Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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What exactly makes you townread purple besides her claming a PR?
I haven't figured out how to explain where exactly I think her perspective is coming from, but I'm seeing it and it's a townie one

Her posts feel townie, her tone is townie, her perspective is just like 'I know I'm town, I know you're all making a mistake lynching me, I'm going to sit above it all and feel good about myself', rather than a mafia who's been caught and experiencing the feelings that I think she'd be feeling if that was the case, if that makes sense


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I haven't figured out how to explain where exactly I think her perspective is coming from, but I'm seeing it and it's a townie one

Her posts feel townie, her tone is townie, her perspective is just like 'I know I'm town, I know you're all making a mistake lynching me, I'm going to sit above it all and feel good about myself', rather than a mafia who's been caught and experiencing the feelings that I think she'd be feeling if that was the case, if that makes sense
that's what I think anyway


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Genuine question then, do you really think she's playing some mastermind strategy and leaving a "m&m trail" for people or do you agree that's bs?
I don't think it's a 'mastermind strategy', to me she's just saying she wants us to read back on her posts when she dies because she feels like an 'enlightened' person on 'how these games go' and imagines us reading back and being like 'hmm purple was right... we should listen to that...'. That's what I think's going on in her mind at least, that's what I think she wants. I think she's missing the reality of the situation slightly but I believe that she genuinely believes what she's saying
What do you think that is exactly?
So she's delusional?

What about the:

"Fine lynch me, you'll regret it defence" that only ever comes out when scum has no way to think of a logical counter argument without digging a deeper hole?

honestly I'm 90% sure she's scum, but even if she isn't, nothing is really lost and a day 0 lynch on her would still provide a fair sum of information without costing the town too much.
I think she's calling out 'I predicted it, see' to feel good about herself when she dies, to feel better about her own lynch since 'it's something I called out and they didn't listen...' sounds better to tell yourself than 'I got myself lynched by not making a lot of sense'

I think she genuinely believes she's sussed out how these games work and is making posts reminding us of that so that we read them when she dies and think of them as useful so she can die as a good, just misunderstood person, since again that's a nicer narrative to tell herself

And I think she's seeing little circles of agreement and exaggerating them into bandwagons in her mind because that's just a tendency she has

That's how I read her
Not delusional, I just think she's exaggerating things in her mind and also misread last game since she keeps saying brian was lynched and the same happened last time, when it didn't

I think she skimmed over last game since she was dead and came to a conclusion based on an inaccurate perception of what actually happened in the thread and now believes it's a pattern she should be wary of, and it makes her feel good to think she saw it from dead chat, she was right about brian even though we all lynched him, and has this insight into how games work that we don't, and now she's dying because of it, just as she predicted, and she's left us some M&M's to help us but she can't do much else because that's just how games work but at least she died knowing what she was talking about

I think that's coming from ^ that what I said above

Eh, if it gets to -1 vote to lynch her and we're approaching deadline I might hammer but I'd rather lynch brian or hk rn
That's delusional, you're describing delusional.

But no I agree, I don't think she's delusional, I think she's pulling excuses out of her arse to try and save herself while unintentionally digging a deeper hole. Y'know that thing new mafia players do, especially those who are over the top and don't have a filter... like purple?
Do you really think it'd be enough to save herself and get everyone to unvote her just by saying 'welp I told you so, gl when I die'? Since I don't think that's what she's trying to do
Do you really think she'd think it'd be enough*
No I don't think it would, I think she thinks it would and that's what she's trying to do.
Eh, I don't see it. She feels town to me and this feels like a mislynch. But I'm coming across a bit weirdly this game so my influence is probably very low so I don't predict I'll change much
Purple - town, tone/intuition, feels pure, didn't seem to be making her M&M posts as a tactic to seem town since she didn't seem to understand where I was going when I was probing for that and I think she'd understand it if I was onto something and answer more directly, it didn't feel like she was just pretending not to understand. I can buy her explanation for what I previously thought was 'busy-work' as well
I made an attempt at explaining it here as well


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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That is one thing I considered during last night. Whether her posts yesterday were coming from a place of 'well yes they're right about me, but their reasons are garbage and it's just because that's how mafia goes, the talkative people get lynched, and that's not my fault, so I'm with this'.

But it doesn't feel quite like that, something's missing from it to be that. Like there's no real spite there or sensitivity, I don't feel like she's just trying to protect her ego. It feels like she genuinely thinks what she's saying just because that's purely what she thinks, to me
and this


Mar 19, 2019
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MoltenAshes I'm very confident we have the same role, but I can't point out why without giving everyone else more information that I want to.
I suggest you come up with a question or three to ask me, carefully, so you can have the same confidence.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Did you Timdood3 in fact see our full roles, because why would you go after me? That doesn't sound right at all. If I wasn't so hard pressed on Omni you'd ping my godfather radar simply for going after someone like me after claiming to see my role.
You don't want to lynch at all? That's a bit unhelpful, don't you think? As town, wouldn't you want to utilize all the potential kills we have?

And do enlighten me, because I don't quite get where this is coming from: [assuming it was me who investigated you, since that's the context in which you said it] your implication seems to be that if I had just seen your alignment, I'd have dropped my suspicion by now, but since I'm still questioning you, I must have seen your role. What would cause that difference in thought?
On a more serious pressing matter, if Tim actually saw the roles, why is he trying to lynch me? I'm calling either the role claim is a lie and he's mafia, or he didn't actually see full roles but only alignment. If so, why lynch a townie aligned player anyways? But if he did see the full role, then he's 100% mafia and a powerful one at that. No one who has seen my character would ever even question, or put me in the line of fire. Please take this seriously because it's a gameplay aiming at town's neck for sure.
In purple's first post, she says that if I was town and knew her roles I wouldn't be trying to draw attention to her, while in her second post she says that the only reason I'm drawing attention to her is because I know her role.

And on a note that I've been playing forever now: If knowledge of her role would take her out of the line of fire then why hasn't she claimed so those going after her can pursue more productive lines?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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In purple's first post, she says that if I was town and knew her roles I wouldn't be trying to draw attention to her, while in her second post she says that the only reason I'm drawing attention to her is because I know her role.
Why does the second post not match with the first?

Btw I'm pretty sure she's saying that because of what her role is, if you were town and saw it, you wouldn't be trying to lynch her since it's a good, townie role

If you're mafia and saw her role then she thinks you're trying to lynch her because you saw her role, know that it's good, and therefore want to lynch her

And on a note that I've been playing forever now: If knowledge of her role would take her out of the line of fire then why hasn't she claimed so those going after her can pursue more productive lines?
Since she's a PR and is worried about claiming in case she's nightkilled for it, so if she can survive the day without claiming then she thinks that's better. That's what she's said at least, back on day 0.


Mar 19, 2019
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If I were doubting it I'd of voted him. I see no reason for a Mafia to go and make this claim out of nowhere, and with the new information about reflections it makes even more sense as a role.

Also I really don't like Vy's tunneling on me nor his insistence that his role is the same as yours. Im gonna vote Vy for it and see what he has to say for himself.

Vote Vyryn
I'm not tunneling you; I just think you're scummy. As for my persistence in trying to confirm if Molten has the same role as me, it's an obvious thing to want to do. If we do indeed have the same role and we can convince each other of it, we're both semi-confirmed townies, for the most part taking two names off of the list of possible scum. This is very material for the town and therefore a high priority for me.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I'm not tunneling you; I just think you're scummy. As for my persistence in trying to confirm if Molten has the same role as me, it's an obvious thing to want to do. If we do indeed have the same role and we can convince each other of it, we're both semi-confirmed townies, for the most part taking two names off of the list of possible scum. This is very material for the town and therefore a high priority for me.
Do you still think dess is town?


Mar 19, 2019
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Quite frankly, I'm leaning towards Omni but I'm torn. I just don't know what to make of him. Part of me feels as though he is town but part of me thinks he is also mafia. I'm also leaning to a Purple lynch because even if my results "prove" her, her actions and words just simply don't feel town to me.
A purple lynch isn't useful, except that it would mean we don't have to read any more delusional and confusing ramblings. If she flips mafia, they haven't lost a valuable member so beyond the baseline benefit of lynching a mafia we get nothing. If she flips town, as is much more likely, it doesn't vindicate Dess or confirm Inffy. It's the worst of the worst; a town lynch with no benefit.

Useful lynches include:

Omni - he seems like such an obvious scum from lack of material contributions, a big helping of trolling and because of the way he's reacted to nearly getting lynched - calmly and without providing actionable information. I think it's more likely the clock's blue effect disabled both him and Aqua than he personally disabled Aqua and for some reason had it refracted back at him as well (not reflected, this would require the clock to have much more complex behavior than anyone has explicitly theorized). If he flips scum we don't get any bonuses about other people, except perhaps Aqua and Notty look slightly more scummy, but it seems like such a likely mafia that this is still good. If he flips townie, we get (or maybe just I get, because I'm not sure that I can compellingly explain my reasoning behind this) a strong indication Inffy may be scum, and Notty looks considerably more townie.

Kroppeb - if he flips mafia TehBrian is practically confirmed and we get additional proof Inffy is town. If he flips town, we discount a theory about the clock and TehBrian is practically confirmed scum.

Dess - if he flips town it confirms Purple, Inffy and Notme. If he flips mafia it would point strongly towards Purple and Inffy being scum as well.

Inffy - if he flips town we don't get much but we loose a great asset, which is why I think this is a terrible idea at this point in the game, but it's here to show you that even this would be more useful than lynching purple, because of what happens if he flips mafia. If he flips mafia, 1) Kroppeb, Omni and Aqua look more townie, Dess is practically confirmed scum, purple might be scum, and of course the mafia loose a great asset.

Purple if you're an investigative role of some kind, you should probably just claim at this point? You've made it clear you have a powerful role so you're pretty likely to die tonight.

If you have info for us it'd be nice if we could see it before you die so that we never get to know what happened

But I dunno, your call, maybe mafia will leave you alive tonight to try to mislynch you if you're town
Yes I agree; Purple please give us a proper claim.

And Inffy, yes I still think Dess is probaly town.


Mar 19, 2019
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I just realised I haven't said anything in a long time =/

So some thoughts

Purple: I've always seen her as town with too little experience and a know-it-all. But I feel that she passed the threshold of unhelpfulness that she is either so incompetent or mafia trying to use her 'incompetence' as an excuse but overdoing it way too much.

Inf: I thrust her. Scumhunting feels genuine and just getting good vibes mostly. Although the tangent where she is starting to quote msgs from a different game felt really weird?

Omni: I don't have any vibes really. I have a lot of trouble with players who meme all the time. I don't get the feeling that warrants a lynch at all atm.

Dess: I think I believe his role. With redirections and other possible ways to mess up the reads, doesn't feel too op. This would confirm purple, notme and ashes. At least if we assume none of these are gf or mafia did some redirections too

Vyryn: I feel like I shouldn't trust you. Can't really put a finger on it. (Well you did try to trow shade onto my stats and I don't like having shade onto them, but my sleepy mind did forget a part of my explanation so I forgive you)


Jan 10, 2019
Reaction score

I just realised I haven't said anything in a long time =/

So some thoughts

Purple: I've always seen her as town with too little experience and a know-it-all. But I feel that she passed the threshold of unhelpfulness that she is either so incompetent or mafia trying to use her 'incompetence' as an excuse but overdoing it way too much.

Inf: I thrust her. Scumhunting feels genuine and just getting good vibes mostly. Although the tangent where she is starting to quote msgs from a different game felt really weird?

Omni: I don't have any vibes really. I have a lot of trouble with players who meme all the time. I don't get the feeling that warrants a lynch at all atm.

Dess: I think I believe his role. With redirections and other possible ways to mess up the reads, doesn't feel too op. This would confirm purple, notme and ashes. At least if we assume none of these are gf or mafia did some redirections too

Vyryn: I feel like I shouldn't trust you. Can't really put a finger on it. (Well you did try to trow shade onto my stats and I don't like having shade onto them, but my sleepy mind did forget a part of my explanation so I forgive you)
purple, notme, and inffy I'm pretty sure. I wasn't included in those 3.