Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
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also with purple, the 'busy-work' feeling I got from her posts was tiny and I can easily see her as town making those posts and it's not busy-work at all, I'm not saying I think she's mafia atm, just think it might be worth noting
My experience with purple off of 2 games is, when town, contribute literally nothing except positivity to the thread. A busy purple clearly trying her hardest to scrape opinions and helpful suggestions out of chocos first post definitely seems forced in order to try and fit in.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
My experience with purple off of 2 games is, when town, contribute literally nothing except positivity to the thread. A busy purple clearly trying her hardest to scrape opinions and helpful suggestions out of chocos first post definitely seems forced in order to try and fit in.
I'm confused are you being sarcastic


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
[BCOLOR=#cc99ff]As flowers bloom in the spring[/BCOLOR],
with renowned honour and fresh vengeance,
the dial of time spins.

May lies and deceit distort the dimming truth;
for [BCOLOR=#cc99ff]calamity is sowed from the seeds of rivalry[/BCOLOR].

I've been thinking about flowers in general. What threatens a garden? Weeds and pests. So it might not be over the top to start thinking that something that is not a flower, is threatning to the rest of us. After all pests eat at flowers, and weeds compete with flowers for nutrients in the soil. Which takes us back to "the seeds of rivalry" HOWEVER, what if the setup has some benign plants in it as well? We need to know if there's non-town threatning plants in this set up if we want to take an educated guess for the first round of votes. One more thing to add is this:

[BCOLOR=#99ccff]A blue Celebi [/BCOLOR]appears from the decolourised primrose in the middle of the room - [BCOLOR=#99ccff]its appearance a stark contrast to the white background[/BCOLOR]. The Celebi circles around the players, then returning back to the centre, where it disappears, leaving a note:

“[BCOLOR=#99ccff]The flower has four colours. RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW[/BCOLOR],” the note said. “Use this information as you please”.

- The Celebi is blue, but they typically seem to be green. Why is this one blue? It is written to be something to be really noticeable ["Its appearance a stark contrast to the white background" ], so we should probably pay attention to that, or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
- The Celebi lets us know that the flower at the center will be changing colors. It currently leaves it at Red, so we have to question if it will be changing in this particular order of Blue, Green then Yellow, and repeat. Or if it will changing at random whenever the celebi shows up to change it again.
- What if there's not only a role that changes time, but also a role that changes colors?
- If both time and colors are at the discretion of different power roles, what does each color indicate for available actions during each turn of the dial?
This is, in my opinion atleast, pseudo analysis. It doesn't really contribute much but is disguised as useful brainstorming.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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No I'm being completely serious.
ok well to clarify by 'busy-work' I don't mean 'she's doing work so she's scum', I mean her work feels like it's coming from a place of 'let me seem like I'm being helpful without actually believing this work is helpful'

at least it feels that way a tiny bit to me, just a small drop of it in there that I think could easily be nothing


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
ok well to clarify by 'busy-work' I don't mean 'she's doing work so she's scum', I mean her work feels like it's coming from a place of 'let me seem like I'm being helpful without actually believing this work is helpful'

at least it feels that way a tiny bit to me, just a small drop of it in there that I think could easily be nothing
Ya, I know, I was agreeing with you...


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Corporate mafia and I'm fairly sure one other tho it might have been werewolf but same principle applies

omg we're so insync!!!!
oh you're right, I just read back over her posts there

she just memed and made a few 'I agree ^' posts, and made one post where she gave her thoughts about a mafia member being on her floor and how they were probably staying quiet but not too quiet so that they couldn't do strategy

it's quite different to this game but to be fair that was like a year ago so I don't trust that meta a lot since there was plenty of time for her to change how she plays, and she did say she was busy in your game at first which could explain it (though later apparently became not busy but then went silent)

I set you up for a great movie reference and you do this to me???

Also lmao @ Tim disliking omni's post then removing said dislike
tim's great please stop trying to annoy him


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
oh you're right, I just read back over her posts there

she just memed and made a few 'I agree ^' posts, and made one post where she gave her thoughts about a mafia member being on her floor and how they were probably staying quiet but not too quiet so that they couldn't do strategy

it's quite different to this game but to be fair that was like a year ago so I don't trust that meta a lot since there was plenty of time for her to change how she plays, and she did say she was busy in your game at first which could explain it (though later apparently became not busy but then went silent)
plus with this game there's probably more for her to sink her teeth into theorizing-wise since we have a big clock thing to wonder about so yeah comparing her to her last game doesn't really do much for me

I could see her as scum though, just could also see her as town, I'd probably be ok lynching her today depending on her response though


Does anybody remember laughter?
Mafia Host
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
oh you're right, I just read back over her posts there

she just memed and made a few 'I agree ^' posts, and made one post where she gave her thoughts about a mafia member being on her floor and how they were probably staying quiet but not too quiet so that they couldn't do strategy

it's quite different to this game but to be fair that was like a year ago so I don't trust that meta a lot since there was plenty of time for her to change how she plays, and she did say she was busy in your game at first which could explain it (though later apparently became not busy but then went silent)

tim's great please stop trying to annoy him
Either way her early post did set off some red flags for me when I first saw it, and seeing you comment on it too did back it up in my mind, regardless of prior play style.

Also wdym, he disliked my sons post, a crime undeserveth of such a beautiful boy.

Disappointed you didn't get the reference either smh