The Economy of Madness - Game Complete!

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The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Well, if we're not claiming information like number of coins and role name, what information are we really providing? We're putting targets on people. Someone said "They can't kill all of us at once," which while technically true, doesn't make it a good idea.
role name would provide no useful information other than possibly feeding an RID ammunition

coins would also provide no useful information to town from what i can see atleast, as it could only be used to figure out how to kill someone or how many times someone can use their action

a role claim now would force mafia to have to speedily put together a claim that may not fit a situation they find themselves in in like 2+ days time & i feel like it could be possible to distinguish a fake claim by looking at how much the economic panic scale thingy shifts BUT i havent looked into that yet so dont quote me!!

but ya it also exposes useful town roles but thats what any mass claim does! its just whether the rewards outweigh the risks, which i think they will but i pretty much support a mass claim in every game ever so i guess someone unbiased should give their opinion


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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role name would provide no useful information other than possibly feeding an RID ammunition

coins would also provide no useful information to town from what i can see atleast, as it could only be used to figure out how to kill someone or how many times someone can use their action

a role claim now would force mafia to have to speedily put together a claim that may not fit a situation they find themselves in in like 2+ days time & i feel like it could be possible to distinguish a fake claim by looking at how much the economic panic scale thingy shifts BUT i havent looked into that yet so dont quote me!!

but ya it also exposes useful town roles but thats what any mass claim does! its just whether the rewards outweigh the risks, which i think they will but i pretty much support a mass claim in every game ever so i guess someone unbiased should give their opinion
I see the potential benefits, and maybe I'm just being overly cautious, but I don't like the idea of such a feast or famine move on Day Zero where we're still basically blind.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I can support an early massclaim but wouldnt it be even better if we did softclaims so that claims later would be hard for mafias to fake while also not revealing all our PRs to mafias on day 0?
I mean yeah, but the idea of a softclaim is that it's something subtle that you can point back to later that is hard to discern unless you're looking for it. Going "this is my softclaim" is basically the same as claiming outright


Apr 8, 2019
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honestly i dont have an opinion on massclaim. with the setup i actually think it would be pretty easy for scum to fakeclaim a role, especially since they've had 24 hours if they really wanted to use that time. but the fact that alisha/choco have to worry about massclaims is because they can let town win sorta easily so that means there is an inherent large advantage to them. or if you want a less shitty reason, yeah obviously forcing scum into a claim would limit their effectiveness.
still dont really care though, i'll go with whatever


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Well I'd support a massclaim if the setup seemed like it'd be good for town but since it's a) closed so I have no idea so it'd be a risky gamble for excitement purposes to me and b) hosted by Alisha, I'm hesitant to support it. (And by the 2nd point I mean that Alisha seems to plan ahead for mass-claims so that it isn't too powerful for town. Like in TPB telling us mafia some hints about what kinds of roles town had to aid our claims, making our roles compatible with town roles as well so we could be honest and not get caught out)

But at the same time the gamble sounds quite fun? But I'm also worried it'd destroy the setup like with fog's game

So I dunno I guess I'm not completely opposed to it since it could pay off and it'd be an interesting strategy but I'm not 'supporting' it as such since I think it's got extra risk than it would have in most games since it's an Alisha game

I can support an early massclaim but wouldnt it be even better if we did softclaims so that claims later would be hard for mafias to fake while also not revealing all our PRs to mafias on day 0?
I think if we softclaimed we run the fairly likely risk of them being too vague to be caught out as false but since they're softclaims the mafia could suss out which roles are good to kill at night, so it could easily reduce the usefulness of it for town without reducing the usefulness to the same extent for the mafia, making it an even riskier move than just outright claiming imo


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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to be fair the last game had no real massclaim-counter did it? i assume that was because it was decided it wouldnt be too strong of a tool for town, but it still could have helped the last game potentially. guess it changes the game more than necessarily helping anyone specifically a ton.
Well I learnt from alisha that she had very little involvement with creating the last game, she just did the wording of the PMs and a tiny bit of balancing from what I gathered

If I just go by Alisha's game then she did go out of her way to prevent massclaiming being powerful


Sep 13, 2015
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to be fair the last game had no real massclaim-counter did it? i assume that was because it was decided it wouldnt be too strong of a tool for town, but it still could have helped the last game potentially. guess it changes the game more than necessarily helping anyone specifically a ton.
Tbh I think last game was pretty massclaim secure as it included many vanilla townies and numerous different manipulative roles for both parties which made role claims themselves bad indicators on alignment.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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to be fair the last game had no real massclaim-counter did it? i assume that was because it was decided it wouldnt be too strong of a tool for town, but it still could have helped the last game potentially. guess it changes the game more than necessarily helping anyone specifically a ton.
If we mass-claimed flower names like I suggested then the Mafia would probs of lost since I didn't realize 3/4 of us had poisonous flowers.

If I just go by Alisha's game then she did go out of her way to prevent massclaiming being powerful
This is just an excuse to try and not do it with a 'there might be X so we shouldn't since it would make a mass claim instead of extra great just normal great and is that really worth the risk?????'. Like people are so scared of an RID killer and refuse to claim names because of it and I don't get why.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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If we mass-claimed flower names like I suggested then the Mafia would probs of lost since I didn't realize 3/4 of us had poisonous flowers.

This is just an excuse to try and not do it with a 'there might be X so we shouldn't since it would make a mass claim instead of extra great just normal great and is that really worth the risk?????'. Like people are so scared of an RID killer and refuse to claim names because of it and I don't get why.
I'm not saying there might be a role that makes it not as worth it, I'm saying the massclaim might not actually gain town anything and just out all of our PRs to mafia, in which case it wouldn't be 'normal great' it'd be bad

If we massclaimed in TPB for example, from memory the mafia could just claim all their roles as they were and it'd not make us CC anyone and we'd not have to lie

If this game is anything like that then what's the benefit of massclaiming?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I'm not saying there might be a role that makes it not as worth it, I'm saying the massclaim might not actually gain town anything and just out all of our PRs to mafia, in which case it wouldn't be 'normal great' it'd be bad

If we massclaimed in TPB for example, from memory the mafia could just claim all their roles as they were and it'd not make us CC anyone and we'd not have to lie

If this game is anything like that then what's the benefit of massclaiming?
Yeah two disablers and two people who could make someone switch numerals totally wouldn't of been suspect.

Isn't the point of it the same point of everything else? We make reads and decide on a good lynch because of that, especially when we would have more information.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Yeah two disablers and two people who could make someone switch numerals totally wouldn't of been suspect.
Wrong game I guess but TPB rolenames would of been a dead giveaway so they'd have to fake that meanwhile having the jail ability would make someone confirmed Law if people had listened to a certain someone


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Yeah two disablers and two people who could make someone switch numerals totally wouldn't of been suspect.
I'm talking about The Pearled Bridge, which was alisha's game. Like I said, last game was mostly by Choco and alisha didn't have much input into it

Isn't the point of it the same point of everything else? We make reads and decide on a good lynch because of that, especially when we would have more information.
It'd give us something more solid to make reads with yeah but it'd throw away our good abilities early on as well which would possible give us even solider (wow that's a word) reads, so it's whether you think the 'solid' stuff it'd give us to make reads with would outweigh that. In Alisha's only other game, I don't think it'd would've done provided the mafia told the truth about their roles, which we easily could've thought to have done since they seemed pretty townie and something the town could potentially have two of. Sure it's possible the mafia would decide to lie even though in reality it would've been fine for them to tell the truth, and then we'd maybe catch them out, but I don't feel confident enough of that happening to bank losing our powerful roles early to do that (especially now that I've pointed out how alisha's last game went)

Like I said though I'm not completely against it since it'd be interesting, I just don't particularly support it


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Wrong game I guess but TPB rolenames would of been a dead giveaway so they'd have to fake that meanwhile having the jail ability would make someone confirmed Law if people had listened to a certain someone
names were easy to fake though, I just made mine into a corrupt jailer or something

but yeah jailor might've gotten me lynched according to the theme I guess, but the rest of the mafia's roles weren't like that I don't think so it was just one then


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I think deciding whether or not to massclaim based on who made the setup and comparing it to other setups is pretty meta and should be avoided.
Yeah maybe, sorry

Anyways if majority want to massclaim then I'll go for it, it could be fun, I'm just not convinced it'd help us more than hinder us that's all

I can't quote poke's above message but yeah true she did say that although I'm not sure that includes balancing massclaims since it'd seem weird for her to decide to make the game less balanced in a massclaim scenario just so that we didn't have our expectations met (assuming she sees what she did in TPB as the 'balanced choice', but maybe that's not actually her view and she just wanted that specific game to not be massclaimed on I guess) but I guess it's possible now that you mention it

Anyway I'm going to stop talking about what would alisha do now since tim's right I'm getting pretty meta
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