Lasagne Mafia - Game over


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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Comp hasn't done much of anything to be honest, but the things he has said don't inspire a lot of confidence. For example, he said yesterday that he doesn't have much of an opinion after pinging Notme and Shadowdude for their opinions, which strikes me as an attempt to direct attention towards other players. He also mentioned that he would have voted tim if he hadn't been busy, which strikes me as being overly convenient for him, especially since he said shortly before the deadline that he wasn't willing to lynch until he heard some better arguments for lynching.
Since comp's felt like he's slightly more eager to help than usual so I wonder if he's compensating for being scum (said this earlier but kinda forgot how I feel about him)
I can't both be too active and not active enough :thinking: I would like to know how you find me too eager lol I've basically not been here..though I have been trying at least. In regards to raxo and shadow, it was more that I am actually reading the posts and wanted to hear their opinions, but just didn't really have much I could contribute.

Anyway, I've finally found some time to actually write down some words into this thread.
Interesting developments. If stranger is actually the tracker, I do want to know what Tim is. Unfortunate that he is likely the cop or the doctor I guess. Though something I don't know if we've considered - if Mafia kidnaps one of their own, the person who is actually kidnapped doesn't *have* to claim that they were kidnapped, so we could possibly have a wrong tracker result.

So right now, I think I'm right in saying that the only people who have claimed (who arent dead rip) are Alisha as villager, and stranger as tracker? Could be bait from Mafia to get the real tracker and maybe tim to out, so if this is the case, real tracker / tim be a bit careful if that is the case.

Part of my problem right now is that I don't really know what the different play styles of everyone is, especially in regards to previous games, so its kind of hard to tell if someone is playing out of character or anything. For that reason, I'm still quite unsure about who I'd place in Mafia/Town categories, so I'm not gonna make a list just yet.

Personally, I think we should go for Unu. A few people have mentioned he always is a lot more active when town, as opposed to Mafia, and has kinda gone mostly undetected. I do want to hear from Tim, but tbh rn I'm just gonna chuck a vote on for some pressure.

Vote UNU


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I would like to know how you find me too eager lol I've basically not been here..though I have been trying at least.
Not 'too eager' just more eager than usual. I feel like usually we have to tag you to get you to speak, but this game you enter on your own with a break down of the setup and suggesting we should massclaim and it just seemed a bit unusual for you. Maybe I'm just mis-remembering?

if Mafia kidnaps one of their own, the person who is actually kidnapped doesn't *have* to claim that they were kidnapped, so we could possibly have a wrong tracker result.
I'm confused, can you explain this in another way please?


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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Not 'too eager' just more eager than usual. I feel like usually we have to tag you to get you to speak, but this game you enter on your own with a break down of the setup and suggesting we should massclaim and it just seemed a bit unusual for you. Maybe I'm just mis-remembering?

I'm confused, can you explain this in another way please?
Fair enough, nah just I am trying to be more active.

Er for the second thing, nvmd I just thought it through and although what I was thinking could occur, it'd end up exposing two mafia instead of one so yeah not a problem we'd need to consider


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Tim, did you visit Inffy? You don't have to reveal the reason for the visit, but I want a confirmation or deconfirmation on what Stranger is claiming.
Actually I think I'd like tim to claim his role if he does confirm that he visited me. The mafia already know he's either the cop or the doctor (or tracker if stranger is lying), so they'll be blocking him for the rest of the game anyway most likely. There's not really a downside to him claiming his full role as far as I can see? It just forces him out into a cc if he's mafia and makes him likely town if he's not cc'd
I did in fact visit infected last night, and my role is doctor.

Night 1 I protected Alisha (Mostly random, but I like having her in the game so why not)
Night 2 I protected infected because being that vocal will make you a target, obviously. I thought about trying to protect someone else since just there being a doctor can sometimes be enough to keep mafia off of a high-profile target, but with two blockers it seemed better just to be on him.
I just hit disagree and weakly defended my reasoning to see if any other mafia would come out of the woodwork to back him. Pay attention to Molton as well for coming to his defense.
This doesn't make any sense to me. Are you saying your argument doesn't have any substance after all? I fail to see how someone defending me against an argument that you admit was weak would make someone suspicious.


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Aug 6, 2011
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my role is doctor.
So the two people with the biggest wagons on them happen to be two strong power roles, given the town success rate with lynching PRs I suppose this would be part of the norm.

CC's if any are welcome, but since you're backing up Stranger's story I'm inclined to believe both of you.

I need to revise my reads, but a lot of things are beginning to make more sense. Inffy is looking especially scummy to me now.


Garry's Mod Admin
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Jul 29, 2012
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I'm Indecisive Vigilante.
I can kill every other night (not on consecutive nights).

On N1 I killed purplepixies because I was hoping I'll kill mafia.
As we know now I shouldn't use my PR lightly.
omg I had you down as possible vig since you made that 'yeah vig shouldn't have done that' post after I said that hopefully the real vig would have done that and I completely forgot I'm sorry

Suddenly we have a massclaim??


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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Ok this is making sense, I don't doubt raxo's claim because its raxo (I thought vig must be either tehbrian or raxo tbh sorry guys)
As for tim and stranger, one of them may be fake claiming as Mafia but we'll have to see if there's any CC. After this, Unu is seeming a good target imo


Mafia Host
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Aug 6, 2011
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I'm Indecisive Vigilante.
I can kill every other night (not on consecutive nights).

On N1 I killed purplepixies because I was hoping I'll kill mafia.
As we know now I shouldn't use my PR lightly.
I really, really want to be surprised by this revelation, but for some reason I already had you down as my vigilante guess.

Why did you claim


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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I'm confused, can you explain this in another way please?
Actually, I'll explain what I was meaning, basically:
Say tracker tracks HK, and HK visits Inf. Then inf says he was kidnapped. I was thinking we should be careful in case it was a fake kidnap claim and in fact HK isn't Mafia. Although thinking about it, a town is probably not gonna lie about being kidnapped, and if Mafia lied who they actually kidnapped, well we'd end up knowing two mafia


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Ah ok yeah I agree. Could've just said villager like a normal person ya know (also miller will think they're town anyway)
This ain't werewolf!

Speaking of kidnapping, it's curious that nobody has stepped forward and said they were kidnapped today. Mafia is probably afraid to kidnap people since we had that discussion day 1.
Hk did


AoD Dev and Admin!
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Jun 4, 2014
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Unless I'm reading the numbers wrong, would it make sense for raxo not to kill tonight? (Assuming he is the vig)? If we get mafia today, then it wouldn't be as bad, but if we get town and raxo fails to kill we lose right?