember he's here.
And ...? How does that make me scum?

And regardless, you can trust me that I had my reasons for not posting anyway.

UNU comes in and doesn't say much of substance except for doubting tim as per the norm for him, and Comp finally shows up.

UNU says nothing of substance again, (...)
I believe I had this conversation last game as well, but I find those kind of post WAY more useful than what I believe you (and other) refer to as posts with substance.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
And ...? How does that make me scum?

And regardless, you can trust me that I had my reasons for not posting anyway.
You're not my most confident scumread, but I'm arguing here that your behavior this game is similar to your behavior as scum in the previous game.

[QUOTE="Unusual_Dood, post: 428990, member: 7742]
I believe I had this conversation last game as well, but I find those kind of post WAY more useful than what I believe you (and other) refer to as posts with substance.[/QUOTE]
You were scum last game when we had this conversation...


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
You're not my most confident scumread, but I'm arguing here that your behavior this game is similar to your behavior as scum in the previous game.
I disagree. And also we both know that it was not similar to the game before that when I was scum, or before that again. So you have no pattern to refer to.

You were scum last game when we had this conversation...
Okay, so you think I was only doing that because I was mafia? Well, maybe you should go and actually check for a pattern in my other games before you imply I did that because I was mafia. A player A that does x when mafia doesn't mean he doesn't do x as town.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I disagree. And also we both know that it was not similar to the game before that when I was scum, or before that again. So you have no pattern to refer to.
We don't both know that? You did the same thing in Spaghetti Mafia as well, you kept yourself inactive as the traitor and occasionally posted a long wall of text so people would townread you. It is a pattern based on the three games I'm observing.

Okay, so you think I was only doing that because I was mafia? Well, maybe you should go and actually check for a pattern in my other games before you imply I did that because I was mafia. A player A that does x when mafia doesn't mean he doesn't do x as town.
Your behavior in this game does look similar to how you acted in the two previous forum games.

I need something clarified here because I'm a bit confused; are you defending yourself here because you feel my observations are wrong, or is it because you find me suspicious?


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
We don't both know that? You did the same thing in Spaghetti Mafia as well, you kept yourself inactive as the traitor and occasionally posted a long wall of text so people would townread you.
Stating I was inactive is at least to my standards simply wrong. And comparing it to last game, and stating the activity situation through the game was the same is at best unprecise. I posted 2,5 times more frequently in Spaghetti mafia (42 posts / 590 in total compared 35 posts / 1193 in total) than in c9++ and the posts were widely spread over all the days, but yes, some of the posts where bigger than the others.

And you can't only look at games where I have been mafia to find a pattern to when I'm mafia and when I'm not.

Your behavior in this game does look similar to how you acted in the two previous forum games.

I need something clarified here because I'm a bit confused; are you defending yourself here because you feel my observations are wrong, or is it because you find me suspicious?

And I remember one of my first games I had sort of the same situation with Inf (as mafia). He made up something about how I had behaved on the previous game and said that I acted the same. When I went back and checked, proved him wrong, he said he found it suspicious that I would go back and check it, and it only further increased his suspicion. However the end was good because I was cop and fakeclaimed I got him mafia :^)


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Stating I was inactive is at least to my standards simply wrong. And comparing it to last game, and stating the activity situation through the game was the same is at best unprecise. I posted 2,5 times more frequently in Spaghetti mafia (42 posts / 590 in total compared 35 posts / 1193 in total) than in c9++ and the posts were widely spread over all the days, but yes, some of the posts where bigger than the others.

And you can't only look at games where I have been mafia to find a pattern to when I'm mafia and when I'm not.
I agree that I have a low sample size when it comes to trying to figure out your behavior, simply because I wasn't there for a lot of games where you were town. That's also why I'm not as confident in you being scum because I don't know your town behavior as well.


And I remember one of my first games I had sort of the same situation with Inf (as mafia). He made up something about how I had behaved on the previous game and said that I acted the same. When I went back and checked, proved him wrong, he said he found it suspicious that I would go back and check it, and it only further increased his suspicion. However the end was good because I was cop and fakeclaimed I got him mafia :^)
Inffy's a nerd and probably deserved that for tunnelvisioning you