Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Taking back my town read of dess, it seems like he's putting quite a bit of effort into constructing how he comes across and he feels a bit stiff/formal, I'm just not sure if it's because he hasn't played in a while and feels a bit less comfortable/natural than usual because of that or whether it's because he's hiding his alignment and trying to come off as different on purpose because of that.

Also Dess

Also my point with Brian was a point of uncertainty, I did say I'm not in favor of a Lynch on him just yet but claiming a PR early, even vaguely would be a major mistake for a town PR to do because it allows mafia with an idea of who to target. However on the flip side if a mafia member did this while they don't run the risk of being targeted overnight by mafia, they could instead be targeted by the cop which could blow their cover. The only circumstances I can see this intentionally happening would be if there were godfather and wanted to avoid future suspicions by appeasing noteworthy day 0.

Now I don't think either of these circumstances apply to Brian,
Why don't you think the godfather circumstance you said applies to brian?

Also needed some time to sleep on hk since I got some weird feelings from him as well and I do think he feels different to how he was last game, which could be a clue that his alignment changed to scum this game

Tim and stranger definitely feel town to me though, strong town read for those two

TehBrian talk more!


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
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Taking back my town read of dess, it seems like he's putting quite a bit of effort into constructing how he comes across and he feels a bit stiff/formal, I'm just not sure if it's because he hasn't played in a while and feels a bit less comfortable/natural than usual because of that or whether it's because he's hiding his alignment and trying to come off as different on purpose because of that.
This is because 1) I haven't played in a long while and 2) I was trying to articulate my thought process in a way that was least likely to be misconstrued or misunderstood.

Now if my formality in how I address questions seems like it's a possible indication of my being anti town then so be it but it's just a matter of how I have addressed problems up until this point.

Why don't you think the godfather circumstance you said applies to brian?
At this point it's just a gut feeling. I don't believe he's mafia as of now and without trying to sound rude I don't think that Brian would have thought to intentionally become suspicious just so that the cop could investigate him and later let people know he's town. Now while this isn't a perfect idea as Brian very well could have thought of that, based off of my gut I don't think he did, rather I'm assuming he's 3rd party.

I do however want to highlight that my reads in previous games have been notoriously inaccurate, looking at the last game I played where I read every mafia as town.

I sincerely doubt that Choco and Alisha would only have one non-flower, and would make that third party.
As would I, which is why I've specifically asked if anybody else could claim if they are not a flower, note that I'm not asking them to dictate their role or their role name. If everybody in the entire game is a flower except for Vy then I'm absolutely going to go for a Lynch on vy because it's an uncertainty that I don't think is worth risking.

This being said, if it comes to that point I can and will pressure Vy to claim their role because whilst the movement behind my thought process was the lack of a flower in their role name I don't want a mislynch if it's possible but I'm willing to take that risk at this point on d0

I'll make it obvious again, if anybody here is not a flower based off of their role name please at least say something about it don't just stay silent the entire time.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
I'll make it obvious again, if anybody here is not a flower based off of their role name please at least say something about it don't just stay silent the entire time.
Don't actually say your role name btw, again because of how others (Inffy?) were suggestions there could be a RID killer this would be foolhardy. Just say something along the lines of "I'm not a flower" or the like.


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
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[BCOLOR=#cc99ff]As flowers bloom in the spring[/BCOLOR],
with renowned honour and fresh vengeance,
the dial of time spins.

May lies and deceit distort the dimming truth;
for [BCOLOR=#cc99ff]calamity is sowed from the seeds of rivalry[/BCOLOR].

I've been thinking about flowers in general. What threatens a garden? Weeds and pests. So it might not be over the top to start thinking that something that is not a flower, is threatning to the rest of us. After all pests eat at flowers, and weeds compete with flowers for nutrients in the soil. Which takes us back to "the seeds of rivalry" HOWEVER, what if the setup has some benign plants in it as well? We need to know if there's non-town threatning plants in this set up if we want to take an educated guess for the first round of votes. One more thing to add is this:

[BCOLOR=#99ccff]A blue Celebi [/BCOLOR]appears from the decolourised primrose in the middle of the room - [BCOLOR=#99ccff]its appearance a stark contrast to the white background[/BCOLOR]. The Celebi circles around the players, then returning back to the centre, where it disappears, leaving a note:

“[BCOLOR=#99ccff]The flower has four colours. RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW[/BCOLOR],” the note said. “Use this information as you please”.

- The Celebi is blue, but they typically seem to be green. Why is this one blue? It is written to be something to be really noticeable ["Its appearance a stark contrast to the white background" ], so we should probably pay attention to that, or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
- The Celebi lets us know that the flower at the center will be changing colors. It currently leaves it at Red, so we have to question if it will be changing in this particular order of Blue, Green then Yellow, and repeat. Or if it will changing at random whenever the celebi shows up to change it again.
- What if there's not only a role that changes time, but also a role that changes colors?
- If both time and colors are at the discretion of different power roles, what does each color indicate for available actions during each turn of the dial?


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
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- The Celebi is blue, but they typically seem to be green. Why is this one blue? It is written to be something to be really noticeable ["Its appearance a stark contrast to the white background" ], so we should probably pay attention to that, or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
I think it's blue because it's Choco's profile picture (it looks like a blue celebi to me)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I think it's blue because it's Choco's profile picture (it looks like a blue celebi to me)
Or is Choco's profile picture a blue Celebi because of the game?!
I do think we're reading too much into this. Red/Green/Yellow are Gen I games anyway, yeah? And Celebi wasn't introduced yet as far as I know.

This is exactly the kind of useless rabbit holes close setups bring about.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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—— Voting Recap ——
Deadline: 24 March 2019 UTC 22:00.
Omni - 2(Aqua, Unusual_Dood) [L-7]
TehBrian - 1(Infected_Alien8_) [L-8]
Vyryn - 1(Nottykitten) [L-8]

With 16 players, it takes 9 votes to lynch and 8 votes to no-lynch.

If no option reaches the required number of votes when a deadline hits, the day will end as a no lynch.

Deadline in less than 48 hours!

Stranger from Myst Island

Mafia Host
Feb 24, 2019
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Well, since deadline is in less that 48 hours I'm gonna throw out a preliminary reads list, though this is definitely subject to change.
Aqua - Hard time getting a read on him, since he has mostly been trolling thus far. All I can say thus far is that he seems to enjoy annoying Tim.
Dess - My reads for him are leaning town right now, but barely. What I'm gathering from his response to Inffy earlier is that he's trying to gather more information about how the setup works, which is basically what we're all doing at this point. His read on Brian doesn't fully make sense to me at this point, but given that he's stated some of it's just a gut feeling that's understandable.
HKCaper - He's been quiet so far, which is fairly normal for him. I'm sure he's watching this, gathering information. I would like him to speak up more so I can get a better read on him as well as a better idea of what he's thinking at this point.
Inffy - His behavior seems pretty much like what I'd expect of him thus far, my read for him is leaning town.
Kroppeb - *crickets*
Molten - I can't really say what right now, but I just have a weird feeling that he isn't town. Like there's something about the quote " I really hope we aren't playing with a gamethrower on either side who would answer something else than the obvious answer." that strikes me as being off.
Notme - He seems like he knows a bit more about the clock than everyone else. I'm not sure if that says anything about his alignment, or if it's just related to the clock hands pointing at him, but it's definitely worth keeping in mind.
Nottykitten - I can't say for sure whether they're just messing around with people or trying to get an idea of people's role names, but if there's a RID killer I think it's a definite possibility they could be said RID killer.
Purplepixies - I'm not getting much of a read off of them yet - most of what they're saying so far seems fairly benign, but there's nothing there that definitely makes me think "This person is town". I do like their taste in highlighting colors though! :D
TehBrian - His comment about his role seems like it might have been a bit of a slip, especially if he thinks that the clock isn't significant. However, if that's the case, I'd really like to ask him how significant he think the clock is and why?
TheWeakGuy - He seems irritated with Aqua, Tim, and Omni more than anything else thus far. It could be related to IRL stress, or something more sinister. I'm reading him as neutral/scum right now.
TimDood3 - He's my strongest scum read at this point. His choice to ask everyone "Are you town aligned?" and then responding "Absolutely" to that question makes me think that he's trying realllllly hard to convince us that he's town. His willingness to jump on board with lynching Aqua for being a troll also makes me think that he might benefit from a mislynch.
Unusual_D00d - I really can't say much about him yet. He's been too quiet.
Vyryn - He's reading strongly as town to me, especially since he claimed early on that he wasn't a flower, knowing that that would likely subject him to further interrogation. Seems about as clueless as the rest of us about what the clock does, which is a bit weird given one of the hands is pointing at him, but then again I think we'll find out more about the clock after this night phase.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Timdood3 - He's my strongest scum read at this point. His choice to ask everyone "Are you town aligned?" and then responding "Absolutely" to that question makes me think that he's trying realllllly hard to convince us that he's town. His willingness to jump on board with lynching Aqua for being a troll also makes me think that he might benefit from a mislynch.
I asked the question in the first plan to find the people who would answer "not yes," like "I'm flower aligned" and such. And surely just asking isn't an anti-town thing to do. As for my answer, I'm town, and I don't like bland, one-word answers. If I do need to answer with one word, it's certainly not going to be with "yes."

And my willingness to lynch Aqua is for policy reasons. He's being a detriment to productivity, and wasting space, making it harder to find real posts. I'm always in favor of lynching on Day 0 anyway, and a policy lynch (on someone who has been personally disrespectful to me, no less) is fine by me.

The fact that you're calling me your "biggest scum read" for having reasonable thoughts like this, feels to me like you just want shade on someone.
Stranger is so far the only person I've scumread this game.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
He's being a detriment to productivity, and wasting space, making it harder to find real posts.
aqua is simply a pro player. he's plotting something, which is prolly part of his 4d chess-like strategy.

I'm sure he's watching this, gathering information.
yes i am reading the thread, just have nothing to add unless i sit down and try to make up weird theories about what could be going on with the numerals and the colors and the flowers and the whatnot with nothing to go off. also trying to read within the bs that's being posted.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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yes i am reading the thread, just have nothing to add unless i sit down and try to make up weird theories about what could be going on with the numerals and the colors and the flowers and the whatnot with nothing to go off. also trying to read within the bs that's being posted.
Don't have any vibes to share?