Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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how do you think you're coming off this game compared to last game?
i dunno i feel like i mostly try to lay back a bit during day 0, with the memeing going on i might have taken that to the extreme for the first 6/7 pages.

also last game i did shot a townie before the game even started so i was a bit more on edge than i am now.


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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Also needed some time to sleep on hk since I got some weird feelings from him as well and I do think he feels different to how he was last game, which could be a clue that his alignment changed to scum this game
how come you're not more concerned I'm vibing off?
i'll elaborate a bit more. usually whenever you are scum the vibes grow exponentially on you, and when you arent they either die out or stay somewhat constant. so i just wanted to wait and see a bit more what would happen on that front.

also it was literally the only vibe i had (before i sorta townivibed stranger for his post), mostly based of that first quote, cus it felt it could be a start to making me look susp later on.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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also last game i did shot a townie before the game even started so i was a bit more on edge than i am now.
alright, this could partly explain why you feel different to me this game

one thing I'm still concerned about is that you just felt a bit out of sync at first? as though you were on a different wavelength to those around you. You just kinda stood out as on a different level of focus somehow. I dunno. I wonder if it's since you have a different goal to others


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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oh i'd also like to add a 3rd party vibe on kropp, only based on the fact i had no idea he was in the game, and iirc he was 3rd party the first game i played with him on discord.
what do you think of purple? since I get a tiny feeling her theorising posts are just 'busy-work' in some places, and she feels strangely awkward. I was expecting her to be a lot more carefree and loose based on admittedly the little I've seen of her and she just feels a bit reserved


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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one thing I'm still concerned about is that you just felt a bit out of sync at first? as though you were on a different wavelength to those around you. You just kinda stood out as on a different level of focus somehow.
not sure what this means, could be that the people you have been comparing me with have more info than they are letting on. all insight on the flavor this game i have is that i am a flower, and that the flower has one of the colors mentioned (like it has one of the colors irl, the colors arent actually mentioned anywhere for the role). naturally that means i got not much to go off, hence why id rather just lay back a bit for now. ofcourse if people want me to talk about something specific feel free (meme related to a minimum).


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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what do you think of purple? since I get a tiny feeling her theorising posts are just 'busy-work' in some places, and she feels strangely awkward. I was expecting her to be a lot more carefree and loose based on admittedly the little I've seen of her and she just feels a bit reserved
i was gonna look back thru the thread a bit now and i did have one of her posts quoted, but i decided to reply to you first instead


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Btw tim, stranger, both of you feel

a) incredibly different to how you felt to me last game when you were mafia
and b) incredibly similar to how you felt when you were town (2 games ago for tim, and the recent discord mafia game for stranger)

I'm pretty sure you're both town, if my opinion on that is worth anything to you


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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[BCOLOR=#cc99ff]As flowers bloom in the spring[/BCOLOR],
with renowned honour and fresh vengeance,
the dial of time spins.

May lies and deceit distort the dimming truth;
for [BCOLOR=#cc99ff]calamity is sowed from the seeds of rivalry[/BCOLOR].

I've been thinking about flowers in general. What threatens a garden? Weeds and pests. So it might not be over the top to start thinking that something that is not a flower, is threatning to the rest of us. After all pests eat at flowers, and weeds compete with flowers for nutrients in the soil. Which takes us back to "the seeds of rivalry" HOWEVER, what if the setup has some benign plants in it as well? We need to know if there's non-town threatning plants in this set up if we want to take an educated guess for the first round of votes. One more thing to add is this:

[BCOLOR=#99ccff]A blue Celebi [/BCOLOR]appears from the decolourised primrose in the middle of the room - [BCOLOR=#99ccff]its appearance a stark contrast to the white background[/BCOLOR]. The Celebi circles around the players, then returning back to the centre, where it disappears, leaving a note:

“[BCOLOR=#99ccff]The flower has four colours. RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW[/BCOLOR],” the note said. “Use this information as you please”.

- The Celebi is blue, but they typically seem to be green. Why is this one blue? It is written to be something to be really noticeable ["Its appearance a stark contrast to the white background" ], so we should probably pay attention to that, or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
- The Celebi lets us know that the flower at the center will be changing colors. It currently leaves it at Red, so we have to question if it will be changing in this particular order of Blue, Green then Yellow, and repeat. Or if it will changing at random whenever the celebi shows up to change it again.
- What if there's not only a role that changes time, but also a role that changes colors?
- If both time and colors are at the discretion of different power roles, what does each color indicate for available actions during each turn of the dial?
Very interesting indeed. I wonder how many layers deep this goes...
I think we should consider not just the picture but also the poem.

As flowers bloom in the spring,
with renowned honour and fresh vengeance,
the dial of time spins.

May lies and deceit distort the dimming truth;
for calamity is sowed from the seeds of rivalry.

From the first verse, it's probably a safe bet the clock hands will move around to different players. Abilities that target the hour hand or the minute hand, perhaps...
As for the second verse, perhaps there's something about flowers that compete for the same sort of environment, one town team and one mafia team?
The geometry of the clock might be relevant as well. I don't have a good theory on how yet, but maybe abilities can target the player opposite you or something?

One other thing I think I should contribute early on is, I am not a flower. Plant yes, flower no. Is everyone else a flower?
so ye the first post from purple seems a bit over the top. could be she is just excited about the game and is going ham on the theories (ive been there), but it just feels a bit too much.

i noticed she also concerned the poem, which in my opinion was not likely to be connected to the setup at all. it seemed to me it was just some neat theme text also the 'may lies and...' seemed like a standard choco mafia game text. then i noticed vyryn also tried to analyse the poem, which caused me to wonder if i could be wrong on that front. i guess it does say 'dial of time spins' which could relate to the clock and the numbers which i feel is def something. anyhow, if it is related, its not unusual for scum to get extra flavor info for the setup, so there could be something there.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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also she comes across to me as quite fun and laid back but I haven't really seen that from her this game so far, not sure if it's just because it's her first game being alive or she's confused about the setup or what, but I wonder whether it's since she's nervous hiding mafia lies

like, last game she died n1 and still posted memes/jokes/silliness in chat. this game she's alive and despite several others joking and stuff, did none of that herself, and she's spent her time listing off loads of theories that she doesn't really take anywhere, aren't really testable, and one of them was something we'd probably find out for ourselves anyway (talking about whether the colours would go in order each day). I know that's just some people's style, they like to brainstorm and throw stuff out there, it just comes off a bit like busy-work and over the top like you said, to me


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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also she comes across to me as quite fun and laid back but I haven't really seen that from her this game so far,
"fun" as in making laidback jokes and stuff, that type of 'fun', I'm not saying you've not been fun to play with so far purple, I'm just talking about that 'laidback fun' energy some people have that I saw from you in dead chat last game

but again I barely know you so sorry if I'm misjudging you


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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I can't say who I am because uh.. not sure how everything works yet, but I can tell you from my role information that roman numerals have something to do with it and I'm honestly not sure what ._.
One other thing I think I should contribute early on is, I am not a flower. Plant yes, flower no. Is everyone else a flower?
these are both kind of interesting posts now i think about it.

the fact that vy isnt a flower but a plant likely means something about his alignment or role, and the fact that tehbrian's role has something to do with the numerals definitely means something about his alignment or role.

id say the numerals and the clock are to 'present' to be a cheeky 3rd party things, doe it could be possible. it's more likely imo more people have something with the numerals. someone mentioned the zodiac game iirc, which did have something with seasons and season bounded actions. i could see a similair dealio being in this game.

okay i said i prolly wasnt gonna theorize too much right away but whatev. the color dealio could indicate something along the lines of the corporate mafia or the rick and morty iirc, where there were group related perks/chats. aldo those were both aqua games in my memory (dont hate if im wrong), i could see that being a thing.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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nobody is having a read on me... are you afraid of me? of my powers? you should be...
you're neutral for me, I didn't agree with aqua's conclusion on you that just because you didn't react to his vote you're scum because I remember finding you strangely silent to being voted against in alisha's last game and you were town, but I don't find you particularly townie yet either so neutral