Lasagne Mafia - Game over


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Vote Hockeyfan

Inffy, obviously I find Hockeyfan suspicious seeing as he's counterclaiming me. My post was trying to point out a reason you all should find him suspicious too.
Yeah that's the version of it I considered where it was just worded weird but I just found it hard to believe that you accidentally worded it like that, instead of just pointing it out and saying that was reason to suspect him, saying it as though you personally found it suspicious

I can buy it more now after having some time though

I think I should just wait for a doctor cc


Sep 13, 2015
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We currently have two scenarios, one where Stranger is telling the truth and one where Hockey is:

1) IF Stranger is telling the truth, this means that she is the Tracker.

It also means Tim who she claimed visited Infected, is a PR (either mafia PR or town PR). He can still be mafia, but we know Tim can't be kidnapper since Infected wasn't kidnapped so he is either doctor as he claims or Hooker. In the case where he is hooker, the only chance for survival would be to claim doctor, and honestly this would be very clever because then the real doctor could counter claim and Stranger (town) would be lynched

Stranger being the tracker also means Hockey is lying, thus mafia.

Stranger - Tracker
Tim - Doctor or Hooker
Hockey - Mafia

2) IF Hockey is telling the truth, this means that he is the Tracker.

It also means Tim is a PR (either town PR or mafia PR), but VERY likely mafia PR since otherwise Stranger did a super lucky guess of 1) tim being PR and 2) which target he chose N2.

Hockey being the tracker means that Stranger is mafia.


Hockey - Tracker
Tim - Hooker or Kidnapper
Stranger - Mafia

Looking at this, I believe we have higher chance of lynching mafia if we lynch Timdood rather than Stranger, since Timdood could be mafia even when Stranger isn't.

Now when it comes to who to lynch I think there are especially two things we should consider.

First of all, I think it is important to look at what new info both shared. While Stranger gave new info about Tim visiting Infected, Hockey gave us nothing except what we already had. Considering the high ammount of other players who we would be able to gather new information from him tracking, it is not a good sign. Usually lack of useful reports indicate a mafia fake claim.

The other thing we should consider is what the consequences are if we lynch the wrong. If we lynch Stranger or Tim (which had be my choice out of these) and they're town, we will have mislynched to get only one mafia. If we however lynch Hockey and he is town, we have mislynched to take down two mafias instead. And the Hockey lynch can even be stopped by doctor outing himself before last vote is placed.

Considering these two things I believe we should do the following:

- Vote Hockey until he gets 4/6 votes. Then we wait some time for the doctor to out. If no one outs we lynch Hockey. If someone does, we try to figure out of the mess..


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Wait why are we having the Doctor claim now
Since if there's no doctor cc it means stranger is most likely town since how else would she have randomly guessed that tim (the doctor) visited me without being the tracker role

Therefore hockey is mafia and we should lynch him, and if we mislynch today then we're in mylo for the rest of the game unless doctor manages to stop a kill, so mislynching would be bad

If there's a cc though then we can go back to judging stranger and tim on reads and probably lynch them (hopefully correctly)


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Actually, I'll explain what I was meaning, basically:
Say tracker tracks HK, and HK visits Inf. Then inf says he was kidnapped. I was thinking we should be careful in case it was a fake kidnap claim and in fact HK isn't Mafia. Although thinking about it, a town is probably not gonna lie about being kidnapped, and if Mafia lied who they actually kidnapped, well we'd end up knowing two mafia
I'm tracker. N1: I tracked Les he died. N2: I tracked Timdood visit inffy. I assumed he was the mafia hooker since the victim isn't notified of a rollblock unless they are an actually role. Stranger is mafia 100% then for claiming my role and since vig came out we can't rely on shooting him during the night so we can lynch Stranger today and I will likely die tonight.
Vote Stranger
1. Why would I claim tracker as mafia if no one in the game had voted for me currently and there was little to no chance of me getting lynched today.
Man I've missed being town on forum mafia, the thrill of the hunt is goooood
Yeah that's fair, Fog are you our doctor by any chance
OK, cause the forums are trash and I can't separate quotes when I get to typing we are going to label each quote with a number and then discuss.

1) The whole discussion of Kidnapping, I am still 90% sure that Molten is mafia even if he was kidnapped. I think that he is most probably Mafia Goon and therefore can be used as a decoy for multiple situations. It isn't as if he was going to be able to do anything in the night so why not kidnap him and use this as "evidence" that he is town.

2) I find it too convenient that Hockey would claim that Tim visited Inffy just after Stranger claimed. I personally am more inclined to believe that Stranger is town and that Hockey is just trying to place the blame on an already suspicious target.

3) I think you would claim at this point due to the numbers in the game. There are currently 11 alive. 4 players are Mafia. Kill a townie today go into night with 6/4 advantage for town, however Doc and Vig have claimed (supposedly) so block those two get a free kill tonight takes the game down to 5/4 with very little information having been discovered regarding the other players in the game. And for all, we know the Miller is still in the game and so is the godfather and therefore the potential of a fake report showing up is pretty high.

4) Shut up, I don't believe any of your Fake claims, I am going to have to listen to more French Music to determine your scum level.

5) Nope

In conclusion at this stage of the game, I think Lynching Hockey would reveal the most information in the game as it would basically expose two Mafia members and give us more to read from as the chances of Stranger correctly guessing Tim's visit is highly unlikely. Also, I doubt that Stranger would have willingly thrown Tim under the bus as this would put the mafia at a significant disadvantage.

Currenltly sus of : Molten, Hockey & Inffy

Vote Hockey


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Looking at this, I believe we have higher chance of lynching mafia if we lynch Timdood rather than Stranger, since Timdood could be mafia even when Stranger isn't.
Under no circumstances am I supporting a Tim lynch instead of one of the two Tracker claims.

We need somebody confirmed scum sooner rather than later so we have a concrete view of where a lot of people have ended up, and lynching Tim is taking a massive risk, and we will still end up at a situation where we have to choose between two Tracker claims.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Since if there's no doctor cc it means stranger is most likely town since how else would she have randomly guessed that tim (the doctor) visited me without being the tracker role

Therefore hockey is mafia and we should lynch him, and if we mislynch today then we're in mylo for the rest of the game unless doctor manages to stop a kill, so mislynching would be bad

If there's a cc though then we can go back to judging stranger and tim on reads and probably lynch them (hopefully correctly)
This sounds reasonable enough I guess


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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The other thing we should consider is what the consequences are if we lynch the wrong. If we lynch Stranger or Tim (which had be my choice out of these) and they're town, we will have mislynched to get only one mafia. If we however lynch Hockey and he is town, we have mislynched to take down two mafias instead. And the Hockey lynch can even be stopped by doctor outing himself before last vote is placed.
Considering the consequence of lynching wrong then yeah hockey gives us two mafia and stranger gives us one. But considering the consequence of lynching correctly then hockey gets us one mafia and stranger gives us two. So it depends how confident you are I guess.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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Votecount Day 2

Stranger from Planet 9: [3/6] Infected_alien8_, Hockeyfan1852 and Comp

Hockeyfan: [4/6] Unusual_Dood, Notme, Stranger from Planet 9 and Fog

Not voting: [4] Alisha, HKCaper, MoltenAshes and Timdood3.

6 votes are required for a lynch.
6 votes are required for a no-lynch.

Deadline in 18 hours and 24 minutes!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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do you think comp could be doc since he is voting stranger btw
He's the only person I see being doc other than MoltenAshes but since I've been scumreading molten so comp seems a lot more likely to me rn, and he went from seeming like he was on the fence to suddenly voting stranger and saying he didn't think doc should out after that idea was suggested, so I wonder if he didn't want to make it obvious he's doctor by voting tim and wanted one more day before outing and the doc claim idea kicked him into gear a bit through panic

I dunno, I don't find it hugely likely it's him, but out of everyone he seems most compatible


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I want to hear from Molten and Comp before I place my vote

(And maybe Raxo but I don't know how to word something compelling, am I the only person worried about getting the probable vigilante on board??)
I think he'll do it, and I definitely think mafia wouldn't take the risk of him not doing it so I think he's just going to be blocked anyway


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I would rather get stranger but it might not be up to me since everyone else is either voting for hockey or an honorary vote for hockey, and that's like 5 out of 6 votes

I'll put the last vote on hockey if that turns out to be the consensus