Timeline of Dichotomous Flowers - Game Complete


Sep 13, 2015
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Yes great idea folks. Try to lynch someone immidiately so that the day ends asap and so that everyone isn't able to talk.

Also what do people think about the idea of claiming our flowers? From what I have seen there doesn't seem to be a link between flowers and role, but it does seem like, at least from Omnis death, the mafias have poisonous flowers, so I think it would be a good idea to claim flowers.


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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—— Voting Recap ——
Deadline: 6 April 2019 UTC 22:00.

Vyryn - 5 (Nottykitten, Dess, Timdood3, Aqua, Notme) [L-2]
Nottykitten - 1 (Vyryn) [L-6]

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to lynch and 6 votes to no-lynch.

If no option reaches the required number of votes when a deadline hits, the day will end as a no-lynch.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
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Vy why do you keep bouncing around with your reads on me? You're saying I'm moderate townread then in the statement, or briefly thereafter, you say that I'm in a list of people who should be lynched? You're list of who should be lynched (in order of preference) was notty, me, then krop. However on your reads list you have me as moderate town and you don't have krop there at all. To me it seems like if you see somebody as potential mafia you wouldn't exclude them from your reads list unless they were potentially your team mate.

Also, in your reads list you say that purple soft claimed town neutral. However later on in the same post you later say purple claimed 3rd party. Why the difference? Where did she say this? And if your not going to look through the thread just use the search function by her name.


Mar 19, 2019
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HK was fairly likely killed by reflection off Inffy, which tracks back to Kroppeb.
If it was reflected, and TehBrian was telling the truth, then if it was reflected off of you, Kropp must have done the kill. It's a decently likely chain of events, but hardly conclusive.
I didn't respond to this on d1 as you already unvoted me by the point I read this. But now you bring it up, why do you think it's so likely that that's what happend on n1?


Sep 13, 2015
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Oh, everyone immidietly goes for the claim.

I am a rose

Also here are the claims I have found.

TehBrian: Put a reflection barrier on someone (which will redirect any action caused on this player to mirrored player.

Vyryn: Ivy – Has a one shot ability that lets him create a reflection barrier for one night so any action directed at the people 3 to his left all the way to 3 to his right on the clock will be reflected depending on the angle it came in from.

Have I missing any? Also Vyryn , not sure if you have mentioned but have you used your one-shot ability yet, and if so when?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Notty, for defending him with pretty much no compelling reason
This is blatant lying, quote me one post where I've defended Omni.

Whatever I've said, whatever I've claimed, Inffy has inevitably used it as "confirmatory proof" that I'm mafia. Everyone who says something I say "rubs you the wrong way", this is inevitable if you view me in a "probably guilty" light and then push on me repeatedly. It's a mistake people make all the time called confirmation bias. This is why I try to use hard proof whenever possible. This is why lynching Dess, Notty or Kroppeb makes so much more sense than lynching me; so much more hard and fast information is gained.

Do the innocent team a favor and don't listen to Inffy and Notty too much after you hammer me.
Nice one, lecturing Inf on confirmation bias while you've made up lies to put me in a bad light 4 times now. Let's point them out shall we?

1. Claiming I was tunneling you and pushing you for not being a plant multiple times, when I was not.
2. Claiming I said "red seems like an aggressive color" to try and discredit the cop-dial theory by saying I make things up. I've never said that.
3. Claiming I was against an Omni lynch all of yesterday, which I wasn't.
4. Now claiming I've been defending Omni when I haven't, also ignoring I was the first person to even vote Omni yesterday.

It's not even tunneling at this point you're just grasping at straws because you know we've exposed your scummy ways.
Nottykitten: strong scumread; Too confidently making complete bullshit predictions about specific clock colors with no evidence behind it, #450 comes off as over-eager to provide likely useless info about colors; #594 very casually swayed the d0 vote from probably not gonna happen to successfully lynching TWG in just 50 minutes, I got a moderately strong impression of a team between Notty and Omni, Notty was quick to deflect accusations about them self and actively avoided getting into a pitched back and forth, which would draw attention to them.
Except I was right and we do have evidence now:

Red D1 when it had 1 scum.
Green D2 when it has two very likely townies.
Red D0 when it was Notme (likely towny) and you (likely Mafia)


Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Vyryn is 2 votes away from a lynch. Do you guys want me to place my vote yet or wait so no individual can hammer yet.
No. Let vyryn answer the quesion I asked him. Also TehBrian needs to answer who he visited last night (and the night before unless he already has). There's no reason to rush the lynch when there's still information left that only has benefits sharing.